I think dropping a series which is so bad you think is so bad is worthy of review as long as you can justify the reason(s). You do not eat a whole meal if it's not tasty or the food is spoiled, but if someone asks your opinion you would be honest.

You shouldn't be able to review the drama until it ends and you should have watched a certain percentage of it.  Viki has a discussion section for each drama, where people react , which I find useful.

I wish reviews were shorter and more objective, and not a blow by blow account. Perhaps there should be certain subjects you have to complete in x amount of words  and have a total word limit lower word limit.

I think I have been using this site for about three years and recently its become a bit like Twittter where reviews are used by people with an axe to grind, or promote their favorites. Its not a good look for the site and makes the review score meaningless. To be fair this also a problem for bigger review sites.

I think the idea of draft reviews visible only to the writer would stop a lot of meaningless reviews because half the people only write reviews on day 1 so as to garner upvotes - they do not even bother to update it and still have a lot of upvotes and by a lot i mean a lot - you can easily find such reviews on the front page of popular dramas - and to actually find a worth it review you have to skip a lot of pages - the purpose upvotes should serve is making different and valid views easily available , but they be doing no such thing !

also the reviews of binge watchers never make it to even top 5 for popular dramas - I mean it's obviously a different experience watching a drama while waiting for the eps and binge watching one - because the drama might not be that gripping to bring back viewers after a week but it could make a good binge watch - if only we had a column for binge watch sort of - or a scale for being watch friendliness in the reviews ! 


I think the idea of draft reviews visible only to the writer would stop a lot of meaningless reviews because half the people only write reviews on day 1 so as to garner upvotes - they do not even bother to update it and still have a lot of upvotes and by a lot i mean a lot - you can easily find such reviews on the front page of popular dramas - and to actually find a worth it review you have to skip a lot of pages - the purpose upvotes should serve is making different and valid views easily available , but they be doing no such thing !

also the reviews of binge watchers never make it to even top 5 for popular dramas - I mean it's obviously a different experience watching a drama while waiting for the eps and binge watching one - because the drama might not be that gripping to bring back viewers after a week but it could make a good binge watch - if only we had a column for binge watch sort of - or a scale for being watch friendliness in the reviews ! 

An interesting thought about binge watchers but one I would have to disagree with. I am almost solely a binge watcher.  I have dropped plenty of dramas even after 25 eps. I often rate dramas lower than the masses even ones I watched as they aired.  The quality of the drama is the same whether watched in pieces or after airing  although narrative repetition is more readily apparent when binging.

The reason our binge reviews tend to never make it to the top 5 is the same reason people start writing reviews the second the drama airs-earlier reviews get more likes.  The earlier the review, the more likely it is to get likes which is why people start posting them after one ep.  

As of 750 reviews I’ve never labeled anything a “masterpiece” or elevated a score to get more likes, something I’ve noticed the reviewers who jump the gun often do.

In response to @Strawgal-I would not want a word limit.  I enjoy reading and writing longer reviews. Some of my favorite reviewers on MDL write longer, well thought out reviews such as PBG and Kate.  Professional reviewers tend to write long reviews as well.  I’d prefer to let the reader decide if they’d rather read a short or long one.