Valentina Ortiz
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 31, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 6.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 4.0
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Odie el principio y ame las actuaciones

No iba a escribir una reseña de esto, pero me puse a leer las otras reseñas y me di cuenta que tenia que dar mi opinión, ya que pienso completamente diferente a muchos y me gustaría explicarlo.
Desde el principio sabia que este drama, no iba a ser muy bueno, algo light para ver.
Que me engancho: la historia de él, su actuación era tan real, una persona con un trastorno asi es tan desagradable, puede llegar a ser detestable. Me llene de curiosidad de ver como lo solucionaban.
Que odie: Todo el principio es tan cliché, tan cliché al extremo, que estuve a punto de parar de verla. Todas las escenas, los encuentros, exagerados sin sentido. En las comedias románticas esta bien usar cliches, pero aquí eran exageradante ridículo. La ridiculización de la protagonista me pareció sin sentido, la escena de la cabeza de caballo, no tenia nada de lógica. Hablo del tipo de lógica en un guión que hay escenas para lograr algo. Las veces que la emborracharon para que fuera extremadamente torpe. Todo era innecesario. Una persona con misogenia no se enamoraría de alguien así nunca, jajajaja.
La segunda parte de la historia, no es para nada perfecta, pero tiene mucho más lógica, en especial el tema familiar.
Que el abuelo sea un desgraciado haciendo lo que le da la gana, por puro orgullo, digamos que es normal para tener un villano. La secretaria apoyándolo, creyendo que ayudaba, tambien es normal para tener un chivo expiatorio.
Que la familia que fue jodida por una gran empresa, odie todo lo que tenga que ver con la muerte de tu familiar, es totalmente entendible y que te tengas que alejar de ellos es básicamente solidaridad familiar. 2 años de espera para sanar eso me parecio bien, para perdonar y seguir, fue decente.
El tema del hermano que por hacer taekwondo no pueda defenderse es primera vez que lo veo, no se cuan exagerado es con respecto a la realidad, si es asi, muy interesante dilema que mostraron.
El papa de ella y la mama de él, son actores que adoro, sus actuaciones son expectaculares.
Si puedes pasar los miles de clichés exagerados del principio, este drama es disfrutable, entretenido. Ver como un chico con un trastorno psicológico cambia por enamorarse, me pareció muy interesante historia.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 2, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.5
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 3.0
Hoy les traigo la reseña de un dorama que empezó súper bien, pero que después se volvió insufrible (sí, insufrible): #CleanWithPassionForNow.

La trama gira en torno a un hombre que sufre de misofobia y tiene una compañía del limpieza. Él es perfecto por fuera, pero la realidad es que su enfermedad es tan grave que no solo no puede tocar a nadie, sino que tampoco puede soportar ni una mota de polvo en su ambiente.
Digamos que la vida de este hombre cambia por completo al conocer a Gil Oh Sol, una chica desprolija y poco pulcra que empieza a trabajar para él.

Okay, como no sé por dónde empezar, voy a empezar por el principio: los primeros capítulos me encantaron. Son muy divertidos, los protagonistas pintaban interesantes y los personajes secundarios (los benditos personajes secundarios que más bien terminan siendo terciarios) prometían un montón. Esto se mantuvo más o menos hasta el episodio 4/5, a partir de ese momento las cosas empezaron a decaer.

Literalmente no me daría la vida para enumerar la cantidad de clichés y momentos predecibles que hay en esta serie, y ni siquiera es que lo hacen a modo de "parodia", son escenas "serias". Además llega un punto en el que todo se vuelve muy lento y aburrido, los conflictos se empiezan a repetir y la trama no avanza. Un embole.

¿Vieron que les dije que los personajes secundarios prometían? Bueno, terminan estando de adorno y lo que te dicen sobre ellos queda a medio desarrollar. Podrían haber metido mil subtramas interesantes en vez de alargar tanto el conflicto principal al pedo. Desde la mitad del dorama hasta el final yo solo quería verlos a ellos, un bajón si tenemos en cuenta lo poco que aparecen.

¿Pero el crecimiento de los personajes está bien? ¿Y el second lead?
No, no y no. El crecimiento se da de un momento a otro, parece causado por una lobotomía. Ah, y el second lead al principio podría haber sido reemplazado por un potus, imagínense.
Ni los actores pudieron salvar estos personajes.

En fin, un dorama cargado de clichés, lento y que no supo aprovechar su potencial.
Lo terminé por terminarlo, pero obviamente no lo recomiendo.

