Linda Murua
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 25, 2019
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 4.0
This review may contain spoilers
Lee Joon Hyuk como el fiscal caído del cielo que destapa la hediondez donde se embadurnan los que gobiernan es probablemente uno de los que mejor se adapta a su papel, junto con Kim Sang Jung, que se lleva el número del villano de la historia, un soldado hundido en desgracia después de haber sido traicionado por la patria que juró defender. Porque Steve Lee es un pesado, así sin más. Si hay algo que hace a un villano interesante no es precisamente su nivel de maldad o lo que es capaz de hacer para lograr su objetivo, sino los motivos ocultos detrás de su malícia. Steve Lee se pasa esto por el forro y nos regala una nula intriga durante todo el show porque en cada episodio tiene que recordarnos por qué motivo está haciendo lo que está haciendo y la razón por la que no puede abandonar el camino que durante casi treinta años lleva delineando.

Tardé un poquito en engancharme a la serie, pero a partir del séptimo episodio caí rendida a su pies con aquel disparo que retumbó en todo el edificio. El final del noveno también estuvo soberbio. Por desgracia, sentí que a partir del décimo episodio, no decae, sino que se estanca en una trama que tarda muchísimo en avanzar y eso desinfla la línea argumental en todos los sentidos, se paralizan muchos caminos que deberían avanzar y ciertas subtramas se quedan en nada (como el coma del papá de Na Na, del que ya no sabemos nada sino hasta llegar al final).

Lee Young Sung y Kim Na Na son la pareja protagonista de esta serie... pero vaya melodrama, oye. Tuvieron sus escenitas (dos/tres) que me parecieron bonitas y tiernas, y de ahí en fuera todo se quedó muy seco. Para la recta final resulta insoportable verles compartir una escena porque todas están para cortarse las venas, empacar las maletas y huir a Tailandia a venderle droga a tu abuela. Si hay algo que me mantuvo viendo la serie durante sus primeros episodios fue precisamente la relación tan punzocortante que tenían. Porque su inicio fue bueno —algo retorcido pero bueno— y el hecho de saber que Young Sung tenía prohibido enamorarse le daba al asunto esa tensión lo suficientemente firme como para imaginar a dónde nos llevaría la relación de ambos. Pues no, como dije: todo se quedó en nada. Esta pareja jamás brillo. El problema no fueron los actores, que dieron todo lo que tenían para ofrecer, sino que el guión no daba para más. Cuando se estanca la serie se estanca también la evolución de los personajes (si es que alguna vez la hubo); la relación, que en un principio parecía tierna, se transforma en un escenario exasperante, donde nunca pueden estar en sincronía porque él dice una cosa y hace otra, o viceversa.

EL GUIÓN. La trama es buenísima, da para exprimirla hasta el cansancio y sacarle muchísimo jugo, pero a los guionista se les murieron las ideas antes de tiempo y casi la mitad de la serie de transformó en algo innecesario. Aunado a eso, la evolución de los personajes es nula; de hecho, en el caso de Young Sung retrocede bastante conforme la situación es crítica y la recta final se comienza a vislumbrar, más o menos al tiempo que se entera de quién es en verdad él, la historia de sus padres y las motivaciones de Jin Pyo para convertirlo en su discípulo asesino. Es algo triste de ver porque la que paga los platos rotos es Kim Na Na y uno no anda precisamente de humor para tolerar esos diálogos chirriantes y contradictorios de Young Sung.

