A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 13, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 5.5
Volver a ver 5.5

Ne rien connaître au baseball et diriger une équipe, quel cjallenge !

Je l’ai vraiment aimé, mais je l’aurais bien mieux apprécié si je n’étais pas une bille totale en baseball, et c’est un peu gênant quand tout le drama repose sur ce sport américain qui a contaminé les Coréens et les Japonais. Je l’ai regardé sur VIKI au début, puis je suis revenue à ma version anglais, les traducteurs de VIKI ne connaissent apparemment pas le saut de ligne, d’où des lignes interminables, truffées de termes techniques sans parler de ce qui n’est pas technique mais qui est souvent traduit en mot à mot !
Bref, je suis donc revenue à l’anglais, et en ne cherchant pas à comprendre les termes techniques du jeu (d’ailleurs ce sont toujours les mêmes et au bout d’un moment ils sont de moins en moins gênants) mais en me concentrant sur tout ce qui était dialogue entre personnages, et tout ce qui me permettait de suivre l’intrigue, l’évolution des personnages, c’était finalement plus facile et ça m’a permis d’apprécier cette histoire d’amitié, de rivalités, avec des personnages forts et intéressants.
La directrice des opérations Park Eun Bin est le genre d’héroïne que j’adore : forte, ne minaudant pas, assumant son rôle, tenant tête aux homme et s’en faisant respecter dans un milieu pratiquement totalement masculin! Bien sûr Namgang Min est parfait, comme d’habitude : il maîtrise parfaitement ce personnage en apparence froid et dur qui cache ses fêlures, qu’on ne découvre que tardivement, en évitant soigneusement tout côté mélodramatique. Tous les autres sont tout à fait à la hauteur, particulièrement Park Jin Woo, acteur principalement de cinéma vu dans des films de Bong Jon Hoo.
Le personnage central est l’équipe des Dreams, les marchandages de joueurs entre les saisons, les entraînements, les problèmes de santé des athlètes, le recrutement des « newbies », la lutte perpétuelle entre le profit, l’amour du jeu pour lui-même, la vie d’un joueur quand il ne jouera plus, et ça, même sans rien y connaître, c’est tout à fait passionnant ! La vie de l’équipe est montrée dans ses coulisses, et pas seulement dans les affrontements sur le terrain.
Donc, en résumé, si vous pouvez ne pas vous laisser dissuader par le côté technique, ce drama vaut vraiment le coup.

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A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 17, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 9.0

Dans mon top 5 des séries coréennes non sentimentales

Série finie : les dialogues sont excellents, l'argumentation sur la place de chacun, l'importance de la fierté de l'honneur personnel dans son travail, des personnages attachants, tout ça en font une excellente série, je pense. Un petit bémol sur la traduction (?) Certains épisodes seraient plus clairs si la traduction valorisait plus la cohérence et le sens global et moins les implicites, surtout pour des Européens pas forcément habitués aux sous-entendus. En dehors de quelques incohérences de traduction, ça peut être une technique pour valoriser le spectateur qui se sent obligé de réfléchir plus vite que les épisodes (comme dans les thrillers de qualité), mais ça peut aussi décourager pas mal de spectateurs.
Il faut quand même comprendre un peu comment marche le base-ball aussi mais c'est amusant de se documenter. Un très bon moment à ne pas manquer !

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Srta Jane
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 26, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
Esse foi um drama que estava ansiosa para assistir desde li a sinopse e vi as primeiras notícias sobre ele aqui na VD, mas como estava vendo uma quantidade imensa de dramas ao mesmo tempo em Dezembro, preferi deixar para ele para depois e acho que foi uma ótima escolha de timing, porque ele me salvou de uma imensa maré de azar.

Alguém deve ter me visto comentar por ai, que Janeiro foi um mês muito complicado na minha vida doramática. Parecia que nunca ia conseguir encontrar um drama que me agradasse para assistir, e olha que tentei muitos que estavam na minha listinha, mas infelizmente não conseguia "sobreviver" aos primeiros episódios deles por nº motivos.