IG de reseñas cortas: @altoplottwist

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Linda Murua
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 26, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 6.0
Clean With Passion For Now es un drama para pasar el rato y poco más. No consigue ser grande ni pretende serlo. Lleva consigo los clichés típicos de este tipo de series, pero está lejos de ser un mal drama. Sí es verdad que el guión se desinfla allá por la recta final y hubo ciertas cosas que pudieron ser manejadas de otra manera, pero en series así es bastante común recurrir a un poco de sufrimiento y retroceso para llegar al 'Happy Ending' que ya sabemos de sobras que nos regalarán.

La pareja protagonista me ha gustado; me parecieron bastante bien aunque por momentos sus personalidades lograban exasperarme un poquito y ganas me sobraban de darles un zape para que espabilaran un poco xD. Los personajes secundarios son entrañables, y eso, en parte, consigue levantar los episodios cuando comienzan a decaer. Hay escenas muy graciosas, eso sí, y una que otra carcajada por ahí y por allá sí está asegurada.

Drama recomendado para quien quiera pasar un buen rato sin sufrir tanto en el proceso o esté hambriento de finales felices y relaciones cuquis al por mayor.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 27, 2021
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 10
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El mejor drama de romance que he visto

Lo admito, no soy tan fan de los dramas de romance. Me gusta el romance, pero con un elemento más que haga que la trama no sea solo sobre la pareja porque o si no, me aburre. DEFINITIVAMENTE ESTE DRAMA ES LA EXCEPCIÓN.

Clean With Passion llegó a cambiar mi vida. Es un drama HERMOSO, PRECIOSO, con personajes completamente humanos y reales, con los cuales te puedes identificar. Todo en el drama me gustó. En ningún momento me aburrí y realmente estuve triste la semana después de terminarlo, porque ya no podría ver más sobre la historia de Oh Sol y Seong Yeol. Es una drama que se pasa muy rápido. Yo soy una persona que acostumbra a ver solo un capítulo diario porque me aburro muy fácilmente, pero llegó el punto en donde pude verme TRES episodios en un día. TRES. Eso es todo un record para mí.

Una de las mejores parejas que he visto. Es un romance completamente puro, sin toxicidad por parte de ninguno de los personajes. Seong Yeol siempre hizo lo que le hiciera bien a Oh Sol y viceversa. Seong Yeol siempre la apoyó en todo. Hay una escena en donde están culpando a Oh Sol de algo que ella realmente no hizo, y aunque todas las pruebas indicaban que ella era culpable, Seong Yeol confió en ella y la apoyó aún cuando nadie lo hizo. Lo mismo con Oh Sol, ella siempre hizo todo lo posible para que Seong Yeol no tuviera que vivir experiencias incómodas por su misofobia. Por ejemplo, ella quería ir al cine con él, pero luego recordaba su enfermedad y le decía que no importaba, que mejor vieran una película en casa. ESO ES AMOR DEL PURO.

También me parece que trataron el tema de la misofobia de manera muy correcta. Sí, es una comedia romántica, la cual obviamente te hace reír de vez en cuando, pero no se burlaron de esta enfermedad para hacer comedia. Siempre fue todo muy respetuoso y siento yo que la representaron muy bien, mostrando cómo es la enfermedad en verdad.

Creo que el único detalle que sí me dejó un poco confundida y al que no le encontré sentido en la serie, es cuando mandan a Oh Sol a vivir con Seong Yeol. En sí eso no fue lo que me "molestó", lo que en verdad me "molestó" fue que la secretaria Kwon y el abuelo del Seong Yeol esperaban que él no se enamorara de ella y viceversa. En una situación así, en donde los dos ya medio sienten cosas por el otro (cosa que la secretaria Kwon CLARAMENTE sabía), es muy difícil que al menos uno de ellos no se enamore. Y esto lo quiero decir más que todo por el lado de Seong Yeol, ya que Oh Sol era la única persona con la que él podía interactuar correctamente, con la que podía estar sin ser molestado por su enfermedad. Quiero dar un ejemplo con Color Rush. Uno de ellos también tiene una enfermedad que el otro puede "curar", y aunque en Color Rush está un poco exagerado, es claro que el chico de la enfermedad se enamoró y en un punto obsesionó con el otro chico. No creo que necesariamente Seong Yeol se tenía que obsesionar con ella, pero obviamente se iba a enamorar de ella.

Si buscas una historia de amor muy hermosa, con personajes muy reales y con la que te puedes reír un montón y al mismo tiempo llorar, Clean With Passion For Now es para ti.

Gracias por leer <3

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A 98 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 4, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 8
Global 7.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 10
Volver a ver 5.0
This review may contain spoilers
Okay, I’ll be honest here. I loved Clean With Passion For Now and I was ready to give you many reasons why you should watch it. But that was until episode 13. After the 13th episode, I came to realize that this drama was nothing but a waste of time with some fluttering moments here and there.

