Vico SDL
A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 16, 2023
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 2.0
Historia 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

OMG, I expected this so much... And I hated it so much !

Yeah, I know, there's a lot of praises about this drama
But sorry I can't force myself and I need to vent on
Like a lot of people, I waited for this drama for a long time and with a lot of expectations due to the amazing trailer, and the amazing casting.
But oh crap : shitty writing
The story actually started off as really nice. I liked the premices : a pretty young maid who finds an innocent young boy raised by wolves and bounds with him but they get separated by tragedy before reuniting... And that's where it went downhill. Even Li Qin and Xiao Zhan couldn't save this drama (God, I hated their dubbing so much ! it was just too obvious and made them sound like teenagers ! it felt so frustrating when i remembered after hear their real, deep voices in the trailer that sounded so much better than these weird sounds)
First of all, writers : if you want to write a good story, AVOID AT ALL COSTS TO WRITE A SECOND MALE LEAD WHO'S BY ALL MEANS BETTER THAN THE MALE LEAD ! That's my first clue : if so many viewers have a big second male lead syndrome then that's a big flaw and failure to the story as it generates insatisfaction and frustration to the viewer rooting for the second male lead (and therefore hating the male lead). Here, we have the usual male lead who finds nothing better than to hurt the female lead nonstop, insulting her, humiliating her nonstop, sometimes even pretending to be about to molest her, basically does everything he can to let her think he hates her. And for what reason ? Oh yeah : the usual "I hurt you to protect you". OH GOD, I HATE THIS TROPE SO MUCH !!! On the other hand, Ji Chong, second male lead played by Xiao Zhan who starts at the very beginning like a rogue but develops such a cute and sincere devotion for the female lead... I'm sorry, and you still expect us to root for the male lead ? Moreover, I know a lot of people will disagree with me and I apologize in advance for the fans I'm gonna offend but I think that whether in terms of acting or charm, Darren Wang is clearly not at Xiao Zhan's level (actually, I thought Darren Wang was pretty mediocre : please don't kill me)
What was even more annoying is that the lead couple kept going around in circles nonstop : there were so many misunderstanding coming between them AGAIN AND AGAIN. For like two episodes they would be the cutest couple and then suddenly for some stupid reason or misunderstanding, they would have to (pretend to) hate each other for like the next 10 episodes and then they would suddenly reconcile... before falling out again and so on and on. URGH !
Basically the reasons why I fast forwarded the story like crazy and felt the need to rewatch "Youth Begins" to wash my eyes after that
Also, I think the costumes and sets weren't great, especially the costumes... But that's no big deal, I can easily let pass that one. And so many other characters were so annoying (like that bratty princess), barely even showing a correct acting (but then again, that awful dubbing made it even harder to bear... I mean, to judge). And finally the female lead was supposed to be smart and brave... but she was actually quite stupid and weak, she often needed to be saved.
So in other words : WHAT A HUGE DECEPTION !
Now, let's go, come at me, you fans that I must have terribly offended, I'm ready to accept my punishment !

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A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 31, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.0
Historia 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 1.5
The Wolf was a miss for me... This drama centers foremost around the love story of Bo Wang and Ma Zhai Xing and if you find yourself invested in their relationship then you will enjoy this drama. If you don't, it'll become a chore to watch. Especially in the latter half, this drama didn't resonate with me and I didn't feel any emotional pull.

It's abundantly clear that Bo Wang and Ma Zhai Xing had a strong connection to each other, from beginning to end. However, I first started losing interest during episode 15, because I felt that Bo Wang's actions were over-the-top. I understand that his goal was to push Ma Zhai Xing away and make her give up on him, but I refuse to believe he had to resort to those actions. Then it was Ma Zhai Xing's turn to cause me to lose interest. Halfway through, I started to feel like Ma Zhai Xing was obsessed with her memories of Lang Zai, self-absorbed, and not nearly as smart as she thought she was. Did she ever consider what Bo Wang had been through in those eight years or try to understand the ways that his situation had changed? All she did was try to bring back every single thing they liked together in the past, to drag him back to the Lang Zai she had preserved in her heart. Sure, you could say she was trying to help him find his true self, she brought him warmth and kindness... but she disregards his precarious new identity as a prince and becomes his weakness, a tool that can be used against him, and she doesn't even realize it.

When Ma Zhai Xing finally learns the truth, I thought this drama had a chance to prove me wrong and offer some growth. But what does Ma Zhai Xing do? She repeatedly makes emotional, impulsive choices when it comes to anything relating to Bo Wang. Does it ever really feel like she cares about those loyal family troops of hers? From beginning to end, I felt like that kindness and pureness of heart that everyone loves Ma Zhai Xing for has always been reserved for and dedicated solely for Bo Wang. Even if it seemed like kindness toward another character, wasn't that character someone related to Bo Wang?

