Block reviews until fully watched

This discussion has been closed.

Hessa Volunteer Staff
ummm... I wouldn't say so xD

Actually, those were written before the update. Now you have to write more than 500 characters.


Actually, those were written before the update. Now you have to write more than 500 characters.

Well that makes sense! I guess the bunch of those comments I'm seeing are the old "reviews" then. It makes me wonder why they're not deleted though? 

To me reviews are important and can be a deal-breaker when choosing to watch a drama or film.

lol this thread is so interesting. Got real dramatic, real fast. :D


ummm... I wouldn't say so xD (especially this one)

And so on and on.

Holy shit. Y u cracking me up so bad with those "reviews", eh? :'DD

Reviews and ratings are indeed a touchy subject here lol

Honestly, I know we shouldn't stop the right of people to voice (more like write) their own opinion. But I think that's why there's a comment section. Actually, sometimes I find some pretty reliable information and mini reviews in comments.

I don't know, it's complicated. I guess people also could start to use more the "Episode Guide" and review it from there. 

One thing I don't understand however is: why is it so hard to read the rules when you are going to review? Seriously, some information is even in bold letters. 

Ceki, saying it is a comment is subjective. A review is basically saying how you feel about a drama. They did with one sentence. I am not saying I agree with it. I am simply saying that it is not up to me, a different person, to police how and what others do or control their opinions and how tbey express them. I am sorry if you are annoyed, but it is rather ridiculous to take your personal annoyance and try to force your own viewpoint on others.

Hessa pointed out there is a 500 character limit now. I also pointed out there is a report button for reviews that are against tbe rules. I recommend using that and simply reporting when and if you come across a review that is against the rules.

OMG! There is nothing subjective about it! lol

It is not about controlling the opinions for god's sake, it is about following the basic formatting rules.

 Jeana :

Holy shit. Y u cracking me up so bad with those "reviews", eh? :'DD

I know XD  

I am simply saying that it is not up to me, a different person, to police how and what others do or control their opinions and how tbey express them. I am sorry if you are annoyed, but it is rather ridiculous to take your personal annoyance and try to force your own viewpoint on others.

So I guess we should start publishing articles that consist of two sentences only, because you know - freedom of speech and such stuff.

I agree with this one, I just didnt agree with the other one of not rating dramas that are not completed like wtf


I agree with this one, I just didnt agree with the other one of not rating dramas that are not completed like wtf

oh actually, after I thought about it I dont agree. 

Ok, since Hessa pointed out the 500 character minium to making a review, I don't see how the length of reviews are even an issue now. It seems to be taken care of. As for reviews that have spoilers, are not in English, or have nothing but symbols, those are already against tbe current rules and there is a report function people can use to report them for deletion.

In conclusion, I am in favor of only limiting reviews on dramas and movies that have not aired yet or that violate the current rules. I am not in favor of new rules to be put in place. I feel that any more rules would limit a user's opinions and expression. 

I agree with CherryBunny. 

I'm going to close this thread since all that can be said about it, has been said. If you see any reviews in another language, compile them into one pm and send them to me. You can also report them. 

There is no point in bickering over this at the moment. If you don't like a review, feel it's too short, or not really that high in quality, just vote it down so that 'better' reviews appear above it.

Skye-N-Rain locked this feb 26, 2018 06:20