The best thing about CWPFN was the chemistry between the main leads. We had the best kiss scenes we could get. This is an unpopular opinion actually, but I like the main leads together. Yes, It was obvious that Yoo Jung was younger than Gyun Sang (and the fact that he is that huge does not help) but still, I think they suit each other.

But let me start with the negative things now. First, Yoo Jung’s character – Oh Sol. She was quite dumb in my opinion. I don’t know if she was poorly written or the writer wanted her to be like that for real. In any case, she wasn’t a likable female lead. She cried a lot and it was always her fault somehow. She always did something more or less wrong, and then feel bad about it. She was weak, but anyways, we are all like that sometimes.

Now, the plot… There’s not much about it though. The drama had a funny and sweet start, but couldn’t live up to its potential. There were too many useless things happening, too many pointless and boring characters appearing without leaving any impression on me. Clean With Passion For Now it’s that type of show in which you have to wait ages for the two mains (who obviously like each other) to confess their feelings and start a relationship. The second lead guy was sweet, but I didn't suffer from sls (gyun sang is the main lead, khm). But seriously, there were too many clichés and too much drama. Don't get me wrong, conflicts between the characters are what helps a drama develop, but in CWPFN they were kind of very poinltess and out of place. There were some ridiculous moments that made me laugh, but if you are really looking for a good comedy, then... this is not it.

The mysophobia is more like a subplot, I was intereted in it at the beginning... kind of. I don't know how realistic it was though, I'm not familiar enough with it so I can't say.

The acting was okay, I guess. I will always love Gyun Sang and the way he portrays his characters and I do love his chubby cheeks here. (I was really angry when I saw so many negative comments about his appearance). Kim Yoo Jung also did a good job.

The OST is what I loved the most! Give 'Cosmos' by Huh Gak a listen, you won't regret it!

So overall, I'm quite disappointed, I guess I expected too much. Clean With Passion For Now has a sweet romance, but nothing more. It's very drop-wrothy and you might want to skip a lot of scenes if you don't want to get bored. I don't really recommend it, but if you have nothing to watch, you can give it a try and see for yourself. At least it will make your heart flutter, at least once.

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A 43 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 7, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 4
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0

Way too underrated :)

Alrighty, I'm writing this review because I feel like this drama is way too underrated and deserves better. It needs to be protected from all the bad reviews out there! I honestly didn't expect to fall for it that much but that's exactly what happened :D

Story: When I heard that the ML was suffering from mysophobia, I was like "Oh, this is an interesting premise". And it was! At some points I could even relate to him because I also had encounters with OCD and I know how that feels like. It was just beautiful to see how his symptoms started to improve. Love is so powerful and it was just super heartwarming to witness his great development!
To be honest, it took me like 3 episodes to really get into this drama but after that I was hooked! I love how the romance developed and this drama had also some great character developments!

Acting/Cast: Okay, let me tell you one thing: I absolutely love the cast and the acting was fantastic! Even the side characters were super cool and funny! The SL was a nice guy as well!!! Also, this drama had the best kissing scenes I've ever seen in a drama!!! It was absolutely NOT K-drama-like and I was pretty surprised about that. But wow, if you have already seen this drama, you will understand what I'm talking about haha :D You could basically feel the chemistry between the ML and the FL! And something I found very interesting is that the two of them have a huuuge age gap. 12 YEARS!!! But their acting was so good that you absolutely couldn't tell.

Music: I'm still in love with the OST songs!!! Every time the song "Gravity" by KLANG came on, I was feeling super hyped and happy!!! It's definitely my favorite song from this drama. Also the song "Glory Days" by Sentimental Scenery was super super good! The producers definitely know when to play the best songs hehe :D

All in all, I really really enjoyed watching this drama! It definitely put me in a good mood! The only thing I kind of disliked were the last two episodes or so... I loved the ending but I really did suffer before that haha XD But as long as it has a happy ending I'm okay with that and 9/10 is a super good rating after all!
I can totally recommend it to everyone who's looking for a nice rom-com! Let me just tell y'all that this drama is worth the watch and that you won't regret it! :)

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A 20 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 7, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 4.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 2.0
This review may contain spoilers
I loved this drama and was excited to watch new episodes every week, it was filled with fun scenes, the romance was cute, the couple looked good together and both actors are really attractive, also I liked the 3 cleaning fairies plus o sol's relationship.

I used to like this drama so much that I was sure I going to rewatch it someday, but that changed because I disliked how the story unfolded.

