A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 2, 2022
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 9.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
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¿El mejor BL que existe? Puede ser.

Por si no lo saben, en esta serie existe una leyenda urbana que dice que si llegas virgen a los 30, te convertís en mago. Adachi, nuestro protagonista, cumple 30 años un día y se da cuenta de que ahora puede leer la mente de las personas que toca, de esa manera descubre que Kurosawa, el hombre más popular de su oficina, está enmorado de él.

Yo sé que la trama parece una estupidez, pero no les puedo explicar lo hermoso que es este dorama, lo adorables que son los personajes y lo sana y bella que es la relación que se nos muestra. Estuve gritando como fan loca desde el primer capítulo porque el fangirleo que me generaba tenía que abandonar mi cuerpo de alguna manera. Así de mucho me gustó.

Adachi y Kurosawa se convirtieron en mi pareja favorita del 2020 (y puede que de la vida, porque no tengo nada que criticarles). Además, los sentimientos de los personajes están tan bien plasmados que es imposible no creerles todo ?
La pareja secundaria (sí, hay pareja secundaria) no tiene desperdicio, es una lástima que no aparezcan un poquito más, pero al menos tienen un capítulo especial dedicado a ellos (los spin-off también son una maravilla).

Es una serie súper sencilla, son solo 12 capítulos de 23min aprox c/u, pero a pesar de esto logra contar una historia divertida, entretenida y adorable que les va a sacar muchas (en serio, muchas) sonrisas y unos cuantos "aaawww".

Creo entonces que podría decir que Cherry Magic es más sobre lo que te hace sentir, que sobre lo que es en sí, y eso viene re bien de vez en cuando (ojo que con esto no quiero decir que se descuiden otros aspectos, nada que ver, la trama está muy bien manejada, los tiempos se llevan bien y al final se llega de la mejor manera posible).

Las actuaciones son buenas, visualmente está muy bien, los clichés que metieron me dieron vida, los personajes (incluso los terciarios) me encantaron... La amé por completo, así de simple. TODOS TIENEN QUE IR A VERLA YA.
Para cerrar solo me resta decir que si no puedo tener a Kurosawa, entonces no quiero a nadie.

IG de reseñas cortas: @altoplottwist

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El Ultimo Fudanshi
A 1 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 2, 2022
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
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Vale, voy a intentar ser objetivo,pero es difícil jajaja.

La serie tiene sus fallos, como todas las series, es normal, pero lo suple de una forma magistral. Fue la primera serie de BL que vi y desde entonces he visto muchísimas más y ninguna se le compara.

En cuanto a trama, aún teniendo clichés, como todas, mete el punto mágico que aporta mucba frescura y la diferencia de las demás, sin llegar a ser ciencia ficción.

Los personajes, en particular Adachi, está muy bien desarrollado, y va aprendiendo y evolucionando conforme avanza la trama, hecho que se agradece, sin olvidar que es súper gracioso y lindo de ver. Al final con este personaje consiguen un balance entre humor y romanticismo que otras no consiguen.

También me gusta mucho que desarrollan a los personajes secundarios, tanto la trama secundaria como a algunos personales de fondo, que se ven involucrados en la trama, y eso le da mucho volumen a la trama .

Como crítica, podría decir que Kurosawa a veces resulta demasiado perfecto, e intentan darle una explicación a ello pero se ve forzada, y sobre todo al principio, resulta algo escalofriante, pero no empaña la serie para nada.

La escenografía es muy agradable, se ve cuidada, los recursos de cámara que usan acompañan a la trama bien.

Y al fin y al cabo, aunque la historia en si es sencilla,a trama tiene presentación, nudo y desenlace bien definidos y creíbles , y todo esto en una serie de 12 capítulos , que hay otras que no lo consiguen.

La recomiendo al 1.000% . Si buscáis algo puro, bonito e inocente, es vuestra serie ^_^

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 18, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.5

A todo el que pueda verla que lo haga, no se van arrepentir!!

Acabo de terminar de ver esta serie, la verdad tenia un poco de expectativas con ellas, no me decepciono pero sentí que le falto un poco de desarrollo a los personajes de esta historia, a todos ellos. Ojo: sino me hubiera visto de maratón toda eta serie, con especiales y película incluida esa seria mi opinión final de la serie, pero como no fue el caso, debo decir que me gusto todo lo que vi.

