catnip wrote: I would assume yes, MDL doesn't have any animations at the moment.

I know your pain. Thanks for coming back :)

your very much welcome!!! fighting:)
catnip wrote: Y is actually in this group: "0-9 + F + U + V + Y".

Oh yeah sorry, i'll take them all + W
Lylina wrote: Oh yeah sorry, i'll take them all + W

Aw, you're so hardworking :) thank you!
How about I do February and August then?
casey30002002 wrote: How about I do February and August then?

Sounds great.
I'm one with L and N..cause some of the movies in L are already in our DB...I just add some actors in it.. But some movies still don't some info like range of time and date of released... Maybe we/I can take it noted... I can take any work for today..Got some important meeting.. I'll take another job maybe tomorrow... Everyone here taking the wor..Fighting:)
I'll take P for movies.
I'm done with October and December....all the new actors included as well:D
I wonder where is all that new members inflow Skye told me about?
Since I cannot edit my own posts [that damn long lasting bug], I'll post the list of who does what.

January - catnip
February - casey30002002
March - catnip
April -
May -
June+July - catnip [almost done]
August - casey30002002
September -
October+December - Aya97 [almost done]
November -

0-9+F+U+V+Y - Lylina
A -
B -
C -
D - CheshireKat
E - catnip [done]
G -
H -
I -
J - darkangel662008 [almost done]
K -
L - darkangel662008 [almost done]
M - miks
N - darkangel662008 [almost done]
O -
P - darkangel662008
R -
S -
T -
W - Lylina
I forgot to add that I am almost done with February, I just have to add two people to mdl list of actors and I ll be done with it..l
I'm only missing W i'll finish tonight or tomorrow afternoon :)
I finally have my edit button and I'm prepared to use it! Therefore, I added the list of what still needs to be done and which members assigned themselves for what. Please let me know when your changes are approved or at least when you're done. That way I'll know at least approximately when to check if you left something out or not.
How is everyone doing with their tasks?
catnip wrote: Well, it really does for me.... I'll try posting it again for you

Forgot to reply, I'll do May dramas.