A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 20, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 5.5

Me encantó pese a no verlo en el momento correcto

Mi problema con este drama es que a pesar de tener todo lo que me podría gustar, se me hizo tedioso y terminé bastante en terminarlo. Siento que no lo vi en el momento correcto o quizás por estar esperando a que Netflix lo emitiera. Pero no por ello lo voy a menospreciar porque ya es algo personal. Forecasting Love and Weather en verdad me ha encantado tanto su trama, los personajes y su evolución. Me ha gustado como ha tratada los temas principales: El matrimonio y el amor. Lo que sucede al enlazarnos con una persona. Contando así varias versiones de esta y agregando el punto de vista de la sociedad. Porque por culpa de ella normalizamos cosas que luego ni siquiera sabemos qué tiene eso de malo.

Nos encontramos con historias tan diferentes y tan bien tratadas. Con una evolución bastante buena. Una cosa que se ha merecido mi respeto por este drama es que te incita a que casarse no es la meta en la vida sino, disfrutarla y ya ahí tomar la decisión que veas correcta para aplicarla a tu vida.

Vemos ese lado de el qué dirán, la familia, estatus, etcétera. Básicamente: La sociedad.

La madre de la protagonista está completamente entregada a encontrar un marido a su hija pequeña tras la cancelación de su boda. Esta tan empeñada que en vez de encontrarle marido acaba perdiendo la confianza de su hija. Porque nadie debe interponerse en una relación, da igual quién sea esa persona y menos exigirle qué prototipo debe buscar.

Según la sociedad es una vergüenza que a cierta edad no hayas cumplido lo que todo el mundo espera. Es un protocolo que pocas personas se saltan y así es como han normalizado y visto tan raro que no hayan cumplido este orden. Son tan curiosos e incluso quieren saber el estatus de la persona, edad, familia. Sacando todos los temas posibles sobre su vida privada y ya ahí calificar a las personas según vean correcto. Por eso me ha gustado todavía más porque en ningún momento lo han normalizado.

Tengo que mencionar que la historia de dos personajes me ha encantado su evolución pese que al principio no me importaban en absoluto. Se me ha hecho súper bonito y un claro ejemplo de lo que es amar realmente.

Me ha gustado mucho como han relacionado el amor y la vida misma, con el clima. Explicando ciertos sucesos que ocurren con los cambios climáticos. Porque así es realmente la vida.

La estética de este drama la he sentido muy bonita. Es una historia tan tranquila para verla mientras tomas algo. Y a veces este tipo de dramas se te hace muy reconfortante.

Mi puntuación es 9,5/10

La única pega que quizás le pongo y ya es SPOILER: No me ha gustado que perdone al padre solo porque tiene cáncer. Es decir, le ha robado, le ha tratado fatal. Podrían haber hecho algo mejor para mantener esa relación. Siento que fue puro relleno para ponerle historia al protagonista o una excusa, pero bueno, he visto casos peores. Así que como la trama no va de esto voy a dejarlo pasar.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 23, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 5.0
Historia 4.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 4.5
Volver a ver 1.0

Si puedes elegir otra serie… hazlo

La serie promete al principio, pero poco a poco se va convirtiendo en un sinsentido más largo que un día sin pan.

Entiendo que es ficción, pero hay escenas que son demasiado telenoveleras y que, sinceramente, no entiendo qué hacen en la trama; sobre todo en los capítulos finales.

De hecho, la trama tampoco es nada del otro jueves. Entiendo que es una serie sobre relaciones humanas, pero creo que todo lo que se dice en la serie se podía haber contado con cinco capítulos menos. Y con menos explicaciones de meteorología que, a ver, como punto diferente de este drama respecto a otros es interesante, pero hasta un punto.

Y, por favor, basta ya de abusar del recurso del flashback. He visto la escena hace dos minutos, NO es necesario repetirla. De verdad, no. La recuerdo, lo prometo.

Grandes actores, pero poco que salvar. Una pena.

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Valentina Ortiz
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 8, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
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Global 8.5
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Amo las historias bien contadas

