It is a good suggestion to give a direction to the rating.

10 = Perfect/Masterpiece
9 = Superb/Almost Perfect
8 = Great
7 = Good

but still Ratings can measure quality, but cannot tell what is the basis of quality measurement.


  • artist/cast/actors/idols
  • direction/director
  • production/producer
  • contume/makeup
  • music
  • story
  • theme/tag
  • genre
  • scandle on that time
  • new/old drama
  • scenry
  • what mood you have watched
  • country etc 


  • different person, different  base, same drama :  person "A" gives 4/10 to a drama based on story,  person "B" gives 10/10 to the same drama based on idol and the  person "C" gives 7/10 based on genre and so on.
  • same person, different base , different drama : Sometimes people do not think similar all the time. Same person takes different basis for two different dramas. Like a person considered story as the basis for drama "A" and genre as basis for drama "B".

So this question "Am I the only one who thinks MDL ratings are inaccurate? " will arise even if what you are suggesting is implemented some day.

Here every person/user wants things and people equal to his intelligence/like. 

example 1

Some time ago someone had question MDL rating on  support section. 

"Why Immortal Samsara   rating is low,?

whereas at that time its rating was 8.9. Despite this he felt its  less."

example 2

An honest review by a user(don't remember user name), was removed by MDL, Because its admirer did not like it.  on Congrats My Ex! 

example 3 

If you -ve comment on any scene on any drama page, the response you get is "Leave the drama and go away. Your level is low."

NOTE: How much rating a person gives, on what basis he gives the rating and what are his views, it is the freedom of every person.

Actually just be saying ratings are subjective but saying MDL ratings are more inflated as compared to IMDB already shows that MDL ratings are more “inaccurate”.

It’s not just that people here use the scale in a more “inflated” way. It’s that people here like every single drama. That’s just not possible.

I think MDL is a good site for fans to connect, but not a good site for reviews, period.

You just need to find some friends who have similar tastes and maybe look through their lists to find good drama gems.

Unless you're new to this site, yes MDL has higher ratings since forever.

I think MDL is a good site for fans to connect, but not a good site for reviews, period.

This is not true. It depends on how you read the review. I would read both good reviews and bad reviews.  That's what I do in IMDB as well. Putting the number of the rating aside, the points they wrote in reviews could actually tell you many things about drama/movie/shows. 

Yeah but I agree the analogy wasn't the best. But I just wanted to highlight the number itself is meaningless. In the case of MDL most people already aware of its higher rating. As someone in earlier post has mentioned it's safe to consider a minus 2 points of anything on MDL....if you want to compare it with standard scale of 10 ratings.

The fact that you are saying it should be minus 2 points on anything kinda proves my point that it is actually inaccurate. It should be compared to standard scale of 10 ratings because it is what it is. Just because a group of people are using it the wrong way does not mean that it is not the same system. You see this system in a variety of content (movies, shows, books, video games) as  well as sports, they all try to use it to estimate the quality of whatever is rated.

Actually, I saw many MDL users have their own ratings when I first joined this site. So that's why I came up with mine and tried to adhere with it as much as possible.

You must be wondering why I don't have anything lower than 5 in my list. That's because I chose my drama and I avoid what I hate. I don't list down what I watched on TV (basically the Korean and Chinese)....which I rarely finish and able to watch fully without accidentally missed some of the episodes.

I previously used to rated things I dropped as 3 or 4. But later I removed the rating as I mostly drop anything based on my personal value. So that lower rating was actually not objective but was the hate i have towards that trivial personal reason.

I have seen it before and while it makes sense for someone who follows you and trust your ratings specifically, it doesn't make sense when  added to the average as no one seems to be using the same system in the end. 

I actually didn't look into your list but I am not surprised because I actually try to do the same and avoid content that I know isn't for me, or that I wouldn't like. But this is also why I have complaints about how accuracy of the current system, or it's flaws (that could be fixed!). It does make sense to select what you will more certainly enjoy, even though we can always go out of our comfort zone but that's an entirely different conversation imo. 

It also makes sense to drop content that is average or below average, even though it is debatable that we can still review or rate it (just to warn others about the type of content). We all are affected by our own views on certain topics and characters but that doesn't necessarily mean your review wouldn't be valuable. That is as long as you can word it and express why you feel that way, then your review will be helpful to many. It's also perfectly reasonable to complain or rate something lower because of a certain character, because if you do hate that character there are probably good reasons as to why (lacking character development, being too much etc).