To me it all went downhill when O sol stopped working in the company and started living in Seon kyeol's house. Sure we were blessed with some great kisses and domestic stuff, but to me that was when the plot started becoming nonsensical.

I didn't like Daniel at all, I found him clingy and annoying as all hell not to mention his stalking behavior. I didn't like O sol's rude brother and his attitudes as well as her father.

I even started disliking O sol and not understanding her decision of breaking up with Seon kyeol (not to mention how unoriginal and boring that ''have the couple breakup in the last few episodes'' kdrama trope is) and her attitude towards him, a person who didn't deserve any of it. To me that was the final nail in this drama's coffin. What his selfish grandfather, who physically attacked him as a kid (I also didn't like how the writer seemed to have forgotten that and gave the grandfather a redeeming scene, expecting us to feel sorry for him) and who caused his misophobia, did, wasn't his fault.

The final episode was painful to watch because of how o sol kept rejecting seon kyeol and how her and her father kept blaming and making him guilty of something that wasn't his fault. I didn't like seeing him acting so pitiful around the father and her.

I'm not sure if I'd recommend it or not, sure the ending was a happy one, there's lots of funny scenes and the couple had good chemistry but there's lots of things that prevent me from doing so. I guess you could give it a try if your a fan of any of the actors because everyone did a great job.

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A 11 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 11, 2021
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 3.0
Historia 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 2.0
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An enjoyable show until the last two episodes

I really enjoyed watching this show. Sure, it had a number of silly K-drama cliches and tropes but they all do. It had a cutesy story and I liked the chemistry between the male and female leads. The fact the mom from the rich family didn't do the usual "here's ten bucks, stop seeing my kid" was refreshing. It's the usual rich-guy meets "poor"-girl story and hilarity that ensues from the whole opposites attract thing. We learn through various story bits that Sun Gyoel's grandpa was not that nice of a guy, especially when it comes to his business dealings, which is why Sun Gyeol has, at best, a frosty relationship with him. The grandfather also had something to do with a tragedy in Oh Sol's life. So, of course, we all know what's going to happen,.

And happen it does in episode 15 with the ol' "We can't be together because someone you're related to did something to me/my family, even though you have absolutely nothing to do with it" cliche. The fact that Sun Gyeol and his grandpa don't get along (and never really have) makes the crappy way Oh Sol and her family treat him when they find out even more maddening. He didn't deserve that treatment they gave him when they found out who his grandpa was. He didn't deserve not being told what he had done wrong to warrant the treatment he got from them (he didn't do anything wrong). He didn't deserve the cold shoulder he got from her when he went back to Korea after a trip to the US to get some help. She didn't deserve getting with him at the end. There is no way they should've gotten together after the way she and her family treated him.

The final two episodes ruined what was a nice, cheesy, and entertaining show. The first fourteen episodes were enjoyable, for the most part, but I can't recommend the show because of how terribly it ended.

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Trish Mish
A 16 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 5, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.0
The drama that put me through emotional distress has finally come to an end ????.
{Who's crying with me?Come on y'all grab the tissue ????}

Such a sweet, fun and beautiful drama with lot's of laughter and a bit of sadness at times.
Having faith,patience, hope and courage are some of the few attributes that I can take away from this drama.

I'm very much satisfied with how this drama turned out, some say it was to boring for them and was only looking forward to the kissing scenes but I think otherwise. It was wonderful, the drama was full of laughter and excitement (which of course if I'm having a bad day I'll rewatch a few episodes that will help brighten my day) with meaningful messages each episode.

The actors executed their characters/roles exceptionally well, the kiss ???? scenes were... well it was... actually... guys you'll have to see to understand my "speechlessness".

Sixteen (16) episodes, beautifully executed, lovely soundtrack with the song "Cosmos" by Huh Gak being my #1 favorite.

My ratings of 9.5/10. Highly recommended Drama.

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A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 17, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 3.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


