A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 5, 2022
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 9.0

Tre amiche contra mundi

Un ottimo drama che, se non avesse incontrato verso la fine qualche intoppo, sarebbe stato sicuramente da 10 e lode.
Partiamo col dire che l’ossatura dell’opera è costituita dalla lotta che tre donne, di cui due abbastanza mature, portano avanti contro il sessismo e l’ingiustizia di un sistema sociale che le vuole ai margini della società.
La profonda iniquità di una società che marginalizza le donne e, ancor di più, coloro che per motivi diversi sono finiti nell’industria del, possiamo dire, intrattenimento, è adeguatamente rappresentata. A tratti, forse lo è troppo. Siamo costretti ad assistere ad un paio di pistolotti piuttosto a sproposito, ci sono alcune scene decisamente forzate e molto improbabili. Perfino essendo d’accordo con l’assunto di base, la rappresentazione sullo schermo in alcuni casi infastidisce, ma è comunque un peccato veniale. E' principalmente un drama femminista, ed è questo il concetto di base, nonostante le storie romantiche di contorno.
Un minus più consistente è l’indispensabile fiorire di malintesi, colpe dei padri, gesti di malconsigliata nobiltà, sparizioni e riapparizioni che si verificano dopo la boa dei due terzi dell’opera. Siccome la coppia principale “deve” essere osteggiata, per diverse puntate si trascinano i soliti cliché stravisti e rivisti, che sarebbero più tollerabili se non togliessero spazio prezioso allo svolgimento di alcune parti della trama che rimangono sospese nel nulla.
Il big boss di turno si rivela essere piuttosto deludente, tanto da non meritare nemmeno la definizione. C’erano a disposizione fior di personaggi politici, ma la grande vittoria finale viene ottenuta su un povero cristo che, sarà pure malvagio, avrà sì compiuto molte malefatte, ma è pur sempre un disgraziato che è rimasto preso in un gioco più grande di lui e che, tra paranoie, risentimenti, ambizione e sete di vendetta, si trova impossibilitato ad uscirne senza perdite irreparabili. Potrebbe prendersi come tipico esempio di come un sassolino, cadendo giù da un monte, generi ben presto una frana rovinosa. Xu Hai Qiao ha dato vita a questa figura tormentata e tormentatrice in modo molto convincente.
Però sono arrabbiata con gli sceneggiatori che hanno pensato bene, negli ultimi minuti, di non mostrarci il matrimonio della coppia principale, bensì diversi minuti di flash back della loro storia. Si vede che han pensato che difettiamo di memoria. Invece del matrimonio della seconda coppia, avrei voluto vedere il loro. Pazienza.
Ma la produzione, signori miei, è magnifica! Ambientazioni e costumi sono splendidi, senza essere eccessivi come a volte accade. Le musiche sono molto piacevoli e le voci degli attori e soprattutto delle attrici sono molto gradevoli, essendo assenti non rimpiante quelle vocine infantili che tanto spesso ammorbano i drama.
E vogliamo parlare degli attori? Il ML Chen Xiao è il tipico esempio di uomo maturo e affascinante che vorrei vedere più spesso. Ben lontano dagli ideali efebici di molti altri drama (e che comunque non sono da disdegnare, intendiamoci!), questo esemplare di maschio virile senza eccesso riesce a catalizzare l’attenzione anche solo col suo viso. Vederlo battersi è materia per sogni, anche perché le coreografie dei combattimenti, pur non essendo prive di elementi fantastici, sono molto energiche e tutto sommato realistiche. Ed è pure molto bravo a recitare, cosa che decisamente non guasta. Cosa chiedere di più?
Liu Yi Fei ben interpreta la FL, una donna matura e quasi indomabile, un’eroina non priva di debolezze e difetti che lotta contro tutto e tutti per ritagliarsi un posto al sole e contrastare le molte ingiustizie perpetrate contro di lei e contro le sue amiche, ma non solo.
Anche tutti gli altri attori di contorno hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro, dando vita a personaggi credibili, sia pur con qualche eccezione. I caratteristi, specialmente, sono stati particolarmente bravi. Dai Xu ha una serie di maschere incredibilmente efficaci, e le usa alla perfezione.
Di molti personaggi ci vengono fornite le motivazioni che li fanno agire e l’evoluzione dei loro comportamenti è giustificata sia dal loro passato che dagli avvenimenti che man mano accadono.
Un appunto devo fare alla coppia imperiale: specialmente l’imperatore è troppo buonista e alla mano, decisamente fuori contesto per il periodo storico e la sua posizione. L’imperatrice lascia correre una minaccia alla sua persona che in altri casi avrebbe significato lo sterminio di tutta la famiglia dell’aggressore, dai trisavoli ai gatti.
Diciamo che molte cose si perdonano perché vedere lo sviluppo dell’amicizia del trio di donne forti, a cui col tempo se ne aggiungono altre, è qualcosa di squisito. La chimica della coppia principale funziona a pieno ritmo e la loro storia d’amore è matura e piacevole. I loro botta e risposta sarebbero da collezionare! Ma, tirando le somme, i diversi difettucci assommano ad un punto di demerito, per cui non mi sento di assegnare il massimo dei voti. Peccato.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 25, 2024
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 2.0
Volver a ver 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Крутая дорама с профем оптикой