Ésta, creo yo, es otra errata en el guión: Hay cinco rostros responsables de la reprochable Operación Barrido. Todos ellos prosperaron y lograron puestos importantes, y son precisamente estas personas las que Young Sung tiene que aniquilar. Vale. Pero de estas cinco figuras existen dos, creo yo, que debieron acaparar a las otras tres porque resultan importante para el trío protagonista de la serie: Kim Jong Shik (padre del fiscal y responsable directo del accidente de los padres de Na Na) y Choi Eung Chan (Presidente de la República y de paso el padre biológico de Kim Young Sung). Pues bueno, el drama comienza con un ritmo compartido: cada ciertos episodios caía uno de los cinco y de verdad esperaba que el ritmo frenara un poco con estos dos individuos para profundizar más en sus pasados tan turbulentos. El padre del fiscal tuvo sus momentos, no lo voy a negar, pero el que se robó la vela en este entierro fue precisamente Chun Jae Man (¿quién?) un monopólico empresario que se adueñó de media Corea y de paso de la otra mitad de la serie. Hasta el sol de hoy no asimilo que le hayan dado tantos episodios a este hombre y sólo uno, UNO, al personaje más soberbio y magnífico de todo drama: el presidente Choi Eung Chan.

Choi Eung Chan viene a demostrarnos que la corrupción también puede ser cometida por un pan de dios. El carismático presidente tiene su toque de ternura y simpatía además de un aro de honestidad que lo convierte en un personaje sobrio, tímido y entrañable. Como espectadores nos cuesta entender que alguien como él se haya manchado las manos de sangre o haya recurrido al soborno para promover campañas políticas o aprobar una ley que beneficiaría a todos los universitarios del país. Incluso nos hace cuestionar si ciertas corrupciones son mejores que otras; algo que encara el propio Young Sung cuando se infiltra a su casa en busca de evidencias. Magnífico hubiera sido que le aportaran más tiempo del que le dieron para exponer sus ideas y convicciones y de paso para darnos una cátedra de por qué en la política a veces se recurre a atajos para lograr un bien mayor.

Hay algunos secundarios que vale la pena mencionar: Bae Shik Joong como el cocinero-comprador-compulsivo que es tan adorable como simpático, Da Hye (la hija del presidente) que comenzó siendo una niña mimada y caprichosa para dar el salto a la joven responsable y trabajadora que vemos al final; Lee Kyung Hee, señorona que jamás pudo superar el secuestro de su bebé y que al parecer la vida siempre se ha ensañado con ella de manera bestial pero se las arregla para salir adelante; los vecinos pequeñitos de Na Na que también tuvieron su odisea, o los colegas de los protagonistas en la Casa Azul y los subordinados del fiscal, y la mano izquierda de Steve Lee. Estrellitas para todos.

ES UN BUEN DRAMA. El hecho de que sea una serie de acción evita que resulte aburrida; siempre hay una escena que se roba cada episodio y que sabe explotar el potencial de la trama. Nunca faltan las piruetas en el aire y las patadas giratorias para aplaudir frente a la pantalla y apoyar al City Hunter frente a los villanos (o frente a su propio maestro). A su favor, y al de sus fans más leales, podría decir que no es mi tipo y no me imagino volver a verlo jamás en la vida —así de pasable me pareció xD— pero de que tuvo sus momentitos épicos los tuvo. El final me supo predecible e insípido pero tampoco es que pudiera ser distinto. Los últimos dos minutos sí que me hacen sentir pena ajena por la pareja protagonista porque, asumo que a la larga quedaron juntos, pero ese encuentro cuquis en el aeropuerto y luego Young Sung quemando llanta él solito por las calles de Seúl me dejó cuatrapeada y confusa porque no sé qué mensaje intentaron darnos con eso.

