Valentina Ortiz
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 1, 2020
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 6.5
Cada día estoy más convencida que las series coreanas son ls que tienen mejores historias, comencé a ver la con pocas expectativas y al final la trama me envolvió, me encanta como esta contada esta historia. Me encantan los personajes, cada uno tenia algo que e hacia amarlo, desde el más malo al mas bueno. No quiero contar nada de la trama y cada vez que quiero explicar porque me encantó, me dan ganas de contar una parte. Amo cuando las historias están muy bien encajadas, que los detalles sean buenos, que te expliquen todo con escenas de recuerdos, que te confundan con escenas de deseos o miedos, jajaja. Si quedaste con dudas de algo mírala de nuevo ya que ahí están las pistas. Quería decir que personaje fue mi favorito y no puedo, me gustaron todos. Claro esta que vi esta serie por Lee Jung Suk, lo vengo siguiendo de hace rato y me encanta su actuación. La relaciones entre los periodistas de un bando o del otro son tan reales, que hacen que no te olvides de ningún personaje.
Leí muchos reviews criticando la relación de la pareja principal, y de verdad me parece absurdo esa critica, sentí que fue hecha con mucho cuidado y mucho sentido, muy linda esa relación.
No le doy el 10 a esta serie solo por comparación, ya que he visto otras de Lee Jung Suk y me gustaron mas. Igual la recomiendo y no escribo más porque serías spoilers.

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Kdrama con soju
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 20, 2023
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 8.0
Una serie de amor y familia con superación personal que recomiendo mucho.
Esta serie me conmovió desde el primer momento ya que el hecho de que el abuelito adoptara al niño y lo criara como su hijo me gustó muchísimo y me conmovió mucho también. También me resultó muy gracioso la relación de los dos protagonistas, al ser tío y sobrina pero tener más o menos la misma edad y tener que convivir entre ellos siendo familia pero sin relación sanguínea e incluso la relación de amor también me gustó a pesar de la rivalidad que deben mantener en muchas ocasiones.
También me hizo reflexionar sobre la situación del chico. Este fue adoptado por el abuelo que tiene Alzheimer y cree que es su hijo muerto. Esta situación ocasiona que el niño crezca en un papel predispuesto como gratitud hacia su salvador para cumplir con las expectativas que este tenía sobre él. Sin embargo, llega un momento en el que, a pesar de la gratitud que sentía hacia su salvador, el niño decide seguir con su vida y tener una superación personal.
La verdad es que es una serie que recomiendo también y que creo que le deben de dar una oportunidad.

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Dark Heart Attack
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 23, 2023
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 5.0

La ame no puedo mentir


Son esas historias que combinan varios géneros (comedia, drama, romance) y lo hacen a la perfección. Además de que al desarrollarse y explicarme el mundo televisivo de las noticias lo hizo más memorable. Y ese síndrome que no puedes mentir y te agarra hipo, sublime. Fueron veinte capítulos, pero cuando terminó quería más, porque ame la historia y sus personajes.

Los actores todos increíbles. Desde los prota, a los secundarios.

Se que había varias que me gustaron. Más la del principio.

Valor de repetición
Recomendada. Así que cuántas veces quieras mirarla de nuevo

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Linda Murua
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 26, 2019
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 8.0
Está de más decir que el papelazo de esta obra recae de manera estupenda en la actriz Jin Kyung, a la que ya había visto en It’s ok, that’s love, pero aquí, en la caracterización de la frívola periodista Song Cha Ok, se lleva las palmas y los azotes por igual. Es una reina de hielo hecha y derecha; la odias al primer minuto que aparece y la vomitas en la siguiente escena con un desprecio inimaginable. Me ha hecho enfurecer, derramar bilis, golpear el escritorio, escupir a la pantalla y hasta llorar de impotencia por todas las porquerías que se trae entre manos. Pero así como la detestaba también me picaba la curiosidad por saber el motivo de su actitud: siempre hay un creador detrás de un monstruo ¿no? Y aunque sus motivos tardaron en salir a flote cuando lo hicieron no dejaron de resultar irónicos y tristes.