в центре сюжета три девчули, которые в разной степени пострадали от мужиков:
- главная героиня 3 года содержала мужика, чтобы он поднаторел в знаниях и сдал гос экзамен на чиновника. мужик же в свою очередь вешал девчуле лапшу на уши о свадьбе и прекрасном совместном будущем. после чего упиздовал в столицу, успешно сдал экзамен и ему сосватали дочь чиновника. и он ничего умнее не придумал, как попросить глав героиню стать его любовницей ? типа яж тебя люблюнимагу, но от брака отказаться не могу. клоун блять
- первая подруга главной героини. кухарка. в деревне у нее был муж и ребенок. по каким то там местным законам муж заявляет что жена ему разонравилась (на мнение женщины всем похуй), поэтому он женится на другой. сына-корзина тоже тот еще долбоеб. мать заставляла его учиться, чтобы у него было нормальное будущее, а он такой нихачу не буду останусь с новой женой бати. в итоге доедал последний хуй без соли лол. и поделом ящитаю.
- вторая подруга главной героини. самая молодая из троицы, музыкантка. тк она работала в доме увеселений (хоть и всего лишь играла на инструментах), считалась низшим сословием, у которого нет будещего. она постоянно пыталась найти богатого мужика, который сможет избавить ее от данного статуса. в итоге повстречала какого то проезжего купца, за 2 недели он ей навешал лапши на уши какой он ахуенный, в итоге она убежала с ним в закат.

и вот наша гг отправляется искать своего бывшего жениха в столицу, чтобы услышать всю правду лично. параллельно знакомится с главным героем, подбирает подругу номер один, которая решила утопиться. по пути они узнают, что подруга номер два подвергается домашнему насилию (муж сажал ее на цепь, ломал ей ноги), потому что муж оказался азартным игроком и у него денег нет от слова совсем. и чтоб невеста давала ему денег он ее периодически избивал. короче глав героиня спасает и эту подругу.

все вместе они прибывают в столицу и пытаются открыть чайную. а что из этого вышло вы узнаете посмотрев дораму)

такую длинную предысторию я рассказала потому, что без контекста вы не поймете чем же мне так понравилась эта дорама хд

короче, стоит смотреть, потому что:
✅ дорама с явной профем оптикой
✅ сюжет не затянут и не скучен. даже не смотря на то, что она типа историческая. что редкость для китайских сериалов.
✅ главные героини НЕ ТУПЫЕ. я поражалась как стоически они все выносили и своей эрудицией обращали врагов в друзей)
✅ главный герой НЕ ТУПОЙ
✅ нет розовых соплей с боязнь "взять за руку" и тд. главные герои знают чего хотят и открыто говорят обо всем
✅ восхищаюсь главной героиней как крутым маркетологом ❤️
✅ самый главный посыл дорамы, и который звучит несколько раз НЕ НАДЕЙСЯ НА МУЖЧИН, НАДЕЙСЯ ТОЛЬКО НА СЕБЯ

на счет последнего есть забавный момент, как героиня понадеялась на мужика, но этот долбоеб (хоть и вел себя вполне разумно на протяжении сирича), знатно обосрался и гг пришлось очень нелегко. наверное этот момент сделали, чтобы подчеркнуть верность утверждения хддд

вообще пока смотрела восхищалась, как такое допустили на китайское тв, где в общем то женщины все бедные серые несчастные мыши. а тут героини прям коня на скаку остановят ахаха

еще пока смотрела думала, что рессер полюбас женщина. ну не может мужик такое снять. и точно! зашла сегодня на mydramalist - режиссером действительно оказалась женщина) теперь хочу посмотреть предыдущие ее работы, но где найти столько времени ?

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 10, 2022
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 7.0

Smart intelligent female lead

It is pretty enjoyable and I really liked Crystal as main lead. She was very beautiful and great acting.

I liked the pacing and felt plot was pretty good.

Stupid meter, it was not stupid.

I think maybe the end could have been improved more. It wasn't was satisfying as I was looking for.

Music and videography was great.

Male lead was okay. Believable but this show focuses more on female characters.

It is similar in feel to Love Like Galaxy. Although I would rate the latter as better compared to this.
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Dejado 20/40
The Wandering Storytelle
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 28, 2022
20 of 40 episodios vistos
Dejado 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

A mature story about female empowerment and love

I genuinely think if I had not watched this immediately after finishing Nirvana in Fire, I would have been more invested.

Its a story about three extremely resilient friends broken down by the world they're born into, especially by men they trusted and now they are trying to succeed past it all.

I genuinely feel like it's a much better drama in terms of portrayal of women because it doesn't show them as delicate flowers always waiting to be rescued by men, with no agency. These women fight nail and tooth to grow and they have AGENCY. They're not passive. They're complex characters with their own baggage. The female friendship genuinely made me love the characters.