No entanto, quando estava prestes a desistir dessa complicada procura, Stove League apareceu mais uma vez na minha frente e devo dizer que foi uma grata surpresa.

Me apaixonei desde o primeiro episódio e quando me dei conta, já tinha assistido todos os episódios lançados até aquele momento e entrei naquele clubinho dos que esperam ansiosamente a legenda sair.

Portanto, vou terminar essa introdução agradecendo imensamente por esse drama existir kkk.

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Um drama já começa bem pra mim quando: além de achar a história muito interessante e os personagens muito legais, mal consigo esperar para ver o que irá acontecer a seguir.

Por isso, em termos de ritmo essa história se manteve muito boa durante todos os episódios, sem cair na mesmice ou reduzir meu interesse no meio do caminho.

E olha que isso tem se tornado cada vez mais raro de acontecer comigo, já perdi as contas que quantos dramas começaram bem e depois acabaram perdendo o sentido, reduzindo assim o meu interesse de continuar drasticamente, embora o abandono ainda seja raro no meu vocabulário.

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A temática de esportes sempre foi uma das minhas queridinhas, mas embora eu já tenha assistido muitos filmes desse gênero, não encontrei muitos dramas que tivessem esse foco específico, o que é uma pena!

Tem algo nos esportes que me cativa, talvez seja essa mensagem de superação pessoal que eles conseguem transmitir, algo que você alcança não só com talento, mas com muito esforço e dedicação contínuos.

E embora esse drama não tenha nos entregado muitas cenas do time de basebol jogando, conseguiu passar muito bem essa mensagem, através de todo o esforço que a equipe técnica teve para conseguir melhorar o time e resgatar sua péssima reputação com os fãs.

Esse era o principal foco do drama, e foi sem dúvidas muito interessante ver as coisas que acontecem "por trás das câmeras" em um time de basebol, os detalhes técnicos e como toda a equipe se esforçava para transformar o Dreams em algo melhor.

Sobre o enredo e o roteiro preciso dizer que a história foi muito bem contada, não existiram eventos sem sentido ou jogados por ai, e nada foi deixado de lado sem explicação. Os personagens em geral foram muito bem desenvolvidos e ganharam o destaque que mereciam. Tive a sensação de que mesmo os personagens de apoio tinham um motivo de estar ali.

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Antes de falar do protagonista, quero falar sobre esses dois maravilhosos personagens que me encantaram: a Lee Se-Yeong e o Han Jae-Hu.

A personagem: Lee Se-Yeong é a líder de equipe de operações do Dreams, ela é a primeira mulher a liderar uma equipe de operações de beisebol profissional.

Ela é exatamente o tipo de personagem feminina que mais gosto de ver, isto é, uma mulher com uma personalidade muito forte e determinada que demostra a todo momento como ama sua profissão.

Gostei muito de ver como ela sabia lidar muito bem: com o temperamento frio do protagonista, com jogadores e o restante da equipe também.

Já o Han Jae-Hu é aquele menino fofíssimo que te faz amar desde o primeiro momento. Tem toda uma controvérsia por trás de sua contratação para a equipe de operações do time, por causa daquela velha história de conexões, mas o mais interessante de tudo isso é ver que ele soube contornar muito bem o preconceito inicial que a equipe tinha sobre ele.

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Preciso dizer que as atuações dos atores nesse drama estavam muito boas, não tenho do que reclamar. É "chover no molhado" dizer que o Namgung Min atuou muito bem em Stove League!

Afinal, esse monumento de homem sempre consegue a proeza de me fazer gostar de sua atuação e ficar cada vez mais apaixonada por ele mesmo que eu não goste do dorama em si. Por isso mesmo que ele está lá naquele meu rol de oppas que tem um lugar especial no meu coração de fã.

