Linda Murua
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 27, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers
Ya con leer la sinopsis sabemos que los elementos que forman la trama no necesariamente brillan por su originalidad. En ese aspecto, Stranger no ofrece absolutamente nada novedoso. Nada que no hayamos visto antes. Sin embargo, es la forma en la que plantean el conflicto y lo resuelven lo que logra equilibrar esa balanza donde se sostienen sus rebuscados elementos.

El punto fuerte de Stranger reside en su argumento lineal y en un arranque aparentemente sencillo. El primer episodio es también el que sirve de cimiento para todo lo demás. Una mera introducción discreta a personajes y escenarios que más adelante se agrandan en un atlas argumental más complejo. Y es que, de hecho, el asesinato que se comete aquí, se resuelve con una rapidez inusitada y sin una sola traba, lo cual me resultó bastante extraño (¿entonces qué era lo complicado en todo esto?). Tenemos el juicio final y una sentencia que se veía venir por inercia. Nada novedoso, nada sorprendente. Lo que parece ser un recurso reprobable y típico ante un asesino acobardado se convierte en el punto cumbre donde la ebullición de la corrupción gubernamental sale a flote. La duda base es planteada aquí en el espectador, ¿de verdad han sentenciado a una persona inocente? El suicidio de Kang Jin Seob en las frías celdas de la prisión junto con su carta póstuma se convirtió en un efecto mariposa que se extendería dos meses y haría caer en el proceso a figuras públicas de renombre en la sociedad coreana. Pero el caso del asesinato de Park Moo Sung no tendría la repercusión que tuvo si el fiscal Hwang Shi Mok hubiera estado fuera de escena en el momento más adecuado.

Hemos visto a muchísimos personajes como Hwang Shi Mok en el ámbito televisivo. Últimamente se puso de moda presentar a protagonistas así, sumamente inteligentes, superficialmente fríos y aparentemente protegidos de todo tipo de emociones que, si no fuera por su moralidad innata, fácilmente serían catalogados como sociópatas. Jamás se especifica qué tipo de trastorno mental desarrolló en la infancia. A grandes rasgos parecía tener una especie de hipersensibilidad sensorial, por lo que ciertos estímulos externos provocaban en él una reacción agresiva que fue tratada con una cirugía cerebral que le desconectó las emociones. Sin embargo, su inteligencia connatural quedó intacta.

El oponente más directo del fiscal Hwang es Seo Dong Jae, un colega suyo que trabaja en las mismas oficinas del Oeste de Seúl y que poseé todas las herramientas sociales y laborales que Shi Mok jamás podría tener. Sin embargo, estos también son sus puntos débiles. Eso, aunado a una altivez atípica que disfruta al regodearse de sus hazañas, dan como resultado una mediocridad estratégica que provoca recaídas constantes en su avance a lo largo de todo el drama.

La teniente Han Yeo Jin se nos presenta como una mujer única en el cuerpo policial de Seúl. Adicta a su profesión en cuerpo y alma; con un corazón de oro y una bondad natural que se le resbala por la cara. Un espíritu libre y terco, con un raciocinio intacto, una inteligencia portentosa y una dulzura que se contrapone de golpe a su placa y pistola; porque ante todo, ella está ahí para hacer cumplir y respetar la ley. No le tiembla el pulso para echarse a correr por las calles de la ciudad y mucho menos para sacarse las esposas persiguiendo a presuntos asesinos. No está hecha para matices medios ni justificaciones absurdas. Así se presenta ante Hwang Shi Mok y así es como él percibe su primera apariencia. Anda por la vida regalando dibujos a sus colegas y cuando no va por ahí combatiendo el crimen, igual le da asilo a una anciana a la que le acaban de matar al hijo o una cátedra sobre Astroboy y Derechos Humanos al colega novato en turno. Y todo le sale de maravilla; porque ella es así de perfecta.

De esa manera no dudé en pensar que Yeo Jin y Shi Mok en algún punto iban a reñir, al ser totalmente incompatibles y al utilizar métodos de trabajo tan dispares (ella apela más a la empatía con los involucrados y él al frío raciocinio). Salvo por su honestidad, amor a la verdad y curiosidad innata, ambos son polos opuestos condenados a diferir. Y sin embargo, se entienden. Y sin embargo, algo, no sé qué exactamente, hace un clic instantáneo al poco tiempo de conocerse. Resultó inesperado, por supuesto, porque estaba convencidisima que a él le iba a irritar la sociabilidad de ella y ella se hartaría de su aparente insensibilidad, pero de hecho, no tardaron en formar el vínculo más honesto y puro de toda la serie. No hubo entre ellos mentiras de por medio, ni giros inesperados, ni puñaladas por la espalda, ni decepciones a largo plazo, ni señalamientos infundados; ni siquiera discrepancias. Él jamás le recriminó su comportamiento; ella jamás intentó cambiar su esencia. Al contrario, supieron equilibrar la balanza de sus ideas para lograr un bien común y eso es digno de reconocerse.