And the love story, man, it's so good. There's love here shown in tandem with sexual desire, which is oh my god, excellent for any asian drama. The male and female lead have sizzling chemistry and a very healthy relationship. Seriously, good job for showing romance can be sexy without it being toxic!

I didn't finish it so I don't know, but the direction of the two female friends love story is also very mature and excellent, dealing with themes of domestic abuse and a divorced woman with a child finding love again.

Some things I find weird is that the tone of some serious instances (Song's abusive husband's scenes is comedic in tone in some places) and some themes is not handled as it should be. Like saying musicians are better than sex workers because they have some talent which, ahem, okay. But I guess it's what they would've thought in that time and sex work is still demeaned in a lot of cultures. Still, I wish they didn't add that in.

I also found some of the acting to be a little confusing. The female lead is good, but she plays some of the scenes like she knows something that others don't (talking about the painting) and is part of a bigger mystery plot, but i don't think that's true. She's a decent actress but some of the acting choices really threw me off cause I kept waiting for them to pay off and maybe they do, but from what I've heard of this drama, it doesn't seem to be true.

The main reason I couldn't continue was that it's just a very slice of life story about how these women handle the various obstacles that come their way and like I said, I was craving more of an overarching plot, more mystery and more of just, something exciting. I just needed more.

Barring all that, I really and I mean REALLY hope that this drama sets a precedent for how women, female friendships and love is portrayed in cdramas. Hats off to the writer on this. They have great potential for writing more female driven stories and I hope they do.

I will say I'm hoping to come back to this drama again and finish it properly.

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Dejado 21/40
A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 14, 2022
21 of 40 episodios vistos
Dejado 5
Global 6.5
Historia 4.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 4.0
This review may contain spoilers


This drama has nothing to offer without Chen Xiao (Gu Qian Fan), seriously what so good about 3 young women who's been abandoned by their respective spouses to opened a tea house? No matter how smart, beautiful or talented these 3 women they didn't offer the excitement and intrigue to what Gu QianFan has provided interesting story line by his jobs and involvements. Tea House wouldn't poke any interest, Liu YiFei was good as she was but without a good story she's nothing but a pretty face, by adding Gu QianFan things got better. Pan'Er a serious business woman who came from lower class got involve with Gu QianFan on his failed mission, they went through bad times together and got closer. As a commander in an elite Capital squadron nicknamed "Living Devil" he lived in dangerous nefarious scheme involving the imperial court.

By their association, Pan'Er involved in many of his troubles. He's fallen in love, they both had wide gap of status, but tried to work on their relationship in secrecy to avoid rumors and public judgement. Still ep 21, there are 29 more episodes, the story might get better, rather watching unworthy costumer's ruddiness, business competitors, brawl, doing accounting book, slow business scenes. Scenes with their exes were kind of would new men in their lives....3 single women were being wooed and all that sweet love declaration and wasn't interesting to get me hook. Cookies, cooking, serving tea, playing instrument (although beautiful music), handling tea house business....really? Why would I watch this? Of course, It's beautiful a setting and directive...I think that's all making me stay this long. QianFeng is the sole interesting character on this drama but much less action since the director was focusing the fuzzy love affairs of 3 women. I finally decided to drop's not for me. There are more interesting dramas coming up....yay!!

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Le Ho
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 12, 2022
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.5
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 2.0
Volver a ver 1.0

I did not like this drama like all the hyped it was received

I don't know why Douban rated "A Dream of Splendor" 8.8 ratings. WTF. I have watched 30 episodes already, and it was dull, boring, stupid, and dragging, and the plot is suck.

I am unsure if I will finish this drama; aside from having a good-looking cast, the cinematography and coloring of the show are good.

I don't think this drama even deserves 5.5 ratings, and I don't understand what all the raves are about, and disappointed in AvenueX assessments of this drama as well. Grrr.......

The male lead (Chen Xiao) disappears in episodes 30-32, and his on-screen chemistry with Crystal Liu is not great. I don't like the FL character. I like San Niang better.

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En curso 12/40
Sooha Oh
A 7 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 8, 2022
12 of 40 episodios vistos
En curso 3
Global 9.0
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Worth watching!!

I'm glad I decided to watch this drama!!!!!!!! Thank God!
The cast is just *chef's kiss*!!!! ??
Chen Xiao(ML) and Liu Yi Fei(FL) is like a match from heaven! I love their chemistry so much! Love without sacrifices is not love, after all!ML was willing to help FL since FL was all out helping ML too!

Pros is the setting was nice, story was good (focusing on humble women in that dynasty and how they're living their lives, despite frowned upon by society even though they did nothing wrong or shameful), and OMG great cinematography, great lighting mood, and amazing casts. I love Liu Yi Fei and she is so soft spoken almost like whispering but with firm voice. Soothing to the ears. ML is also playful and a little flirty. When I said a good chemistry ✨ i meant like them! ✨

Though, I can't stand is the ex-fiancee of FL, if he really love her, he should fight for her instead of saying FL only brings him shame just because of her past status of he and the society called pariah/humble woman/low life! He's like a leech depending on her for damn 3 years for God's sake she even bought him a land!
Also, FL close friend that married gambler aka conman (i think it was played by Lin Yun, I suddenly forgot her character name haha). In the drama, she is a bright girl but quite ungrateful and stubborn in her own way and immaturely foolish too! Maybe because she is the youngest amongst the trio (FL, San Niang, and her).
There's another woman in the drama called Sun San Niang, she is such a great friend to FL, very supportive despite having a hard life both as mother and wife! ? I pity her, though.