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Valentina Ortiz
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 16, 2020
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 6.0
Comencé a ver este drama porque ando buscando desesperadamente alguna actuación de Lee MinHo que me encanté, que quiere decir esto, que reconozco los encanto de este divo, y se como caemos todas ante sus pies, pero sigue faltándome algo, no es tan buen actor, y sueño con poder decir guaooo que bueno es, pero no. Así que leyendo reseñas sobre él, muchas apuntaban que esta serie era una de sus mejor actuación. Conclusión, siento que lo hace bien, hay muy buenos performance en algunas escenas. Otras que no tanto. Conclusión sobre Lee Min Ho, este chico es un claro ejemplo de muy buen marketing y mucho carisma. Ha ido mejorando con los años, ya ví The King. Sigo creyendo que le falta algo, espero que lo tenga claro y sepa que puede mejorar si se lo propone, le falta poquito :D.
Ahora volviendo a la serie en si, me gusto bastante, una muy buena serie de acción, que el villano que desencadena todo es muy bueno, ese hombre me encantó, sus miradas me hacían temblar, no se si de miedo o de encanto, jajaja.
El gran problema de esta serie para mí fue el final, si los 2 últimos capítulos hubieran sido 4, con algunos detallitos mas claros, el final no hubiera sido tan amargo. Además pasas toda la serie queriendo ver solucionado el tortuoso romance de los protagonistas para que solo les den medio minuto, proporcionalmente hablando, se pasaron, como nos hacen eso? (Acabo de escribir esto y baje una estrella) Me queda como un mal sabor de boca, mil preguntas que quiero que me respondan. Este drama no es tan profundo para que sacar mis propias conclusiones sea tan interesante, asi que para que tanto misterio con un final abierto. Menos mal que leí reseñas antes que me advirtieron de un final malo, y no me hice muchas expectativas.
Y lo que mas me molesto de esta serie es lo que le hicieron al fiscal, no se dieron cuenta que fue uno de los mejores personaje de todos, querían sacarme lagrimas, si lo lograron. Y creo que fue innecesario, para la historia.

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A 102 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 10, 2012
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0
City Hunter is obviously one of the fewest well-made action dramas in South Korea.

This drama’s story centers on revenge, action, friendship and romance: the ultimate combination to create various story’s developments all the time excluding any chance for dragging or slow moments. The intense events were always present to create cliffhangers at every turn in each episode. What I appreciated the most about this drama’s screenwriting was the action and revenge departments; they were really well done in a way that will make you believe they’re the core of the drama regardless of any other subjects. I also have to refer to the masked hero theme that was used in a great way.

The acting department was actually good. Lee Min Ho can be quite stiff but that doesn’t deny that his action scenes were pretty well done. Other cast were also appreciated since they could deliver feelings especially Kim Sang Joong who portrayed the villain role in a perfect way. As for characters, I believe they were nice to follow considering the fact that their developments were quite good.

As for music, I have to give this drama’s OST credit; not only they were well chosen but they were also put at the right moment creating an enjoyable atmosphere.

This drama can be watched by those who like action dramas mixed with revenge and romance or those who like the masked hero theme and thrilling stories. However, this drama should be avoided by those who dislike Lee Min Ho or those who are looking for a light drama.

If you’re willing to watch City Hunter, get ready to throw yourself in an endless circle of intense events without a drop of slow moments.

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A 126 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 29, 2011
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
Alright...Let's break this bad boy down!

Story: What a story! The writer/s of this drama know how to write! This was action, adventure, revenge and romance done right. As you watch this drama, you notice it is almost like riding a ride. Some of the episodes are packed full of dramatic tension and zip by so fast that when the credits roll you sit there thinking "The hour is over already?" There is a depth and smartness to how the characters are written and for the most part, the pacing of the 20 episodes is framed very well. All good stories need moments of 'set-up' and because there are so many bad ass episodes when the action calms and there is a need for some exposition you don't understand that its necessary and it builds up the tension for the next stage of "The Plan". There are surprises around so many corners, moments where you suck in your breath. There are times when you want to pump your fist and times when you want to sob your heart out. There are well timed comedic moments that will have you laughing out loud. Pulling these physical and emotional reactions from the audience is the mark of great story telling. It's the best praise and prize a writer can get and the writers of City Hunter certainly got it from me.