A través de Yeo Jin vemos esos matices y microexpresiones de Shi Mok que de otra manera habríamos pasado de largo. Vemos la maravillosa evolución de un personaje extraordinario sólo a través de sus ojos. La indiferencia de él en sus primeros encuentros fue algo que causó cierto desconcierto en ella, pero a la cual consiguió adaptarse rápidamente. Al poco tiempo descubriría a través de la televisión que su peculiar infancia fue lo que forjó esa coraza extraña que lo convirtió en un individuo solitario y silencioso. Mientras el resto lo veía como un ser insensibles, psicótico y con fuertes rasgos antisociales, Yeo Jin se quedó con él para luchar contra todos y desde el mismo lado. No necesitó tanta astucia para percibir una melancolía extraña que ella encontró agradable. Ni tampoco tanta perspicacia para tachar su nombre de la lista de sospechosos. Le bastó con pasar una noche con él por las calles de la ciudad para darse cuenta del grado de devoción que Shi Mok le tiene a su profesión. Jamás lo vio ella como un robot preprogramado para hacer o actuar, sino como un individuo leal a sus convicciones y sobre todo, noble y puro en medio de un mar de colegas con muy poca vergüenza y menos cortesía.

Fue ella quien lo trató como un igual; poniéndose a su nivel para debatir ideas y compartir investigaciones. En ese insensato mundo de impunidad donde ambos se desenvuelven los cubrió siempre un manto de idealismo extraño de mutuo entendimiento que es donde siempre recayó la fortaleza misma de la serie. En esa amistad tan peculiar donde ella mira donde él no puede y donde él la orienta allí donde la emotividad de ella se lo impide. También es palpable el comportamiento tan diferente de Hwang Shi Mok cuando está con Yeo Jin. No se necesita mucho esfuerzo para darse cuenta de que su actitud es totalmente distinta que con cualquier otro individuo con el que lo vemos interactuar a lo largo de todo el drama. Es hermoso ser testigo de esa transformación tan peculiar, donde ese broquel moldeado con los años que ha utilizado sin descanso para protegerse del resto, se esfuma en un instante al estar ella a su lado. No, lo suyo no es trivial romanticismo, esta no es una serie que se preste para ello, y me agrada que hayan llevado hasta el final esta relación sin caer en clichés de por medio. Ellos están por encimas de todas esas cosas. Lo suyo es más una amistad genuina entre dos individuos cabales y sinceros que una relación apuntando hacia el enamoramiento- Y ahí donde están, donde los dejaron, están muy bien.

La manera de revelar a los presuntos involucrados en el asesinato de Park Moo Sung es una gozada total. Y precisamente ese estilo narrativo fue también lo que consiguió darle una profundidad mayor a la serie. Sabemos que Moo Sung fue asesinado por su declive como proveedor de todo tipo de mercadería turbia en el bajo mundo de la corrupción política. Además de eso, sabía demasiado de figuras poderosas dentro y fuera de la fiscalía y la policía. Era un peligro latente tenerlo vivo. En este acertijo turbulento donde todos parecen culpables de asesinato en primer grado y todos parecen tener también un motivo justificable para hacerlo, se desprenden tres figuras bases asentadas desde un inicio: el presidente del Grupo Hang Lee Yoon Bum, su única hija Lee Yun Jae y el esposo de esta ⚊jefe también de Shi Mok⚊ Lee Chang Joon.

Como espectadores nos presentan a presuntos autores intelectuales para después abrir paso a los posibles candidatos a cometer el primer crimen por aquellos que están muy por encima de la Ley. Junto a ellos, se escabullen como ánimas en pena, otros personajes ajenos al proscenio, y en la marcha es muy fácil descartarlos como cómplices porque no se ahonda más en sus vidas. Y es que, una de las claves en la narrativa de Secret Forest es que no hay cabida ni un minuto para el relleno argumental, si te presentan algo en la pantalla es porque tarde o temprano de algo te servirá saberlo. El único que logra evadir este molde es el secretario del director Lee y casualmente el responsable de la muerte de Eun Soo. Su culpabilidad recae por inercia al ver que fue él quien entró al departamento de Shi Mok para dejar aquel traje despedazado colgado de la pared. Aun así, la estrategia de aturdimiento que juegan con nosotros para responsabilizar al jefe de sección también merece su mérito. Llega un punto en el que uno no sabe si va por ahí estropeando la escena del crimen a propósito o es que de plano está en un shock traumático por ver cómo todo se le iba de las manos y de paso terminó asesinando a una persona inocente.