In a nutshell, this drama definitely worth to give it a try as me myself can't wait to see what will happen, how they gonna live their lives and need more episodes!

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A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 7, 2023
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 5.0
Historia 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

girlbossing their way into being considered a feminist show lmao

this show definitely received a lot of hype and was often recommended to me as well for being a 'feminist' show, though i think it ultimately fell quite flat for me in regards to that. i wouldn't even be able to say that i felt it explored the plight of 'jianji' in the song dynasty particularly well, much less feminism. what it IS is fluffy, generally light hearted, cute romances and sisterly bonding, which is also p good and enjoyable.

one of the strong points of this show is how it presents the lives of common people in the song dynasty, the beauty and art in every day life is extremely nice and refreshing. As opposed to how most shows tend to focus on the lives of the imperial family, or on nobility, it's very nice to be amongst normal business people and scholars. the sets, design, costuming and specific little details about every day life feel very rich and enjoyable. i love the slide of life vibe, and seeing the tea house and then the restaurant, i LOVE chi pan and i think he's absolutely adorable and SO funny. this show shines when it's about the average every day trials and tribulations of common people, such as the squabbles with chi pan, the competition the tea house has to enter with the other tea shops, creating the flower moon banquet, etc. etc. and this show is at its worst when trying to talk about the political issues and frankly anything to do w gu qianfan's storyline. i've seen countless palace intrigue and court drama that get all of the plotting down to an art... what's the point of even trying if you can't follow through with it and create an intriguing plot? the court drama stuff honestly just didn't really make that much sense with the rest of the show and ultimately didn't really amount to anything? like im not sure why any of it mattered, because none of it really even had anything to do with gu qianfan's character anyway. he starts out a good but hard man who hates and doesn't trust his dad and ends basically exactly the same. not sure what was the point of all of this other than to make him seem complex, but there was no complexity actually written. his dad is shitty and can't be trusted, even if he loves qianfan, so nothing matters, these relationship dynamics don't change? qianfan still hates him and doesn't want anything to do with him by the end? honestly it all just feels v pointless and everything hard that qianfan goes through seems to be for the purpose of creating the aesthetic of a brutal, hard man who tortures others without batting an eye, while not actually giving a shit about him as a character, or caring about the story of this kind of violent brutal man? you can always tell when the writers care or not and i find it overwhelmingly clear that the writers did not give a shit about him. what matters is the dichotomy of how cruel and brutal he can be, how much pain he can endure, and then how sweet and cute he is with pan'er. they just wanted a man who can kill his best friend in one scene, and in the next he can bashfully blush and flirt w pan'er. im totally good w this duality, i just wish that the writing could actually back it up and make me feel anything for him and his storyline!

it's extremely clear that the only characters the writer actually cares abt are zhao pan'er, song yinzhang, and sun sanniang. and there's nothing wrong w that! i just wish we didn't have to waste any time at all on qianfan and his absolutely pointless storyline that goes nowhere!! the most stand out scenes in the whole show to me are the ones that focus on pan'er's character and how she's been shaped by being a jianji, and how she's been hurt, in particular the convo she has w sanniang about worrying about whether or not qianfan likes her, as well as the one about how much of a workaholic she is (which i found extremely relatable hahaha). pan'er is definitely the most well developed character of the series, but even so i still wanted more? i feel like more could've been said with this character and her arc could've been better developed. like she spends so much energy trying to prove herself as an outstanding person worthy of value who can't be bullied or hurt and by the end i still don't know how much she actually has truly accepted herself?

the relationship between pan'er and qianfan is also one of the highlights of the show! liu yifei is great and breathes a specific natural, easy life into the character, and the banter and flirting between the two of them is *chefs kiss* it's rare that i like something specifically for the way the romance is portrayed, but they just have wonderful chemistry! their relationship feels very fresh, very cute, without a lot of the usual silly tropes in romantic dramas, and it's absolutely very modern lmao. i like that chen xiao isn't the usual type of idol beauty, and in fact i wouldn't consider him particularly handsome at all LMAO but that's a good thing! i also think their very first conflict as an official couple was really well done. i was already annoyed at pan'er assuming the worst of qianfan after overhearing him and i thought it was going to be bad writing, but then qianfan called her out on it!! and it made sense why she would react that way once they discussed it and they solved it like adults. this is the sort of relationship writing that i really enjoy and want to see. i had high hopes after seeing that scene, however all was dashed when their major conflict appeared like 3/4 of the way thru the show which was based NOT on any sort of real conflict between their characters, like a clashing of values or personalities, but because of a stupid ass information reveal that doesn't hold any weight and qianfan RUNNING AWAY for like 8 episodes because he 'couldn't face her'??? this is some lazy ass writing if i've ever seen it. give me a real fight, don't give me information reveals that have to do w characters who dont reflect the actions and decisions of the main couple!! don't give me misunderstandings and lack of communication!! honestly why the hell is qianfan doing this to her when he knows how much she's been hurt by shitty men tossing her aside!! just write her a letter or get chen lian to tell her he cant talk rn he's processing or smth MY GOD. i hate this sort of meaningless conflict more than anything else in this series, it's conflict for the sake of conflict, made by lazy writers forcing it to happen. very lame and disappointing typical c-drama shit, ESPECIALLY the whole 'my dad killed your dad so we can't be together.' like that is simply not a real reason you can't work out especially when gu qianfan hates his dad lol and it's especially not a reason that the audience would find any stakes in, any real side to take, with 0 complexity for either of the characters.