La ironía viene de parte de su hija In Ha, que nació con el Síndrome de Pinocho, por lo que cualquier mentira es sucedida por un ataque de hipo que no se detiene hasta que dice la verdad. Ya como aspirante a periodista aquello tiene una pinta imposible, sin embargo, la chica no se deja doblegar por nada, ni siquiera cuando la moral se le cae hasta el suelo al darse cuenta que su madre, la presentadora, la mujer profesional detrás del televisor, es en realidad una mujer soberbia y egoísta, ciega ante las injusticias que comete con su trabajo, utilizado como arma disparada de manera letal. In Ha, criada con su padre y abuelo en un pueblo remoto después del divorcio, creció teniendo otra imagen de su madre: la de una mujer entregada a su profesión, con un espíritu crítico que le había otorgado el estatus que portaba con orgullo, una imagen pública a la que ella inocentemente quería aspirar. El mundo se le cae a pedazos al darse cuenta de la otra realidad, sin imaginar que hay más horrores enterrados en la conciencia de la señora que cuando salen a flote terminarán por hacer añicos su existencia. Ella es inocente y atrevida, ingenua de pura cepa y con una terquedad que le acarrea más de algún problema, pero también es fiel a su familia, y su persistencia se debate siempre entre su futuro y el cariño que le tiene a su padre, quien no la quiere ver convertida en una fría imagen frente a las cámaras como a su ex-esposa.

En contraparte tenemos a Choi Dal Po (su nombre real es Ki Ha Myung), el niño huérfano que llegó del mar y al que el abuelo de In Ha rescató y adoptó pensando que era el hijo muerto que había perdido treinta años atrás en esas mismas aguas. Siendo más pequeño la familia de Ha Myung se vio involucrada en un juicio mediático por una tragedia ocurrida en la ciudad donde vivían, al paso del tiempo y ante la constante presión de los medios de comunicación su hermano mayor desapareció una noche y su madre se quitó la vida lanzándose al mar junto con el pequeño Ha Myung. Creció ocultando su identidad incluso ante el anciano que le salvó por miedo a que los horrores que había dejado atrás volviera como fieras a carcomerle por dentro. Al paso de los años decide aspirar a un puesto de periodismo para una televisora nacional y profundizar más en el caso que acabó con la vida de sus padres y en la desaparición de su hermano. No se le puede juzgar de egoísta, aunque la carga que lleva en sus espaldas a veces le ciegue tanto que le resulta imposible ver la vida de los demás con mayor claridad. El asunto se complica cuando In Ha descubre que su madre, la periodista Song Cha Ok, fue la responsable de las calumnias que padecieron él y sus familiares.

Pero así como brilla la villana y sus protagonistas principales también lo hacen los secundarios sin pedirle nada a nadie. El escenario se debate entre dos bandos enemigos de audiencia: por un lado el área de noticias de la ambiciosa cadena MSC y cruzando la calle la modestia informática de YGN; y en el paquete vienen incluidos sus presidentes, capitanes y reporteros que poseen las más variopintas personalidades enriqueciendo la historia de manera maravillosa. Tenemos al niño mimado nacido en cuna de oro; al reservado capitán cuya conciencia en el pasado no lo deja en paz; a la chica que aspira más allá de sus propias ambiciones, que admira y se asusta ante sus superiores por igual; al simpático gordito que fuma la pipa de la paz con todo el mundo; al veterano reportero que acumula tantas frustraciones; al flexible presidente que absorbe todo lo bueno de los novatos, etc. Todos están estupendos.

Es un drama muy recomendado y entretenido, personalmente me ha gustado esa fricción-amistad que se entabla en el mundo de periodismo donde, son lo mismo rivales que colegas, de diferentes empresas pero compartiendo por lo bajo información y técnicas de investigación. El compañerismo y la camaradería así como las terquedades de cada bando se ven reflejadas desde las cenas donde tienen que compartir espacio en los mismos restaurantes así como en las salas de prensa de estaciones policiales e informativas.

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A 152 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 24, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 5
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers
Pinocchio on the surface is about a bunch of reporters who learn what reporting is truly all about. Or at least, that's what I was expecting until I heard Lee Jong Suk joined the cast. I swear nobody has a knack for good roles the way he does. He just knows how to pick an amazing role and make it even more amazing with his acting skills. And that's what this drama was. Absolutely AMAZING. Every episode took me deeper and deeper into their story and by the time I was done, I was crying like a wild horse (if wild horses cry). Every character, every situation and every decision (made by Dal Po) either turned me into a huge of puddle of emotional mess or brought a huge, shiny grin on my face. Some stuff got me slapping my computer screen so hard (I'll make it up to you babe). There were no in-betweens. Also there were no dull moments.