Estoy horrorizada con las criticas negativas que hay para esta serie, no puedo entender, porque. Es una comedia romántica, pasan cosas crueles y la forma de contar las historias son generalmente exageradas.
Están ofendid@s porque es imposible perdonar al que te fue infiel? Claro que es posible, si realmente asumes que cuando esas cosas pasan tienes algo de responsabilidad y si, también es posible ser amiga de tu ex, si lograste cerrar bien esa relación. Especialmente porque estuvieron juntos 10 años.
Tu papá puede ser una mierda, pero ante una emergencia, ahí esta uno cuidándolo, tú no eres la mala persona.
Tu mama puede ser muy fastidiosa, con temas que para ti son del siglo pasado, la persona que su mama sea un angel, felicidades. Esta señora es muy buena actriz, y por eso la ame, lo hace tan bien que la odie, jajaja. Igual al final se dio cuenta de lo mal que estaba haciéndolo, hubo un crecimiento, una reflexión.
Me encanto el personaje de Song Kang, el más joven de la relación, pero al igual tan maduro con lo que siente y leal a si mismo. Sus reflexiones personales y sus análisis del tiempo eran casi siempre tan acertadas y maduras.
Yo soy de las personas que disfruto mucho ver cómo los personajes crecen, ver que hay un desarrollo y en esta historia la mayoría de ellos son desarrollados.
Los EXS, por supuesto que les tenia idea a los dos, fueron infieles, no cerraron adecuadamente sus relaciones anteriores, y aqui mostraron esos problemas todo el tiempo, su inmadurez, su apego a lo que tenían antes, la necesidad de comparar todo el tiempo. Durante toda la serie se la vieron bien difícil siendo los recién casados. Creo que mostraron suficiente karma para ser una comedia romántica. Cómo maduraron? De la mejor manera que existe en esta vida, convirtiéndose en padres. No les parece lindo que los EXS en vez de ser los malos y los enemigos de los protagonistas, sean algo mejor?
No sentí forzada la forma de contar la historia a través del clima, me sonaba muy lógico para el ambiente de la serie.
Podría seguir hablando de cada personaje y su rol en la serie, ya que cada uno tenia su historia con sus problemas y vicisitudes. Y es que de eso se trataba esta serie, asi que, a todos los haters, sorry, me encanto.
Porque no doy en 10, por ser quisquillosa, porque el 10 para mi son las series que volvería ver si o si. Y esta no lo es. Y si comparo con las otras series de estos protagonistas, hay mejores.
Al que me lleyó, muchas gracias.

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Mary Gonzalez
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 10, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.5
Historia 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

SPOILERS * resumen y puntos de vista*

Llevaba mucho tiempo esperando este drama, PMY es de mis actrices favoritas y SK está mejorando mucho.
Este drama no fue nada de lo que me esperaba. Y un punto importante, ¡¡¡si algo aprendí con este drama es que la meteorología no es fácil, no voy a volver a insultar a los del clima cada vez que les fallen las predicciones!!!!
No es un mal drama, pero tampoco es de los mejores, creo que ambos actores tienen mejores trabajos que éste.
Podríamos decir como resumen que la serie trata muchas relaciones en distintos puntos de vista, cada uno de los compañeros de trabajo tendrán su propia relación a resolver y en general las historias están bien planteadas, son cortas pero para mi, bien desarrolladas.

Para resumir, tenemos a:
- nuestra FL (Ha Kyung - HK) es una mujer inteligente, seria y dedicada casi al 100 % a su trabajo,
- el ML (Si Woo - SW) por otra parte es unos cuantos años más joven que ella y es un alma libre y despreocupada, honesto y como diríamos en mi país "con poco filtro", que tiene la desgracia de cargar con una padre de mierda.

El primer capitulo empieza cuando a dos semanas de su boda HK se entera de la infidelidad por parte de su prometido de 10 años, vamos a aclarar que justamente la engaña (en su propia cama) con la chica con la que el SW estaba saliendo. HK cancela los planes de boda y todos en su lugar de trabajo terminan enterándose (pues los 4 trabajan en el mismo edificio, aunque diferentes áreas).
Los primeros capítulos avanzan bien y son interesantes de ver, terminan bebiendo juntos mientras hablan de sus experiencias con sus ex's y terminan durmiendo juntos, acuerdan seguir como simples compañeros de trabajo, pues ella no quería volver a salir con un colega, se van conociendo, él la anima y la ayuda a superar la ruptura.
Un tiempo después, deciden empezar a salir, pero HK pone la condición que ninguno de sus compañeros de trabajo debería enterarse, de lo contrario, romperían. En resumen no duran mucho tiempo, HK sigue teniendo sus inseguridades, y lo sigue comparando con su ex, SW tiene sus problemas familiares y prefiere romper a hacer que ella tenga que lidiar con padre. El resto de la serie, va a ser un idas y vueltas hasta los últimos 5 minutos del último capítulo en el que deciden volver a estar juntos.