Characters: Again, the characters are written so they are not dumbed down for the audience. They are fleshed out so well that you end up having sympathy for a character you know you ought to hate...who deserves your disdain and yet, you feel their pain. Or you may find yourself loving a character that is on a dogged search for and could just bring down your beloved hero. The character of Yoon Sung (City Hunter) is a flawed and fallible hero but he's smart and ultimately good and I found myself behind him and his cause. You get to see so many moments of kick-assery but you also get to see the price he pays; whether it is his body or his psyche. Also, those he's fighting aren't stupid either so he has got a fight on his hands. I like that the writers didn't make the antagonists stupid and they weren't always easy for City Hunter to catch. It made this show a delight to watch.

Romance: While I am all for some loving, hugging and kissing...I like that this drama knew when to quit. They didn't sacrifice the story to serve up the audience lots of drippy, gooey love. Yes, the love is there and the story shows the discovery and build up of that love but City Hunter has a mission. He's got stuff to do! We get to see how that love changes the City Hunter, puts the "true North" to his moral compass, gives him a reason to want to live beyond revenge and that is a beautiful thing. But thankfully, the writers weren't afraid to place that story on the back burner. Not only because it made sense in the framework of tale but also, they didn't pander to us mushy romantic types and force more into play.

Acting: I could go on and on (I know, I already have) but I'll just say t his. Lee Min Ho does a fantastic job. I was not a huge fan of his prior to this drama but now I am. And I would add that there isn't one actor in this whole drama that does a bad job. The main characters were cast well for their roles. There wasn't a time as I was watching this where I cringed or felt cheated that the actor wasn't serving the story or phoning in a performance. Lee Joon Hyuk (Prosecutor Young Joo) was amazing. Park Min Young (Kim NaNa) was often luminous and pretty bad ass in her right. Kim Sang Joon played (Jin Pyo) so well I hated him and had real moments of sympathy for him. Kim Sang Ho (Ahjussi) ~ I love you! I want to buy you an American Express Black card and let you home shop to your heart's content!

Season 2: When the 20 episodes are over...chances are, you are going to want one! Watch this if you are hesitating. There's a reason why there's about a thousand reviews of this Drama.

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A 20 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 3, 2016
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 7.5
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 6.0
Let me start by saying that this show does A LOT of things well, first and foremost: the action. Despite being filmed 5 years ago, its Jason Bourne-esque fight scenes are still the best I have seen in any Action kdrama. I can't stress enough how well choreographed, filmed, and performed the fight sequences are. The style of the main character, Lee Yoon Sung, is based around doing a lot of damage with an economy of moves, only occasionally delving into flashy. He's able to turn almost anything around him into a weapon for hand-to-hand combat, including, but not limited to: a notebook, a suit jacket, and a water bottle. It's as awesome as it sounds. Don't expect this greatness in every episode, of course, but when a fight sequence arrives, you shouldn't be disappointed.

The cast is brilliant here as well. Basically everyone is amazing. Lee Min Ho seems like he has a lot of experience working out the 'likable jerk' archetype, because he nails it here. I called him a moron so many times during the watch and yet found myself loving him and rooting for him all the same.
Park Min Young is divine perfection as always and continues her place in my Top 5 Kdrama Actresses list. Lee Joon Hyuk is probably the best raw actor in this show, and Kim Sang Joon has the sort of charisma you want in a good villain, despite having literally one facial expression for the entire 20-episode run. But even the Supporting characters shone here, foremost among them being Kang Jin Sung, whose voice is like the most beautiful music, and Kim Sang Ho, who proved here that ugly can still be oddly attractive.
Honorable Cast Mentions:
- Chun Ho Jin and his 'intense eyes' should always be in every drama.
- Hwang Sun Hee can't really act well, but she's extremely good at being more beautiful than everyone, so props to her.
- Gu Ha Ra was born to her role here. I never got tired of her immature antics and that bouncy, youthful movement that always sent her too-perfect hair flapping this way and that. Simultaneously annoying and endearing, I always smiled when she was on camera.
- Choi Jung Woo embodies his characters better than most Korean actors. He has more range than you would you think at first glance.

Now, all that being said, unfortunately, despite its amazing cast, the story of City Hunter is ultimately a letdown and makes it a candidate for my Most Overrated Drama.