Coming to characters. Dal Po is amazing. And not just your everyday amazing but amazing amazing. While I was watching I can't even count the number of times I would've made a choice completely different from him. He was so brave and just so right. The kind of path he took, there was no assurance that he would be able to avenge his family at all and as we moved further into the story, we realize that if he hadn't made the choices that he did, he wouldn't even have been able to catch the right culprit. As for Park Shin Hye, I've really only liked her in You're Beautiful. Her characters in Heirs and Flower Boy Next Door were extremely disappointing. But this is her best portrayal. I loved Choi In Ha and her blunt attitude (not that she had a choice considering the Pinocchio Syndrome). I think I'll have a hard time remembering it's not a real syndrome.

The supporting cast was amazing, especially Yoon Yoo Rae. Her little love-story towards the end was really cute (I'm trying really hard not to give spoilers here, but I'm so excited I can barely contain it, lol). In Ha's mom, her dad, her grandpa, everyone was great. Both the Caps and OMG the whole staff at YGN. I absolutely loved them. Especially the dude with the creepy grin and the hairband. He was awesome! Ahn Chan Soo was awesome. Kim Hae Sook is one of my favorite actors when it comes to moms and other older roles and the parts she plays always have something great to offer. Same happened here. Her character started out as a sweet and overly-protective mom which reminded me of her roles in Marriage Not Dating and I Hear Your Voice but it grew into so much more. Last (but most definitely not the least) Ki Jae Myung was mesmerizing. You know what he does is wrong, yet all you feel for him is sympathy and make excuses for him, because the emotional turmoil he goes through is simply palpable. He suffered through years of pain and guilt and he suffered all by himself. It was beautiful, the way his character was shaped.

The music is good, though not extremely good. It's melodious, relaxing and not too dramatic. Every Single Day has composed some nice ones for the OST.

Comparisons to I Hear Your voice are inevitable since the lead actor along with supporting cast and the writer-director were same for both dramas. And there is an essence of IHYV here in this drama, which makes it just as great. But nothing is repetitive and Pinocchio easily holds it's own. I would recommend it to everyone now that all the episodes are out and you don't have to live in agony waiting for new episodes.

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A 74 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 16, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
I cannot recall the last show that I found so gripping and intelligently written. I feel that this show has raised the bar for me and placed it considerably high. I simply didn't want it to end! A show that had me hooked from the 1st episode to the last one without a single low point or a hitch - it's hard to come across those. I'd like to warn you that this review might be a long one, but such a show deserves nothing but unabridged words from the heart.

The story was simply genius. The twists and turns didn't seem deliberate, the characters were true to life, the sub-plots were all significant as well! Nothing, and I really mean NOTHING was out of place. No side characters seemed forcefully added or hastily exited (Although the finale did seem to exclude an end to a tiny plot the writers were building, but I'm willing to squelch that itch in my brain). The story itself taught so much! I still remember the great things I learned from I Hear Your Voice and the writers haven't failed to teach me several things in this show either. There was such commendable courage, unconditional love, and selflessness shown in this drama, it simplifies many things that have become complicated in our lives these days. The main pivotal element, that brought freshness and brilliancy to the story, was the drama's namesake medical condition - Pinocchio Syndrome. The inability to lie brings such delightful reprieve from all the deceits and hidden truths and misunderstandings that come along with relationships. If only people were usually so honest and open about their emotions, things wouldn't be so complex. There are some of the most beautiful bonds that I saw in this show that I will never forget. I could go on and on about how remarkable the story of this show was, and still not say enough.

I need to take a deep breath before I begin about the actors. Why? Because I need to make coherent sentences from the heap of positive adjectives that are popping in my head. All I can think of, are words such as - Perfect, incredible, incomparable, outstanding, amazing, brilliant, etc. etc. I can certainly say that from the leads to the guest appearances, EVERY single actor, that worked on this show, deserves an applause or a pat on the back at least. I've never seen such a plethora of great performances, all in one show. Each performance of the actors seems to be imprinted in my head. Lee Jong Suk was positively dazzling throughout the series! And Park Shin Hye pleasantly surprised me with her remarkable portrayal of Choi In Ha. I'd never been a fan of hers, but I have to admit, she gave an absolutely stunning performance. The veteran actors, that were part of the cast, need no extra praise, they were great as always. A special mention for Jin Kyung and Kim Hae Sook though, these two ladies gave such captivating performances as the antagonists that I couldn't help but respect and admire their characters even while hating them. Kim Young Kwang and Lee Yoo Bi looked really promising! I've seen other works by these two, but Pinocchio definitely brought out the best of them, as well as every other actor in the cast.

