jun 22, 2018

testing tseting

Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum. Curabitur turpis. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Pellentesque dapibus hendrerit tortor.Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Maecenaas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede varius nisi, condimentum viverra felis nunc et lorem. Vestibulum suscipit nulla quis orci. Pellentesque ut neque.
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hace 1 hora


What a fun andcharmingepisode. Itwas sensualand romantic. The visuals were great! The mlswere great!
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hace 1 hora


It was easyto watch.Enjoyed how the storyline is introduced. Lovethe mls. Thetempo isreally great.Love therest of thecast.
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hace 2 horas

10/10 - It's hard to understand.

First off! Yes!!! Cat romance revealed! So awesome! They're past history with the cat and him just giving her the pass code so she can see the cat whenever she wants! Not to mention the courage and strength it takes him to help her. To see her suffer, but to help give her a better birthday. AKA proposal.No to the true meat of this episode. Even after to realize that you have been a victim of abuse it's hard to grasp. You don't think that way. YOu wouldn't think of hurting someone like that. How could someone think of hurting you the way they just did? What is your abuser thinking? What throws you is that you may not even know the true extent of it. Until something sucker punches you. Cause the truth is you can understand that abuser to extent, but the core of the matter is you will never be able to fully understand the how and why. What makes them truly tick.So I felt for Ji Won so much. As she fully realizes that the two most important people in her life are that horrible. She knows. Heck she knows they kill. But when she fully understands the willingness that they have to fully hurt her and use her. The fact that she isn't cruel. That she would just like to move on from them. She's not a cruel person, but to avoid her fate by her abusers. They need to end up together. I loved the nuances of this episode. Top notch.

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hace 4 horas

Cute episode

This episode was really cute and I really enjoyed. I loved to see Atom, Kongthap, Mudmee and Half all together in the same room and I can't help but giggle everytime Atom and Mudmee are talking about their crushes and their "eraser plan", so cute. We also could get to know more about the past and lives of the main character which also makes them closer to one another.Good episode, yeah.
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hace 5 horas

My men

Dr. Ter ended up alone because he deserved it and his ass was starting to piss me off so much. I love how healthy Dee and Yak's relationship is, even if they still haven't made it official T-T like how much more can y'all take omgg
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hace 5 horas

Four Stars

Aw the goofy playboy falling in love with a cute unruly princess! I love that trope! Hopefully Shi San and Chu Yue ship sails. But I can see how it could be quite sad too…
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hace 5 horas

More Radio

Going off of the previous episode. This was just more of it.It was hilarious seeing Gong Yoo complain about mild pain when he was enacting the battle scenes. Also, Woo-bin fake kicking Sunny when she tripped back lmao.I really liked the deep down on the custom designs for the evil advisor, I wish they could have shown the same for the lady in red.
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hace 5 horas

Radio Stars

This was not what I expected, but it was definitely a surprise.Basically, a radio show with Sunny and Woo-bin, going over some of the moments from the show and commentating over bloopers. I loved the bromance highlight.
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All that potential, lost for what?

This could've been such a great series based on the pilot... But now if feels like the scriptwriter just kept writing whatever, without keeping up with past events. Not to mention how bad the direction is.
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hace 6 horas

The episode ending was nothing short of a fairytale

Imma forgive them for last episode's shitshow, and for making my baby AJ a villain 😤This episode was so good. Communication feels so good ❤️✨
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hace 7 horas

This is so good! Yibo is so endearing as Wei…

This is so good! Yibo is so endearing as Wei Ruolai, and Li Qin as Shen Jinzhen looks absolutely amazing with such a mature and interesting character. Production is insane, amazing costume department also. I really like period pieces and Shanghai in the 30s is such an interesting and dynamic time to place a spy thriller. Really looking forward this show
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Four Stars

This one was easier to watch, I got carried by the mystery and how will they solve the case, and I found myself really enjoying it.I loved the slight humor, and the cute Duo Bing bickering with Lian Hua, the first trying to get help and the second trying to push him away. Bromance I’m comiiiiing!!!
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hace 9 horas

Turns out they were dating

To be honest im a bit disappointed that they actually dated in the past because I was really looking forward on seeing Yeon Soo reaction to Choi Woong now. I fee like them never dating would be more interesting to see altough i hope next episode will prove me wrong
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hace 10 horas

Yak got his feelings straightened out

Woo-hoo! That took a while, but totally worth it. Taem started to have feelings for Yak, IMO, so I wasn't sure whether it was going to prolong our agony. I'm glad that didn't make Yak waver; maybe it made things clearer for him - that even of Taem started liking him, it was Wandee for him all along.
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