Draken Sano Shipper
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 7, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 5.0
Historia 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 1.0

And so was that utterly one dimensional character with the most terrible script.
Jun and the other student characters were the only reason I watched thus far because hot villains are totally my thing but this drama was just the most trite, pointless, story with a plot so RANDOM it was just ridiculous.

But the murder mystery was definitely watchable and again because the students stories were engaging especially the Byung Hun and the bullying part was done well otherwise it's just very forgettable and generic.
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En curso 7/16
A 8 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 8, 2019
7 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
I just watched episode 1 and I really liked the tone and quick pace of storytelling. Yoon kyun sang's strong screen presence made me want to see more of the trial in court.Recently there have been other high school crime dramas which were very good ie, Sky Castle and Beautiful World. So far Class of Lies has a different feel and I'm intrigued to follow this drama to see if it will keep up the strong first impression.I really enjoy Class of Lies, and I'm loving Yoon Kyun Sang's characters here.
I can't choose between Ki Moo Hyuk and Ki Kang Jae, they are both good in their own way ????
The kids are all doing good too, Jun's character is the most interesting among them all and I can't wait to see if he will be in the same team as Teacher Kang Jae and So Hyun or siding with his fellow (fake) friends

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Srta Jane
A 3 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 29, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Vamos falar sobre Class of Lies?

Hoje venho com uma avaliação um pouco diferente do habitual. Longe de dizer para você assistir esse drama porque ele é perfeito do início ao fim, prefiro te dizer exatamente o que achei da história, assim você pode tirar suas próprias conclusões sobre os pontos destacados e decidir se tem interesse em assistir ou não.


Difícil dizer o que achei desse drama e ainda não consigo definir muito bem como foi minha experiência com ele. Só posso dizer que minha empolgação em assisti-lo não se manteve a mesma a todo momento.

Algo como: "perdi o pique antes de chegar na metade, fui assistir outras coisas, depois reencontrei o interesse, perdi novamente e no fim só segui o fluxo a fim de terminar minha novela com Class of Lies". E já que demorei a terminar basicamente esse Kdrama estava sempre ali passando pelas minhas mudanças de humor.

Cheguei ao ponto de tentar assistir o episódio 11 várias vezes e só depois de um certo tempo reencontrei a determinação suficiente para ir até o fim. Tinha um certo personagem que me irritava bastante, então sempre precisava esperar a poeira baixar pra continuar.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀
O motivo dos meus milhares de ânimos e desânimos durante esse drama foi o mal caráter dos estudantes. Eles eram tão mentirosos e manipuladores, que me tirava do sério. Tive vontade de invadir várias cenas para sacudir cada um daqueles estudantes e fazê-los acordar pra vida.

Socorro, passei muita raiva com as milhares de coisas ruins que eles fizeram no decorrer da história. Até mesmo os que pareciam vítimas à primeira vista quando conhecíamos eles melhor, podíamos perceber que não era bem assim...

Esse drama foca em mostrar que até mesmo os estudantes podem cometer atrocidades. E tudo se torna infinitamente pior no contexto de pessoas ricas e poderosas. Se existe certeza da impunidade é evidente que as amarras que impedem as pessoas de fazerem coisas ruins cairão por terra. E, os jovens não estão isentos disso.

O que não deixa de ser realista, já que podemos ver isso diariamente quando ligamos a nossa Tv para assistir algum jornal. No entanto, não significa que por ser realista não irei ficar irritada com esse tipo de comportamento.

Isso não significa que é uma história ruim. Embora já soubesse desde o primeiro momento quem era o assassino daquela garota, eu diria que os acontecimentos realmente te levam a querer saber, o quanto antes, os motivos e as circunstâncias que levaram ao cometimento do crime. Isso tem tudo a ver com o bom ritmo da trama.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀
As atuações foram muito convincentes e o ator: Yoon Gyun Sang me surpreendeu bastante nesse drama. Claro que a história certa pode contribuir para uma atuação melhor, mas isso não tira nem um pouco o mérito dele como profissional.