- Los dos protagonistas en realidad hablan de sus problemas, los plantean abiertamente y les intentan dar solución
- Los compañeros de trabajo tienen sus propios problemas con sus relaciones, y al menos para mi estan bien planteadas y no roban demasiado tiempo de la pareja principal.
- Aprendí muchísimo de la meteorología, al menos en el aspecto de su trabajo, se notó hubo mucha investigación

- Empezando con las cosas mas pequeñas, HK no tiene un desarrollo profundo durante la serie, es más un medio para que la historia continúe, tenía un pasado interesante con ella de niña encontrando el cadáver de su padre después de su suicidio, y es un tema que casi no se toca. No tiene una evolución después de sus rupturas, sigue casi en la misma. SW tampoco evoluciona enormemente, pero sus situaciones se resuelven más.
1. LOS PADRES: Aclaro que los padres de ambos protagonistas me molestan. La madre de HK me parece sumamente entrometida y amargada, quiere casar a la hija a toda costa, le organiza citas a ciegas y casamenteras, aun después de que HK le dijo que se detuviese porque no estaba interesada, se entromete en su departamento (entra y revisa sus cosas) y en sus relaciones, lo primero que le preocupa es a que se dedica su pareja, cuanto dinero gana, y que hacen sus padres (y si bien puedo entender la preocupación me parece desubicado).
El padre de SW es aun peor, al parecer su madre murió cuando él era muy joven, y su padre lo único que hizo durante toda su vida, fue apostar, fumar, emborracharse y andar con pr*stitutas, lo dejaba a él en las puertas de los moteles y cosas así. Cuando SW crece y consigue un trabajo, lo único que hace es llamarlo para demandarle dinero y aprovecharse, persigue a sus parejas e intenta extorsionarlas, se mete en su lugar de trabajo y hace un escandalo, él hijo tuvo un accidente y a él solo le preocupaba cuanto dinero podía sacarles de seguro. En fin es una padre de mierda en todos los sentidos, y SW lo resintió toda la vida (y no lo culpo). Mi problema viene al final de la serie cuando descubren que el padre tiene un cáncer terminal y hacen como si SW tuviese que dejar todo su sufrimiento y maltrato pasado de lado, perdonarlo al padre y cuidarlo. Lo siento pero a mi esas cosas no me van.
2. SUS EX'S: el segundo punto viene a sus ex's, lo siento pero ambos son basura y terminan casi mejor que los protagonistas, cual es el mensaje?? Me pasé toda la serie esperando cuando llegaría el karma para ellos y nunca lo hizo! Él (Ki Joon) la engaña y le dice que fue su culpa porque supuestamente no le prestaba tanta atención. Por su parte la ex de SW (Yoo Jin), que en mis libros creo que también lo engaña, rompe con él porque quería un matrimonio con un hombre serio, con más dinero y estabilidad.
En resumen, KJ me molesta más que YJ, es un idiota inmaduro. Resulta que él no tenía tanto dinero como aparentaba, el apartamento donde vivía era pagado en casi su totalidad por HK asi que a él no le correspondía mucho, sus trabajos más importantes habían sido escritos con ayuda de HK, había vendido cosas del apartamento para hacer dinero y luego los reemplazaba con versiones más baratas, etc. Cuando se entera que HK había empezado a salir con SW hace un escandalo, empieza a ignorar a su nueva esposa y a seguirlos a escondidas para espiarlos, empieza a hacerle planteos a HK e incluso inicia una pelea en su lugar de trabajo. Luego cuando se entera que YJ había estado de novia y vivido con SW hace más escandalo, casi tratándola de p*ta. Desde mi punto de vista nunca tiene un completo arco de redención, simplemente se disculpó una vez como quien no quiere la cosa.
Con respecto a YJ aunque no me cae bien, tampoco me desagrada, llegué a entenderla un poco más a medida que avanzó la serie. Es joven pero realista de la situación económica y exigencias de su país, deja a SW porque él no quería casarse, y ella deseaba establecerse, casarse y tener una vida más estable económicamente que era lo que KJ prometía. Luego vendrán los problemas cuando se descubra que él no tenía mucho más dinero que ella, pero lo afronta e intenta hacer funcionar su matrimonio aun con las dificultades económicas. Intenta hablar y plantear sus problemas con KJ pero él es bastante inmaduro en su forma de afrontar las cosas. Ella terminó con SW y casi no volvió a tener contacto, enfocándose en su matrimonio, y a pesar de eso, cuando SW tuvo un accidente, ella fue quien lo acompañó al hospital, me llegó a caer mejor como persona que KJ.

EN FIN REITERO MIS PALABRAS, NO ES UN MAL DRAMA, PERO TAMPOCO ME PARECE BUENO, es para verlo sin esperar mucho a cambio, pasar el rato sin más.

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A 145 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 28
Global 5.5
Historia 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Forecasting Happy Cheating SML and SFL Couple and Struggling ML and FL Relationship

WTF did I just watch?

I watched this only because it was something to watch weekly over the weekend and I did like it at the beginning until I just didn't like it the more it dragged on. I continued to watch it hoping for more "falling-in-love moments" between the ML and the FL but instead, they just fell apart only to get together in the last episode. Even their "happy" moments were overshadowed by the jealous SML.

So major spoilers ahead:

To recap, the FL starts off engaged to the SML. They've been together for 10 years. After the FL's family and herself start finding out that he doesn't go through on putting deposits down for the wedding venue and other bookings, the FL literally catches him in the act in their own bed in their shared apartment with another woman, the SFL. Keep in mind that the FL, SML, and SFL all work in the same building.