The OSTs in the drama struck a chord in every situation they were played in. The music really brought forth the emotions and conveyed the intensity of the moments spectacularly. There were so many scenes where I simply shed tears because of the perfect harmony of the music and the script.

Which reminds me to mention the powerful script that the show had! Such impactful words, such brilliant dialogues! The chemistry between, not just the lead pair, but every actor was evident and impressive. I've run out of adjectives that I usually get to use while describing a show, but I still have many things I haven't been able to mention. The list of things that worked in the favor of the show is too long to post in this already too long review. If anybody has had the patience to read till now, I'd like to request you Dear Reader, do not let anything stop you from watching this show, it'll be one of the best you've ever seen. I can guarantee that. I'm off to place this in the top slot of my favorite dramas.

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A 28 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 10, 2017
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 7.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 4.0
Volver a ver 5.5
Since, there are already a plethora of reviews dedicated to this show, I'm going to keep this short and simple. The best thing about Pinocchio is how unique and original its premise is. This is a show about the dark underbelly of media, how fickle public opinion is and the power that lies with the awareness of things. It shines light on the essence of being a reporter, raising your voice for the right matters and choices that can completely make or break a person.

The first time I ever saw Lee Jong Suk was in Secret Garden and I remember thinking, 'this man has the looks to make it big'. Ofcourse, at that time I wasn't aware that he had already made it pretty damn big. Seeing him in Pinocchio, there's no denying that he has a talent for acting, combine that with his heavenly looks and you get an almost perfect package.

Even though the name of the drama is based on the female lead, it's obvious that Dal Po is the star of the show. The plot revolves around him and despite the fact that the side characters bring their own charisma, they are ultimately in his orbit.

Park-Shin Hye came to be a pleasant surprise. I'm not going to lie, I disliked her in almost every show she appeared in previously and due to my bad experience with her acting, I had developed a sort of negative bias for her. However, it's always amazing when an actor or a show surprises you and surpasses your expectations. PSH somehow managed to make In Ha a sweet and likable character who the viewers constantly rooted for. The fact that she has to hiccup repeatedly came out as adorable instead of annoying and I couldn't believe myself when I started to feel affection for her.

A lot of people were even happy that she finally improved her kissing techniques. That, I think is pushing it a little bit because if you look at it closely, her movements are as non-existent as ever, but due to some skillful camera work, Lee Jong Suk's kissing prowess is incredibly highlighted which makes it somehow appear as if she's a proficient partner too. But oh well- technicalities.

However, for me the biggest flaw of the show was that the protagonists were not on equal footing. Dal Po clearly over-powers In Ha in the relationship and he comes out as far less commited and invested in the love story. Which is why the romance factor didn't do much for me. They do the right things, say the right words, their union makes complete sense and yet, there is no emotional connection whatsoever.
In Ha makes so many sacrifices for Dal Po, her affection is completely genuine and she let's him take the spotlight from her time and time again whereas Dal Po seems almost detached when it comes to her.

Ultimately, this unequality between the leads was something that started to rub me the wrong way. There were moments where I wanted In Ha to shine individually and to be given more credit for everything she does. Essentially, she's such a huge part of the show and if we ponder about it; she's the backbone behind Dal Po's success and yet, she's never valued enough. The moment she does something substantial is followed by Dal-Po countering it with something more and it always manages to downplay her importance. This is the reason why they are both outstanding and lovable personas in their own right but their co-existence is rather stiff and unnatural.

So, in my opinion the best way to watch Pinocchio is to think of romance as just a subplot and focus on the main story. I had so much love for almost every single character in the show and they are so thoroughly well-developed that I could write a lengthy character sketch on all of them. The drama is filled with small, utterly poignant moments that move you. The script is excellently written and the story flows with a smooth efficiency. The antagonists are three-dimensional and I never truly disliked any of them. Pinocchio thrives on the emotional interactions between its characters and it shows exactly how powerful familial love is.

Over-all this drama, with its brilliant acting, consistent story-line and satisfying ending, manages to bring forth a current of continous entertainment from beginning to end.

Indeed, a good watch.


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A 54 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 17, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 8.5
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 7.0
I find it impossible to write a review of this drama without comparing it to I Hear Your Voice. After all, like others before me pointed out, Pinocchio comes out of the same pen, same cameras, same musical instruments and even part of the same cast that created I Hear Your Voice. I couldn't get rid of the impression I was watching a remake of this last, just with a different setting and a male protagonist who can't read the mind.