From a writing standpoint, the first half of the show is a paradise of interesting character moments and interactions. The characters grow, you fall in love with them, you root for them, you laugh and cry along with them, the way every good drama does. In particular, there is one scene where Park Min Young starts crying in the middle of a sentence without showing any other facial indications of sadness. She is fighting to be reasonable, dispassionate, selfless, and brave. Her voice is clear and strong and nary a quiver is to be found in her lips. And yet the tears betray her. It's a powerfully acted sequence that takes you by the heart and screams 'LOVE ME!'

However, the further you get into the back half of this drama, the more disconnected it becomes from anything relatable. All the character build-up you were invested in? Almost completely gone. The intriguing hero? A veritable wellspring of idiotic and inexplicable decisions, especially in connection with the heroine. The likable side characters? Either disappeared or killed off for no reason. The heroine? Used almost exclusively for reaction shots. All of this culminating into one of the most lackluster endings I've yet to experience in a drama. It did a couple interesting things, for sure, but for the most part the final episode just felt like a normal episode and the resolutions were either rushed into unimportance or simply nonexistent. So many story threads simply left dangling. And for what? Longer and more numerous reaction shots, yelling of character names, and oft-repeated plot points. The main plot of the show is well-written and compelling, but the characters are all but abandoned towards the end, which is inexcusable.

Basically, if you want some great action, awesome acting, and a handful of laughs and warm fuzzies, you'll get them from this show. If you want satisfying resolution and characters that do stuff that makes sense, you'll be disappointed. It's a show everyone should see, but not a show that everyone will love.

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A 17 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 10, 2013
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This is a captivating drama series. It has both romance and the intrigue of revenge. The director was able to balance both aspect of the romance and revenge which I truly enjoyed. Lee Min Ho's character portrayed a son who was torn between revenge his type of revenge to that of his guardian. As you watch, you begin to root for his way of revenge rather than that of his guardian. Through all this his relationship with Kim Nana starts to develop more and more. The drama series is highly recommended and I guarantee that you will enjoy it. You would want to see every episode and wanting to see the next.

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A 44 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 6, 2017
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 7
Global 6.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 1.0
City Hunter is the bastard child of Healer and The K2; less developed than the former and more developed than the latter but unfortunately far less entertaining than both of them. It's one of those shows that start out with a bang and you expect them to incinerate everything in their vicinity with utmost badassery but regrettably, they choose to fizzle out into helpless ash instead.

I've never really understood the allure of Lee Min Ho before and admittedly, I sought great enlightenment in that regard with City Hunter, however, 20 episodes in and I'm still lost. It's safe to say that he is the namesake of Korean Entertainment Industry, internationally famous and even No#1 on the most popular list on our beloved MDL but for all that hype, there isn't much basis. To put it bluntly, he really isn't a very good actor. Sure, he's plenty cute but sadly his gorgeous looks can't save his acting from being plagued by redundancy and lack of versatility.

Lee Min Ho is like a bar of undiluted highly sweetened chocolate; eat one and you'll thoroughly enjoy the delectable sugar high but eat too many and it will turn from delicious to downright nauseous real quick. In other words, he's not the type of actor whose shows one can binge-watch because doing so will be akin to subjecting yourself to the monotony of a recycling machine.

For being an almost perfect hero with no flaws, his character "Lee Yoon Sung" is surprisingly not the sharpest knife in the cutlery and even though the writers created him to be very likeable, he is straight up annoying at times. The biggest example of that is probably when somebody close to him gets shot or severely injured in front of him. Instead of calling the ambulance like a normal person would, he absolutely has to act out the whole 15-minute-long over-emotional dramatic scene filled to the brim with hysterics where he clutches the dying person to his chest, looks deep into their eyes, cries tears of heartache and assures them that they will indeed not die, all the while sufficiently increasing their chances of said death.