Pero iniciemos por el principio, esta historia la narra el personaje principal un virgen de 30 años que valga la redundancia, por ser virgen obtiene un poder mágico, el cual es poder leer los pensamientos de cualquier persona a la que toque o lo toque a el. Un dia lee los pensamientos de unos de sus compañeros de trabajo y se da cuenta que su compañero esta enamorado de el, al inicio intenta esquivarlo, pero cada que lo intenta termina acercándose mas a el.

La premisa es bien divertida y a verdad la serie te saca unas lindas risas y muchos suspiros de ternura, los protagonista son una cosita divina y te dejan suspirando por mas.

La actuación es buena, aunque considero que en la serie le falta desarrollo a los personajes, siento que todo pasa rápido y no te dan una gran explicación ni de ellos ni de su entorno, creo que conozco mas de ellos por mi hermana que siempre me habla del manga, mas que por la misma serie. En especial esto lo sentí con la pareja secundaria, sentí todo en ella super acelerado y sin explicaciones, fue tipo: hoy te vi, mañana también y ya me enamore y te quedas como que acaba de pasar, apenas y hablaron y ya se aman y tienen una relación... siento que pudieron haberme dado mas de ellos (mas adelante lo hacen con un especial, pero en esta serie les falto darme mas de ellos)

Con respecto a la musica, ame el OST de esta serie, ya lo agregue a mi playlist de OST porque de verdad es muy bonito, la musica en general de esta serie es hermosa y transmite bastante, la musica va contándote todo conjunto a lo que ves.

Pero resumiendo todo, es linda la serie, te saca suspiro y sin duda los especiales y la película la completan, especialmente la película, creo que todo vale la pena por ver esa película. A todo persona que quiera verla, recuerde que es una serie cute, no tiene grandes escenas explicitas así que no entre buscando eso en la serie, porque no se lo van a dar, es bonita y encantadora.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 31, 2022
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 9.0
Cherry Magic es una dulce historia sobre un joven tímido, con poca confianza en sí mismo, al que le es difícil interactuar con otros, por lo que nunca ha intentado tener una relación romántica con alguien. Le tomé mucho cariño a Adachi, es un poco torpe y con el corazón muy noble. Al inicio no quiere tener la habilidad de leer la mente, pero al no poder evitarlo, usa lo que aprende de las personas para ayudarles y brindarles confort, si está en sus manos.

Kurosawa se ganó mi cariño de la misma forma. Es el tipo de persona que desea darle el cielo y las estrellas a quien ama, incluso si no están en una relación. El amor que siente por Adachi nunca falló en poner una sonrisa en mi rostro.

Kurosawa y Adachi son la pareja más adorable que he visto hasta ahora en el mundo del bl. La forma en que ambos desean hacer feliz al otro, la construcción de su relación, con todo y los miedos de arruinarla, las escenas domésticas, las citas, abrazos, toques...

Kurosawa quiere ayudar a Adachi para que se dé cuenta de lo asombro que es, encuentre sus objetivos y los persiga, mientras Adachi quiere estar junto a Kurosawa para reconfortarlo y corresponder a todos los gestos llenos de amor que éste le da.

Hay una pareja secundaria formada por Tsuge Masato, un escritor de novelas de romance, y Wataya Minato, un repartidor y apasionado bailarín. Aunque no me sentí tan apegada a ellos, era divertido ver al pobre Tsuge sin saber qué hacer respecto a su crush con Minato.

Fujisaki merece una mención especial porque fue un toque agradable, no sólo por ser muy linda e inteligente, también porque pone en la mesa el hecho de que no todas las personas quieren o necesitan una relación para ser felices.

Sin duda, Cherry Magic se ha posicionado en mi top de BLs favoritos y estoy lista para recomendarlo por todas partes porque merece mucho cariño. Espero encontrarme más historias con personajes tan entrañables y divertidos como Adachi y Kurosawa.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
hace 15 días
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 7.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 5.0
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Un buen producto en un momento erróneo