I kept powering through this drama because I felt committed to seeing how things would end, but those last 10ish episodes didn't make sense to me. We kept being reminded of what a connection and understanding Ma Zhai Xing and Bo Wang had, and YET Ma Zhai Xing didn't see through his actions during that battle scene? Sorry, you can't keep trying to sell me the ~special connection~ and ~Ma Zhai Xing is so smart~ but tell me that Ma Zhai Xing had no suspicions at all despite everything that happens during and after the battle. Then, the last episode celebrates Ma Zhai Xing as this grand hero and it made me roll my eyes. First, where was that Ma Zhai Xing in the previous ten episodes??? That's what I wanted to see much earlier. Second, what happens just doesn't make sense, for each character. I won't get into the details because I don't want to spoil anything.

As for the other characters: Although I liked Ji Chong's character, especially in the beginning, I was never rooting for a relationship between Ji Chong and Ma Zhai Xing, because it was always clear that her heart belonged to Bo Wang. I was surprised that I liked Bao Na a lot, except for her last story arc, because it felt too contrived for me. The biggest surprise for me was Wang Jia Yi as the fourth prince: a great performance and a likable character. (Can you believe it was only about two years ago that Wang Jia Yi was on Idol Producer and auditioned while holding that stuffed animal?!) The biggest missed opportunity for this drama was Yao Ji. Xin Zhi Lei is such a great actress and I would've loved to see more of her character's backstory. I also liked the members of the Night Fury a lot but would've liked more depth to them than just their fierce loyalty to Bo Wang. There was a scene where they did acknowledge their internal conflict, but I thought there could've been more. The emperor had a strong storyline throughout the drama and the actor did a great job. In general, the political storylines were pretty solid.

All in all, I'm glad I watched The Wolf because I was so curious about the hype, but it was a disappointment for me.

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A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 6, 2021
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 5.5
Après un début un peu laborieux, j’ai « avalé » les épisodes telle une affamée, et malheureusement comme après un repas trop copieux et festif, la digestion est un peu douloureuse. La difficulté est alors de finir son plat lorsque l’appétit n’est plus de mise.

La comparaison pourrait prêter à sourire, elle illustre pourtant mes pensées sur ce drama.

Une histoire telle que « The wolf » me fait souvent de l’oeil. Sur papier, elle avait des atouts aguichants. Je suis une accro des « childhood sweetheart ».

Mais aussi et surtout.

Des héros masculins froids, impassibles. Un personnage qui a l’allure d’un « vilain », d’un anti-héros. Je signe tout de suite ! Je pense notamment à "Love Better Than Immortality" avec Shangguan Qiu Yue.

Un garçon élevé par des loups et vivant une jolie amitié/romance avec la fille d’une noble famille. C’est du déjà vu, j’avoue pourtant aimé ce genre d’histoire. J’avais été un peu déçue par « My Mowgli Boy » et j’en attendais donc un peu beaucoup.

Un meurtre : en découle une accusation injuste envers le garçon loup qui sera le point de départ d’un malentendu entre eux. Malentendu qui durera 8 ans.

Le garçon loup grandit loin de son amie d’enfance et deviendra l’enfant adoptif de l’empereur Chu Kui en tant que Prince Bo. D’enfant loup au sourire lumineux et naif, notre héros deviendra un prince à l’apparence froide et cruelle. C’est ainsi que notre héroïne, Mai Zhai Xing retrouve son amour d’enfance.

La première partie du drama a été l’équivalent du grand huit en ce qui me concerne. Tout un panel d’émotion intense me faisant passer du sourire béat au battement de coeur désordonné.

Prince Bo.
Sans lui, je n’aurai pas tenu aussi longtemps.
La froideur de son attitude et ses mots mordants ne l’en rendaient que plus attachant. Sa solitude et la souffrance qu’il s’infligeait au nom de l’amour et de ses péchés ont été insoutenables. Je ne compte plus le nombre de fois, où je me devais de me retenir de hurler de frustration.
Comme dit plus haut, je souhaiterais voir des personnages de cette trempe un peu plus souvent.