Gosto de ser surpreendida com atuações que eu jamais esperava ver de certos atores, então tenho que dar os parabéns para ele dizendo que: "Ele mostrou a que veio em Class of Lies".

Só tive olhos para o personagem dele, e o tempo todo torci para que ele fosse bem sucedido em sua busca pela verdade.

Além disso, gostei muito de ver o crescimento dele durante a história, se no início ele buscou vingança pelo estrago que fizeram em sua carreira profissional, em algum momento seu foco mudou para algo melhor, isto é, uma busca pela verdade que traria punição para o infrator e ao mesmo tempo impediria um inocente de pagar por um crime que não cometeu.

Tem outro ator que entrou de cabeça no papel também, mas estou me esforçando para segurar os spoilers nesse blog e não posso dar maiores detalhes sobre o personagem: Yoo Beom Jin. Socorro querido Jun, eu tinha acabado de vê-lo interpretar um garoto fofíssimo em Avengers Social Club e aqui ele realmente me fez odiar o personagem que interpretou. Isso mostra que ele tem competência pra interpretar papeis bem diferentes.


●< S P O I L E R • A L E R T >●
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Não achei o final perfeito, esperei algo diferente, queria ver aquele criminoso ser pego nos termos da lei. Já não acredito na tal ideia de que "existe crime perfeito" e confesso que senti minha própria inteligência subestimada com aquele desfecho. Dizer que um estudante cometeu um crime perfeito e não deixou nenhum rastro é algo bem difícil de engolir.

Sinceramente não gostei nada disso, é uma pena que tenha terminado assim. Sinto que eu poderia ter dado uma nota maior para o drama se essas coisas não tivessem acontecido, mas eu compreendo que eles tinham outra ótica da situação e quiseram nos mostrar que ele pagou pelo que fez de outra forma.


Por fim, vale destacar que gostei bastante da OST desse Kdrama, amei a música instrumental da abertura e nunca conseguia pular ela. Confesso que só assisto aberturas uma única vez quando não gosto da OST de entrada, mas não foi o caso aqui, já que gostei de praticamente todas as músicas.


Como vocês puderam perceber: Class of Lies foi um Kdrama que ficou no meio do caminho pra mim, isto é, nem cai de amores por ele, nem odiei ao ponto de me arrepender de ter assistido. Mas o motivo de tudo isso é inteiramente uma questão de gosto.

É um drama escolar com um foco diferente, a produção foi muito bem feita, as atuações estavam a altura da história e a OST é agradável. Portanto, mesmo com as minhas reclamações sobre o final eu poderia indicar esse drama para alguém, principalmente se a pessoa em questão gostar desse Gênero e não tiver a mesma perspectiva que eu sobre os pontos levantados ao longo do texto.

O objetivo foi um pouco diferente do habitual, já que queria deixar claro meu ponto de vista sobre certas coisas. Mesmo que seja um drama querido por muita gente que conheço não consegui deixar de abordar certos pontos que não gostei.

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 6, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
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I hadn't binge-watched such a great kdrama in a while.

I can't believe i dropped this drama exactly 12 months ago, i regret it so badly now but i rated it 5/10 because there were so many names to assimilate at the same time, then i got recommendations of this drama many times so i decided to finally pick it up. I finally understood the plot while watching episode 4 THEN THE STORY BECAME SO INTERESTING and god the actors did such a good job especially the main killer, he gave me chills plus the cliffhangers were so unstandable it took me 3-4 days to finish it and even the ending is satisfying. I wish i could find another drama like this.

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Xie Lalisa
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 1, 2021
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

A great story which gets messed up due to wrong character developement

Please tell me where and why you agree and disagree with me after reading this review.
Suggestions are welcomed.


Getting to the drama~
This is a great crime drama with suspense, it leads us to answers itself, here and there and everywhere. The plotline is very thoughtful, I guess the screenwriter was trying his/her best to make it more and more impressive by adding all sorts of crimes in it, prostitution, photography without permission, etc. The only problem this drama has was character development.