El último giro argumental, y el que yo considero mejor de todos, ha sido la redención de Lee Chang Joon en el capítulo final. Me ha parecido un personaje soberbio desde el principio. En series así siempre se juega con el pasado del villano para demostrarnos que en sus primeros años era un cordero bondadoso que con el paso del tiempo ⚊y conociendo el mundo en el que optó vivir⚊ se da cuenta de que para sobresalir debía dar la espalda a idealismos varios y dejar la ingenuidad a un lado. Chang Joon no difiere de todos ellos salvo por el detalle de que, al caer él, se encargaría de llevarse consigo a toda la mugre que le rodeaba en el proceso. Lo suyo fue una especie de guerra silenciosa, donde quedó justo en medio de dos bandos contrarios. Como pariente político de un empresario ponzoñoso, caer en las garras de lo impune o lo ilegal parecía un proceso de inercia, y por otro lado, el hecho de ser fiscal debía obligarlo a hacer prevalecer la justicia sobre todo lo demás. No se le puede negar el perdón a una persona que sacrificó su vida y su carrera para señalar con una espada a aquellos que lo orillaron a la perdición (y que de paso jodieron a todo el país) ¿no? Con su inmolación desde aquel edificio caerían también las intocables figuras de empresarios y funcionarios públicos. Y sin embargo, Shi Mok no ve todo monocromático, ni blanco ni negro, a pesar de que éste hombre fue su maestro y mentor. Lo señala también como criminal, cómplice, asesino, embaucador y monstruo. No se convence a sí mismo de ello sino que se lo dice directamente a los ciudadanos frente a las cámaras de televisión.

Y en el fondo Lee Chang Joon lo sabía. Sabía que al final convertirse en anti-héroe tendría sus pegas fuertes, por eso también, mucho tiempo antes, había visualizado su destino y no quería estar ahí para ver cómo todo se convertía en polvo. Su suicidio fue también su reconquista como ser humano. Su convicción al creer que hizo lo que pudo cuanto estuvo en sus manos. También consolidó la base firme que dejaría en la fiscalía después de su muerte. Fue algo astuto y cabal. Se fió de las únicas dos personas que serían incorruptas por principios y fe. Y no falló. A su modo, Shi Mok y su superior Kang Won Chul jamás se rebajaría al nivel que él tuvo, pues no había nada que los obligara a hacerlo. Ni lazos familiares con empresarios de renombre, ni ambición al dinero de por medio. Eran un par de almas nobles en las que podía confiar; y lo supo a base de tácticas y tentaciones que puso en sus caminos para hacerlos tropezar; para corroborar su temple e ideales. Fueron los únicos dos, entre todo aquel recinto de defensores de la Ley, que no sucumbieron ante sobornos y mentiras; mismos que de ser necesarios señalarian sin miedo a los cabecillas de corporaciones y cuerpos de justicia cuando saliera a flote tanta porquería.

Secret Forest se convierte por sí sola en la mejor serie coreana que he visto en la vida. La he puesto por encima de Signal sólo porque ésta ha dado un final cerrado y conclusivo. Deja vestigios de un final abierto, pero el caso principal se abrió y se cerró tal y como debía hacerlo. Es muy difícil encontrar dramas así; tan sencillos, rectos y muy cuidados a la vez, tanto estéticamente como en guión y dirección. Las actuaciones están en su punto y los personajes que interpretan, a la altura. Los giros de guión son una exquisitez que saboreas entre la emoción y la amargura, y no hay escena, episodio ni personaje que no esté planeado en la trama sin ningún motivo.

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A 260 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 31, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 7
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.5
Have you ever started a drama with great potential, only for it to fizzle out and come crashing midway? Have you ever started a drama with great potential, only for it to be ruined by cringe acting? Well, find a blanket and a comfortable place because Forest of Secrets is neither of those.

I originally decided to start this drama because I was captivated by the promotional poster - I knew nothing in particular of Jo Seung Woo or Bae Doo Na, but the poster drew me in immediately: dark, exciting, and striking - a great representation of this drama. I was sold after the first episode.

While I truly love K-Dramas, I think we can all agree that a lot of them are dumbed down to a point where you don't have to truly pay attention or think about what is happening in them - everything is explained plainly, no questions asked. Even crime and mystery dramas often times overdo it with the explanations so the viewer won't have to ask themselves 'huh? what happened? why'. You won't find this here. This is a drama that will require your attention all throughout, as missing a dialogue or a glance will confuse you later, without much explanation. This is a drama that asks for your full attention, and a drama that keeps its momentum until its last minute. There is no fizzling out, no unnecessary showdowns and car chases and fist fights, no rushed endings - no, everything progresses at a smooth pace that by the end you don't even notice that it's over because you're so used to its steady progression and flow. It feels strange and sad that in the coming weeks, I won't see Pros. Hwang Si Mok and Det. Han Yeo Jin running around and taking down corruption.

While Jo Seung Woo and Bae Doo Na are not what you might call top Hallyu stars (I'd argue about BDN but anyway), as say Park Bo Gum or Jun Ji Hyun, both are top-notch well-known experienced actors that infuse their characters with life all throughout. Not only them - the whole cast is stellar and even if I try to think of one loose performance, I can't. I could hardly believe that Jo Seung Woo is the same guy who played the main in God's Gift and that Yoo Jae Myung (Pros. Lee Chang Jun) is the same person who played Do Bong Soon's father.

And, of course, I cannot fail to mention the writer, Lee Soo Yeon, who has developed two of the most unique female protagonists in K-dramas for me. One determined to stand by justice no matter what and one determined to clear her father's name no matter the price - both executed perfectly until the end with no unnecessary fluff and delving into annoying, and quite frankly degrading, romances. Not only those two but all the pivotal characters went through such believable character development, that you will find yourself attached even to the most despicable of them - not because they're handsome and an oppa but because they're human, not innocent not evil but somewhere in between, just like all of us.