Por azares del destino, llegué primero a la adaptación tailandesa que a esta y, de manera inequívoca, esto ha tenido una gran influencia en mi percepción de la obra. Donde la tailandesa sobresale, esta se queda corta. Y es comprensible, por un lado, porque el tiempo de duración prácticamente se duplica en Tailandia. Por otro, porque el hecho de centrar la historia en TayNew hizo que el personaje que aquí es Kurosawa ganase en riqueza y profundidad.
He estado reflexionando si me importa la falta de intimidad entre los personajes y, después de darle unas cuantas vueltas, creo que no es la problemática más importante. No tener ni un beso, a sabiendas de que han tenido relaciones, no me importa. Es más la sensación de que Adachi no llega a estar conectado emocionalmente con Kurosawa ni en los momentos más avanzados de la relación. Y es curioso, porque pensaba que Achi, la versión de New, era un personaje naif, pero veo que los guionistas hicieron maravillas con el contenido del que partían, que asumo tampoco es cien por cien este, al no tratarse directamente del manga.
Probablemente, me acabe viendo la adaptación animada también, porque considero que la obra está llena de green flags y eso me basta, pero me hubiera hecho muy feliz que Cherry Magic me gustase tanto como lo hizo Cherry Magic TH. Y siento que un buen producto llegase a mí en un momento erróneo.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 5, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 9.0
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 9.5

Dos euros y un sueño. Spoiler: Sale bien.

Es una de esas historias que en un principio piensas: una más. Sabes que es un clásico y que te va a gustar, así que no vas con grandes expectativas. Eso ayuda a que todo mejor conforme van pasando los capítulos.

Es más que obvio que quien fuese que produjo esta película, lo hizo con un presupuesto limitado. Los escenarios no son bonitos, ni tiene paisajes abrumadores: son escenarios cotidianos y banales, lo que lo hace todo mucho mejor. Es como inmiscuirse en la vida real de los personajes, los cuales suben en ascensores llenos de gente, comen en restaurantes por los que parece que no ha pasado el tiempo y viven en monoambientes como cualquier otro treintañero en un país en el que trabajar cuarenta horas a la semana no te garantiza poder pagar una hipoteca. Y en ese mundo tan real, conocemos a dos personajes tan dispares y diferentes que se enamoran de una de las maneras más bonitas que he visto en un BL.

No necesitas besos, no necesitas palabras implícitas; son los gestos, las situaciones y los pensamientos del propio Kurosawa. La realización lenta pero segura de Adachi de sus sentimientos, esa progresión y esas escenas donde él asume ciertas cosas y el pensamiento de Kurosawa le hace saber lo contrario. Son las caricias, el entendimiento mutuo, el cariño, el cuidado con el que tratan los sentimientos del otro casi como si se fuesen a rompen... Todos y cada uno de los minutos viendo esta historia merecen la pena.

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A 204 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 11, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 6
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

The Best BL of all Time! So Go Watch!

I have never written reviews for anything but this drama forced me to write one. The recent surge of BL had us BL fans swooning however during the process the BL's lost its originality and offered the same plot with school/university/ engineering/love triangle/making all the females either villain or brainless fujoshi but with different actors. I am not bashing other bls but it was getting very repetitive.

But then BOOM! came this BL out of nowhere. Surprising us with its wholesome and refreshing original plotline. This is a story about an introverted salaryman who was just going with the flow of life and not much caring about love thus stayed as a virgin. However, when he turned 30 he was bestowed with the mind-reading ability and this is where folks one of the most hilarious yet MOST tender wholesome love story of the BL world's begun. Our protagonist, Adachi, finds out the popular and most perfect guy in the office, Kurosawa, has an intense crush on him.

Adachi is someone we all can relate to especially us introverts. He looks down on himself, lacks confidence, and always gives up fighting for himself and others when needed. But after he gained the power we could see the changes in him. He never once used his power for himself or to harm others rather he used them to help the people around him. He is becoming a better version of himself. Slowly but steadily he is overcoming his weakness for a better life.

Where else Kurosawa is completely opposite of Adachi. He is an extrovert person and the most popular guy in the office. He is a perfectionist in whatever he does. Girls go gaga on him including me. He is smart, handsome, confident, and knows how to carry himself. He is the go-to person, whenever someone faces any kind of problem. He is the perfect example of how a salaryman should be. However, when it comes to Adachi he loses his calms and his confidence wavers. All he wants is to stay beside Adachi and make him smile. Kurosawa will be happy and content as long as Adachi is happy and stay beside him even if as colleagues but that's going to change very soon though.

Cherry Magic has stolen my breath and my heart! Every week I anxiously wait for the new episodes like my life depends on it. The chemistry between the leads is sizzling and you can feel it from the very first interaction and you can feel as each episode progresses the chemistry intensifies. At first, honestly, I thought this will be like Ossan's love with overly comedic with little focus on romance especially when I read that the guy will have mind-reading power and the trailer also really didn't impress me but thank god I gave this gem of drama a shot and I fell in love.