Pinocchio's story is intriguing, very captivating, well written and highly thought-provoking. It's also very well executed, in terms of acting, camera work and plot development. I enjoyed all episodes and was eager to watch the next.
So why have I given I Hear Your Voice a full 10, and bestowed this one a "mere" 8,5?
In rating a drama I always try to be as objective as I can be - try being the key word. A show that awakens the intellect deserves high scores, but it's the emotional share which earns it a perfect score. I was intellectually very engaged by Pinocchio, but I felt slightly detached when it came to the heart. Among other things, the romance didn't make my heart flutter, not even once. Honestly, I can't even pinpoint a reason for this: Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk are both beautiful, very sweet in a puppy-like way, their respective characters lovable and their love story believable. And yet, it seems to me it lacked romantic tension, it was like watching two cute people in a commercial for shoes, or coats.
The moment they stopped being on screen, in my mind they also stopped being a couple.
On the contrary, I think Hye Song and Soo Ha are still dating, overcoming their differences and being happy together. I could mention many other drama couples that, to me, are still a reality somewhere in that evanescent world created by fantasy and therefore linger in my heart. Dal Po and In Ha are not among them.

Nobody's fault, mind you. The acting of all was above average and I was positively impressed by Park Shin Hye's performance. It must not be easy to interrupt every other sentence with a hiccup and make it sound believable. Her character isn't a champion of resolution, but she's very sweet and I liked her a lot. Lee Jong Suk is clearly a rising star in the drama world and can play this kind of role better and better. I loved the supporting cast, villain(s) included.

The music didn't make much of an impact on me either.

To explain my re-watch score, I'm going to confess a weak spot of mine: when a particular scene has a strong impact on me, I can't help but watch it again as soon as the episode is over. I haven't done so with any of Pinocchio's scenes. I may re-watch the entire show one day, but for now this ride, as much as it was enjoyable, is over.

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A 30 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 11, 2017
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 8.0
With over 90 reviews on this 3 year old drama, I'm sure that mine will be lost at the bottom, but I want to take the time anyway to do this. Pinocchio was a drama that I put off for a LONG time. I thought that the plot just sounded kind of "meh". Then I learned a little about Park Shin Hye, who apparently drama fans either adore and think rainbows shine out of her rear end or they hate her and think she is the worst actress ever and avoid her like the plague. I am one of those rare drama fans that was just neutral, didn't see what the big deal over her was, but was somewhat reluctant to watch her. I am happy to report that she did a really nice job in this show. However, if you hate her, you are probably always going to hate her. I actually really enjoyed her, and think this might be one of the best shows I've watched her in. If this had been my first PSH show, I may have become a fan. Who knows? This was my first Lee Jong Suk drama though. He did a great job in this also.

But the story in Pinocchio was very intelligent and was not boring at all. I was worried about halfway through, wondering how they would pull 20 episodes of story out of this plot, but somehow they not only managed to do so, but did so very well. There were lots of thought provoking decisions and choices made by the characters and the show is set up around a topic that is very relevant today, especially in the era of accusations of "fake news" and misleading headlines- truth in media and how news stories are presented to the public.

I enjoyed all the characters and was consistently surprised at the decisions that Choi Dal Po/ Gi Ha Myeong made. The side characters were all utilized well, and were interesting. I most loved both Yoon Yoo Rae and Seo Beom Jo. Yoo Rae was adorable and funny. I look forward to seeing more of the actress, Lee Yoo Bi. Kim Young Kwang is always a favorite and did not disappoint! His character really surprised me several times as well. The YGN Cap, Hwang Gyo Dong, played by Lee Pil Mo, was another favorite. In fact, there was not one badly done character in the show. I'd feel a little silly listing all the characters and what I loved about each one, so I will stop there. :)

I don't really re-watch many shows, but I think this show has a decent rewatch value. The story would hold up well to repeated viewing.

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A 21 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 16, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 9.0
Hi, this is my first review so I hope to do well.

This is one of the best dramas I've seen, I enjoyed all the ride without getting bored for a single moment, the story in this drama is constant: Ethic versus impact, how a reporter should give news.

The characters are very likeable, Lee Jong suk makes a great job as Choi Dal Po/ Ki Ha Myeong always wondering how to act should he surrender at the revenge or on the contrary keep on with his life and act according to his principles.

Cho In Ha /Park Shin Hye, she is an adorable character, always sincere, good hearted, and of course strong, very strong. I really love that she is not a clumsy and crybaby girl as we usually see in other dramas, if she has to criticize you, she'll do it, if she has to ask forgiveness, she'll do it too.