I really can't think of a reason why you wouldn't want to see this drama - it's what all crime and legal dramas should aim to be, and I'm looking forward to the day I watch something that will outdo it. While some people may think it seems boring, I urge you to challenge yourself and watch the first two episodes; your brain will thank you. To me, this was a heart-racing drama that made me laugh, cry, feel disgust, and so many more emotions.

I am so excited to see what this rookie writer will bring us in the future because if it's anything like Forest of Secrets, then we'll know we have another great drama upon us.

2021 edit: Yeah, I still have not found another drama to replace Stranger as my favorite - go watch season 2 if you have not!

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A 138 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 30, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 9.5
This is quite simply one of the best dramas ever made. It hits the trifecta of great writing, great acting and great directing with astonishing aplomb.

If you want to watch a show that manages to take a single case and from that moment on weave through a web of tangled relationships and complicated motivations without dropping the thread once, watch this drama.

If you want to watch a show where two people have instant chemistry that isn't romantic but still sparks because they just get each other and are better for it, watch this show. The two main characters have such a satisfying rapport that doesn't need to be romantic.

That doesn't mean that other characters fall short mind you, and it's so amazing to see the arcs of the other characters, the fact that they even get them elevates this drama to the upper echelon of dramas alone.

The fact that this is this writer's first drama is astounding and I can't wait for their next project, although this one set the bar insanely high. The fact that the tension through out this drama didn't waver once and that everything concluded so satisfyingly is an amazing feat unto itself.

I might add more later, but for now this is easily one of the easiest recommendations to make. If you like a insanely well made drama about crime and mystery, drop everything and watch this. And even if those are not your jam, give this a go, I'm sure you won't regret this.

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A 45 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 28, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 8.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 3.5
When I was younger, there were these cartoons that I used to watch known as ‘Dora The explorer’. In these cartoons Dora used to go around on her kiddy-sized expeditions (mainly in her backyard or the neighborhood park) and discover new things.

However, despite being known as an excellent kid explorer, Dora wasn’t the brightest bulb in the closet. Every episode went something quite like this; Dora would stand in front of, say, an apple tree and the treasure that she sought after would be an apple. So in order to find that apple, Dora would first cluelessly look to one side then the other, then she’d look all over all the while conveniently missing the tree located right behind her. After a good ten minutes of looking, when Dora still wouldn’t find the darned apple, the creators of the show would decide to give her a hint.

The hint went something like this: “Dora, if you look exactly behind yourself, you’ll find something. Now, we are not telling what it is, since this is only a hint but I think you should look behind you and see what you find.” For further help, a huge green arrow would point towards the apple on the tree. That was when Dora would finally have a light bulb moment and discover the goal of her expedition. Feeling mighty proud of her feat, she would then ask the viewers whether they too were able to find the apple or not.

Even as a child, I was about ready to combust at this point, for I had found the mighty apple the moment the tree came into the view. However, despite all its flaws it was still one of my favorite cartoons because it made me feel so clever. I was smarter than Dora. The world was a good place. What could possibly go wrong?

Except, when the same Dora-style execution is done in Contemporary Crime Shows, things do actually go wrong. This is exactly one of the reasons why people love “Stranger” so much. Stranger doesn’t come with the usual BS. It doesn’t assume that its viewers are mentally impaired baboons who can’t put two and two together. It actually respects the audience by considering them smart enough to follow the plot. There is no spoon feeding here, nor does a big ass green arrow point towards every idiotic discovery ever made. Instead, it’s a drama with an intelligent script that demands your full attention.

Every scene and every character has a reason for existing. With brilliant direction and almost no plot-holes the drama not only succeeds in captivating the audience, rather it also gives them space to really think about all that is happening.

For a lot of actors a “cold and emotionless” role is the gateway for slacking. They leave all their acting skills in the backseat and decide that posing like a cringey af model throughout the show is the way to go. Jo Seung Woo with his “Prosecutor Hwang Shi Mwok” explains that kids, it is indeed not the way to go.

For a character that is supposed to be expressionless and indifferent to everything and anything, Seung Woo sure did put out the acting of the century. While his face remains carefully blank at all times, there are slight nuances in his expression that highlight the emotional development Shi Mwok experiences throughout the episodes. A slight twitch of the brow to show frustration, relaxation of the facial muscles to show ease and the gorgeous, beautiful and rare smile to show happiness. Simply put, Shi Mwok is a delight to watch. Without showing, he still shows so much that by the first half of the drama, the viewers have already formed a deep connection with him.

A lot of people thought that the whole “brain surgery” plot-line was unnecessary, however, I think it was wholly essential in order for Shi Mwok to become who he was. He was a prosecutor who was able to observe every crime scene with a cold detachment that is unachievable for a normal person. And the show facilitated the fact by backing it up with a genuine reason instead of feeding the viewers some bogus and over-dramatic crap.For all those people who have seen God’s Gift, I know that Seung Woo shocked your pants off. The utter versatility of the actor cannot be described in words. He was a completely different person in this show, simply unrecognizable and for that, he has all of my respect.