Voltando ao assunto, o protagonista Baek Seung-Soo foi um show a parte nesse Kdrama, eu amava seu jeito meio cínico e antissocial no trabalho, sua personalidade responsável e ao mesmo tempo super protetora com as pessoas que ele gosta, sua garra e determinação para transformar o time em algo melhor, e como ele mesmo diz: "faço o que for preciso, mas nunca venderei minha alma".

Além de ter toda uma filosofia sobre: "não trabalho com humanistas".

É sempre muito bom ver alguém com coragem o suficiente para pegar um time que está na lanterna do campeonato com o objetivo de transformá-lo em um time campeão e é justamente essa a proposta inicial do nosso querido protagonista.

Logo nos primeiros episódios, já conseguimos ver como ele demostra sua competência para com o Dreams, mesmo que não o basebol esteja fora de sua zona de conforto. Isso mesmo, ele foi contratado como gerente geral de um time de basebol, mesmo sem saber de todos os intermináveis detalhes técnicos sobre o esporte.

Mas, ficou evidente que sem dúvidas ele tinha muita experiência com o cargo de gerente-geral, pois que todos os times que pegou para gerenciar se tornaram campeões.

Seu currículo era muito diversificado, já que antes de trabalhar com basebol ele gerenciou esportes totalmente diferentes como: handebol, hoquei no gelo, luta profissional coreana.

E é nesse ponto que eu gostaria de chegar: fiquei muito curiosa e intrigada sobre o passado do protagonista, já que desde a sua apresentação, sabemos que ele conseguiu transformar times fracassados em campeões em pouco tempo.

No entanto, por algum motivo que desconhecemos, logo depois todas as equipes que ele trabalhou eram dissolvidas, mas não vou contar o motivo para não soltar spoilers aqui.

A postura inicial dele foi totalmente diferente do que as pessoas esperavam. Ele já chegou fazendo todo tipo de mudança no time, trocando jogadores, expondo pessoas corruptas e demitindo funcionários incompetentes.

Além disso, preciso dizer que todos os embates que ele tinha com a equipe e com Kwon Kyung-Min, me deixavam estranhamente animada e empolgada e por quê?

A razão desse sentimento é que não eram discussões sem motivo, ele se mostrava sempre tão inteligente e nunca modificava nada sem uma razão específica.

Se eu pudesse resumir tudo isso em uma frase certamente diria que: Era como se ele estivesse jogando uma partida de xadrez, onde cada alteração no sistema do Dreams era o movimento de uma peça específica.

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Vou aproveitar que citei o diretor executivo do Dreams ,Kwon Kyung-Min, no tópico anterior para falar sobre ele aqui.

Tenho que dizer que ele era aquele tipo de personagem que me fazia sentir uma vontade incontrolável de bater nele.

Demorei um bom tempo para conseguir entender o que estava por trás das ações desse indivíduo, já que embora ele tenha contratado o Baek Seung-Soo para tornar o Dreams um time campeão todas as suas atitudes sempre iam na contramão disso.

A medida que a história avançava, comecei a pensar que ele era como: "um inimigo que morava ao lado", já que parecia que ele nunca gostou de basebol e que seu único objetivo de vida era: implodir o time, até que não restasse mais nada kkk?

É evidente que no final da história descobri o porquê de tudo isso e naquele momento percebi que na verdade, ele não passava de um pobre coitado que se sentia acoado e vulnerável diante de seu rico e inescrupuloso avó: Chairman Kwon Il-Do. Mas vocês descobrirão tudo isso assistindo, não vou me aprofundar nesse ponto...

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->?️ <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

Para finalizar preciso dizer que gostei muito do final da história e que esse foi um drama que me deu uma imensa dor no coração por ter terminado, é um daqueles dramas para ser apreciado e por isso mereceu toda a panfletagem que fiz nessa resenha.E ai ta esperando o que para ver essa maravilha de Kdrama? Assiste lá, depois volta aqui para me contar como foi sua experiência doramática.