I mean, how Kim Na Na survives after being shot is still an enigma to me because our dear Yoon Sung did try his level best to cause murder due to excessive blood loss because wallowing in misery and repeatedly asking your girlfriend why she'd take a bullet for him is oh so important than taking her to the nearest hospital. (Of course, he donates blood to her later and saves the day because we can't let our watchers forget who the true hero is, now can we?)

Park Min Young is a cute actress and Kim Na Na is essentially someone that I would really root for. Which is why, obviously, the creators had to abuse her character to the maximum. I mean if you're going to sell me the fact that a woman who can fight off eight thugs when her man is in trouble, walk right into the heart of danger without an ounce of fear, is an excellent shooter, a level four in Judo and just a badass in general can just as easily be kidnapped, drugged, taken hostage without so much as a mewl in defense by a single man, I'm sorry, but I'm just not going to buy that bullshit. The only thing that I despise more than spineless damsels in distress (without just cause) is a spineless damsel in distress disguised as a strong and highly intelligent heroine.
Na Na did not deserve to be used as a tool to highlight Yoon Sung's character just so he could appear to be the perfect knight in shining black mask, rather, she should've been an independent and resilient woman in her own right who could effectively save herself, but alas chivalry trumps all.

If that isn't enough, City Hunter gives a new meaning to the term "bad romance". It introduces two people who don't deserve to be together in any possible realm and force them to fall in love. As it happens with forceful collision, the result is destruction of both entities. Their affection for each other is completely unbelievable. No matter the martyr syndrome, noble causes and tortured hero bullshit- simply nobody should have to deal with Yoon Sung's horribly immature and selfish attitude. He's constantly pushing and pulling at her, switching gears and being cruel for no reason and Na Na's highly self-sacrificing, outrageously understanding, Mother Theresa level righteousness is frankly, pitiful. Add zero chemistry into the mix and you get a perfectly stiff romance that is difficult to swallow no matter how many justifications you provide to wash it down with.

To top it all off, both the actors have a very short emotional range and their crying scenes made me feel like the awkward back-patter who has to fake sympathy in order to not look like a douche-bag. Furthermore, you got to love how every single dirty politician is exposed with video recordings because it's absolutely 100% inevitable that sooner or later all corrupt criminals will announce the entirety of their sins word by word in thin air. You just have to conveniently be at the right place at the right time with a recording device at hand and you got yourself a wonderfully detailed confession. How exotic.

However, get depressed not, because the show does admittedly has its moments. The best thing about it is the fact that the few things it chooses to well develop are indeed, excellently executed. The injuries are very realistic and if our protagonists get hurt they actually suffer for a lengthy period of time instead of possessing magical healing powers. (Ahem, K2, ahem)

Kim Sang Joong is simply the star of the show. I mean, talk about charismatic villains. Not only is he extremely handsome for an ahjussi, he's also a brilliant actor and I think his cold-hearted glares ultimately made this show worth watching. Lee Jin Piyo is a ruthless mastermind, too cruel and extremely focused on his single-minded revenge. Anything that comes in his way is collateral and messing with him is synonymous for signing a death warrant. I'm not going to lie, I seriously shipped his and Yoon Sung's father-son relationship (as lacking and unhealthy as it may be) and one of the best moments of the show was their showdown in the last episode.

Prosecutor Kim with his holier than thou attitude, fierce determination and power walk (despite the fact that he in reality accomplishes nothing as a prosecutor and loses every time to the City Hunter) really grew on me over-time which was why it was really heartbreaking what the show did to him. I mean, if they were going for emotional impact they got it because honestly, I got very teary-eyed in that particular instance.

There's no denying that the story of City Hunter is very well thought out, the suspense element is nicely done and the interaction between the main characters and some of the supporting one's (Yoon Sung's mom, Bae Man Deok, Sung Chang Hoon and Jung Joon) were really touching to see. The music is good and even though City Hunter's strategies aren't exactly Sherlock-esque, I thoroughly enjoyed all of his exposés. There is a tiny idealist that resides in my heart that secretly loves the whole sentiment behind a masked hero saving the people in times of need and despite all of his flaws I was still sincerely rooting for Yoon Sung.