I think one of the most endearing characters in the show was our female lead Han Yeo Jin. Bae Do Na held her own in terms of acting and the amount of chill that her character had was unlimited. She was such a genuinely cool person. Relentless, strong and quirky. Even though she won against bad people numerous of times, there was never any pomposity in her, for to her, even the wins felt like failures because they were against her own people. You can see how her heart hurt at the name of injustice and how fully determined she was to stand against it. No matter the consequences. She was the kind of fearless cop that is every ordinary citizen’s dream and every corrupt person in power’s nightmare.

So considering how exquisite these two were individually, it’s no surprise that they were unbeatable together. Lieutenant Han and Prosecutor Hwang: The ultimate dynamic duo that made the baddies shiver in their boots. The chemistry between them was excellent; easily topping many romances. They were the kind of comrades that can lean on each other in time of need, rely on the other in time of action and above all, understand each other all the time. As weird Shi Mwok was, Lieutenant Han just seemed to get him and he in turn respected and shared his secrets with her.
With best friends like these, who needs romance?

All of the other side characters came with their own quirks. They had their own story, their own motives behind actions that appeared to be ruthless and their own flaws and weaknesses. Nobody was completely good or completely bad; rather they were all wholly mortal.

Like other crime shows, the show did not make use of convenient plot-lines or shock value. There weren’t any WTF moments or nerve-wracking cliff hangers, rather there was a constant under-current of gravity that kept the viewers rooted to their spot.

This is the kind of drama that will warm your heart, fill you with sadness at the world’s corruption and leave you with the sweet hope that not all people are wicked, that there is still some good left and that little bit of goodness might just be able to overcome the evil.

I know that I should just end this review here but I need to be completely honest. As as you can clearly see, I have nothing but good things to say about this show. However, it doesn't mean that I am going to give it a perfect rating like many others because despite all of its beauty there were times where I wanted something more. I wanted to know why Mwok Shi was so relentless on eradicating all corruption. If he couldn't feel anything, where did all his righteousness sprout from? I wanted to know more about Lieutenant Han's background. Why was she always so alone?

Even though the whole drama came with a certain amount of simplicity and subtle intelligence, the last few episodes did at moments take on a fairy-tale touch. The conclusion was everything that you could've wanted, it was the perfect ending. However, considering the somber tone of the show, personally I expected something more gritty and raw.

So while this was one of the more amazing shows I have watched, I will not claim that "This was the best Korean drama ever made".

That being said, with some of the best dialogues and a spot-less execution, this drama is definitely not one to be missed. Which is why I wholeheartedly recommend it to every crime/thriller fan out there.Enjoy!

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A 33 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 10, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.0
I don’t like serial killer dramas. I also don’t like shows that pair cold male geniuses with spunky heroines so he can give her a brain and she can give him a heart. Plus, prosecutors and cops up against institutional corruption? Been there, done that. And yet, despite its clichéd premise, Forest of Secrets works. It works because it has Jo Seung Woo and Bae Doo Na as the leads and they act their asses off, refusing to be reduced to stereotypes. It works because it’s as much about human relationships as it is about crime, exploring how the social networks we build can both sustain and corrupt us, about how easy it is to excuse the misdeeds of a friend, a colleague, or a family member. It also shows how an outsider can take those networks down, but it never lets you forget the gut-wrenching loneliness of such isolation. And finally, it works because the writer and the director pay attention to details. Without gushing tears, blaring pop songs, or graphic violence they present smart professionals methodically uncovering the truth.

The show does drag out the denouement, with more moralizing speeches than I’d prefer. It’s also not a ringing endorsement of the idea that people can change. It is however, a lovely example of how good writing, acting and directing can bring an old genre to vibrant, urgent life.

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A 17 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 26, 2019
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

A Perfect Ten! No Weakness At All In Term of Quality, Acting & Production Values

I never give any drama a perfect 10 but this drama 100% deserved it.

This drama is seriously amazing. I have watch like gazillion of Kdramas for the past 15 years and I can safely said that the writing for this drama is the best that ever comes out from Korea. It is intelligent, excellently written and the clever details is just mind blowing. The writer is great at constructing plot without leaving any minor details. The script is tight, solid, complicated without plot holes and full of characters with great depth and personalities without including any questionable or dumb plot in its storyline. I have high expectation before watching the show but this drama truly exceeded my already high expectations. The writers made everyone, including the main character as the possible suspects and yet, she is still able to surprise us with the ending.

I feel like no other investigation dramas can hold a candle to this other than Signal. Other law or investigation dramas always bother me with the inaccurate technical practices and details but this drama have none of those and it didn't insult you intelligent either. It's simply a brilliant cat & mouse chase drama where both the good and the bad guys are clever.

SECRET FOREST IS PERFECT IN QUALITY SENSE -- I dont even know it is possible until I watch this drama. There's nothing to complain about the script, plot, directing and acting as it is that good.

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James Bond
A 15 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 7, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
It is an extremely tough task to write a review about this show, since there is almost no end to all the things I would want to say about it. Simply put, out of all the dramas that I have watched, this one is on another level, all by itself. But, of course, that is far too little to even begin describing the love I have for this show.

