En curso 16/16
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may 22, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 9.0

Tomorrow is fantastic!

This show is a roller coaster ride of emotion! Acting A+, story A++, so much to love! Last episode had me on the edge of my seat! LoveLoveLove!!! Each episode was a gift of a wonderful story and the unfolding of the grim reapers stories. When I say I spent the last episode yelling at the tv I am not joking and the ending was so much better than even I was expecting! Fighting! Each week brought me to tears, especially the war vet and the dog. Then you have the reapers back story that was totally u expected and made you love each of the main characters just that much more.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 27, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 8.0

Argomento controverso, ottimo drama ma a volte poco rispettoso dei problemi altrui

Suicidio è una parola terribile. Per alcuni un peccato inescusabile, sempre, per altri quella che sembra l’unica via di uscita da una situazione insostenibile, qualsiasi sia la motivazione.
Chi si avvicini a questo drama con problemi personali inerenti l’argomento, farebbe bene a procedere con estrema cautela, perché il togliersi la vita è l’argomento pivotale di tutta la serie, e per come la vedo io, non è sempre trattato nel modo migliore.
Tutto verte infatti intorno alla lotta quotidiana di una piccola squadra speciale di Grim Reapers, tristi mietitori, angeli della morte, shinigami o come vogliamo chiamarli, il cui compito è di impedire il successo agli aspiranti suicidi. Questo perché, nelle premesse di questo drama, l’anima che rinuncia volontariamente al dono della vita finirà all’inferno e vedrà recidere tutti i legami che la collegano alla sua esistenza, senza possibilità di incontrare nuovamente quelle persone nelle reincarnazioni successive. A questa squadra formata dalla energica Goo Ryun e dal suo sottoposto Im Ryung Goo, si unisce per sei mesi un giovane apprendista, Choi Joon Woong, una ragazzo alla perenne ricerca di un lavoro, finito in coma per aver cercato di salvare un aspirante suicida.
Nel corso delle 16 puntate di questa serie ci sarà presentata un’ampia casistica di motivazioni per le quali gli esseri umani (e in un caso addirittura un cane) possono decidere di togliersi la vita. La squadra di prevenzione suicidi riuscirà a prevenirli, ma il focus del drama verte spesso sull’esposizione a chiare lettere di come un comportamento apparentemente non decisivo possa causare conseguenze devastanti in chi ne viene colpito. Bullismo scolastico, cyberbullismo, cattivi rapporti al lavoro, pettegolezzo… tutte cause apparentemente “leggere”, forse, in confronto ad altre più pesanti, come possono essere la rovina finanziaria della famiglia o la perdita di un bambino o una persona cara. Ma per chi le vive da dentro non esiste gradazione di dolore, solo il proprio personale inferno e gli aguzzini vanno messi di fronte alla proprie responsabilità.
Purtroppo, a prescindere dale cosiddette soluzioni che vengono trovate per dissuadere gli aspiranti suicidi, ho trovato a volte un approccio troppo semplicistico al problema. Sostanzialmente è come se ti venisse detto: è tutto nella tua testa, datti una mossa che tutto passa. Ma chi si dibatte in certe reti, fino ad arrivare a pensare di togliersi la vita, difficilmente riuscirà a liberarsi da solo: ha bisogno di aiuto esterno, così come ne hanno i protagonisti di queste vicende. Molto probabilmente, avrà bisogno anche di uno psicologo e, salvo difetti nella mia memoria, di aiuti psicologici in questo drama non se ne vede l'ombra. Eppure, in un paese che ha uno dei più alti tassi di suicidi al mondo, la salute mentale dovrebbe essere una priorità. Il fatto che il problema venga glissato completamente mi fa sospettare che esista un forte stigma contro la malattia mentale, la vergogna sociale di non essere all'altezza. E, in questo, il drama ha peccato di mancanza di coraggio, per cui per me rimane semplicemente un prodotto di intrattenimento che però, in taluni casi, potrebbe addirittura fare più male che bene.
Gli attori sono stati tutti molto bravi. Kim Hee Sun è stata un’ottima protagonista, sia in abiti moderni che in costume, un’eroina dolente dagli occhi espressivi. Rowoon e Yun Ji On sono stati due ottime spalle (perché sinceramente il giovane apprendista non mi è sembrato avere questo ruolo così preponderante, tale da poter dire che è il protagonista maschile). Discorso a parte per Lee Soo Hyuk che, pur non essendo prevalente, possiede comunque un carisma tale da spiccare anche in parti non principali. Anche gli altri attori di contorno, le figure dolenti cui sono stati dedicati via via gli episodi, hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro.
Ho apprezzato molto che una puntata sia stata dedicata alla tragedia delle comfort women, un crimine contro l’umanità per cui i giapponesi ancora oggi rifiutano di scusarsi e che, come il negazionismo della shoah, da alcuni è ancora non creduta.
I costumi sono stati molto soddisfacenti, sia nelle parti moderne che in quelle ambientate secoli fa. Le musiche hanno ben sottolineato l’azione e il comparto tecnico ha fatto, a mio parere, un ottimo lavoro.
Ho purtroppo percepito un poco di stanchezza a causa della ripetitività dell’azione: un susseguirsi di casi umani da salvare, mentre i rapporti tra la protagonista e il Grim Reaper interpretato da Lee Soo Hyuk fungevano da collante, invero non troppo efficace. Anche il coma del ragazzo è stato sfruttato abbastanza poco… insomma per la mia percezione la maionese è rimasta un pochino slegata, ma senza togliere molto al gusto della preparazione. Il finale potrebbe lasciare la possibilità della realizzazione di una seconda serie e, pur essendo soddisfacente, non posso dire abbia terminato la serie col botto.
In sunto, un drama piuttosto cupo, anche se condito con abbondanti dosi di speranza e qualche sorriso per le interazioni degli abitanti dell’altro mondo, coi suoi parallelismi con quello dei viventi. Ottimo lavoro, che avrebbe potuto essere anche migliore. Ma, ehi, ce ne fossero!