Now the SFL was also in a relationship with the ML and she was living with him before abruptly moving out and breaking up with the ML, leaving with no real explanation. Because of course, she cheated on him and left him for another man, the SML.

Later, the SML and SFL, in other words, the two cheating mofos get happily married.

The leftovers, ML and FL, end up meeting and as it turns out, the ML gets transferred to the FL's department. Now all of them work in the same building. So the FL becomes the boss of the ML. Of course, they eventually find out that their cheating exes are the happily married ones. Regardless, they get together after having a drunken one night stand.

Get all that?

Here are some dumb scenes I also hated:

-Okay, so the storyline is basically about FL and ML trying to hide their relationship from work only to get it exposed by the most unlikely character. Another co-worker basically exposes their relationship out loud in a busy cafeteria, which was completely out of character for this co-worker to do something like that. So tactless too. Who does that in a busy, crowded cafeteria? So dumbass. And by the time it's exposed that they're dating, they've actually broken up. So first they hide their relationship and then they hide their break-up.

-The SML and SFL trying to navigate married life. When the SML finds out his ex is dating his new wife's ex, there's all this stupid jealousy that goes on for naught.

-They romanticize the cheating couple who ended up married. Too much focus on their problems and their "happy" ending.

-When they wrote the FL's character becoming friends with her ex, I felt like it downplayed the hurt and betrayal she went through. Wayyyy too soon. Sure she was "strong" about it but that doesn't mean she still had to coddle her ex which she did, writing articles for him and listening to him. Where are her pride and dignity? They make the FL and the SML like best friends in the end. WTF. Whoever wrote this storyline has never been betrayed or dumped so ungraciously as the FL was and it was worse because they all worked in the same building so they ran into each other often. ANDDDD... (major spoiler), no woman in their right mind is going to listen to their ex's new baby's heartbeat so happily. W...T...F...

-At one point, the FL gets accosted by a senior male co-worker in front of everyone. He never apologizes for his blatant assault even though there were multiple witnesses. Blames everyone but himself. Is this a norm in Korean workplaces? Do women often get physically assaulted in their workplace by seniors who have the same position? If so, ugh. So disrespectful.

-The ML's father should've been in jail. But somehow, he doesn't go to jail later. Whatevs. Give the ML a happy relationship with his dad.

-The office gossip is so unprofessional. Nasty actually.

-I didn't care for any of the other characters' stories. Boring.

-What OST? Barely memorable.

Okay, I really had high hopes because I love Park Min Young and SK but I blame the writers. Sorry, but I won't be rewatching this nor do I recommend it. I actually liked the weather stuff in it but that's really all.

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A 23 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 28, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 4
Global 5.5
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Started well, but went downhill after that...

First few episodes had a good pace and lots happening. We see FL catching her fiancé having an affair, she calls off the wedding. But because they work in the same place, they still see each other. You get scenes where she’s telling him off for not only cheating on her, but scamming her for money as well!!

The ML also gets dumped by his gf, who happens to be the person who is having the affair with the FL’s ex fiancé! And guess what? The two cheaters actually get married!! Also in the first few episodes, the FL and ML have a fling, which eventually becomes a relationship.. which is great! However, after they get together, things seem to change in their relationship dynamics. You don’t see much chemistry or PDA or much development in their relationship. It gets quite dull and boring.

The exes are annoying as hell, after getting married they realise they are having problems, arguing a lot... and the most annoying thing is, when they argue, they run back to their exes (yes the FL and ML) for comfort and advice!! It’s beyond ridiculous. What kind of foursome dynamics is this???!!!

Sigh... this one had so much potential. Pretty disappointed with the how it’s turning out.. but will finish it since it’s only two episodes left. :(

Update: The last two episodes were boring unfortunately... :( and the ending hug and kiss from Song Kang and Park Min Young lacked any sort of chemistry or passion :(:( (sorry! )

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
A 67 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 12
Global 5.0
Historia 4.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 3.5
This review may contain spoilers

How Song Kang and Park Min Young’s Latest Drama Failed To Break The Ice…

Unsurprisingly from the suggestions given by its title-name, ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’ is one of the few K-dramas in recent memory to cover this subject field  of meteorology. With the additional talents of rising star  Song Kang ( Navillera’, ‘ Sweet Home’ and ‘ Love Alarm’) as well as  A-lister actress Park Min Young (  -‘Healer’, ‘ Her Private Life’ and ‘ What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?’), the sixteen-episode JTBC and Netflix series has gained popular attention for its intriguing plot premise and subject area.

Nevertheless aside from an interesting premise and an impressive cast line-up, it is hard to ignore that ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ has gained an onslaught of mixed-criticism due to its execution, lukewarm chemistry between potential love interests as well as certain screenwriting inconsistencies also.