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 4, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.5
This review may contain spoilers
I'm finally finish it and strangely without skip a little bit. Usual sport drama usually focused more on the player as main lead and we will watching him growth in the drama. This drama is about newly appointed general manager of baseball team (who knows nothing about baseball) to 'manage' Dreams team that always rank bottom in few season consecutively.

For a drama focused on sport it has different plot with usual sport drama, instead the drama give us another point of view--> internal management of a sport club : GM, operational , marketing , scout , and analysis department. I know literally NOTHING about baseball but this give me new knowledge enough about a sports club such as scouting, trading player, contract negotiation, match analysis.

This is my first time watching Nam Gong Min as Lead character and i enjoyed his stone-stoic-flat character and the lead female too. last episode definitely my favorite, and i was so happy watching Lee Je hon as cameo there, he is something.This drama maybe not flawless but overall I enjoy it

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i watch too many dramas
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 8.0

This show is NOT: A romance drama. And NOT: A baseball drama.

Why not a baseball drama? Well... It's about the time between seasons, so there can't be any games played. We actually see only bits of a game at the start and pieces of two practice games. That's all.
This drama is more about the politics and management side of professional baseball in South Korea. If you are not a fan of strategic machinations and emotional development of characters, you might want to give this show a miss.

I liked that the drama does not insult its audience's intelligence. It does not spell out every little thing, it does not repeat the same information endlessly, and there are several times when little throwaway comments or actions make an impact in later episodes. This is not a drama to watch while doing other things.

I especially liked how realistic the actions of (almost) every character was. In systemic coaching (which I'm starting to learn for professional reasons), two of the main theses are: "Every person's actions make sense for that one person within the current situation, always." and "Every decision has a prize and a price."
Even if some things are only hinted at, or not fully explained, there's this feeling that every character has their own motivation for their decisions. There is no pure good or evil, just people.
The actors did a terrific job in bringing their characters to life.

I'm also glad that the writer did not try to force a romance into the plot. The dynamics between the two main characters were of the profesional sort, maybe with a hint of a possible friendship, but nothing more.

And one last thing I loved is the ending. This is not a 100% happy, team-spirit-has-overcome-everything ending, but an ending which rather shows that even though you might have grown, things will probably not work out like you would have wanted them to. For me, that was absolutely satisfying.

[this is an updated version of the review I posted on Viki]

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Miss Chanandler Bong
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 3, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 5.5

There’s a reason it won Baeksang best tv drama award

Talent is everywhere,winning attitude is not.
This drama depicts this quote in 16 wholesome episodes.
So happy to see Park Euin Bin after age of youth.
Story- Initial episodes show how savage our new manager Baek is . It keeps getting interesting as every ep passes by . You will connect with each and every player of Dreams . With a good pace gives closure for every character by the end. No, you wont get bored at any point in the drama . I had zero knowledge about baseball and it didn’t make any difference in my experience for this ride.
Try 1 ep and you’ll get hooked to it.

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 1, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

An unusual twist on sports genre

This show looks like an ordinary show about sports, but this is more than about a sport, its about teams and the behind the scenes of a successful sports club.
The writers have done such a phenomenal job on every character. Each have thier time to shine, thier own story and have thier reasons for everything. By the end of the show you'll love each one of the characters. I'll miss all of them so much!
The whole show is very enjoyable with unexpected twists and turns never a dull moment. You wont be able to really take your mind off the storyline!
The actors have done a great job too! Namgoong min is one of my favourite actors, I love how he switches up alot of roles and does such unique dramas. I also loved watching park eun bin who was also there in age of youth that I very much enjoyed watching! All the actors were remarkable and I'd support all of them in the future :)
I also loved how so many problems in the society are highlighted be it psychological or even physical discrimination, in such a subtle way.
The way the team works and thier motivated and pumped up attitudes are so nice to see. It's so nice to see how the team builds up from the ground level of mess to one of the best teams.