Je n’aime pas les personnages incompris, les personnages portant sur leur épaule le poids des erreurs d’autrui. Il n’y a rien de plus horripilant qu’un personnage se sacrifiant encore et encore au nom de tout un tas de chose. J’avais vite abandonné « Everyone wants to meet you » ou « Irreplaceable love ». Dans « Everyone wants to meet you », le lien du personnage masculin avec sa mère, malsain selon mon ressenti, et son désir de vouloir la couvrir et de l'aider au risque de gâcher sa propre vie avait rendu très vite le drama pénible à suivre. Pire, dans "Irreplaceable Love", Li Luo Shu n'avait plus de vie propre, ne vivant que sous l'identité d'un autre pour le bien d'une femme qui n'était même pas sa mère....Des personnages torturés et qui subissent sans rechigner le regard des autres, se sacrifiant tout le long d'un drama n'est pas exactement ce qui me fait frémir. Je m’en détourne, souvent sans remords.

Mais ici, cela fut impossible.

Comment un personnage peut-il dégager autant de « badass attitude » tout en ayant l'aura d’un enfant au coeur brisé?
Comment un homme peut-il être auréolé de tant de sensualité tout en étant aussi simple et pur dans ses sentiments?
Diablement sexy et pourtant si « enfantin ». C’est ainsi que m’est apparu Prince Bo.

La force de ce bougre d’homme semble surnaturelle et impressionne, rendant les scènes d’action agréable à regarder, il vaut mieux éviter de se trouver confronter à ce type d'adversaire.
Mais ce qui m’a le plus surprise est l’intelligence de ses actions, de ses raisonnements et surtout, sa capacité à garder son sang froid en toute occasion. Toutes ces fois où les provocations de Zai Xing auraient pu le rendre en colère ou lui faire perdre sa belle contenance, il a su garder la tête froide. Il a été fort amusant de le voir railler sans aucune honte sa belle ou Ji Chong. Les réparties de Bo Wang furent un délicieux mélange de sarcasme et de tendresse implicite.

Sa relation avec Ma Zhai Xing est pétillante d’alchimie, du moins durant la première partie du drama. Chacun de ses gestes affole le coeur et ses regards remplis de tendresse nous font sourire béatement. Chacune de ses expressions agacées ou ses soupirs contraints avaient le don de nous faire rire (de faire fondre la soi- disant blasée que je suis...)

C’est avec impatience que j’attendais chacune de ses apparitions, de ses interactions avec Xing’er. En toute honnêté, je pense que Zhai Xing n’a pas vraiment mérité tout cet amour, tout ce sacrifice. Le couple que forme Bo Wang et Zhai Xing est adorable et d’une intensité sensuelle. Ce qui est finalement contradictoire avec mon ressenti. Avec ma pensée persistante que Xing’er n’aurait pas dû recevoir ce trop plein d’amour.

Je pense que cela est surtout dû au charisme incroyable de Bo Wang. La magnifique scène où Bo Wang, au village, sur le pont, écoutant le vent et tendant sa main pour attraper le sachet (jeté peu avant) devant les yeux de Xing’er résume bien le personnage. Le silence de ce moment a été parlant au-delà de simples mots. La magie de cet instant où Bo Wang ne fait plus qu’un avec la nature, le rendant à mes yeux bien plus émouvant que n’importe quel personnage de ce drama. Les nombreuses fois, où de loin, son ombre observant de loin sa belle est un crève coeur.

Ses actions n’ont pas fait l’unanimité dans la communauté de dramaland, certaines voix allant jusqu’à lui reprocher ses gestes un peu trop brutaux, voire à la limite de l’agression sexuelle (une seule scène si cela peut rassurer les puristes, ne serait-ce qu'un peu). Ce qui est discutable et je pense qu’en effet certaines scènes peuvent « choquer ». Une "agression" qui trouve son raisonnement dans ce désir de donner une image volontaire d'homme brutal et cruel, ne s'embarrassant pas de douceur si besoin. Chacun sera libre ou non de comprendre le geste de Bo Wang.

Bo Wang n’a jamais eu en tête de faire sciemment du mal à Xing’er. Bien au contraire, son seul et unique but étant de l’éloigner de lui afin d’éviter qu’elle ne soit en danger. Qui plus est, étant lui même en partie impliqué indirectement dans la mort de sa famille, ses remords et la douleur ressentis de ne pas avoir pu faire quoique ce soit pour elle, notre héros prend la décision de repousser sa belle, même si cela doit impliquer un comportement sauvage et diabolique.

Ces nombreuses fois, où son regard contredisait la dureté de ses mots...