ok onto the 'feminism'.......... i think that personally i just do not consider girlboss narratives the height of feminism, nor do they say anything interesting or transgressive. like okay women can succeed and be business owners? obviously? for me to respect a work as feminist is if they actually do something transgressive, but this show is LESS progressive than the work it's adapted from where pan'er and yinzhang are actually sex workers. it's extremely easy to make a show with agreeable politics if its characters are just talented dancers and musicians who are pariahs for it. like, pan'er, yinzhang, and sanniang are all remarkable, talented, hard working women who are smart, beautiful, morally pure, capable and basically nothing short of perfect. pan'er isn't even born a jianji, she's the daughter of a military official and comes from a noble and distinguished background that values the arts! and they have to constantly remind you of this to say that the system is fucked, not that it's wrong for just existing anyway! nothing about them actually challenges audience perception of who is deserving of being treated with value by society, which is also disappointing because it's such a modern show. and even in a historical context i don't think the show truly explores the plight of the jianji and the way they are oppressed in society, other than how it has affected yinzhang and pan'er's characters. like?? i don't feel like i actually know how hard it is to be a jianji, other than generally being looked down upon. give me actual beggars and prostitutes? society is still fucked for treating them like shit, it doesn't only matter if it's beautiful, perfect and talented women like pan'er. the amount of times the main characters have to say they're better than sex workers and that 'they're treated like prostitutes and beggars'... girl guess what they should be treated with respect too!!! give me girls who are ugly or fat or disabled or actually gender nonconforming(EXTREMELY disappointed that zhaodi ends the series in girl clothes) or even just girls who aren't perfectly talented and capable! show me that they have value and deserve respect too! but no china isn't ready for that!!!!! it's just very frustrating after a certain point to see such a focus on selling the show as feminist, to see pan'er and co. fighting SO hard against and SO obsessed w their caste and patriarchy when it can only deliver the most tepid girl power girlboss message. it's an extremely modern show w modern characters and relationships with an aesthetic historical background, so it's very frustrating that instead of having modern day struggles against patriarchy, they have historical struggles against the historical caste system that put musicians and performers and craftspeople as the lowest class. all of these people are easily given respect in modern day times! i think shen ruzhuo was the most interesting part in the show in terms of showing misogyny, and his nonstop 'nice guy' act while continuously guilting, pressuring and overriding yinzhang's boundaries was well done. i really wish that if the show is here to talk about feminism that there was more of this! show me more of how insidious patriarchy is in the average everyday, it doesn't have to just be tying a girl up to a tree and beating her! i guess i do have v high expectations of the media i consider feminist, and sometimes when i'm reminded of just how bad patriarchy is, and how for some people, even this show is still doing something good or changing the way they think, im more able to accept it. it's just hard for me personally to enjoy any of those aspects of this show. i will say though, that female friendship and solidarity were really nice throughout the show, and the real strength of these feminist values. like there basically isn't a single Real female villain, and especially none who are acting in the interest of their love for a man. which is ACTUALLY new and revolutionary for c-drama. i love that gao hui was set up to be a conniving scheming villain, and then she turned out to be totally normal and becomes friends with pan'er. zhang haohao is jealous of yinzhang, but she still puts that aside to warn her against the rapist. gao hui's nainiang is scheming and murderous but because she loves gao hui. and one of the times that did actually kind of get me emotionally was at the end when the empress comes in, and she learns that pan'er deceived the emperor for her, just because she's a woman like her who was once a jianji. that was a really nice moment of solidarity, between an average, everyday woman and the most powerful woman in the nation, and it really drives home the show's message about the power of friendship and solidarity between women.

ultimately this show is quite mid to good for me. it's enjoyable and fluffy, the romances are sweet and the characters are all pretty cute and funny. some moments are quite well written and striking. but ultimately it still falls flat in terms of any sort of complex character writing, nor does it say anything that would be particularly transgressive to modern society as a 'feminist' show.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 3, 2022
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 6.0

Excellent mix de romance / action / suspense / humour avec un super cast

Un excellent drama historico-romantique, avec du suspens, de l'action, un tas de complots, de l'humour et 3 strong FL.
Le charme de Chen Xiao en ML, et son talent font le reste (il arrive même à rendre sympa son personnage de tortionnaire :) :)

Le plot est original : parcours de 3 amies, low-classed, qui vont essayer de s'en sortir dans la capitale, et tentent de monter un commerce. Le point de vue est résolument féminin.
Les hommes sont respectivement : le chef de la sécurité impériale, un officiel ex-fiancé evil, un enseignant bigleux et un important businessman.... et les autres.