Currently, I have 20 minutes left of the last episode and I just really dont want to watch it. So I’m half paying attention while writing this.
When I started watching this, I was into it. For the first while, the characters were entertaining, the interactions were funny and sweet. But then, then, it had to fuck it all up. Gil Oh Sol is the stupidest person I have ever seen in my life. When Seon Gyeol’s grandfather first starts messing with Oh Sol and Oh Dol, it kind of makes sense. She wants to protect her brother and all that jazz. But later on when she decides to break up with Seon Gyeol? No sense. How the hell would any of it be his fault? Her brother and dad straight up said that he killed their mother. That is absolutely ridiculous and anyone with half a brain would know that. He had nothing to do with it at all. Im furious. In addition, Oh Sol goes on this long ass rant to the Chairman about how shes not scared of him and its not her BFs fault and then proceeds to change NOTHING. There is absolutely no legitimate reason for them to break up or for Oh Sol to act so stupid. Honestly, despite all the shit he gets throughout the show, Seon Gyeol is really the only major character Who DIDNT do anything wrong. My throat hurts from screaming so much about it.
I am very grateful for Choi Han In. I didnt have SLS, but he was still a fun character that lightened the mood a lot. I am UPSET that he left.
Overall, the soundtrack is pretty good, but two songs that I hate just kind of overshadow the good ones for me. For example, Gravity by KLANG (particularly the English version) just really rubs me the wrong way. Grinds my gears, if you will. I don't really know how to describe what I hate about it, but every time it played, it ruined the scene for me.
I will never, ever, rewatch this because I cannot mentally handle it. The other one is proving difficult for me to find, but to me it sounded like Owl City and I wasn't living for it.
Its almost midnight, but Im gonna go get Taco Bell and be angry then try to drown my anger in another drama that won’t put me in a rage.

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A 5 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 18, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 8.0
I'd be lying if I said i didn't put this drama on hold after episode 8.

The story was able to live up to its cute rom-com theme but something about it being too bland or simple bored me and made me put this on hold. It probably was the many irrelevant side characters, or maybe that really slow progress in the leads relationship that annoyed me? I don't really know. I recently just picked up this drama again because I had nothing to watch and ended up being hooked to its cute story again! and guess what? I even cried at the last few episodes because the ending was beautiful! Despite some badly written scenes like that of Dong Hyun (staff of cleaning fairy) and of other side character's, everything was wrapped up and resolved very well in the end! Clean With Passion For Now gave me a number of roller coaster feels.

The drama had a handful of sweet and fluttering moments and the cinematography for those scenes were really nice. What's even better is that there was no complicated evil mother, or stuck up heiress girl to complicate the story and add more drama. The second guy was very cool too and not obsessive possessive like other dramas I know!
But what I really like most in this drama was the lead guy's personality not being arrogant. He has good character being innocent, kind, hard working, earnest, and persistent. The lead guy having mysophobia, his struggle, development from this illness, and his funny antics was just the cherry on top and did a lot to make this drama 10x more interesting!

I really like Yoon Gyun Sang's refreshing acting in this drama and I must say that he did really well portraying his character and was a great romantic lead! Kim Yoo Jung also did well in her role acting wise, and she had good chemistry with Yoon Gyun Sang. However, I must say she isn't ready for a mature role yet. Every time she acts mature I still see her as a teenager and couldn't really take her seriously, so yes the age gap every time they kissed somehow bothered me in a way. I squeal seeing Yoon Gyun Sang kiss so greatly and then in a while I see Kim Yoo Jung I get alarmed that it looks wrong in some way. ><

Finally, I must say, I do not regret putting this drama on hold and picking it up again, because if I forced myself to finish this, I wouldn't have appreciated it the way I did now. I guess this drama is good if you're in the mood to watch something simple, light, and sweet with good actors and great acting. Therefore my overall rating for Clean With Passion For Now is 8/10!

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A 5 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 10, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 5.0
This review may contain spoilers
CWPFN has an interesting story of an unlikely match. At the beginning, it's very interesting to see the story developing. Especially Oh Sol coming into herself and seeing her own value and stand up for her choices. The other characters are built up quite strongly and developing nicely. And it all just comes to a point of stagnation and stays there pretty much to the end. Not to be super harsh about it, I enjoyed this drama. It was precisely what I was I looking for - a feel good romcom that didn't require much attention.

The cast is the strongest point of the drama. I loved the main leads, all three of them. They had great chemistry and it's a joy to watch them. I loved mostly Song Jae Rim, though. His character and performance made the drama for me. Oh Sol's team members were a delight to watch as well and her family and friends, who were also very well cast.

The music is nice, there were some memorable tunes. The first couple of episodes are very funny and it's an easy watch. However, it continues very strangely - some plot points shown at the beginning are severely underdeveloped or not progressing at all. Motives such as Song Kyeol's relationship with his mother remain the same and their conversations happen in cycles about the same things. We never really know more about his childhood or about his nanny and it's very hard to follow his character. Some plot points are just straight up dead ends that could have been utilised and were not, which just makes the last couple of episodes a chore to finish.

One last note - I was quite angry when Song Kyeol came back after two years, being all like: "I just can't see now why I made such a fuss about that clean in the past." Mental illness is not something that you can sweep under the rug after two years of therapy, dear writers.

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Clean With Passion For Now (2018) poster



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