Le maintien de sa décision l’honorait de par son obstination, jusqu’au bout, il essaiera tant bien que mal de passer aux yeux du monde comme un être sans coeur. Une phrase entendue dans « My fated Boy » (fantastique drama d’ailleurs) que prononce An An à l’encontre de son cousin s’applique à merveille à Bo Wang « Ce qui importe n’est pas ce que tu penses. Ce qui importe ce sont tes actions! ». Bo Wang prend donc le parti d’agir. Sa loyauté sans faille ne s'arrête d'ailleurs pas à Xing'er. Il est regrettable que durant la seconde partie le scénariste ait perdu de vue ce lien qui l'unissait à ses frères d'armes, à son jeune frère, et que cela ne devienne au final qu'un bonus, un détail sans importance.

Ce fut donc avec un réel agacement de voir Xing’er lui tourner le dos. Le meurtre de sa famille et la révélation de son identité aurait pu m’inciter à plus de tolérance et de compréhension. Que nenni ! Toute l’intensité et la douceur de leur échange durant la première partie a été violemment balayé dès la « pseudo » révélation du massacre. A ce tournant de l’histoire, je n’ai cessé de croire que quoiqu’il advienne, Zhai Xing irait férocement chercher la vérité. Tenterait de voir au-delà des apparences. Ignorerait les faux-semblants.

Comment-a-t-elle pu oublier ne serait-ce qu’une seconde ses propres agissements 8 ans auparavant? Etant la mieux placée pour deviner, comprendre les mensonges de Bo Wang, je n’ai pu qu’être profondément déçue par son manque de confiance envers lui. J'en suis venue à penser qu'elle avait envie d'y croire.

Xing’er est dépeinte comme une personne intelligente. Les premiers épisodes nous la montrant enquêtant sur le meurtre, nous incitaient à croire qu’elle en ferait de même 8 ans plus tard…La douleur d’apprendre la « vérité » sur le crime à l’encontre de sa famille est évidement justifiée. Sa colère a bien raison d’être. Mais une fois la souffrance « retombée »? le choc des révélations passé? Où est donc passé la supposée intelligence de Xing'er, son obstination à vouloir trouver la vérité? Quelle déception que cette vérité vienne d'un autre. Encore plus décevant fut la réaction de Xing'er (elle devrait prendre des cours auprès de Shi Yi, "One and only", sur ce point là). Je pense que cela n'a pas été à la hauteur des sentiments de Bo Wang.

C’est donc une seconde partie incompréhensible qui aura eu raison de mon intérêt pour ce drama. Il m'était difficile de voir Bo Wang s'enliser un peu plus dans ce quiproquo, se laisser insulter et mépriser par tous sans fléchir. Si je me suis entêtée à regarder jusqu'à la dernière minute, ce fut donc essentiellement pour lui et aussi un peu pour le trio de bras droit qui l'accompagnait ainsi que Yao Ji. Une fois n'est pas coutume, j'aurais souhaité voir Bo Wang finir avec la "vilaine" de l'histoire.

Je dois tout de même concéder que le couple Bo Wang et Xing'er fonctionne très bien. Ils sont adorables et leur interactions sont pétillantes. Chaque geste, chaque regard est rempli d'amour. Leur baisers et leurs étreintes sont sensuels et passionnés. Sincèrement, durant la première partie, j'avais le coeur tout en émoi à chacune de leur preuves d'affection. La scène où Bo Wang vient donner une petite leçon de tir à l'arc à Xing'er donne des papillons comme on aimerait en avoir plus souvent!

Yao Ji fut la surprise de ce drama. D'apparence mesquine et sournoise, le spectateur apprend progressivement à l'apprécier. Il est dommage qu'elle n'ait pas de passé ou d'histoire, nous en apprenons au final très peu sur elle. Ce peu là nous la rend attachante et sa loyauté envers Bo Wang me donnait envie, sincèrement, de la voir prendre une place plus importante. L'actrice Xin Zhi Lei (辛芷蕾) que j'avais découvert avec plaisir dans le génial "Joy Of Life", nous livre une "méchante" au charisme indéniable.

Li Qin (李沁) n'est pas une novice loin de là, sans parler de mon drama chouchou "Joy of Life" où elle a été la princesse au pilon de poulet, Wan'er, nous la retrouvons aussi dans "Fight Break Sphere" au côté de Leo Wu (吴磊) ou encore "Princess Agent". Son jeu est égal à ce que j'ai pu voir par le passé, elle est une bonne actrice sans avoir eu encore ce rôle qui la rendrait inoubliable. Elle est super jolie et joue très bien les personnages "cute" et joyeux. Mais je pense que la douleur et les personnages torturés ne sont pas un domaine qu'elle maitrise encore. Je changerai peut-être d'avis après avoir vu d'autres drama avec elle comme " The song of Glory".