Le rythme est assez dynamique, les images sont belles.
Seul bémol : beaucoup de flash-back et trop trop long sur la musique traditionnelle.

A revoir éventuellement pour les OTP (mais pas tout le drama car il comporte quand même 40 épisodes...)

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Blue water tigress
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 22, 2023
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

There is a huge difference between a good man and a bad man

A Dream of Splendor is a Chinese historical comedy that I have been lucky enough to find and watch before the winter holidays. For those who are thinking about what to watch over the holidays, I recommend that you consider this comedy as an option for watching. There are many interesting, funny and positive moments in this series that cheer you up. And although the plot sags in some places, it's not critical.

In this series, I have seen both the blue and yellow coloured things and the familiar pattern which is depicted on my blue and yellow face and body towels. This is probably the most popular pattern in China. :) In addition, in the series I heard again the phrase “dead bees don't buzz” that I heard in Shang Yang Fu (The Rebel Princess). It's an idiom, and even though it sounds in English like “dead men tell no tales”, however, it is translated into Ukrainian just as “dead bees don't buzz”. As I have written earlier in my review on Turn on the Right Way to Life, the Ukrainian singer Pavlo Zibrov has one of his songs with the same title.

God has given me signs and clues in every drama I watch. You know, I believe that Ukraine's fate is linked to China, just as China's fate is linked to Ukraine. Moreover, I am sure that my destiny is connected to China. God has given me enough signs and clues about this not only in the dramas I watch, but also in real life.

I love to drink tea, especially green one, so it has been interesting for me to watch tea craftsmanship and tea painting in this comedy. Also, thanks to the series, I found out about the existence of such a Chinese four-stringed plucked musical instrument as the pipa. While watching the show, I enjoyed the fans Tuanshan, just as I did while watching The Story of Ming Lan. I even bought one of those fans. Although I also have a folding fan, I like the fan Tuanshan more.

What I didn't like about the series was that the characters in it swore very easily, especially by heaven, without planning to fulfil their oaths. In the Bible, in the New Testament, it is forbidden to swear at all, as Jesus Christ has pointed out. Here are Christ's words from the Gospel of the Apostle Matthew, chapter 5, verses 33-37: “You have also heard that it was commanded to the ancients: “You shall not swear falsely”, but “you shall keep your vows before the Lord”. But I say to you that you shall not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God; nor by earth, for it is the footstool of His feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King; nor shall you swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. But your word shall be “yes, yes”, “no, no”. Anything more than that is of the evil one”.

I was happy to see many familiar actors in the series. I was especially happy to see Wang Luo Yong, who perfectly acted Zhuge Liang in Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon. In A Dream of Splendor, he performed no worse. By the way, in A Dream of Splendor, one of the scientists had a fan similar to the one that Zhuge Liang had in Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon.

There is a huge difference between a good man and a bad man. The series shows it very well. Unfortunately, the three main heroines had to learn what a bad man was. The youngest of them was especially unlucky, having experienced it twice. And though the two older protagonists were lucky enough to know what a good man was, the youngest was not so lucky.

I should say that I didn't like the actress Liu Yi Fei (Crystal Liu), who performed the main heroine Zhao Pan Er in the comedy. I liked neither her appearance nor her acting. In my opinion, Zhao Pan Er was supposed to be the most beautiful and spectacular heroine in the series, but that was not shown. Liu Yi Fei has bulging eyes, a humped nose and horse teeth. Her acting in the series is also mediocre. She spoiled her character with a bad performance. Liu Yi Fei is vulgar and has made her heroine vulgar, although according to the plot she shouldn't be, despite her past.

As for me, the main goal of the series is to show that you can work as a musician, singer or dancer in a brothel and not be a whore; but you can not work in a brothel and be a whore, because a whore is not a profession, but a state of mind. Liu Yi Fei couldn't show it. But Jelly Lin (Fei Xia), who portrayed Song Yin Zhang in the comedy, showed it perfectly. As a result, due to Liu Yi Fei's bad performance, I didn't like her character as much as I should have. It was necessary to cast a more beautiful and more talented actress for that role.

But I really liked the actresses Ada Liu (Liu Yan) and Jelly Lin, who acted Sun San Niang and Song Yin Zhang accordingly, both in appearance and in their performance. I especially liked Ada Liu's character, Sun San Niang. Not only me, but even a blind person could have noticed her beautiful figure, especially her lush bust. In my opinion, this is how a real woman should look like. In Ukraine, older men say that it's better for a woman to have a little cellulite and excess weight, as long as she has something to grab onto. :) No one needs a “ladder” in bed.