This is by itself is a subjective statement. I can agree and disagree at the same

Because it has pros and cons. And while I don't mind using older system as long as they are efficient, I would  probably prefer to improve the ones that are broken or dysfunctional in some ways. Of course it would affect older content too as it wouldn't be rated with the same logic, but with content consumption it's inevitable if you want to improve something like that.

I forgot to write this but I understand the concern of small margin between 7 - 10. Yes that is true for individual rating as you can only have half point between the number, but as a whole the range between 7 and 8 is actually 10 points apart. I mean you have 7.0 up to 7.9 before reaching the 8. Then the 7 and 10 could have like 30 points in between.

I get your point and it is valid, but the points in between are much easier to reach (one way or another) compared to the actual point. While there is nuance in there, I just feel like it's not as meaningul or shouldn't be compared to the actual point. In the end whenever I check a drama and that it's rated in the 7', I don't know if it's going to be terrible or good, because that's the margin of error for me and that I need to consier all  the previous groups we talked a bout. This makes the experience frustrating, and I don't believe I am the only one in the community (based on this topic too haha).


Actually just be saying ratings are subjective but saying MDL ratings are more inflated as compared to IMDB already shows that MDL ratings are more “inaccurate”.

It’s not just that people here use the scale in a more “inflated” way. It’s that people here like every single drama. That’s just not possible.

I think MDL is a good site for fans to connect, but not a good site for reviews, period.

You just need to find some friends who have similar tastes and maybe look through their lists to find good drama gems.

Exactly my point, to me they are admitting that it's inaccurate by trying to correct it and consider that the "real score" is actually minus 2.

but still Ratings can measure quality, but cannot tell what is the basis of measurement.

You are right, but I tend to think that basic rating system only consider the most important factor which is about the person's enjoyement rather than the aspects on which this enjoyment came from.

So this question "Am I the only one who thinks MDL ratings are inaccurate? " will arise even if what you are suggesting is implemented some day.

You're right as well, and this is why I also said it wasn't a perfect solution but that I still consider it would be an improvement and help some people rate  according to their feelings. And avoid having people rate  something higher because they feel "bad" for giving it a proper rating. Because if they come accross the "7 - Good", I want to believe they will reconsider their position and rate it lower. Leading to a more accurate system for me.

NOTE: How much rating a person gives, on what basis he gives the rating and what are his views, it is the freedom of every person.

I do not want to remove that from anyone and everyone's feelings are valid. My main issue is not about how they feel about the content, but more about how they use the current system to reflect it. From their own words they will say it's because they feel bad rating it badly, but they still feel the need to rate it and will affect the average. 

If more filters are implemented this would help greatly because then you can select what kind of people you wish to rely on to read your reviews. Let's say I am allowed to only select people that have seen 100+ shows, that are over 20-25 or whatever, then I have my "own system" based on my filters and I know it will be more accurate than the current one. This is not solving the problem I mentioned before though, but this will make the system better imo.

I apologize for the double post but I felt like it would be easier to answer separately.

Sorry for bringing this useless discussion up once again but I have to say that rating in dramas isn't rocket science that would cause tragedy if you accidentally misread or misunderstood it...or even MIS-RATED any dramas. It's for FUN guys for goodness are free to see it as you feel fit. 

Selfishly accuses others as dysfunctional just because they added the rating by 2 should be awarded a Nobel Prize I believe!!

Even if you rated a drama 3/10. How do you know you rated it accurately or not? 

If higher numbers is inaccurate just because you think so, does lower numbers guarantee the accuracy? 

Maybe it's only accurate if it is the exact same number as your rating?? Then only you will approve it?

I guess Burhaa Aadmi has summed things in previous post quite nicely. I recommend people who read this discussion to read it again with an open heart.

Maybe it's only accurate if it is the exact same number as your rating?? Then only you will approve it?

This is exactly what I said earlier.

Here every person/user wants things and people equal to his intelligence/like. 

and I already completely agree with the arguments of the @burhaa aadmi .

As someone in earlier post has mentioned it's safe to consider a minus 2 points of anything on MDL....if you want to compare it with standard scale of 10 ratings.

It looks like my statement above have somehow became "solid proof" MDL is inaccurate. I was just requoting earlier post and number 2 isn't set in stone. It's just rough idea. I should have said IMDB instead of standard 10 scale to make things clear.