Darren Weng (王大陸) !!!! Je vais éviter d'être hystérique ^^ et objective. Darren Weng n'a pas eu de rôle significatif dans dramaland. Il a beaucoup tourné dans les films comme "Fall in love at first kiss" (remake de l'incontournable "Itazura na Kiss") ou "Our Time". C'est donc peut-être son premier vrai grand rôle dans un drama si on ne compte pas "Ghost Blows Out the Light: Finding Hu Ba Yi" où il avait aussi le rôle principal.

Ici, Darren Weng nous délivre une interprétation magistrale de Bo Wang. Son jeu de regard parfois mi-figue mi-raisin, parfois désabusé, en passant par toute une palette nuancée de tendresse et de douleur nous fait fondre comme neige au soleil. A travers la stature imposante du prince ou ses rictus narquois, le spectateur voit l'enfant qu'il est resté, l'amoureux qu'il n'a jamais cessé d'être. Et c'est ce qui le rend attachant. Je n'ai jamais perdu de vue l'essence de ce qu'il était malgré ses actions et la dureté de ses paroles.

La rareté de ses sourires tranchait vigoureusement avec la violence et la sauvagerie de ses expressions. Sauvagerie qui n'était pas sans nous rappeler bien sur le loup. Mon seul regret? qu'il n'y ait pas plus de scènes avec les loups et la relation qu'il entretenait avec eux. Darren Weng a été fantastique et c'est avec impatience que j'attend son prochain rôle, quelqu'il soit.

Il y a bien sur d'autres personnages, comme Ji Chong. Sean Xiao (肖战) n'a pas ici son rôle le plus marquant. Selon moi, Ji Chong n'avait pas la carrure pour être le rival de Bo Wang. Je l'ai trouvé "trop". Gentil. Complaisant. Amoureux. Collant.

Bao Na était plus intéressante et ses sentiments progressifs envers Ji Chong étaient supra "kawai" et super agréable à suivre. Je trouve peut-être dommage de la faire adhérer totalement aux histoires de Xing'er sans donner une chance ne serait-ce que minime à Bo Wang de se justifier. Surtout au regard de son amour inconditionnel du début. Guo Shu Yao (郭書瑤) est elle aussi une actrice chevronnée. Le seul drama où je l'ai vu auparavant était "Attention Love", un drama taïwanais, où elle a joué l'inoubliable "Angelina" !!!

La production du drama est de qualité. Cela se ressent à travers la diversité des costumes qui représente bien la spécificité de chaque personnage : Bo Wang le loup, sombre et sobriété, Zhai Xing en papillon toute colorée et en légèreté, Ji Chong en aigle harnaché de brun et Bao Na en cheval remplie de fanfreluche clinquante. Ce qui n'est pas étonnant en soi, quand on sait que Chen Tong Xun (陈同勋) fut en charge des costumes. N'oublions pas qu'il s'est occupé des costumes de "Douluo Continent" ou le très populaire "The Untamed".

L'OST apporte cette touche musicale rendant le drama parfois encore plus épique et intense. La bande son est signée ici Jolin Tsai (蔡依林), une compositrice/chanteuse/actrice taïwanaise presque aussi populaire que Jay Chou (周杰倫).

Pour finir sur une petite touche de culture, j'ai appris durant le drama que certains personnages et faits étaient historiques. Notamment, Bo Wang (博王). De son vrai nom Zhu Youwen (朱友文) fut réellement un enfant adopté par l'Empereur Taizu et fut en conflit avec son frère ainé Zhu Yougui (朱友珪), étant tous deux prétendant au trône. Il fut d'ailleurs assassiné par ce dernier en 912 après l'assassinat de l'Empereur Taizu.

Une jolie romance avec un des héros les plus captivants qui soit (et sexy). Malgré une deuxième partie moins intéressante et une fin bien moins dramatique que je le craignais (je dois avouer que je regardais au même moment "One and Only"), je ne regrette pas d'avoir passé du temps (avec Bo wang!) sur 49 épisodes.

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A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 30, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.5

Engaging story

I binged this show over a week. It was very watchable and the plot moved along relatively quickly without any fillers.

With that said, there’s a number of scenes that don’t make sense. The story is about a boy raised in the wild by wolves that later become a prince, so there is a fantastical component in there in the male lead having wolf like capabilities. That part is expected and delightful to watch. But expect plot holes. I read that the script is based on a novel that had different characterization, so the novel probably made more sense.

The acting by the actors were all on point. I was especially impressed by the male lead, as he demonstrated both child like innocence and animal instinct ferocity quite effectively. The characters also all were reasonably developed throughout the story. All very easy on the eyes as well.

The music was great, and certain characters received their own little soundtrack intros when they appeared on the scene. I’ll be listening to the OST for a while after this viewing.