Sun San Niang was not only very beautiful in appearance, but she was also brave, courageous and had “golden” hands. What delicacies she could cook! You will lick your fingers! How was it possible to abandon such a woman?! Her first husband is a complete idiot. And her son is an ungrateful little pig, just like his father. It's a good thing that life has taught him to appreciate his mother. The only thing I agreed with Du Chang Feng on was that Sun San Niang spoke as if she had swallowed a firecracker. :) She should have a little more tenderness. But it's not such a big flaw.

Among the male characters, I liked very much Gu Qian Fan. He is another “kindergarten teacher” in a body of a warrior. :) Gu Qian Fan is tough, strict, principled. He is the best detective in the Capital Security Office. For his integrity and justice, his enemies and detractors gave him a nasty nickname that didn't correspond to him at all. Gu Qian Fan didn't hesitate to kill even his best friend for his betrayal, but he treated the protagonist Zhao Pan Er like a small child. And rightly so, because it is a man who should carry a woman in his arms, and not vice versa. He quickly figured out his feelings for her. What can I say, he's a straightforward guy.

Gu Qian Fan helped his beloved woman as much as he could, but when she shone like a star, he stood behind and silently admired her success. From the first time I saw him, I knew he was a good man. Watching Gu Qian Fan, I thought “where does my “Gu Qian Fan” walk and when will I meet him?” He is tall, slim, strong and smart. You can see such men only in films and books. But it was a pleasure to look at him. Chen Xiao did a great job in his role.

Gu Qian Fan said the right thing in the series. Weak men can't stand up to any test. Only a real man can defy the odds and be with the woman he loves no matter what. I believe that the main hero is the kind of person who can challenge any circumstances.

Gu Qian Fan had a charming assistant in the series named Chen Lian. However, in my opinion, he didn't know anything about women, even though he boasted about it. All his knowledge about women ended when he met Ge Zhao Di. :) But that dude was so sweet that he melted even her heart.

Guan Yun Peng performed splendidly not only in the series but also in the advert. If you've watched episodes of the series from Tencent Video on YouTube, you'll know what I mean. I especially liked the moment at the end of the fifth episode with the flower in his ear. :) I love watching episodes from Tencent Video. They always have high-quality subtitles. Not only the lyrics of the songs are translated, but also the names of all the buildings, inscriptions on the beams, the names of the characters, etc. By the way, in the advert of A Dream of Splendor episodes, I also saw Liu Tao and Tang Yan. Liu Tao is unsurpassed even in advertising.

Gu Qian Fan and Chen Lian are two cool “chupa chups” :) whom I have liked the most among the male characters. But there were two more “chupa chups” that made me laugh. They are a “play-man” Chi Pan :):):) and a fatty but kind “chupa chups” He Si. And although Dai Xu went a little overboard with his acting, Hu Yu Xuan coped with his role one hundred percent. Honestly, while watching, I wanted to stand with He Si and his fellows, beat the drum and shout as well with them. :) As I have already said, I don't like when men dress in women's clothes. But He Si was just a superstar in the series. :):):)

As for Xu Hai Qiao and his character, I will say that he is obviously born to perform all sorts of assholes. He portrayed such a schmuck in Marvelous Women. But in A Dream of Splendor, he acted a real scoundrel. His character Ouyang Xu reminded me of that sucker on thin, crooked legs, a hundred and five centimetres tall, similar to the ugly Zaches-Zinnober that I once fell in love with by mistake.

A year ago, that scarecrow wrote on one of his Weibo pages regarding me something like “we will protect such beauty”. Of course, I didn't believe his lies, and then I thought: “You should learn to defend yourself first, you jerk! I will do without your protection. God will protect me”.

I've dealt with such jackals in my life that that lousy goat is like a piece of pie in my mouth. I can crush him with one of my paws. When last year God let me know that he was not my soul mate, as I thought, but a fake, I laughed so hard for several days that I could not calm down, so it was funny to me. A good “Muyun Sheng” is a screen, a golden mask. In fact, he is a thoroughly rotten, lying, vicious and useless piece of shit. Let him stick his “protection” up his ass! Let that pig-dog continue to eat mud and bark like Ouyang Xu does in the series.

That sadist and sexual maniac never understood that I was a furious tigress whom Christ released from the leash, pointed at him and gave me the command “attack”. It was for all the bad, evil and immoral things he had done in his life. You know, I don't even hate him anymore. Because, as Tuo Ba Jun rightly has noted in The Princess Wei Young, there is hate when there is love. I have no love for him, no hatred, only deep contempt and indifference. I hope he ends up like Ouyang Xu. Anyone who cannot empathise with others does not deserve to be empathised with.

Sun Jian is another piece of shit who thinks he can use women to his advantage and get nothing for it. He has no feelings or emotions, he is like a mannequin and looks the same. How many plastic surgeries has he had, twenty, thirty? I wish him to end up like such male characters of A Dream of Splendor as Zhou She and Shen Ru Zuo.