The best thing about this drama is that all the characters no matter how small or big their role is very much like real life. All of us can relate to them in our life personally for me I could very much relate to Adachi and Fujisaki-san. Episode 4 touched my heart so deeply like no other bl could. Also, how could we forget our poor Kurosawa's fantasy?! Trust me it will make you laugh and giggle like a kid. Well, all episodes will make you giggle and scream in the middle of the night like a banshee in loose...or like a kid!

And to all the BL writers out there please learn from Kurosawa how to write perfect gentleman. Kurosawa even though is restless about his feelings for Adachi he never ever tried to force his feelings on Adachi. He is always respectful and he even felt remorse when the co-workers forced him to Kiss Adachi ( episode 3) albeit it was only a forehead kiss Kurosawa still felt bad which shows how considerate Kurosawa is and how much kindness and respect he has for Adachi.

This is a genuine love story between these two men that will warm your heart and soul...make you feel like you are on cloud 9. Make you feel fluffy and soft and gushy and will definitely make you say "EHHH!".

The thing with Japanese bl is that they don't need to show physical intimacy to convey their feelings. They can literally carry the whole show, with the same per as those that hugely depends on physical intimacy to gain popularity, with their eye contact and body language, and what acts they do for their loved one. Again I am not bashing anyone specific.

I think like most of you I am also not a fan of Japanese acting. They often feel cringe to me and made me stopped watching Japanese drama for a while. So for the people who are worried about the acting, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. The acting is actually top-notch. Both actors perfectly understood their characters and have dutifully are able to portray them just as they were written in manga. Machida is literally Kurosawa and no one can deny that!

To be honest I feel the live-action characters have more feel to them than the manga in my humble opinion. Also, the director did an amazing job of executing the story. And I am glad that they are adding their own original scenes to this adaptation and changing the timelines of specific scenes which I think will be more exciting.

The only con is the development of a side couple. Don't get me wrong I love them too. Tusge is a chaotic virgin that cracks me up every time he comes on screen and our cutie Wataya is such a tsundora lol. But I wished their story would have progressed with the same care as the main pairing but it's ok. This series is already a perfect 100 for me.

And Udon-Chan is love, Udon-Chan is life!

Listen guys once you start watching this series you will not be able to stop yourself from re-watching the currently out episodes again and again. I have already lost count of how many times I have re-watched the 5 episodes. Cherry Maho really spells a real cast at its viewers then we can't stop watching the series even if we want to.

So what are you guys waiting for join our Cherry Maho cult!

Sorry for such a long-ass review and I know I am not the best reviewer out there but hope this review at least is helpful to you lots.

Peace Out XOXO!

Edit- I have finally finished the whole series and my man I LOVE LOVE LOVE it so MUCH!! It was perfect!!! For me, the character development was so good. Adachi overcoming his fear of losing his power and mingling with people, understanding people without his power showed huge character development! Finally, Kurosawa can have his sweet life with Adachi. I do hope we get a season 2! I wanna see more of their sweet life. Call me greedy because I am. Fantastic ending to a fantastic series. Guys watch this show or else you will be missing out on the biggest gem of your life!

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RandomUsagi Flower Award1
A 126 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 24, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 1
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

Cherry Magic Memories

To say that this is a good BL is an understatement. I've been watching jdramas in 2020 and nothing captured my attention and love like this one. A late-night BL drama nobody should've noticed became an international hit.

Cherry Magic (CM) summed up:
-All characters are loveable
-Has comedy but can also get emotional
-No toxicity
-Great acting from main leads
-Great opening and ending song
-High rewatch value

STORY -9.5
''Don't you know? If you're a virgin when you turn 30, you'll become a magic user.'' -Urabe
If the synopsis is kinda offputting to you then that's normal but I guarantee you that it works. The subjects are handled with sensibility and while there is a lot of comedy it works out well. The show knows how to handle emotional scenes as well as comedy.

I think with the first episode you'll see that this drama handles its story very well. What started as a weird internet legend/joke about virginity somehow ended up becoming this cute show. This is a unique lovestory and a joy to see. It brought a lot of warmth to the winter of 2020. Teaching us all to reach out to others and to love ourselves.