All in all, very enjoyable watch (and binge) if you are in the mood for some star crossed angsty romance. Just be sure to turn off your inner sense check. After all, this show underwent quite a bit of editing for the last three years. I’d argue the writing and production from three years ago are of a much better quality than now (2020) and it certainly shows when you compare this show with the web dramas that are so common now in Chinese dramaland.

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A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 25, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

The actors and musics are awesome!

I really like all the musics in this show, they are really well created and sound very beautiful. The concept of this historical fiction is new, and I kinda like it. The fighting scenes were pretty cool and actors did a great job in acting. The actors are very good looking too (Especially Xiaozhan). Also, I heard that this drama was actually taken in highland. The scenes are pretty, and you can definitely see the beauty of nature in this drama. If you like Chinese drama and have nothing to do on your free time, I would recommend this drama, it’s pretty awesome! Hope you guys have a nice day!

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 28, 2021
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 7.0
Historia 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Everything is great except the script

The script could have been improved. FL was supposedly smart and independent. I didn't like that she appeared needy, kinda obsessive with Lord Bo and stupid.
Her family was massacred but she was only in shock and sad for what seemed like a few days. Once she was at the capital. her focus was on Lord Bo/Wolfie and was acting happily like nothing tragic just happened. It would have been better if FL was made aware of Lord Bo's bad (evil?) reputation before meeting him in person. Once they have met, she would have thought that he only resembles wolfie but he's definitely not him since wolfie was kind and not worth her time to "chase" and accept his maltreatment. Although she has said many times that what she wanted was to avenge her family but at Bo's Mansion, there weren't much scenes where FL has flashbacks with her family or her father. which would have shown her sadness and that her priority was to avenge her father. I would have liked Lord Bo to feel very guilty about it killing her family. It was only shown at the later part just before the war of Boxiang.
I really love the OST though. I think it helped people overlooked the lousy script.

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
A 5 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 21, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

Good drama

Well i’ve watched this drama because of xiao zhan but eventually I must admit that after finishing some episodes I started to like every actors in this series. Xiao zhan is really a good actor, well actually all of the actors in this drama. They have strong chemistry and great action scenes. There is never a boring episode, once you started watching this drama you are already hooked. I’m excited to watch every episodes. This drama is really worth the wait. I highly recommend this drama to all. I hope we get to see all of Xiao Zhan’s drama after this. Good luck XZ may you always be blessed and I hope you get all the love you really deserved because you are very talented and kind. Ajah!

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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 20, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 5
Global 10
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 10
I finished watching the entire drama. But there is no English subtitles so I didn’t fully understand the story. But judging from the acting I could tell how the story evolves and I do like how the story goes but I need the English subtitles to understand further. That’s why I put 8.5 because I need the English subtitles. But other than that the songs were beautiful and the acting was super well done. The chemistry between the main characters are perfect. I loved how this drama was and I am not upset with this drama for having to wait 500 years.
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En curso 45/49
Noreen Bunyi
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 3, 2021
45 of 49 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 9.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
I liked how the story contained wolfs which makes the ML cooler than he already is. The beginning was okay and it had a steady pace which kept me interested. In my opinion the last 10-15 episodes were the best as those episodes showed the different strategies of the both kingdoms and the wits of the leads. Overall I liked the story. One thing that led me not to give the story a perfect 10 was how the misunderstandings between the ML and FL were dragged on for too long. I hated to the point that I skipped the scenes wherein the FL was happy whereas the ML was suffering. I did not have second lead syndrome as the FL did not deserve the second lead, he was too good for her. I did not even think the FL deserved the main lead. I liked Yao Ji (former enemy to friend) more for Lord Bo (Main lead) as she always believed in him. I find the FL a bit annoying towards the end.

The acting was great and the OST was the bomb. The OST kind of gives a modern feel which I liked, it kind of resembles K-Drama OSTs.

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Laura SK
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 28, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 7.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 6.5
Volver a ver 1.5

Wish it there were as many good dialogue as (hyper) stylish outfits.

Pros: The main female actress, two or three of the soundtracks, some really nice scenery.

Cons: Everything else!
Some of the soundtracks were annoying or even off putting during some scenes (at least for me).
The main couple was only interesting when there was antagony between them. The other times the acting was way too sweet/cheesy/childish without any real feeling chemistry (probably the biggest "con" for me).

I honestly don't know why I wouldn't drop it.
The plot seemed to be an interesting set up... but it fizzled out and was kind of underwhelming - like so often.