The narrative is focused upon two polar opposite main leads; Lee Si-Woo (Song Kang) and Jin Ha-Kyung( Park Min Young). Lee Si Woo is a laidback yet prodigal meteorologist obsessed with weather patterns such as the consistency of air flow and sea fog. However, despite Lee Si-Woo’s dedication to his career, the same cannot be said about his relationship with his disengaged girlfriend Chae Yoo-jin (Girl’s Day’s Yura- ‘Secret Angel’, ‘ To The Beautiful You’ and  ‘ Radio Romance’).

Meanwhile at Seoul’s headquarters for Korean Meteorological Association, prudent and uptight deputy manager Jin Ha-Kyung, finds herself being caught in a maelstrom of anxiety and stress. An oncoming weather front has proven to be just as unpredictable as her approaching wedding day.

After Ha-Kyung discovers that her fiancé Han Ki-jun (Yoon Park- ‘ Introverted Boss’, ‘ Search’ and ‘ You Are My Spring’) has been having an affair behind her back, she is forced to call off the wedding.
Similarly Si-Woo is heartbroken when Yoo-Jin finally breaks up with him after becoming disinterested with their dates.

Yet after the storm, there is always a glimpse of sunshine and hope. As Ha-Kyung and Si-Woo attempt to juggle between their newfound situations and their careers, they soon find themselves growing closer to one another along the way.

The screenwriting for ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ was arguably one of the most unexpected collaborations in recent years. Kang Eun-kyung  (probably best known for her screenplays for productions such as as ‘ Bread, Love and Dreams’, ‘ Dr. Romantic’  and ‘ Where Stars Land’) worked together alongside lesser-known screenwriter Sun Young(    ‘Drama Special Season 3: Like a Miracle’) in order to write the screenplay for  ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’; a work which for all intents and purposes felt heavily domineered in style and creativity by Eun-Kyung.

Of course, it isn’t out of the question that a collaborated work can often reflect the style and characteristics of screenwriters. In particular due to the fact that Sun Young’s screenplays are respectfully limited ( and as a consequence it becomes harder to notice specific patterns), it does arguably stand to reason that Eun-Kyung’s writing quirks and traits were more noticeable than Sun Young’s.

On the other hand for those fairly familiar with Eun-Kyung’s style , then it is likely that most will notice that ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’ possessed similar flaws and strengths of the screenwriter’s previous projects; light-hearted angst filled with romantic bravado and bubbly setups, but heavily reliant upon screenwriting tropes and bombastic character archetypes. Similar to some of her aforementioned works, ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ felt as though it would often struggle to achieve a successfully consistent and lively tone, often disengaging viewers as a consequence.
This was particularly apparent with the narrative’s constantly changing focal points, especially during early episodes of the series. Rather than
focusing on a few concise points and keeping a level of consistency with the established tone and narrative, ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ often felt uncertain with its main topics.

For example, a drama seemingly established as a heartfelt romance between two mismatched individuals, would suddenly be subverted into a topic-heavy drama surrounding mapping and warning systems, before shifting again in a different scene in order to become a melodrama surrounding heartache, infidelity, breakups and heinous exes.
Despite some respectfully mixed responses surrounding the casting choices of Song Kang and Park Min-Young initially, both main leads offered fairly decent performances throughout.

On the other hand , it is hard to ignore that despite the talents of both main leads, Kang and Park’s onscreen chemistry was often lukewarm.

Admittedly this isn’t entirely the fault of the actors per say. As characters, Si-Woo and Ha-Kyung were often resorted to the equivalent of carte blanches; excuses by the screenwriters in order to be shoehorned into romantic setups, misunderstandings and seemingly allow the audience to root for them from beginning to end.

In particular, main female lead Ha-Kyung has often come under scrutiny by viewers for her impassivity. This is mainly due to the fact that despite being a character who is meticulous and flawed by her uptight nature, there were few opportunities to explore Ha-Kyung as an individual in her own right . Ha-Kyung had a lot of potential to grow or at least mature through her experiences. ( Such as her breakup or her tumultuous experiences with her ex-fiancé. )However rather than giving screen time for Ha-Kyung to be explored as a character and learning self-acceptance , Ha-Kyung was resorted to the equivalent of a plot asset; necessary for driving forwards the contrived love story at the heart of the show, but rarely being presented as a sentient heroine in between.

 Admittedly these writing problems were not just applicable to Ha-Kyung. Main male lead Si-Woo was often restricted into a similar role as the “ forlorn male lead”.

Despite Si-Woo being an intelligent individual who struggles to understand empathy at times, the narrative rarely offered opportunities for Si Woo to reflect upon his breakup or actions in the past, or at least attempt to reconciliate and display an element of maturity by trying to understand his ex-girlfriend’s perspectives. ( Even if Chae Yoo-Jin’s motives were often villainous, this would’ve easily presented and allowed opportunities for viewers to comprehend Si-Woo’s struggles and journey as a character.)