So, in conclusion I'm going to say that City Hunter is over-all a pleasurable drama, it makes you stick to it till the end and anticipate the incoming episodes with a fervor but when you sit back and ponder upon questions like; "What scene would I like to rewatch and put on replay?" "Which event was unforgettable?" "Which part got my heart racing?", nothing comes to mind. It is surely a good time-pass but not something that'll get you invested.

P.S: I hope all the Lee Min Hoes and City Hunter fanatics out there don't have a Cerci-mode walk of shame leading to execution-style murder in mind for me. Y'all are gorgeous human beings so please go easy on pelting the "This review ain't helpful" button.

Teehee ^~^

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A 13 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 19, 2013
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 8.0
IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THIS DRAMA YET, THEN GO. WATCH IT. I promise you, you won't be disappointed with it. And you definitely won't regret watching it.

I could not watch another drama for quite a long time after watching City Hunter, simply for the fact that I felt no drama could live upto it. City Hunter gave me everything that I wanted- action, intrigue, suspense, romance, humour, great music (the theme song 'Sad Run' is AMAZING!). The cast and acting is great (honestly,the fact that Lee Min Ho is the lead was enough for me), the plot has its twists and turns and is very intriguing, some amazing stunts/actions and amazing chemistry amongst the cast.

The drama is not perfect; it could have done better in terms of either developing the romance further or no showing it at all and also, they could have had a better concluding scene. Yet, no drama is ever perfect and this show was very close to perfection.

The only reason why I haven't rewatched the entire drama is because the suspense has already been spoiled for me and without it, I won't have as much fun as I had when watching it for the first time.

Watch this drama for some amazing acting, an intriguing plot and for Lee Min Ho.

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A 20 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 19, 2012
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0
I just finished watching this drama and WOW, could it be any better?! I almost cried when it ended and don't underestimate my "almost cried" because I don't cry but this drama touched me so deeply.
I waited until now to watch it, I mainly watched it because of its story which was a masterpiece of art. I couldn't think of a better cast than Min Ho as the lead actor; this is one of the dramas that made him snatch a spot in my favorite actors list.
The prosecutor Kim Young Joo, I totally fell in love with his role; I keep waiting for any scene he have with Yeon Sung! And let's not forget the rest of the cast who were awesome; their roles were done perfectly: I rarely give a 10's to the cast so if I do so, that means I am more than amazed.
The music: One of the fewest drama's music that I will never forget, I keep waiting for the OST and sing along with it (^___^).
I watched this drama with an average of four episodes per day, usually when I reach the middle of a drama I skip parts but in this drama I couldn't do so because each and every part is extremly important that i couldn't miss it.
Basically, if You're action lover (as myself) you need to watch this and even if you're rom-com lover (as I became lately) you won't regret watching this because it have a romantic side; the kind of a sweet romance not too innocent and not too straightforward.
The reasons I didn't give this drama a 10 overall even though I loved it so much are basically two : the 1st is the unsatisfying ending, don't get the wrong idea it's not sad or something but it didn't convince me, the 2nd is because I am pretty cheap when it comes to 10's I rarely do that.
Anyway, if you haven't watched this you need to start!

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A 11 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 25, 2013
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 8.0
This is probably one of my favourite Action, Crime, Law, Mystery, Political, Romance, Suspense drama's ever. Honestly I don't normally watch action, crime, law or political drama's unless they have some sort of romance between the lead characters. I thought that a romance drama was the only type of drama that I could be interested in watching, boy was i wrong. Although there is not much romance in the drama and the law/political side of the drama is a bit mehh, the action scenes and the smart strategising "city hunter" uses to capture his enemies, makes up for everything else! It has a realllllllly smart story line, which I admit I love (smart things), but it was also executed great!