I found many of the dialoges so pointles and emty - I wish I would have started to press fast forward sooner.
I didn`t particularly like ANY of the characters and the relationships/interactions. And a lot of the performances (with a few exceptions) didn't feel natural/genuine. But then I don`t think the characters where well written and the different sides of them didn't really fit together well... I assume some of the actors just tried to give the director that she wanted.

A lot of scenes where so unconvincing - it was like the writers/producers were allergic to logic or paying attention to detail. I don`t expect Wuxia dramas to stick to rules of physics or human biology... but they really aren't hiding their disregard for the latter. Thought I could hear my brain cells dying ...a bandage OVER armor... OUCH!

And I know they wanted the make the mail leads look "manly" but Darren Wang looked like he had to much tanner and Sean Xiao`s few facial hairs looked weird.

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A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 24, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0

Okay so, it's a journey, bear with me - take the good with you and leave the bad behind

I'll be quick and to the point in giving my opinions. I've already said almost everything I had to say in the comments bellow while watching the episodes. Here, I'll try and keep it short. (P.S - I lied so hard, sorry, arrest me ahahaha)
*minnie tiny wheeny spoilers in this review, if you're really scared of knowing something or even hate hints, maybe don't read but if you aren't I'll be glad*

This is what kept me watching the series. The "support cast":
Ji Chong. This is how you make and develop a character, let him be the example, he's certainly mine. I can see how much care was put into creating the character of Ji Chong and how beautiful and graceful he turned out to be. Kudos to Xiao Zhan too, for breathing life to this wonderful role! I can't call him a second lead. He's one of the main leads, fully deserving of his place there. I wasn't a fan before because, well, I haven't watched him in anything before, and when he appered I was like "Hey, handsome" and then I was like "Okay, now it's starting to become interesting.." From the start he was shown as a free spirited, larger than life type of a person, then to the same guy but with different reasons and a good backstory and then revealing the honor, the grace, the beauty and the very realistic personal tragedy of someone experiencing unrequited love. *SPOILER* --> But after all he went through he managed to break free of the prison of love in dramas and walked out as the coolest dude there can be with some bomb-ass lines like "There are many things in life that are more important than romance and love affairs." DID I HEAR WHAT I JUST HEARD? A character from a romance drama is saying that? Excuse me while I stand up and clap for Ji Chong - the greatest man from a drama, The Coolest Man. PERIOD. FULL STOP. HATS OFF. "I let her go, wasn't I so cool for doing that?" "You're the coolest man I've ever seen."Who migh be saying that? hmmm ;) *end of SPOILER*
They wrote him to have so much spirit, sass, charm and in the same time maturity so that he can be more than just an aesthetic, if I may say so . Every time he showed up the pacing of the drama got faster, he was there both to bring action and to teach some characters and the audience lessons of humanity. He was also given a good backstory that gave reasons for his choices and showed clearly his personality. And they casted exactly the actor for him to better portray this specific type of a character that is not often seen in dramas because I think the free-spirited people are often written to not be mature and it was a very good artistic choice to bring these characteristics in the story of one person. It served the overall plot and the story of Ji Chong very well!
Another good: Yao Ji, Bao Na. Yao Ji (played by Xin Zhi Lei). Yao Ji had a pretty great character development. I can't tell you much but expect to have the feels and enjoy the amazing acting from Xin Zhi Lei!
Bao Na - started from the "bottom" and look where we are! I wish I could spill the tea and tell you more but I will spoil all the good things. Normally, I find the "cute"characters in cdramas to be plain annoying and girly and nowhere near cute at all. But here we are presented with the Cute itself and its loyal friends - the Ferocious, the Brave , the Kind and the Sassy. Just forget her first episodes, everyone wants to choke her there, it;s alright, it;s gonna pass xD. It's a good coming of age story that has still not come fully of age and maybe never will, hopefully, because I strongly believe people should guard their kids' spirit to the end of their life ^^
other good: The cinematography! The grand production! The aesthetics! The soundtrack! The editing! - this was a master editing work. It was technically freaking amazing! Well done to the operators and the editos, it's a work made on another scale and that's what draws you in from the start. Inner decor, outer shots...One time I was so amazed by a scene just because of how it looked and the accompanying track that I almost teared up and there was nothing much happening on the screen between actors then. It's just well done and I was pleasently suprised! I will cherish all the beautiful scenes in the future when I rewatch my favourite parts!