Truly refreshing show that shows a whole new perspective on a sports teams.

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My Liberation Notes
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 21, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
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Perseverance is the secret of all triumphs. Nam as usual overwhelmed with his perseverance but mainly with his ability to see and understand that nothing replaces one’s persistence. One can be talented, a genius, educated, even rich but none of that matters without believing. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

And we saw time and time again Nam stay persistent and determined not only to make the Dreams into a winning team but one that valued the person standing next to them as there is no “I” in “team”. I struggled to understand PF's analogy in not taking Nam on as the general manager (if you haven't watched this drama you will understand what I mean once you do) but took it for what it was – a negotiating compromise to a winning situation – a happy home for the Dreams. It was good to see the CEO despite their (his and Nam's) differences finally have the courage to stand up to his uncle and realize he is nothing without his ideals and in the process gained a friend. Love that the episode was light and fun mingled with a bit of sadness but goodbyes are always sad.

I loved this show, the writer, director, cast, Kang Du Ki (my hero) and Nam, always Nam for showing us week in and week out that patience and insistence have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. That’s what dreams are made of, persistence and determination. With that in mind, I resolve to keep my dream of a season 2 alive, the ending surely left it open to interpretation.

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jun 8, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
Wow! This drama... I am honestly at loss for words how this drama gave me such unexpected feelings! I also learned a lot about baseball and how it's managed. However, it doesn't only revolve in baseball at all. It tackles baseball POLITICS which you don't likely see in a drama.

The plot is so unique and refreshing! From the beginning, knowing that Dreams has been a team that lost many times, it feels like it was hopeless for the team to rise up again, until, newly hired general manager Baek Seung Soo, came into the picture. I couldn't help but admire this man. He was calm, smart, and was very witty. I couldn't help but agree to him with every decision he has made because it was all backed up by facts and evidence. I would also like to applaud for his colleagues, Se Young and Jae Hee are the purest and lovable characters and they're the people who actually worked hard in order to achieve their dreams. I definitely loved how the characters and the plot blended so much. There was such a balance between, the pure and genuine characters, and the corrupt and money-hungry characters. I really loved the execution and the flow of how Dreams started as a team that seems disbanded until they were brought together as one.

I have no words for the acting. Honestly, I can't say anything about Namgoong Min because, from the beginning, I knew he'd deliver it well. He exceeded my expectations!! His character was very complex and mysterious from the beginning 'til the end of the drama and that's why he was very memorable and iconic. There were glimpses of Seung Soo's past, to give us an idea of why he has such a cold aura. I would also like to emphasize on Park Eun Bin. This is my first drama of her and I am so happy with her character and how she delivered Se Young. Se Young is someone bright, cheerful, smart, and very hard-working. I literally had no hard feelings for her character while watching and I loved how she blended with Seung Soo and didn't just treat him as her boss but as her friend as well. Jo Byeong Gu was very fun to watch! Seeing him in such a mature role made me root for him to do more roles like this because he can actually portray diverse roles! Let me mention the supporting cast. They were great! I really loved rooting for them to be better in every episode. Oh Jung Se as the CEO was great. I used to see him in dramas with comedic roles, but seeing him in such a serious role in this drama and executing it well, says a lot about how great his acting skills are.

The OST was great. I really love hearing Kim Dong Hyeok's "Full Power" in every end credits and it just gives off the vibe of how strong the drama is and because of the OST, you'll root for more when it comes to the next eps.

Overall, the storyline was very refreshing and the acting was brilliant. The OST was very empowering. The whole drama felt so warm and encouraging for each and every one of us to be better and reach our dreams. I've learned so much in this drama and one of them is that success wouldn't be achieved if you're alone. This drama will make you be part of something that you'll actually root for by seeing through their hardships and seeing the people who work behind the baseball team. This drama deserved everything to win the Best Drama for Baeksang Awards!