Well, and the third “honourable” place in my anti-rating of men-goats deservedly goes to Dou Xiao, because I feel contempt for men who marry rich women for profit. They are called alphonsees, which is what Dou Xiao is.

At the same time, I will name three male Chinese actors who I like the most as actors and who look like men, not mannequins. They are Hu Ge, Zhou Yi Wei and Qu Gao Wei. But this trio of actors should not relax. Because just as I raised them to the heavens, so could I lower them below the plinth. Let them just give me a reason.

By the way, next year will be the year of the dragon. So Blue water tigress will have fun! She is not afraid of any dragon. She will put out his fire with her water, tear off his wings, bite off his head and send him by her paw under his ass in the course of the russian warship. Although, I will tell you that last year has been the year of Blue water tigress, this year has been and next year will also be the year of Blue water tigress. I will not let some lice dragon take my place! :)

It's time for me to quote you my characteristic according to the Pythagorean square. Here it is: “An extraordinary personality with a rare mind. Such people are almost completely protected from failure in any endeavour, everything is very simple for them. The person's mind is a supercomputer. The truth and the nature of knowledge are revealed to this person. The school curriculum, higher mathematics, Chinese, programming are like seeds for her. She can hold and process many processes in her head.

The potential of the person's talent is very strong. She has the talent of a genius. This person can share energy with others. Sometimes such people can have healing abilities. The person is a good family member with a developed sense of responsibility. You can rely on such a person, she is always ready to provide support. Family values are not an empty sound for her. She consciously plans to start a family and proves to be a good family member. She wants a partner who shares this goal”.

That's my brief description, but that's not all, it's just the main thing. But now you know who I really am. When I have said that I am a genius, I have not bragged, but have stated a fact. And in general, I am a woman-paradox. I have a man's mind and “iron” logic, but the heart and appearance of a real woman.

I dedicate to myself a song by Roy Orbison called Oh, Pretty Woman. And to the main hero of the comedy A Dream of Splendor, Gu Qian Fan, I dedicate the song All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. The title of this song is a solid spoiler. :)

As I have already mentioned such a wonderful holiday as Christmas, which is approaching, I would like to recommend you to watch two movies that are suitable for watching on this holiday. Firstly, it is The Nativity Story (2006). In my opinion, people have not yet made a better film about the birth of Jesus Christ than that one.

I also advise you to watch The Christmas Candle (2013). The soundtrack to that film is a Susan Boyle's song called Miracle Hymn. Very rarely have I heard such a magnificent, angelic voice as Susan Boyle's. She also performs one of the female roles in that movie. Be sure to watch that film and listen to its soundtrack.

I recommend to all listening to the wonderful song Jesus To A Child by George Michael. That's not just a song, but a musical poem about love. I dedicate these songs about Christ to Him. I also want to dedicate another song to Jesus. It's the song O Come, Emmanuel which is sung by Simon Khorolskiy.

And no more any “Last Christmas”. I will no longer give my heart to anyone for free. To get it, you have to deserve it. Besides, I have already given my heart to Jesus Christ, because He is my true love. I used to be a big romantic and idealist about romantic and family relationships, but God showed me what a naive child I was. Now everything will be different.

You all need to understand that I am a princess who sits in a fortress whose walls are much higher than the Great Wall of China, and this fortress is guarded by the Greatest and Most Powerful Lion in the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. And He will let only another lion come to me, and all the wolves, hyenas, jackals, goats, peacocks and other evil spirits may “walk in the forest”.

To this year, which is coming to an end, I dedicate the music track Remember (Instrumental Ver. Feat.서호) from the South Korean TV series My Country: The New Age (what is happening now in my country can also be called “my country: the new age”). It was a turning point year. This year, the Lord has turned my life around and has made it what it should be; He has changed my life for the better, and me with it.

But the most interesting things are still ahead. So, see you in the new year.

Merry Christmas... and the Happy New Year!

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Dejado 12/40
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 28, 2023
12 of 40 episodios vistos
Dejado 0
Global 5.0
Historia 3.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 5.5
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Final boss

I could not stand the leads in this show, personally I felt no chemistry, and I wasn't excited by their romance. I have seen a lot of reviews saying that there aren't any scenes that are a waste of time. This is completely untrue, I need someone to explain to me the purpose of the dice, knife, poetry fight from the 10th episode?

I was fine until she met Ouyang and things got dumb.

I hated the cinematography in particular. So many cuts for a simple conversation and weird ugly handheld shots that follow. Shots should be deliberate and meaningful. Sometimes the editing was so overzealous that I would get physically angry. I once counted 15 cuts in the span of a minute. Why? What for? They were just standing around talking casually but its edited like a fights broke out.

I skipped to the end and her fiance was the final boss.... So boring. Never again.

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Dejado 40/40
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 21, 2022
40 of 40 episodios vistos
Dejado 0
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 10
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Most interesting movie and more valuable to love

So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series
So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series
So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series
So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series
So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series
So adorable couple. Hopefuly can be happy ending for the story at least , glad to see their perform again next series

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Bian Liang Meng Hua Tu (2022) poster



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