Seo Bum Yoo/ Kim Young Kwang: The second male, I love this character, If you think that he is the typical rich and evil jerk who wants to destroy the main couple, well think again, not this time, he is not an ornament, he has his own battle to fight.

The music was awesome too, it reflects perfectly the emotions in this drama, love, sadness, anguish, comedy and best of all, they don't abuse the music to provoke tears.

Overall Imression: Another great work of Jo Soo-Won and Park Hye-Ryun (director and writer), I expected no less from the creators of "I Hear your voice" (another masterpiece).
If you want to see a realistic drama this has to be your choice, the development of the characters is brutal and when you think you know how this story will end, bumm another plot twist.

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A 29 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 16, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers
I rate dramas on how I felt while watching the drama and if I was emotionally involved with the characters. All dramas are going to have flaws, but if the story and acting can overcome them, then I give it a high score. I felt great watching Pinocchio each and every week. The writer did an excellent job with the flow of the story, well written dialog and excellent character development. I could not find any holes in the story line and nothing seemed contrived even with all of the coincidental meetings. I loved that the characters are flawed. I usually hate a lot of extra characters, but all of the characters in this drama add to the story and quite a few of them are daebak.

The cast is great. I'm not sure where to start so I will begin with Park Shin Hye. I'm not a big fan of hers although I have pretty much seen every drama she has been in. I constantly remark that she must have saved a country in her past life due to working with excellent male leads. Finally Lee Jong Suk taught her how to kiss. Apparently she has taken some acting lessons, because she did In Ha proud. Lee Jong Suk to me is perfection. He is good looking, can act, and has moved away from those stupid high school rolls in his last 3 dramas. Dal Po will be with me for a while. Where did Yoon Gyun Sang come from and why hasn't he been in more dramas? Seriously. As Ki Jae Myung he isn't even in the drama very much, but his scenes have an impact and I was truly moved by his character. I believe I have seen almost everything that Kim Young Kwang has been in. Although I don't think that he is the best actor out there, he really showed what he can do as Seo Bum Jo. That one part where he is talking to Dal Po and he is half crying and half laughing was so well done that I cried with him. A rare occurrence for me. I have see Lee Joo Seung in several dramas and I have always thought he is so adorable and a good actor. He adds so much to this drama as Ahn Chan Soo. He is basically the catalyst to the entire drama. Now to the two extra characters that made this show worth watching if for nothing else but to see their quirky and adorable selves, Lee Yoo Bi as Yoon Yoo Rae and Lee Pil Mo as Hwang Gyo Dong. I loved all of their scenes. There are other extra characters that are fun to watch also, but those two stand out. There are also some guest rolls that are funny and appropriate like Yoon Sang Hyun as Lawyer Cha from IHYV in Ep.12 and Lee Joon in Ep. 19. Last but certainly not least is Jin Kyung as Song Cha Ok. She makes for an excellent cold-hearted woman. SPOILERISH >>> At first I thought her character change toward the end would be a mistake, but the writer gave an outstanding explanation and developed her character to where it made since. <<<SPOILERISH Kim Hae Sook knows how to play crazy better than most people and she delivered as Oh Mal Su. Gotta love to hate her.

The music is good and appropriate.

I will rewatch this some day for sure.

I know this was a long review, but I hope it makes you want to watch this drama. I highly recommend it to everyone.

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abr 11, 2015
20 of 20 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 9.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 5.0
In summary: a very entertaining show that kept me thrilled and excited, and also moved me at times.

This show has pretty much everything - a compelling romance, exciting mysteries and action scenes. In a way the story felt very similar to I Hear Your Voice, probably because they share the same writer-director team.

I love that the central relationship is strong - Choi In Ha and Choi Dal Po, and there isn't too much unnecessary angst as is too often the case in Korean dramas, and it gave us so many scenes of cuteness.

Well it certainly seems like everything Lee Jong Suk touches on TV turns to gold. While his character in this show really reminds me of his character in I Hear Your Voice, I didn't feel there was any baggage in his portrayal of the character. I was compelled and won over to his side, and rooting for him and his relationships and journalistic career. Can I also say Lee Jong Suk is a damn good crier?

Park Shin Hye finally was given the opportunities to show her abilities in dramatic and comedic acting which seem to have been buried somewhere after You're Beautiful.

I am a fan of Roy Kim and was pleasantly surprised at Tiger JK's inclusion in a drama soundtrack, so I quite enjoyed this soundtrack.

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No te puedo mentir (2014) poster



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