The reason I said the above because there are always people who rely on number to decide on things and that "minus 2" is just the reference to what would normally rated in IMDB. 

But for sure it is not always the case. For example: Tokyo Vice is rated 8/10 in IMDB. It is also rated 8/10 in MDL. So in this case does IMDB inaccurate because MDL is always minus 2??

These numbers only relevant when you want to decide on watching something. It's not an Ego Check to see if your taste is inline with any rating sites. For that, rating isn't the only decisive factor. 

I personally don't rely on ratings especially if it's hyped drama. Look at Tokyo Vice example above. Most of the people who blatantly rated 9 and 10 at IMDB are the west people who don't watch Asian dramas (based on the reviews).  

If you read the review (IMDB) it's funny how these people easily impressed by the drama just because it is claimed to be based on real stories...LOL For them the drama was groundbreaking but for MDL members who know Japan drama inside out the drama was just another hyped drama. I would say it should be rated 6/10 but since MDL is "2 points extra", it's an 8.

This is exactly what I said earlier.

Haha I must have probably read that and re-quoted it without realize


Haha I must have probably read that and re-quoted it without realize

I quoted you because our thoughts match.
And that is also an important point that needs to be highlighted.

We could go on and on for hours if we can't agree on something that is actually a fact that has been proven and admitted by many. If you need more proofs you can also check drama pages and you will see multiple people saying "this is bad: 7". I already explained why thinking this way will pack all the ratings and make the scale less accurate.  

Selfishly accuses others as dysfunctional just because they added the rating by 2 should be awarded a Nobel Prize I believe!!

Even if you rated a drama 3/10. How do you know you rated it accurately or not?

If higher numbers is inaccurate just because you think so, does lower numbers guarantee the accuracy?

Maybe it's only accurate if it is the exact same number as your rating?? Then only you will approve it?

I guess Burhaa Aadmi has summed things in previous post quite nicely. I recommend people who read this discussion to read it again with an open heart.

I fail to understand how this would make it more selfish to discuss something that is being done inacurrately leading to more people having issues to sort their drama. 

You seem very confused. The issue is not that they rate lower or higher than others (or us), but that they purposely rate inaccurately because they feel bad (or any other reason). This has nothing to do with how we rate or feel about the drama because it is subjective, this has to do with how they decide to choose a rating even though they know it is not accurate and in the end will affect the average and global rating of said drama. There will be people that give a rating based on kiss scenes, based on actors alone, and they sometimes fast forward the entire thing giving it any kind of rating (7-8-9-10). I personally did not complain about these ratings even though I believe they are also a problem. But I am not suggesting to police everyone so they rate on the same standards, its impossible. I suggested to sort the ratings so it  represents more to people who care about the ratings to choose what to watch.

Both you and Burhha Aadmi admitted that it wasn't accurate because you both consider (or should I say you both think it's reasonable to believe) you need to correct it to have a better idea of what the "true" (or should I say more accurate) rating  is. I doubt most of these people rate based on IMDb, I know I don't consider this an issue just based on that but based on what is universally considered as a rating scale. Now it doesn't mean that everyone rating will be perfect, my own rating will change depending on when I decide to rate the content, and depending on how I feel at the moment and things like that. Does that make my feelings inaccurate? No, it means that I don't feel the same way about the content and it is fine. What isn't fine for me is if I feel that the content is a 4 and that I feel bad for rating it badly so I will jump it to a 7. I believe it would be preferable for me not to rate it at all than to affect the entire system based on my guilt (this is just an example based on a popular reason as to why they rate higher).

It looks like my statement above have somehow became "solid proof" MDL is inaccurate. I was just requoting earlier post and number 2 isn't set in stone. It's just rough idea. I should have said IMDB instead of standard 10 scale to make things clear.

It is not about the number 2, it is about the logic behind your statement and that it is safe to assume we could minus "any number of point" to make it more accurate. This is not about IMDb, but even there the ratings seem more accurate regardless of how people feel about the content. I don't t hink IMDb represent the absolute truth though, because this type of content also needs an understanding of the culture and industry. On IMDb you will find people that just stumble upon content on netflix, making them less knownledgable about the whole genre which could lead to them rating it differently. You talked about that so we agree on this aspect.

The reason I said the above because there are always people who rely on number to decide on things and that "minus 2" is just the reference to what would normally rated in IMDB.