''Do you know what that means?'' -Kurosawa
First of all the main leads. Machida Keita, actor of Kurosawa, has had around 10 years of experience in acting and has been in many Japanese shows. He was a known name in Japan before CM happened. You can see he totally immerses himself in a character and has fun with it. A lot of later scenes in the drama have been influenced by him ad-libbing/freely acting. When his character is sad, genuinely happy or faking his emotions for the sake of others then you can see it in all his body movements. He's an intriguing character to watch on screen and definitely makes rewatching the show worth it.

Akaso Eiji is relatively new to acting in comparison to Machida Keita and was far less known in Japan. He has been in a few shows before CM, noteably as a Kamen Rider in Kamen Rider Build. Even the mangaka from CM wasn't sure he could pull off the shy, introverted character of Adachi. However, Akaso Eiji really plays Adachi perfectly. Completely adapting to the introverted and anxious character and creating some of the most fun panicked scenes. In comparison to Kurosawa, Adachi acts much more like a manga/anime-character by constantly panicking but it makes him very cute. I'm sure anyone can fall in love with such an adorable and shy main character.

The character called Tsuge is extremely entertaining, even more panicked than his friend Adachi at times. His adventures have been a joy to see, the self-proclaimed romance master never disappoints. His love-interest Minato has little screentime but is very cute as well. Them both being catlovers was also great to see as the cat Udon-chan really was a joy to see on screen.

Extra characters:
Then there's Rokkaku. This guy really makes a name for himself but all characters in this show have a good heart. His overly energetic presence was always immediately visible on screen and he has been a fun addition to the show. Fujisaki is the beloved female character and likely the best female character in all of BL. An example of how to give female characters a positive presence in a BL show. Her knowing smile and caring character really makes scenes a lot better. There's not a lot to say about Urabe but he has some character growth as well, showing that all characters have some good in them.

''I scream the voice of my heart'' - Omoinotake
I never skipped the opening or the ending of this show. Both are very nice to listen to. The opening of the show (Ubugoe/Birth) being Adachis view of the situation and the ending of the show (Good Love your Love) being Kurosawas view.
The background music really knows how to make emotional scenes hit hard. Even listening to the emotional piano music brings me back to the scenes all over again. The fun background music does its job in making the scenes seem wholesome or just an enjoyable experience.

''My heart can't take it anymore'' -Adachi
I can't even count how many times I've rewatched this show during its airing time. That's not a joke, I've been part of CM watchparties and rewatched the show myself a lot of times. I think even now that the show has ended its definitely worth rewatching to watch the great acting of the main leads or just to enjoy the experience all over again. Because this show is just that, an enjoyable experience. You can also find many hidden details if you pay attention when watching the show.

In conclusion, give the show a chance and even if the first episodes don't work for you I can assure you that you will fall in love with Adachi and Kurosawa eventually. Something widely refered to as the Cherry Magic effect.

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Loveless Devil
A 29 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 20, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
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A Love So Beautiful & Pure!!! Must WATCH!

How can two grown-ass men falling in love makes my heart thump thump so badly! No other bls made me feel things that CM made me. If ITSAY is the best coming of an age love story then CM is the best young adult love story. This is not only a love story. But a story about being kind, gentle, being confident, not giving in to the societal pressures, trusting others, and more importantly trusting ourselves. Overcoming our fear and difficulties no matter how many times we fail. Each and every character feels human and none of the characters feels unrealistic. Trust me when I say this that you will be able to relate with each and every character because that's how human they felt.

This is a simple drama where two different men came to touch the heart of each other through their kindness. That's it! No unnecessary drama, no love triangle, no one hates no one, no one is cheating, girl character is being respected and no fujoshi (which is what, unfortunately, many fans love) maybe that's why this will not be as popular as other dramas but this is what I loved about CM. This is such a feel-good drama. This is so so much fun to watch how these two dorks fall in love with each other through that process it is so easy for us watchers to fall in love with them as well. I wish guys like Kurosawa existed in real life than none of us girls had to go through so many heartbreaks and disappointments.

Rewatch Value of this drama is 100/10
Acting is PERFECT!
Chemistry is ON POINT!
So guys give this drama a go and trust me you will not be disappointed!

I think, no , CM is the bestest BL production in Japan's BL history!

