Family History (2019) poster
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Puntuación: 6.3/10 de 11 usuarios
# de fans: 27
Reseñas: 1 usuario
Puesto #37324
Popularidad #99999
Fans 11

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  • Español
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • País: Philippines
  • Tipo: Movie
  • Fecha de estreno: jul 24, 2019
  • Duración: 2 hr. 5 min.
  • Puntuación: 6.3 (scored by 11 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #37324
  • Popularidad: #99999
  • Clasificación del contenido: Not Yet Rated

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Family History (2019) photo
Family History (2019) photo


A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 3, 2019
Visto 0
Global 1.0
Historia 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

This is one of the worst movies I've seen.

I do not even know what this movie wanted to show us- True Love? Drama? Second chances? or what?
It feels as if the movie wanted to do something deep but completely failed at it. The story was all over the place, poor execution and all.

Dawn's character is also one of the worst characters I've seen. IF she cheated on him just "once" - then it's a mistake. But no, she slept with her lover for "46 times" - that's no longer a mistake. She liked it. She was really into it. And then what? In the end she put all the blame on her husband. She wouldn't stop the affair if she didn't get sick. She wouldn't feel sorry if she didn't get sick. Her husband will remain ignorant. And then what? she still ended up putting all the blame to her husband, even had the guts to act angrily at him for showing his emotions. He has the right to call her names, the right to be angry and show it and she deserve it.
I really do hate her character and wished that she suffered more than that.

Another one is Tanfelix' character.
What a bad son. His mother is dying and what did we see? His bandmate and his gf and time with them is more important than being with his mother. Did we saw him feeling bad or sad about his mother's situation? How many times did we saw him visiting his mother? And then what? He even accused his father of flirting out with his gf and much worst? he even hit his own father!!! Wow!
I am not even sure if that scene was made for the comedy aspect of the movie but I truly hope not, because if it was - then it's not even funny.

Michael V's character.
There were times when I find his scenes funny - but he overdid it. Some comedy scenes just doesn't feel right with the scene. And why did he not allow himself to talk to his wife and say what he truly feel?
The only thing that I agreed with him was when he hit his wife's lover - the jerk who think that everything is okay after he explained his side.

The Lover and his wife:
I honestly do not get why they still stay together. His wife used the excuse that she doesn't have a choice. Does she know about his affair with Michael's wife? Is she really okay with it? There are lots of things that wasn't explain and explore on her part. And the jerk who choose to stay with her because May doesn't want to leave her husband. God.

The characters on this movie really did frustrate me a lot. I am still feeling annoyed everytime I remember them.

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  • Movie: Family History
  • País: Filipinas
  • Fecha de estreno: jul 24, 2019
  • Duración: 2 hr. 5 min.
  • Clasificación del contenido: Sin calificar


  • Puntuación: 6.3 (puntuado por 11 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #37324
  • Popularidad: #99999
  • Fans: 27

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