Story: 7.5
The plotline was very interesting, leading us to unexpected things but I guess the number of people who died was way too high than it should have been. There weren't many plot twists which is what I hated since plot twists make crime and suspense dramas like these, way more interesting. In about, 6-7 episodes, we were sure who the real killer was.
There was still a confusing thing which I didn't understand, Tae Ra saw Beom Jin and Soo Ah somewhere after which she started bullying her, what exactly was that?
Anyways, coming back, the character development was very poor, the main characters i.e. the teacher and the lawyer were very bland like how could she just reveal everything to a person when she's not even sure whether the person is a culprit or not. Alright, the lawyer is a temporary teacher but after many students find out about it and he no longer needs proof related to the school why does he have to stay there? They are not even trying to find clues, instead, they keep stumbling upon them by chance.
The spying app idea was good in my opinion. How the criminal is so good at law and he's so clever and intelligent but at the same time, he doesn't even care about being captured by the cameras? Like even if he's a psychopath, he's still intelligent and clever, he's using a girl for testimony that he was watching a movie the night Soo Ah died but he doesn't care about the cameras? He lets the balloon and letter fly, lets the child go away, he's such a dumb psychopath yet he's so clever. WHAT???
I didn't find Soo Ah any special, is she so beautiful, a goddess? Like, how come almost all the male characters in this drama want her?? Flirting with Beom Jin, having secrets with Gi Hoon, working as a prostitute, what more? Like, yes she was really pitiful after hearing her story, but it doesn't mean she can make bad decisions and not be blamed for it. She brought this upon herself and I feel like she was the most hateful character in this drama.
Well, no offense to those who loved it but this was really poor.

Acting/Cast: 9.0
The acting was quite satisfactory overall.
⨠Yoon Kyun Sang as Ki Kang Jae and Lawyer Ki, his character was ok but his acting was really nice.
⨠Guem Sae Rok as Ha So Hyun, I didn't really like her character, but she was good at her acting as well.
⨠Lee Jun Young as Yoo Beom Jin, being a great fan of Lee Jun Young, I felt a bit bad for his character in his drama, it was so dumb to create such a debatable character. Anyways, his acting as the cold killer was really nice.
⨠Choi Hyun Hwa as Prosecutor Cha, her acting was really nice as well, although her character was a bit confusing, why did she hate Lawyer Ki so much? Nobody knows. MYSTERY!!
⨠ Choi Kyu Jin as Lee Ki Hoon, his character was one of the few I understood in the drama, good acting anyways.
⨠Han So Eun as Han Tae Ra, I didn't like her acting very much, her panic scenes, sad scenes, etc. all seemed so fake.
⨠Kim Myung Ji as Na Ye Ri, I really hated her character and so I would say the actress played it well.

Music: 10.0
I really liked the rap regardless.

Rewatch Value: 9.0

Overall: 9.0

Hope it wasn't boring.
Still, you could just go ahead and try this drama as it was interesting with no doubt..
Thanks for reading.
Lots of love <3

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Deek Dj
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 29, 2021
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 9.0

Its a good mystery drama. Worth the watch if you like Lee junyoung

This drama has a smooth story, is not dragged not are there any extras. You would not have to skip any part and its interesting to watch the drama. The whole drama has twists and turns, although there is a lack of romance, it wont affect the plot overall. Can watch when bored. Worth the binge watching ~~
P.S i watched this only for Lee junyong, so i dint mind the depth of the story. Over all it was worth it. Do support Lee Junyong for his new drama IMITATION. This drama is a must watch. Do not miss it
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Oops Im an immortal
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 30, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 8.5

Don't Judge a Book By its Cover

"Don't Judge a Book By its Cover"

This drama was thrilling and exhilarating. You'll be on the edge of your seat so I highly recommend for a binge watch. The plot overall was very intriguing and I really enjoyed it although it seemed as if some of the answers were just handed to the leads and the investigation wasn't even necessary. The characters were interesting. I liked that they weren't perfect people, but their character developed throughout the show. They discovered things and grew and in some cases we discovered things about them that changed our perspectives. Some things we discovered were seriously disturbing... The ending was a little disturbing. The music was fantastic. A+. Overall, it was a great little show and I would recommend it.