Forest of Secrets has a quite typical “Who did it?” story, but it is marvelously told. Just like our main character, it starts off emotionless. However, somewhere along the path, it gains some small rays of light that, slowly but surely, pierce the darkness that overwhelms the show. It has no elements of romance or comedy to make some moments more enjoyable and it certainly doesn’t need them. The drama, from the beginning, until the very end, screams “crime” and “corruption”. At times it might seem slow, but it has this steady pace that gives a unique feel to it. It is packed with details, which are easy to omit, but if you look back at it you will see that there is much more to this show than it initially meets the eye. The attention that was given to all the small things makes you not lose focus of the story, but also the way it is composed makes you look at all the elements of the show, so that you don’t miss a single thing. It is not just a regular crime/investigation drama where you just can’t wait until the last episode for the killer to be caught. Quite the opposite, this show keeps you occupied throughout its entirety, so that you can clearly understand everything that is happening.

One of the things that I especially enjoyed is the fact that this show is unusually realistic. All the characters, both the heroes and the villains act as people would act in the real world. There is no superhero-type of behavior where someone does something that would never be done in reality, or a character who can easily outsmart everybody else. It is very down to earth, the solving of the cases is systematic, carefully planned, there are no sudden jumps made by long shot conclusions that are just there to speed up the story.

Now for the characters. They are, undoubtedly, the true gems of this drama. Everybody fits his or her role perfectly, there is not a single miscast. It makes you see only the character, and not the actor. All the characters are given a very human touch, the heroes as well as the villains. Even though our main protagonist is, for the most part, emotionless, he is not robot-like, and steadily develops throughout the story. The villains are given a lot of depth as well, which makes us even sympathize with them at moments. However, the most important aspect of all, that truly makes them all human, were their mistakes. Every single character made a mistake at some point in the show, which made this drama feel that much more real. And to top it all off, the interactions and dialogues between the two leads were simply amazing. It is what made this show produce some truly heart-warming moments, in all of its coldness. Lieutenant Han gave Prosecutor Hwang, our “emotionless” hero, a bit of heart.

The setting of the show was ideal. The dark scenes, in a usually crowded, but in the show mostly empty city, kept the thrill and the mystery present at every moment. The gloomy atmosphere gave a special chill that made everything even more dramatic. The closed, office scenes perfectly portrayed the cage which the heroes were trying to break through while searching for the culprit. Places such as the homes of the characters spoke for themselves, as they gave a huge insight into who they were, and what they were like, producing superb results. Even though it is a thriller/crime drama, it is very aesthetically pleasing, and enjoyable to watch. The cinematography is beautiful, like a fine piece of art, everything is where it should be.

I could go on and on for days talking about this show, but to sum it all up… this show was poetic. All other dramas I have seen cannot even compare to it. Through its complex characters, and sometimes painful to watch scenes, this seemingly emotionless drama, takes you on a wild roller coaster, which in the end leaves you speechless and puts a small smile on your face, just like it did to our beloved Hwang Shi Mok.

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A 30 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 30, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 6.5
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 6.0
Volver a ver 6.0

Unpopular opinion but honest...

Ok, here is my unpopular opinion. After years of people recommending this drama, and so many perfect reviews, and a brand new season, and a pandemic, I decided to finally watch Stranger, and honestly, I was bored. I kept waiting to get sucked into the story and it never happened. I kept wanting to root for the blank-faced Hwang Shi Mok, but I was as indifferent to him as he looked. Bae Doo Na as Han Yeo Jin was the only character I really liked a lot, and I did think the Lieutenant and Prosecutor duo had some great moments together, but as for the story - mostly I was very VERY bored.

I admit that I don't have much interest in political crime dramas. I prefer thrillers, and this is definitely more crime drama than thriller. It starts off with a thriller vibe, but the pace was very slow and even tedious to me at times. There are several characters who are duplicitous, which is the main focus of this story, but not as much actual action and suspense. Most of this drama is conversations, arguments, eavesdropping, thinking aloud... LOTS of thinking aloud... I consider myself to be pretty analytical, but the plot didn't grab me enough to justify dwelling on the details. There are twists, but nothing truly surprising. There was nothing that made me excited to tune in to the next episode besides mild curiosity.

This is the kind of drama where you really have to love the characters to like it, and I found most of them to be pretty forgettable. The main character, who should have been the most interesting considering his back story, was too flat. I can't necessarily blame any performance, the acting isn't the issue, it's just that I had a hard time caring about any of them based on the plot. One character, Shin Hye Sun as Young Eun Soo, seemed completely unreasonable to me and I just couldn't sympathize. Other characters started to feel one-note, with lots of corrupt, greedy, and ambitious tropes.

Would I watch this again? Clearly not. I was tempted to watch this mostly in preparation for the 2nd Stranger season, but I will most likely pass on that one too. Well, maybe I'll give episode one a chance... but just out of more mild curiosity.