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 13, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 9.0

I guess I understand why it became the best drama.

I got interested to this drama because I love baseball, and I never watched any baseball-related dramas. I tried to give it a try since it won an award. I tried to be chill while watching it but I just couldn't! haha. I love the acting (I'm not really familiar with the actors, I even thought the players were the real baseball players lol). I love how every character has their own story and their own reason to do such things, not only being overshadowed by the main character. I also like the story line, the character development, the conflicts, it always got me on nerve whenever the problems came, I mean, why it'd be so hard for the general manager to make the team win????? hahaha.

I learned a lot from this drama. I guess I can take some lessons from every character in this drama lol. It really out of my expectation, so cheers to the final 9/10 ratings from me!

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 1, 2024
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

An Epic Series About Political and Business Corruption In Korean Baseball!!!

When I first got into K-dramas about four years ago, my first series was “Descendants of the Sun.” For me, it was like finding a gem after some lackluster TV series in the West. But, I thought that I was only lucky once. Then another series came along, and then another. To this day, I’m still amazed at how finding one “gem” has led to an entire treasure trove!

Hot Stove League is a brilliant series about the interworking of a Korean Professional Baseball team, the Dreams. In the first episode, we find out that this team is terrible in nearly every facet of the game, aside from having one of the top hitters in the league. We also find out that, despite the terrible years of being “cellar-dwellers” the team continues to have a genuine following with its fans. In other words, no bandwagon fans here!

It doesn’t take long for us to realize that there is corruption at the top and throughout the team, whose owners are hellbent on gutting the team from within with the hopes of either selling or disbanding the team. Teams in Korea are owned by corporations. There have been many instances of this type of corruption within American sports teams as well. Donald Sterling (previous owner of the Los Angeles Clippers) routinely traded away any good, viable players. Publicly, he stated, “I only care about making money.”

Enter Baek Seung Soo (beautifully played by Namkoong Min) as the team’s newest GM. He has no experience in baseball at all, but he’s put together championship wrestling teams, hockey teams, and handball teams which won Olympic medals. Clearly, one of the representing owners of the team, Kwon Kyung Min (played by one of the best Korean actors in Oh Jung Se) is hoping that Baek Seung Soo will be a puppet GM who has new clue about what to do. He’s quickly proven wrong, and to everyone’s wonder, Baek Seung Soo quickly begins to right the sinking ship!

Baek Seung Soo has to deal with corruption within his own people, a corrupt scouting manager, and a slugger in Im Dong Gyu, who believes himself to be untouchable and can treat everyone around him with violent disdain.

Baek Seung Soo’s first task is to gain the support of his staff, many of whom are already scratching their heads regarding his hiring. The most charming and hard-working of the group is Lee Se Young (played by the ineffable Eun Bin Park!) and her tenacious assistant, Han Jae Hee.

Baek Seung Soo is a man who cares very little about what people think about him, and yet, he shows off his brilliance like a grandmaster chess player. He also always seems to know exactly what is going on within the staff, the organization, and the players. He’s calm but incredibly efficient, despite his lack of personal tact. He doesn’t engage in pleasantries or anything at all that may seem superficial. In short, he’s confident enough in himself to simply be himself. From other people’s point of view, he comes across as rude and insufferable, which quite frankly, adds to his charm and appeal. We rarely ever see him lose control of his emotions. He reminded me a lot of Mr. Spock from Star Trek; a man displaying wisdom well beyond his years. He may be new to the sport of baseball, but when it comes to playing the political and business game, he’s more than a match of his adversaries.

As with so many K-dramas, the show presents a heartfelt message on the back of an engaging and provocative show. It’s about people who need to learn how to speak up and stand up for themselves, and not worry so much about the consequences of their actions. There is real strength in numbers, and in a culture that is highly competitive, and where “underlings” are expected to bow and obey every order without comment or complaint, the series demonstrates that this is not the way to behave or conduct business. It demonstrates that money isn’t everything and that those who have it are quite often the most miserable people around.