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A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 6, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 3.0
This review may contain spoilers
While I usually love some complexity for crime driven dramas, the setting of this one made it impossible to enjoy.

My expectation might have had a big impact on how I view it. I was hoping for a rather simple plot with some amazing characters to dig deep into. The sad truth is, the plot was "complex" but full of predictable traits. We had some amazing characters that were never really used to their full potential. It would be much better if the whole story truly revolved around the kids, and no adult was connected to the cases. If we could get the "kids can do evil, kids are not all innocent" kind of scenario.

The whole drama should focus more on what is happening in school, but it didn't. The more the plot progressed, the more side stories we've got: prosecutors’ story line, an investigation by the police, adults’ politics, corruption.

If you set your drama in the school, you should use this place to its full potential, and that's what they did at the beginning. We’ve got to know the dynamics and rules of their school life, the background for the main characters, how they interact with adults, who is the top dog and how they use their power. But the further we got into the plot, the more unnecessary grown ups doing adult stuff we've got. The drama switched from being "school" to "crime/corruption" kind of story.

How amazing and tragic of the ending we would get, if they didn't show Beom Jin's father much. If we weren’t sure if he was connected to the case, it could have been only Beom Jin's view of it. And when we finally get that last court scene, he truly was just helping Soo Ah and there was nothing more going on between them. We could see how Beom Jin's obsession about his image ruined him and his family. How the lack of communication and keeping secrets can lead to a tragedy. It would have more heart and value. The true ending was simply disappointing.

Overall, the drama was kind of enjoyable, but definitely not because of the plot, but rather a few characters I liked. I skipped some scenes, especially the investigation ones, which I often watched at 1.5x speed. The trend of mixing everything in the plot and making it more complex than it has to be is really popular lately in dramas, and this one is not an exception.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
hace 2 días
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 7.5
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Very good series i liked it,very sad for the end i expected more

the series was overall good apart from some episode that were kind of boring but the end leaves too many questions open who killed yjb? why? what happen after?
i do think the series is very good just at the end the rushed too much for me but overall a great kdrama

suggest me more like this if you know some!
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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 26, 2023
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 3.0
Volver a ver 4.5

eh algo ne

foi mto divertido assistir esse dorama, apesar da história só começar a andar depois do episódio 10, mas de qualquer maneira acho que foi bem trabalhado. a cada episódio surgia um suspeito novo e novas informações que me deixaram piroca da cabeça, mas eh de se comemorar que tudo tenha dado certo e tudo mundo recebeu o que tinha pra receber 😭👏🏻👏🏻 gostaria mto de saber oq aconteceu com o beomjin pq tipo . ele Morreu ? ele entrou em coma ? ele desmaiou ? e QUEM q fez isso com ele ??? eu preciso mto saber disso pq foi a unica duvida q tive ao terminar

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 3, 2024
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 4.5

yqThe ending is not good

I should have just stayed away shouldn't have watched it it's lacking a bit in terms of plot. The ending was sooooooo stupid like beom jin didn't even get punished for any of his crimes and the other veritas just got let off the hook despite all the shit they've done to su ah and the others kids that were poor. All in all this was good until the ending that just bring down my rating a bit. The male actor's acting isn't that good in my opinion. The drama didn't even show what happened with yu yang ki when the officers left the bus (which basically shows that they weren't doing there job) and the other prisoners were gathering around him. Poor su ah and tae ra they didn't even get any justice for their deaths.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 10
Volver a ver 7.5

Loved it!

AAAAA it's so good! I hope there will be season 2! So many people are hating on this drama but I really loved it. 🫂😸 Definitely one of my favorite kdramas when it comes to thriller genre. It also had no romance in it. A lot of people are fond of that but I'm not, and yet I was still captivated by this drama. So I guess that speaks a lot on how good this drama is.

Though I have one question in mind— WHO KILLED BEOM JIN? And I do think that so many characters didn't get the punishment they deserved. The whole justice thing only revolved on who killed Su Ah. I guess that was a bit lacking.

Overall, I highly recommend this drama! I was really sad when I finished it. 😹

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Class of Lies (2019) poster



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