Overall, if you are not excited by the story early on don't expect it to be more exciting later. Most of the action is in the very beginning and the very end. I did become more interested around episode 14 and that's a long time to watch and wait for some excitement. To be honest, I should have dropped this and left it at that but with so many amazing reviews I was tempted to see if it would all be worth it in the end. The end is well done in some ways, and everything does come together, but for me, it wasn't worth completing. I wanted to add my opinion just in case anyone has a similar feeling while watching and is on the fence. The payoff wasn't big enough for me to justify recommending this. The most disappointing part is how they barely go into the main character's backstory, which would have been far more interesting than just watching him be slightly smarter than everyone with a mostly emotionless face, and maybe would have made him less boring to me. I won't say it's overrated, but it's certainly not for everyone. If corruption dramas are what you love you will probably like this way more than I did. If you find yourself wondering if there's romance... you probably want to skip this one. The political thriller shows I like are more like "House of Cards", but If watching someone solve a jumbo puzzle for 16 hrs sounds like a good time, you're in luck, because that's what watching this felt like to me.
Part of me wonders if high expectations made me dislike it more, but that's also what kept me from dropping it for good.

This isn't my first time not liking a beloved drama, so I'm fine being one of the less impressed few.

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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 9, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 10
Wow what a drama. Up to date I think this is probably one of the best dramas that I've ever watched. This drama had a little bit of everything. A little bit of suspense. Some sprinkles of romance along with a dab of murder. Stranger otherwise known as Forest of Secrets is a crime-thriller drama about corruption within the judicial system. A prosecutor named Hwang Shi Mok goes on a quest to wipe out this corruption as he attempts to solve several murder cases.

Story: [10/10] Personally I'm a very big fan of this story. The plot is very well written and a lot of the characters are well-drawn out. A lot of the characters has their own motive as to why they do what they do. As you get further into the story the characters begin to reveal themselves more and more. This provided for a very complex web of characters as you find out how their lives intertwine. Heck, by the end of the drama, I even fell in love with two of the villains. You get to learn how these villains went from your every day Joe to murderers. Other shows usually don't give their villains a very good backstory. Other villains are murderers because they like killing... Wow... what a boring reason right?

Do you like to be placed on the edge of your seat dying to know what happens next? One of the other reason I really like this drama is that it's also very suspenseful. You never know what is going to happen next. There are a good amount of red herrings, but just enough so that the show is not too ridiculous or too boring. Every episode ends with tiny twists that leaves you wondering what will happen in the next episode. Boy am I glad that I binge-watched this show. Or else I'd be dying to know what happens each week.

There is also a little bit of romance in this drama as well. Not much, but it does add a little flavor to the story. This drama makes you wish for more. Even better so, my favorite type of romance are tragic romances that don't work out. This drama has just that. You'll just have to watch the series to see what I mean though.

Acting/Cast: [10/10] I was a very big fan of cast in this drama. Both the male and female leads aren't exactly big-name stars, but they did their job very well. Oh I also forgot to mention that the main male lead had part of his brain taken out as a child? I thought the male lead did a decently good job acting like he had very little emotions. You do get to see some smiles here and there though. Although I was more so interested in the supporting casts. There where a lot of very big name supporting characters in the drama that really added some extra flair to the show. I'm a big fan of Lee Kyung Young, Yoon Se Ah, Yoo Jae Myung, Lee Ho Jae, and Uhm Hyo Sub in other roles. You know a show is legit when you have a great supporting cast such as this one.

Music: [9/10] The music on this show wasn't that bad. I generally don't give shows a 10 unless they're a "music-focused" show or if they have a VERY memorable OST.

Rewatch Value: [10/10] I mean it when I give this show a 10 out of 10. I made the mistake of multi-tasking while watching this drama. Unfortunately this show is very complex and is not like your typical K-drama. You'll miss out on certain connections if you aren't paying attention. This show is on the top of my rewatch list when I get through my backlog. I'm going to rewatch it again for the plot as well as to pick up any tidbits that I may have missed.

One of my biggest gripe about this drama is the whole brains surgery and emotionless male lead. I didn't feel like it really added much to the story. It felt like it was just there to distinguish this show from other murder mystery/prosecutor drama. Honestly this doesn't really take away from much while you're watching the drama though. I only brought this up because I usually try to bring up at least one thing I didn't like in a show or one weakness. Overall I'm a HUGE fan of the story and the supporting cast. This show is a must watch! It's currently the 3rd ranked drama on MDL for a reason! Can we make it the top ranked show?

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A 8 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 13, 2018
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This well-written crime thriller with great performances is almost-universally considered the best kdrama of 2017 and possibly one of the best ever made. Underpinned by a strong friendship and with no romance plotline, all the episodes are devoted to plot and the pacing is perfect.

Bae Do Na and Jo Seung Woo are exceptional in their roles as a rare non-romantic buddy-cop partnership. While this show deals with familiar themes of corruption that kdrama viewers will find familiar, it is an interesting and gripping examination of the issue with a verisimilitude that borders at times on depressing.

Intelligent, fierce, uncompromising and stark, this is television at its finest.


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A 27 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 22, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 8.0
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 1.0
I'm writing this review in contrast to those who have given this show perfect marks. I believe it's a bit overrated, and tbh, it fell short in a number of aspects. It's also far-fetched to say that this was "one of the best dramas ever created." I'd say the rating should be just around 8-8.5, in my honest opinion.

It had quite a number of flaws, many of them being on character development. There were a ton of flat and boring characters, who lacked clear motivations, and realistic boundaries in the series.