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 22, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 10

10000/10! ?

i usually don't write reviews about kdramas that i've finished watching, but this one is an exception; it has a unique storyline that holds a very deep and relevant meaning. i usually watch rom-com kdramas, but this one doesn't really have heavy romance in it, though i kept watching because of the lessons in each episode (which is one of the things that makes this kdrama are very good one to watch). i like how the kdrama mostly reveals the past and the after-lives of each person centered in that specific episode because it makes you understand their character and why they are what they are in that given moment. the ending was a bit disappointing but i saw it coming. overall, i enjoyed it, it got me hooked every weekend from the moment this series aired on netflix, i really recommend this!

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Oh Soo-Jin
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 16, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 7.5

Must Watch

One of the best drama of this year. I appreciate the message they want to convey through the stories they showed. Each and every story holds special meaning. I got emotional in almost every episodes.
All the actors did Superb job. They did justice to their characters. Their past stories were so painful yet worth watching. I really liked Kim hee sun's role, her work is absolutely admirable. I love how Lee so hyuk's attitude changed towards those who commits Suicide.
Worth watching drama, loved it. Kudos to all those who've worked hard in this show. Everyone did a great work.
It's so sad that this Kdrama has all those bad ratings just because of some toxic fans. I'm an Army too but it hurts watching this stupidity. To all those people PLEASE GROW UP!!! You're making us look really bad.

I really hope people learns good things from this drama.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 14, 2023
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

Heart tugging Kdrama

Woah... This kdrama just...Wow.
Amazing acting and a really good plot. Usually plots like these are really hard to execute well but this is really well done. A good balance between humor and being serious. Talking about suicide is never easy let alone showing strong emotions like that on TV,,, The cast did such a well job. It can be a hard watch if you struggle with those thoughts yourself but as someone who struggles as well, this really did change my perspective on some things. BTW this will make you cry every episode....
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may 31, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 1.0

Red Light is a great song! (wanted to complain a bit about the lack of discussion around therapy)

So first, as I finished watching the drama (binged in two days lol), I immediately looked up the OST and saved Red Light into my playlist. I still have no clue who J.DON is, but I loved his voice and the upbeat rap song that he wrote! Red Light is now on my faves playlist and it'll probs be there for a while.

Another thing, the drama was pretty good - there were great performances by the lead characters and the plot lines were great - but I was left confused after every episode why it was portrayed like a person struggling mental health is something that can be solved by one conversation. I personally wish they spoke more about getting continuous help and lowering the stigma around therapy, but because I am not from Korea, I don't know what the current culture around therapy is and if it is even accessible to those who are not well-off.

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En curso 7/16
A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 24, 2022
7 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 7.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 2.0

Story is not moving towards anything near to progress.

Let's review it in more minimalist way.....

Points of admiration :-

1. Great story or concept on which this drama is based on.

2. Super attractive Cast... I mean not just female lead but you'll find the males leads are also the eye-candies if you are girl.

3. Super fascinating aesthetics they have used here like when they show you the director and it's workplace, it left me to watch it again and again in loop.

Point of detesting it :-

1. They should not make it the 16 episode drama but a 8 or 10 episode drama. I mean I've already watched the half of the drama but it's like I don't even have any idea of the cast and their backgrounds, how they really ended up being a reaper.

2. Not to mention it I don't even have any idea.... are they going it to make a romantic drama or not. I mean if they meant to make it one.... So they must have made some progress towards the direction.

3. All the stories they bring to us are just not the unique type but dull and boring except the couple and the Korean war veteran.

All and all if they are just going to explore the stories of the other people and save them but doing nothing else throughout the whole drama.... Then sorry , but I'm out !!

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Dejado 8/16
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 25, 2022
8 of 16 episodios vistos
Dejado 0
Global 7.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 4.0

Healing Is not an Event, It's a Process

"Tomorrow" is slick looking drama with slick and cool characters and beautiful cinematography. There were so many scenes which made my lips part because I was in awe at the stunning visuals.