Instead although some of Si-Woo’s situations could arguably be justified as being “ caught in the moment”, it seemed out of character and unjustified in a lot of situations for Si Woo to behave in this way or become actively involved in these scenarios without a greater motive. ( Aside from the case of for the “ sake of plot”.)

However this problem was not just limited to our main characters.Park and Yura’s acting was respectfully credible but the same cannot be said about their screen personas.

Indeed one of the main areas of debate with Park and Yura’s onscreen characters came through their “ villainous” roles throughout the duration of the series.

Of course it isn’t always necessarily out of the question to create despicable villains, nor is it always necessary to allow moments of moral redemption either.

However where ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’ often fell short was how the narrative truly wanted to portray these characters. At times, the series could often lean into presenting Ki-Jun and Yoo-Jin as intrinsically hollow individuals with egocentric goals and motives. ( In particular with Ki-Jun’s megalomaniacal tendencies and Yoo-Jin’s manipulative attempts to climb up the social ladder in the workplace.) However. , the series often seemed to lean into some moments of potential “ sentience ” for these characters which while having the potential to be dynamic and meticulously written, often felt conceited. ( For example Ki-Jun’s “ ambivalent” feelings as well as Yoo-Jin’s workplace drama.)

Of course this isn’t to say that as an audience we didn’t see some moments of error or weaknesses for the characters in this series, this was rarely given more reasoning. When Si-Woo or Ha-Kyung were at fault the series would often find excuses to justify this as “ morally right” without necessarily highlighting the faults or flaws at the heart of their issues. Similarly Ki-Jun and Yoo-Jin’s actions and misdeeds were often labelled as purely diabolical or a cause of disgust and shame, without always necessarily digging deeper into the causes or allowing viewers to see a full-side of the picture .

Nevertheless a shoutout must be given to supporting actor Kwon Hae-Hyo’s  ( ‘ Revenge and Passion’, ‘ Radiant Office’ and ‘ Undercover’) performance as head of the bureau, Ko Bong-Chan. Arguably one of the most underrated performances in the series, Kwon perfectly embodied an oddly authentic cynical charm to his cantankerous onscreen character.
 Due to the previously mentioned flaws of ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’, the knock-on effect of these problems evidently dragged down the narrative’s execution and pacing. Admittedly it is inaccurate to claim that the entire trajectory was calamitous. The series often attempted to create a balance between downplaying key events in order to build-up these obstacles for the main leads, as well as offering pacy climatic moments in order to keep viewers intrigued with forlorn hope.

However due to the extent of misunderstandings and conflicts presented with this method of execution, it could often make ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ feel as though it was tediously slow in parts and tiresomely repetitive as a consequence. This was mainly due also to the format of each episode following a similar pattern; a dilemma would become apparent to the audience (though evidently not to the characters at first), the problem would emerge and then a misunderstanding or conflict would occur before being dragged out, resolved and then repeat.
Perhaps this wouldn’t have been so bad if there had been variation or by the latter-half, viewers had seen opportunities for the characters to gradually overcome their misunderstandings from the first-half. Instead, the predominant focus upon dragging out tense conflicts and misunderstandings had a severe impact upon the seemingly main relationship between Ha-Kyung and Si-Woo; lacking screentime together in addition to ironically spending more time interacting with their exes onscreen, rarely allowing opportunities for viewers to see this relationship reach a concise or healthy resolution.
Under the directing reigns of Cha Young Hoon ( ‘ When The Camellia Blooms’, ‘ Uncontrollably Fond’ and ‘ Gaksital’), it is undeniable that despite some limited camera angles and pan shots at times,  ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’ was filled with some sleek and aesthetic shots.

In particular due to the main subject area of the series being upon the field of meteorology and weather, Young Hoon captured some mesmeric moments of weather changes from the rolling tide, to descending fog, dew on the ground and rain.
However, this was also used as an effective narrative device also; pathetic fallacy. (For those unfamiliar with the term, pathetic fallacy refers to the usage of weather in order to display the mood, tone or feelings of a narrative and its characters. )

For ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ this became apparent with the brief yet effective usage of these scenes in order to highlight the emotional conflicts of the characters as well as the main leads’ relationship in different stages over the course of the narrative. (Enforced by particular episode titles helping to hint   such as “Signal” , “Localized Heavy Rain”, “Tropical Night” in order to hint at the literal and metaphorical problems of each episode.)
In addition to the filming stylistics of ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’, there is also the important discussion surrounding the drama’s comprised OST of schmaltzy pop songs and love ballads. There is no beating around the bush that some of these tracks weren’t particularly memorable. However renowned singer CHEEZE’s upbeat track  ‘Melting (사르르쿵)’, and earnest love ballad ‘ Promise You’ performed by  Kyuhyun were arguably some of the best songs found on the soundtrack which remained noteworthy .
Overall impressions of ‘Forecasting Love and Weather’ are entirely dependent on expectations. There is a certain unusual attraction to the series’ topic area of meteorology and its visual aesthetics. On the other hand, ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’ could often be caught up in a storm of its own making; inconsistent tonal shifts,  character-writing and questionable pacing did little to bring out the best sides of ‘ Forecasting Love and Weather’.