Starting of with the male lead, Hwang si Mok. He is known to have a personality disorder due to a brain surgery that removes his capability of feeling human emotions, most specifically empathy. There were a lot of scenes and minutes proving this. But those scenes I believe are meaningless, and just made the show draggy because it didn't in any way move the plot. There was no clear connection on how this disorder affects Hwang Si Mok's judgement or how he would have solved the mystery and why he was so determined to stop the corruption in the prosecution.

If he had been a normal person, or without having this disorder, would he have acted differently? Given how the series built his character, I believe he would have done the same thing. So why include this meaningless angle at all?

Han Yeo Jin, the female lead was also a dull character. She's a character that the series would just force everyone to accept that she's good just because she is. There are no developments on why she is acting the way she is, or why she's helping Hwang Si Mok. Also, come to think of it, there was no other background given in the series towards her identity, aside from that of her being a police officer.

Kim Jeong Bon, Hwang Si Mok's supposed middle school friend/classmate. There's no information at all given to their supposed "friendship" that should motivate him to help Hwang Si Mok in his endeavors. I found it a bit weird that he suddenly was so determined into helping Hwang Si Mok, who is barely an acquaintance, and who he just randomly met after 20 years.

I could say more flaws like these for many other characters. I think the only characters who had real depth in the series were probably Dong Jae Seo, and Chang Jun- Lee, but then their character development also came a bit late.

Aside from poor character development, the pace was unusually slow for the genre. I wouldn't say that 16 episodes were too much for the series' content, but some of the episodes could have been used to again, better character development, rather than just watching the leads stumble to dead end after dead end of the mystery they're solving. A lot of the scenes involving solving the mystery could be compressed further to give way to better content.

I think what's good about this drama is the fact that it had a clear focus, and never bent away from the plot. This is probably the main reason why the audience stayed with it until the end. (despite its many flaws) It developed a desire among the audience to know the end, and how the culprits would be caught.

The script was also something praise-worthy. Dialogues were very realistic and is based on actual spoken language, and not cheesy/heroic type of lines, especially those said by the leads. A lot of thrillers/action dramas or any drama for that matter fall into the pit of trying to make the leads act like superheroes or super cool characters by making them say unrealistic cheesy speeches as they capture the culprits, whilst heroic music plays in the background. Pretty sure we've all encountered this in one drama or another.

The acting, I'd say was good, in the sense it was realistic, and not overly done.

The series could have been much better if it had paid more attention into creating more tangible and deeper figures amongst its leads. By doing this, it could have bettered its connection with its viewers. Only then would the audience have a deeper reason as to why to watch this series, other than just having the desire to know the show's end.

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A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 18, 2017
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
"Stranger" was pretty much perfect. It might ruin other crime dramas for me in the future because it was so good. I'm giving it a 10 which I hardly ever do. Lots of crime dramas rely on shock, sordid details or graphic violence to thrill and create interest. Stranger tells a story about complicated characters with passions, motives, and morals that collide, corrupt, and sometimes bolster and strengthen each another. Though this is a crime investigation story and definitely contains some gruesome scenes, most of the thrills come from the characters playing off each other.

The script is so tightly written. The story is a cleverly laid out labyrinth with compelling, intelligent characters at each turn. There are no throw away characters who behave stupidly, frustrating plot details, cutesy comic relief or romance just for the sake of adding romance. Every line could have a potential effect on the outcome. If you let your mind drift for a moment you might just miss out on some new clue or development. While watching, I often had the unsettling feeling that everyone is not who they seem and everyone is up to no good. Then a moment later I would often come to the exact opposite conclusion and think maybe this character is exactly who he appears to be after all. It had me on the edge of my seat and guessing up through the last episode. The writing is so impressive.

"Stranger" is really well-acted. The 2 main leads do such a great job. Jo Seung Wo is excellent as Prosecutor Hwang. Playing a cold, emotionless, and calculating character with limited facial expressions, he somehow manages to shine with goodness and integrity, gain our sympathy and win our hearts. Bae Doo Na is excellent as Lieutenant Han who is the more stereotypical good cop character, but she brings her character to life with warmth, passion and toughness. I also particularly enjoyed Lee Joon Hyuk as Seo Dong Jae. He portrays his smarmy despicable character with a lot of emotional range. He's the guy you love to hate and sometimes feel sorry for. All the characters have great chemistry together - both the heroes and villains - though you never really know for sure who is who until the very end when all the pieces fall together perfectly. It's a thrilling and compulsively watchable drama that builds in intensity as the story progresses. I am sorry to be done. I even re-watched the last episode immediately so I didn't have to say goodbye just yet.

This drama brings up ideas about what makes a person who they are. Does a person ever fundamentally change? What make us human? What makes us good or bad? Is it our emotions, our ideals or intentions? Our actions? Morals? A sense of justice? If you are into crime stories you have to watch this. But I also highly recommend this to people who appreciate an intelligent well told story that makes you think.

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Stranger (2017) poster



  • Puntuación: 8.8 (puntuado por 23,581 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #154
  • Popularidad: #172
  • Fans: 58,109

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