I'm no film critic, or pro actor/actress, but I seriously think the acting in this drama was greatttttt! I love Lee Min Ho fullstop. But that does not make me biased towards his acting skills, I honestly think he is a great actor, especially in this drama. He played a good looking guy who is good at everything, and uses his everything for well planned revenge. Park Min Young's character was quiet different from the normal female lead as she was strong, yet pretty and feminine, however it was still the usual poor female, rich male type of drama (not saying I don't like this type of drama, I actually find it more entertaining than a rich female and poor male...). Although there wasn't much romance in this drama, the lead character's were so well together, that without being romantic, you could feel their love and affection for each other. The second lead male was really good to, but he never really made me want to give him Kim Nana (Park Min Young). If he were to be any part of the drama, I really wanted him to be best friends with Lee Yoon Sung/City Hunter (Lee Min Ho). They were so cool together on screen.

Because the music was good, this helped to make the drama even better (like music does to any drama). It wasn't the best OST I have heard (like BBF or Secret Garden), but it is still nice and matches the drama well. Whenever it comes on in my iTunes, it does make me nostalgic, sometimes making me want to watch it again. Notable songs from the OST are: "So Goodbye" by Jonghyun, "Love" by Yim Jae Bum and "I love u, I want u, I need u" by Apple Mango.

Yes I would rewatch it, and I do often. Of course I don't watch the wholeeeee thing again, because I will admit there are parts of the drama that you can only really watch once in your lifetime, because they aren't that interesting. But any scene with Lee Min Ho in it is bound to be rewatched many times.

I honestly did not watch this drama until probably a year after it came out, because the genre did not interest me. But after watching it, I regret holding off for so long. EVEN if you only watch romance dramas, I recommend this drama! I also recommend this drama if you like to watch action, strategy type dramas, because it is goooood!

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A 26 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 20, 2011
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This drama is a MUST watch! I'm 100% in love with it! I downloaded the OST and listen to it just about everyday! The story line is CRAZY!!! It's so thrilling! The actors are freaking AMAZING!!! Lee Min ho's BEST performance! Three episodes to go and I'm already putting it in my top favorite dramas of all time! I'm serious if you're not watching this there is really something wrong!!!
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A 14 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 26, 2012
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.0
This drama was simply INCREDIBLE!

It took me some time to get through the very first episodes but when they were finished I sat glued to my computer.

City Hunter is a bit different from the other dramas I watch. Mostly lovey-dovey romantic comedies are dominant in my heart but I'm glad I got, finally, made myself watch this one. It has everything; action, love, friendship, relations overall and a freaking amazing plot that is very complicated but still easily understood for someone who isn't that familiar with Korean politics and other relevant areas.

Number one in this drama was, of course, the beloved Lee Min Ho, and yes, his character was awesome in every thinkable way! Handsome, kind, heroic and fights like a king! Yet, he is not the only one to impress. Park Min Young made a great job with her character Kim Na Na, and Go Ha Ra surprised me in the part as the spoiled President's daughter. Lee Joon Hyuk is now another actor that I will stalk to death. I also finally admitted that old people can act!

There is especially one of the instrumental pieces that I seriously love! It's dramatic and has a lot of emotions in it. It is the City Hunter drama translated into music. SHINee's Kim Jonghyun's ballad (So Goodbye) totally set the mood in the sad scenes, and yes, I love that guy...

There are quite a lot of episodes (20) á 60 minutes. There are MANY cliff hangers and sometimes the tension is just killing you, so I would be careful to watch this too often since it probably isn't good for your heart... But I will rewatch this drama, no doubt!

Except for the first one or two episodes that are made to introduce the watchers there is one tiny little thing that disappointed me, and that would be the ENDING. There were tons of drama and guns were fired etc. really cool and brilliant, but the very ending of the ending was a superduperteenytiny bit... dissatisfying. You have been WARNED !!!
But the drama is still worth watching! :D

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City Hunter (2011) poster



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