I considered this number an example but it does make sense to me. Because I've seen people saying the same exact thing before and while it's not exact science it does bring the issue up. If we need to consider that something should be minus or plus a certain number, we have an inaccurate system. There are many reasons as to why, but their feelings about the content isn't it, their feelings about the ratings is. 

I hope this clarifies the issue (for me, I can't speak for others) and why I believe this should be improved (rather easily may I say). Now you are right that this is for fun and this will not change our lives and everything. But I am in favor of improving things when we can as long as this seems reasonable. I believe an emoji or a descriptive word is reasonable and that many of these problematic ratings would change if they see "7 = Good". Now this is not going to stop me from sleeping at night, but this is an issue that is being brought up often on the site. But you know what else is fun? Discussing about this issue with other people that don't necessarily share our views. Does that mean that one of us has to be incorrect or that I should look down on you or be condescending?  Absolutely not and this is why Burhha Aadmi failed, because the moment you think you are above others you are in the wrong regardless of how right you are about a certain issue. We all are using this forum because we want to share and exchange, we don't have to agree but we need to respect each other.

give a direction to the rating. 

or some filter on rating and reviews according to your(individual) preference 

If more filters are implemented this would help greatly because then you can select what kind of people you wish to rely on to read your reviews. Let's say I am allowed to only select people that have seen 100+ shows, that are over 20-25 or whatever, then I have my "own system" based on my filters and I know it will be more accurate than the current one. This is not solving the problem I mentioned before though, but this will make the system better imo.

Somehow Floki   is also right, you will not be completely successful in this endeavor but you will definitely be satisfied to some extent.

You say this

The issue is not that they rate lower or higher than others (or us), but that they purposely rate inaccurately because they feel bad (or any other reason).


What isn't fine for me is if I feel that the content is a 4 and that I feel bad for rating it badly so I will jump it to a 7.

How do you know the person would ever wanted to give a 4 in the first place? Are we assuming here? Isn't the 4 is the number we picked?

To that person, 7 might be justified from the get go. You might have stumbled upon an extreme case, but I don't think anyone would rated lower first just to increase it later. Although the "additional 2 in MDL" I keep mentioning sounded like it....but it is not. I was talking about the overall (resulting average) rating....not an individual person adding 2 on every single drama.

I personally set the value high from the get go. I would have never first rated 4 or 6 then added 2 or 3 to give higher final rating. In other words my rating system already been adjusted to suit MDL's so called "standard". There's reason behind this that I wrote on my profile previously (years ago), but I already deleted to make it short. I even wrote in my comment/reply in this thread but I guess it was easier to be missed.

I guess that's why you couldn't get my point. 

Another thing to remind everyone is...accuracy isn't equal to overrating/underrating.  Accuracy should be something like a 9.5/10 MDL Drama should feel similar like another 9.5/10 MDL Drama. That's accuracy. 

And so even you minus two, (9.5-2)/10 drama should feel similar to another (9.5-2)/10 drama.....this is not possible unfortunately but if you want to define accuracy...this is accuracy.

I guess my focus on discussion was more on the "the non existence of accuracy in subjective matters" but you are talking about "how to make sure people rate rightly so that their rating is accurate". 

If you understand the former you would understand why it won't be possible to achieve the latter.

However, I do agree with the idea of providing guideline/education on how to rate. You can do that by personally making a thread or writing an article (when it's possible in future). The integration in the system is a good idea but seasoned drama watcher already know how to pick dramas without having to 100% believe on the rating.

IMO the EMOJI idea is useless as you already said the whole world understand the meaning of number except me :D. Therefore why you want to tell them 5 is average, 6 is good, 7 is amazing? again? LOL

The problem with MDL is that this site is fangirls/boys centered. People tend to be biased with their stand. It's already like that since the very beginning. Even if you put 5 as GOOD, people will still rate 10/10 for mediocre dramas....because their idol is in it. We need to accept this fact. This can't be changed...I guarantee you! That's why there are people like me who will counter this phenomenon by increasing our ratings (from the get go of course). We are the people who don't watch drama for the sake of idol....and mostly don't watch dramas with idols.

I just want to qoute the things I think are right

How do you know the person would ever wanted to give a 4 in the first place? Are we assuming here? Isn't the 4 is the number we picked?

Even if you put 5 as GOOD, people will still rate 10/10 for mediocre dramas....because their idol is in it. We need to accept this fact. This can't be changed...I guarantee you!