Thought Provoking and Well Written Korean Dramas/ Films

One of the reasons I have turned to Korean Dramas are the ability of the script writers to give the viewers the benefit of wanting to be actively engaged in a show. Most dramas outside Korean projects (for me) are like the ginger served between sushi courses... purely as a palate cleanser.  **This is not due to lack of (Cdrama/Jdrama/Thai/ Taiwanese) that are thought provoking, it has to do with my preferences to find "cotton candy" filler dramas between my Kdrama choices.  To me a thought provoking project can have
  1. psychological impact
  2. asks many difficult questions, both of itself as well as its audience 
  3. multiple ‘correct’ interpretations can be considered
  4. requires reflection to unwrap
  5. beautifully shot (film/ series) where the scenes/ transitions/ sequences might as well be another character as it paints the mood so much so that it is an art form 
  6. the ability to allow the viewers to immerse themselves because the plot, characters and dialogue are so seamless that we are guided through the world not spoon fed
This  list ranges from thrillers, romance and comedy/satire all the way to musicals.  Many of these ask you to contemplate societal norms, isolation, violence, the role of government or your own moral compass.If you want to "exercise" your higher-order, reflective thinking... in the link below are some recommend Korean Dramas/ Films  from various genres, which when viewed in the right mindset, will certainly get you thinking!
hope1717 jul 31, 2022
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