Others and myself were excited about this drama because it is comparable to the beloved "Uncanny Counter" The 2020 drama has less than perfect visuals, but the characters were so charming that we didn't care so much.

Watching "Tomorrow" did reveal some similar concepts, but I personally didn't find it similar at all. It deals heavily with mature topics as the characters work to save people from suicide. I want to be careful about how I word this because this is such a sensitive topic....While the synopsis of the show is considered to be healing and saving others, I did not find the show to be healing at all. We see only the abuse others suffer (which can also be triggering if such things affect you).

The end result of "saving" people hurt me the most. Our main characters will sort of talk them down from the ledge, and then that will be considered the end of their job and the person is saved. I didn't finish the show, so I am not fully aware, but from what I saw we didn't see the ones they helped again (correct me if I'm wrong). At one point in the show, one character complains of this, saying that it only takes a few words to save a person, and the response is that it's because "no one has ever said those words to them before." This is certainly powerful, but words alone are still not enough to change a years of habits and pain a person has endured and believed.

Healing is not an event. It's a process. An ongoing one that I myself continue to work on everyday.

The show does seem to imply that the main characters are healing themselves throughout or are in need of healing, but it was still very disturbing to see half an episode of incredible trauma inflicted on a person (I had to skip most of the time) and then boom they were fine in the end. I also personally don't love it when shows are mostly all about characters of the week anyway when I know I'm never going to see them again haha. So there is that.

If you are like me at all and agree with any of this, I don't recommend this show—especially for the light of heart (or mind). I'm honestly not entirely sure what group I would recommend this drama too....it is challenging because so much of it is disturbing abuse, but we also see the empathy and kindness of others which is happy. Basically this show isn't for everyone—it wasn't for me and that's okay. I actually made it pretty far but I was mostly skipping because of all the violence haha.

On a side note: a show that I love and did find healing and even comparable to "Tomorrow" was "Move to Heaven" if you haven't seen it yet. :D

As always, I appreciate the work that went into this drama! My rewatch value is my enjoyment value.


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A 6 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 15, 2022
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 6.5

Self harm is last cry for help

Tomorrow deals with controversial topic of suicide. In most of the religious texts suicide is the greatest sin you could commit. It leads to one way ticket to hell. Harshest punishments are given to those people committing suicide.

Rowoon due to some circumstances ends up on RM (Risk Management) team, whose sole job is to prevent suicides. They identify people at risk and try to convince them using appeal, request, threats etc to not end their lives. Both of the cases dealt in first 3 episodes were quite good.

Though the tone of the show is sombre, still tries to show you ways of fighting despair. It is filled with hope. Words of encouragement. Till now Rowoon steals the show with credible empathy as required by his character.

Failure means you just need to try again!

I wasn't gonna do any review update until I finished it. But, must I say this show became better, though it was good to be begin with. The subplot involving old soldier and lady with eating disorder definitely evokes some deep buried feelings in you. One good thing about this show is that it always ends every story with an optimistic tone.

It went downhill in second half.

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En curso 6/16
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 19, 2022
6 of 16 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

Mature drama, for mature audiences.

In my opinion this drama is really really interesting, to the unique backstories to the main 3 characters. The stories are really informative and it uses scenarios from real life problems, and shows them, without glamorising it.

Noh Eun-Bi's Case really stood out for me , it was nice to see a victim of bullying be happy, after all the years of torment and mental frustration. K-Drama's often normalise bullying but I think in this drama it was particularly special, as the bully got what they deserve, nothing.

Another case that really, made me cry out of happiness and frustration was Namgung Jae-Soo's Case, the backstory of a deprived family, who's dad just wants to make his family happy. I think this was particularly special as the connection with Choi Jun-Woong and Naming Jae-Soo is really special and Jun-Woong just wants the best for his friend and wants to know what's behind his 'happy' face. It was a really nice ending for the family and Koo Ryeon, really wanted to make the child happy, despite her cold appearance.

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 14, 2023
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 4.5
Historia 4.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 3.0
Volver a ver 1.0


I didn't like it and had to pause a few times while watching. I began the drama in october 22 and finished it in january 23, this means all. the stories are hard (after all these are suicide stories) but that wasn't the problem. there is too much cliches and all the things that happen to the characters aren't well bound together. it lacks this little something that makes you want to watch the next episode right away. I finished it just because I wanted to know how the story ends.

not for children or sensitive people because there is a lot of violence, sex, drug and so on.
when to watch: I wouldn't recommend

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
hace 2 días
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 7.0

A different fantasy drama


How the drama showing everyone's past and how they let go in the end

The epilogue where Joon Woong and Joong Gil met someone who claimed she was from Heaven - hilarious that part

The heart-breaking story how poor young girls were treated


All good


Still Love You - Yoo Hwe Seung & Lee Hong Gi


I'll think about it because one of the stories was just too heart-breaking
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Tomorrow (2022) poster



  • Puntuación: 8.8 (puntuado por 44,998 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #126
  • Popularidad: #83
  • Fans: 88,001

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