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IM YourOnlyOne
A 36 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 10
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

A must watch if you want to learn about life and relationships

If you are looking for a show about life and relationships, "Forecasting Love and Weather" is it. However, if you are looking for a feel-good, very romantic touchy-feely, "I want this show to fit my biased imaginary romantic fantasy", then skip it.

"Forecasting Love and Weather" is about life and relationships. It is about the decisions we make, why we make them, and the repercussions of those decisions. This is not about your favourite actors having a blissful romantic butterfly-in-the-stomach story, this is about relationships between parents and children, supervisor and subordinate, a person's relationship with their work and officemates, between married couples, ex-couples who became friends (yes, it does happen in real-life far more frequently than society wants you to believe), how people change, how people regret things and what they learn from it.

In short, LIFE.

And they did well in portraying and tell the story of the different scenarios people do experience in real-life, out there in the real-world. The pain, the joy, reality itself. Every single scenario, every single decision, were true-to-life, scenarios that many people actually experienced.

The poetic monologues in the beginning and ending of each episode were also deep and very appropriate. It pierces through our hearts and souls. More than that, they tied weather patterns into various relationships. Who would've thought that we reframe weather forecasting in such a way? After having watched this series, it does make perfect sense … relationships, no matter what type it is, is like weather and forecasting. We may get it right, we may get it wrong. It may turn out correct but not exactly what we expected it to be, or it may be a very bad forecast but we push and find a way to learn and fix it.

Kudos as well to using the meteorological setting. Let's be honest, in every country in the world, the public always see meteorological agencies as "wrong", "not doing their job right", "should be defunded", we are forgetting that forecasting is forecasting and there are people working overtime, even to the point of unknowingly sacrificing their families and personal lives, just to give an accurate forecast.

Hopefully, this show would have had opened the eyes of the public to the kind of work and sacrifices meteorologists go through. Yes, they should not have prioritized their work over their families and personal lives, but we can not blame them when the public expects 100% accuracy, and if they their forecast turned out inaccurate, nations are in an uproar and wants to investigate and terminate them.

Which simply brings back to … this show is about LIFE and RELATIONSHIPS. If this is not your cup of tea, if you are looking for an escape from reality and live in a fantasy world, this is not the show for you.

But if you are looking for learn, then this is a perfect show.

Lastly, even though they chose the "and they ALL lived happily ever after", the road to that was well-written. They did not just jump into that conclusion, they still went through and highlighted the trials and tribulations of each relationship (romantic, family, parent-children, work). They avoided the common pitfall in the "they lived happily ever after" ending.

Well done. Touching. Memorable.

Best of all


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En curso 14/16
A 53 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 2, 2022
14 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 7.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 5.0


The drama has a good Theme but it was a highly anticipated drama of 2022 because of such a good cast, having a lot of expectations leads to disappointment. Song Kang and Park Min Young Are doing their best but the character doesn't allow them to do much, The drama is very realistic which makes it serious and slow-paced, the genre of drama is ROMANCE, DRAMA, MELODRAMA. those who were expecting it to be a usual office romance were let down by the pace of the drama.
The First half was about starting of romance but in the second half, the story developed into serious issues About relationships, marriage, Work, career and so on. HENCE The first half was bearable and in the second half, the viewer lost their interest the character seemed boring.
I am content with Song Kang's character LEE SI WOO (until he became Park Jae Eun but At least here he has a reasonable backstory and he gets better later on) still he's like a little kid longing for love...
Park Min Young plays a very mature character with responsibilities on her shoulder that's why she doesn't have much time for anything else and nothing excites her in life until lee si woo...
What Made this drama a disappointment was the writing (cause she took all the characters in great dept which most people found boring; her bad). she is the same writer as DR Romantic Kim (which is a great medical drama), sometimes you hit sometimes you miss, THERE She succeeded HERE She failed to attract the audience...
She has given a reasonable background story to Leads, which shows why they are the way they are and how they are unable to overcome their past and in fear of their past they keep making mistakes.

older women and younger boy trope
relationships problem
work-life of a Weather forecaster
Facing realistic problem
overcoming Challenges in life
a serious and slow-paced story
side characters story
slow development
little draggy
Unnecessary plot twist
slow pace
serious character
annoying SML & SFL
what I liked was:
how the Writer kept showing the similarities between weather and the Changes in the character's feelings and their surrounding
the struggle of the characters and the endurance one need to have to live in this society.