What I didn't like and thought was wack: The main two leads and their story which is theoretically the whole plot and if there weren't other characters with their own individual stories to keep things interesting, I would have dropped the series. Just, their thing...was not my thing. It was supposed to be epic, deeply felt, grand, to make me feel the power of love...but it was badly done. Bo Wang and Ma Zhai Xing had young love, infatuation, appreciaion..okay, maybe, but a relationship needs communication and growing up as people together as a result of the SHARED fortunes and misfortunes in life. They shared...almost nothing since the time they parted in the woods. They had a great and sweet friendship as the wolf boy and Xing'er and then they were different people that never got to to have a real conversation together. All they did they did in secret, their most important moments that shaped who they were happened while apart. For their ending and the emotions the screenwriters wanted to portray to be deserved, they needed better written characters and more time for a relationship to form. Theoretically, what they had should have been great but the time to show it was wasted for scenes I see in many other dramas *the cold man/warm woman trope* and when they parted the show became more interesting for me. Seeing as they didn't contribute so much to forming a relastic bond, in my opinion, I wish we focused more on the other characters at the times when the angst was too much. For Bo Wang - it would have been nice to see more of his personal story and path and not so much focus on their relationship (a strong word for that in most episodes). If we saw the transformation, his past and more interactions with the people that were important for Lord Bo I think he really would have grown on me. For Ma Zhai Xing - that girl was written with all logic thrown to the wind. She was promising in the beginning and then she was no one and without certain two characters (Ji Chong and the king of Jin)- she wouldn't even have a spec of character development. Even when she had a better moment it didn't lead to anything pretty good, she made a step forward and two backwards. She was basically a plot tool for the ML to use and tell his story that wasn't even told fully. If her character was written off and her role in the plot was given to circumstances and other people, everything would still be the same.
And I didn't like that Bo was not given a true inner fighting spirit. I really didn't! He was shown to be holding up just for the sake of another person who, ironically, he kept making miserable in certain episodes. That was so...demeaning and senseless - for her and for him. It's a story of an innocent person coming under the control of the wicked and presumably fighting his way out while keeping his humanity but all he ever wanted was to die. For sure, a peron's life has a greater meaning than that. What's te point to show such a journey of someone enduring all this and finding friends and ways to stand against his captor if the only "coping" mechanism he got from all these years is the memory of a girl and mind you when he meets the girl he is is being a total jerk to her. But it should be "okay" because he later reveals he never hated her, he did everything in the name of love and the audience should appreciate his inner struggles even though we didn't really see what he went through and he was not given good inner convinctions. He could've told a good story about humanity and the battle to keep it - if he thinks such a battle is a lost cause, then, why? It should've been shown and developed. The drama took the "romance" route but I don't think it was well done, it was a poor excuse for a reason to live and die. It;s 2020 - characters should have more to them than romantic fantasies, I prefer them to have their own life and then their relatioships with other people will be so much more beautiful and meaningful.

OVERALL: I stayed for the not so main characters that I think were favourites of the screenwriters. They were really given the time to grow and the actors the freedom to show their journey and emotions. For me, they were the true main leads that lead the show from a certain point in the plot. That was new to me and I enjoyed it so much! I like to see lively people that can take you on a ride of emotions and teach good lessons. When I watch a drama I look for the shining ones in it, for the people with that X factor in them, the different and the original that make your time worthy. My rating of 9 is 80% because of Ji Chong and other good characters and 20% because of the cinematography. I have never given such a high rating for a drama with so many things that weren;t to my taste and I found boring...but here I am, appreciating the other things that were done so well! Watch and see for yourself how you feel about the show. It;s 50/50 - there are many annoying cliches and also a lot of originality. Take the good with you and leave the bad behind if you think like me.

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A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 26, 2020
49 of 49 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.5

Just Beautiful

There's already great detailed reviews so mine will be short. I finished 10 episodes subbed and watched rest raw because I was so mesmerized by the story. For me, I love the development of the story where we are introduced to the most precious innocent relationship of the princess and wolf boy. Their scenes on the mountain, happy go free discovery of nature, self, and adoration of friendship is just memorizing. She teaches him about love of a human to human and when he innocently puts his head on her shoulder to mimic love and she pats his head for approval, it's like my heart stopped for such a capture. The separation was to save him and that has you tearing up. Reunification was bittersweet and then from there a rollercoaster of highs and lows. All within the first ten episodes you will experience so much emotions that you won't turn away even if you wanted to; it's an incredibly moving story. The connection to our emotions is what keeps us glued in. I have never experienced anything like it so quickly with a story that though i have caught ending results, I didn't care. (I usually shut down if I know something beforehand). EVERYONE did such a remarkable job (particularly leads) I wanna thank them personally for powerfully moving me. I loved it and you will too. I've seen lots of excellent c-dramas of 2020. This one would sit with two others on top. Please watch and give this production your two thumbs up!

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