2018 Watch Challenge

This discussion has been closed.

Turn-in Form:

* Starting date: Jan 1, 2018

* Finishing date: Dec 31, 2018

* Link to your sign-up form: DarylJ Sign Up
* Link to your completed Drama list: DarylJ Completed 
* Difficulty: Merciless+
* Your restrictions: Will watch a movie in all and a drama in most categories  Will watch a drama/movie from all countries (except Philippines). Will include an Alphabet Challenge.        
* The number of completed dramas for the challenge: 59+1 SP
* The number of completed drama specials for the challenge:
* The number of completed movies for the challenge: 55+5 SP
* Progress: Dramas - 60/60 - Completed - 31Dec18
                         Movies/Specials - 60/60 - Completed - 22Dec18
                         Total Challenges - 60/60 - Completed - 22Dec18
                         Drama Alphabet - E. H. W. - Failed
                         Movie Alphabet - Completed - 20Dec18

Note: 1 cheat for drama from the 1950s

Custom Lists

* Dramas - Watched In 2018   Dramas

* Movies - Watched In 2018    Pt 1
                                                                  Pt 2      

Turn-in Form:

  • Starting date: January 1, 2018
  • Finishing date: December 31, 2018
  • Link to your sign-up form: sign up form
  • Link to your completed Drama list: My Completed Dramas List
  • Difficulty: Extremely Hard  turned to merciless 
  • Your restrictions: "None - its a new world to me, just found it in Dec 2017 " found that i rather chose more shows that i liked then just for the score points
  • The number of completed dramas for the challenge: 45
  • The number of completed drama specials for the challenge: 3
  • The number of completed movies for the challenge: 31
  • Progress: 70+/50
  • Score:  72 at least - didn't have time to calculate everything :(
  • Starting date: January 1, 2018
  • Finishing date: December 31, 2018
  • Link to your sign-up form: Rose
  • Link to your completed Drama list: Completed drama list
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Your restrictions: Drama only
  • The number of completed dramas for the challenge: 24
  • The number of completed drama specials for the challenge: 0
  • The number of completed movies for the challenge: 0
  • Progress: 24/20
  • Score: 83
  • Starting date: January 1, 2018
  • Finishing date: December 31, 2018
  • Link to your sign-up form: JustJackieB
  • Link to your completed Drama list: Completed drama list
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Your restrictions: None
  • The number of completed dramas for the challenge: 14
  • The number of completed drama specials for the challenge: 4
  • The number of completed movies for the challenge: 8
  • Progress: 26/30
  • Score:
Hessa Volunteer Staff

This concludes the challenge. 

Thanks for all who participated and hope to see in the 2019 challenge.

Any posts after this will not be counted. I want to celebrate new year's eve.

Turn -in Form

Turn-in Form:

Once all chooses challenges are done, copy and paste this form into a new reply to this thread.

Turn-in Form:

Once all chooses challenges are done, copy and paste this form into a new reply to this thread.

  • Starting date: January 1, 2018
  • Finishing date: December 31, 2018
  • Link to your sign-up form: Sign Up Form
  • Link to your completed Drama list: Completed List
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Your restrictions: None
  • The number of completed dramas for the challenge: 20
  • The number of completed drama specials for the challenge: 4
  • The number of completed movies for the challenge: 6
  • Progress: 30/30
  • Score:
Sleepninja locked this ene 1, 2019 01:12