RECOMMENDED to those who can bear a slow-paced story and aren't looking for a rom-com...

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Love movies
A 13 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 7.5
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 4.0

Hey! What's Wrong With The Weather?

Being an enthusiastic supporter of both the two main leads: Song Kang and Park Min Young, I was very disappointed in Forecasting Weather and Love and in the lack of show exposure they each had.

Having watched Song Kang in Nevertheless, Navillera, and other dramas, I was not happy with the amount of plot time he was given. There are a few scenes of him here and there, but no comparison to the extensive performance he did in Navillera for example.

Min Young's acting ability and plot time in Weather paled in comparison with Min Young's roles in Her Private Life, When the Weather is Fine, and What's Wrong with Secretary Kim.

Worse yet, so much time was spent on the side couples and not on the main couple itself. Also, an inordinate amount of time was spent on the technological aspects of the weather itself, even going into the minutest details.

I was very disappointed in this drama, having to wait anxiously to watch it, only to feel that it was not a hit but a miss.

Hopefully, recent 2022 K-dramas being shown on Netflix will have a higher probability of success.

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A 36 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 3.5
Historia 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 2.5
I'm curious,

Why waste PMY in such a way? Why 'romance' is listed as the main genre? Who the heck wants to watch that cheating couple overcoming their problems given a heck of screen time? (sometimes I even felt they got more scenes together than the main cp did) and the most important: Why does this drama even exist?

When the whole romance, getting into relationship part was in bullet speed, I tried to understand. Fine they going differently, elsewhere first there's good development then leads get together but it's okay if here it's vice versa, but no lol, that development never existed so the chemistry.. first their relationship was bombarded then they 'love' each other onto us, why they do? I think the writer left that question to viewers... other than the addition of boredom there's no purpose so we have some questions to solve, right?

When I was bored more than enough from their bland and tasteless love story, it wasn't enough as we have a whole weather forecasting plot... that does give vibes is this a thriller drama? I never knew weather forecasting has that impact on common people's lives... okay I get it there are some fields where it's important, but I'm talking about common folks from my personal experience no one gives a damn to weather forecast here... some even say proudly that their predictions are always opposite to outcome. Or is this is thing is SK? or as usual glorifying every profession, it seems later case to me

It's a Netflix drama so, with their usual production quality and cinematography, I didn't give attention to osts, see if a dish is a disaster you don't care whether the parsley used for garnishing is of top quality or not.

What writer was trying to tell... I never got to know till the end, was it noona romance? (would be most bland ever), Thrilling experiences while forecasting, How to keep bitchy attitude even though you cheated... maybe it's another example of putting all random stories, most uninteresting characters (including leads), with most boring scenario.. together to form a thing called drama.. and yeah garnished with annoying... unbearable characters. Voila!

I actually have a lot to rant about but I really don't want to waste more words for ranting.. so I'll stop here, definitely not recommended. Maybe if you need to watch something that'll bore you to death then you should.

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En curso 16/16
A 16 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 1, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 2
Global 5.5
Historia 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 3.0

If you want to waste your time, this drama is for you!!!

So, I rated this drama an 8.5 out of 10 before... Yeah, kind of ashamed of my rating now that I look back.
Starting, it was a pretty decent drama & I was pretty stoked about it. However, I don't feel the same anymore.
This drama disappointed me so much as a PMY and SK fan. I don't understand in what way did they both find the script and storyline appealing and what made them decide to star in it. They both have no chemistry whatsoever. Most of the episodes are them fighting due to SK's foolish father. Like please, let there be a better reason for them to fight on.
Coming to the second couple, I don't know what to say about them. How more annoying could something get to watch.
Honestly, half of the time I skip through the whole episode because it's that boring. There's nothing in this drama.
All the characters are just irksome.

Even the PMY's parents in this drama don't make sense at all. Which mother would force her daughter into opting for marriage and trying to set her up with people when it literally has just been months since her fiancé cheated on her and her wedding got called off. How more nonsensical can this get. The whole storyline of this drama is absolute bullshit. I regret wasting my valuable time watching this.

In addition, there are no sweet scenes of SK and PMY together. It's like they're a couple but the word couple is non-existent as they are never together. I was watching this drama and expected something like WWWSK and HPL but got myself extremely frustrated and disappointed. PMY's acting let me down a lot this time. Pretty much all the time she has no emotion displayed on her face.

A piece of genuine advice to all those out there who were thinking about watching this drama, please don't <3

PS. the title is satire :)

Update: After seeing the ending episodes, I am going to say THE ENDING IS EXTREMELY CUTE! Well, it is nice but didn't compensate for all the previous episodes. But I am glad that the 2nd couple is finally happy in their marriage and the main couple get back together.

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Las inclemencias del amor (2022) poster



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