This series has a top-notch cast which cannot be showered with enough accolades! Oh Jung Se (whom I first saw in “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”), plays the complex, villainous role of Kwon Kyung Min like a master of his craft. We get subtle hints, that despite his pettiness, there is something else going on, and of course, Eun Bin Park is a young woman who can easily do any role that is handed to her, even capturing the funniest line of the series! Namkoong Min, whom I’ve only seen once so far in “Awaken” is nothing short of sublime.

The series reminded me a little of “Misaeng” in which we are given a glimpse into the Korean corporate baseball world and perhaps see that, despite the culture, there isn’t that much difference between East and West when it comes to depraved depths that people will go for money. Indeed, in today’s world, money is threatening to bury all that we love and hold dear about professional sports and why fans love them.

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jul 16, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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they made me want to dream

What a journey. It was amazing. It unexpectedly made me emotional and kind of teary-eyed. You know that feeling when something so amazing happens it feels like you could fly. Just like the name of the team "Dreams" it made me feel that again. Not just that, but the plot, execution, acting, writing, cinematography and OST were so well done. It was just perfect. You might think, "what a baseball drama??" and even without romance (damn there was no needed and I seriously did not wish for one), it was better than most of your "most popular" dramas. Even though this series is quite underrated in the international fanbase, it did quite well in korea, which I am so glad for. It deserves to be recognised. For anyone hesitating: DO NOT!

First off I'd like to say that this is one of the very few (maybe even the only one) dramas that I started watching when it was still ongoing and I finished it. I knew even before I clicked on the first episode that I would love this. But this exceeded my expectations and I couldn't asked for more.
It is not you typical kdrama, you can figure that out from the synopsis anyways, but it was a lot more emotional and idealistic than I'd expected. It was a perfect mix between logical, business-minded plot, but then they serve you a feast of idealistic mindsets and emotional reasoning. Just like how Baek Seung Soo structured his last presentation. It was beautiful. They are not just people that sell, buy and trade players. I don't like serious dramas that much, especially the ones that are some dramatic that I don't know what to feel anymore. But even though this was kind of serious, it had just the right amount of humour and hype without making it loose it's "flare".
Seeing the whole managing team develop from being moody, tired, miserable and hopeless to inspired, motivated and friendly, was so satisfying. The way Baek Seung Soo won every single one of them over slowly but surely. But let's talk about Baek Seung Soo. What a man. Nam Goong Min perfectly portrayed him, or even made him (!). He is a genius of few words, someone who works hard, but never brags or talks about it. Someone who is responsible and knows how to analyse data and work with it. He just knows how people work. But he wasn't perfect, and he changed for the better just like he changed Dreams. The subtle savageness of him, I will never forget. I have to say, I enjoyed Mr. Kwon's character a lot. He showed a lot of character development and the chemistry between him and Baek Seung Soo was so nice. I loved their small quarrels! (It was so cool to see that he and BSS are still "friends" after he resigned). Also, damn was that satisfying seeing him putting his uncle and cousin back to their places.
I don't think they could've chosen a better name for the team "Dreams" it sounds so grand and beautiful. They definitely made me feel that way. They went from being a hopeless team, to be a team of "Dreams". Even the word "Team" and "Dreams" sound similar, but I think I am interpreting too much here.
Even though they left me with a bittersweet feeling, because Baek Seung Soo couldn't stay with them, I am so okay with the fact that his "image" of bringing a team to victory and leaves, stays. Even if this image is sad, I can imagine him conquering another sports team.
Lee Jae Hoon's cameo was such a hype moment and boy it lasted for long! I loved that he played a quite important role and ugh I loved it.
Damn I am left so empty but satisfied, I think I might just rewatch it right now!

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