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A 24 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 25, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 3
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

A Series with Heart and Soul

One of the main aspects that stands out about Japanese drama is their way of including a heartfelt and inspirational message in their stories. I came across Cherry Magic on MDL two months before its official airing date. The plot summary and casting choices intrigued me. I had recognised both of the main leads, Akaso and Machida-san from their previous works, Nee Sensei, Shiranai no? (2020) and Joshi-teki Seikatsu (2018). Since Ossan’s love (2018), Japan has become more open to exploring BL/LGBT genre and well-known actors and actresses featuring in the genre. Considering those points, I had gone ahead and read the first two volumes of the original manga by Toyota-san’s Cherry Magic. The manga’s direction was lighter than other shounen-ai works, and I appreciate Toyota-san writing the characters in a likeable manner.

The story could have taken many different directions; however, I appreciate the staff and crew’s mindsets on the drama structure's focus. Having read the manga (Vol 1~4), and watched the drama series, I could sense the amount of thought that went into making the show fitting for a live-action adaptation while bringing heart and soul to these characters.

Most Asian dramas tend to over sexualise and romanticise unhealthy relationships, especially within the BL and LGBT genre. Therefore, the direction of Cherry Magic proves that none of those portrayals is necessary to create an exciting and engaging show. The show features a fair focus on realistic obstacles, including workplace struggles, the risk of striving for your dream goals and self-acceptance.


The acting was top-notch; I could feel the character’s emotions, including the scenes without any dialogue. I loved how the main and some of the supporting casts were given a chance to show their range. It helped me become more invested in their characters. Setting the characters in a genre with both slice of life and a supernatural element could be quite challenging. Therefore, I believe the writers did an excellent job writing the main and supporting characters in a relatable and somewhat realistic approach.


It was refreshing to see a drama set in a workplace setting with the given genre. It brought more opportunities to explore some realistic obstacles and a sense of relatability towards a mature target audience.
Much analysis has been made on the drama’s setting, placement of props and editing by fans. Although the production value is relatively standard, the staff considers all the mentioned elements, therefore, reflecting the character’s emotions with their given surroundings. I appreciate the setting being viewed more than a stage or an aesthetic; it made me rethink the use of colour palettes (e.g. Blue for gloomy mood by Kurosawa).


I fell in love with both the opening and ending songs featured in the show. The lyrics had much depth and connection with our two main characters. I found it interesting the opening represents Adachi’s internal feelings while the ending represents Kurosawa’s perspective. Both songs complement each other, and the visuals fit the songs melody. The soundtrack is both amusing and emotionally moving. From my perspective, I did not feel any of the ost or songs were out of place.

Last thoughts:

If you are used to seeing skinship and rapid development featured in romantic relationships, the show may not be your forte; however, I recommend you give the series a watch.. While watching the show; it reminded me that falling in love can be a wonderful thing in life despite the depressing and heartwrenching moments.

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A 20 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 28, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
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The real magic is the happiness it will make you feel.

Cherry Magic was definitely one of the best things -- if not the best one -- that happened to me in 2020, but I'm not the only one who has had such a positive experience with this show. In fact, Cherry Magic has become an international phenomenon thanks to its impressive formula: good production quality, excellent comedic timing, humane and relatable characters, a touching storyline and genuine feelings. The pure happiness it was able to spread among its viewers almost felt like a miracle. I've often found myself wondering how a series could connect so many people around the world and make them all feel the same way. Well, the answer is in the title: magic. Yes, because the real magic in this series is not Adachi's power, but the relationships that the series established between the characters, between the characters and the audience and between the viewers, too. The connection you create with those around you and what you get from that -- support, affection, care, inspiration, motivation, joy... -- is one of the things that make life worth living. This is the message given throughout the series. All the characters end up touching each other's hearts and seeing how that affects their growth as human beings is just beautiful.

Honestly, I can't put my love for this series into words. You need to feel that happiness building up inside you episode by episode yourself. What I can say is that the humanity and the sincerity of the characters have reached my soul. Every expression, every gesture, every word has shaken me, entered my being and left a permanent mark. Cherry Magic is unique, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that I'll never forget. It will always have its own place in my heart. I highly recommend this series to EVERYONE. I swear it will touch you heart.

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yoonthethicc Flower Award1
A 19 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 26, 2020
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 15
Global 9.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
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This review may contain spoilers
kurosawa is love. kurosawa is life.
therefore, multiplying adachi with kurosawa equates to infinite rays of sunshine.
(not to be confused with plants vs. zombies type of sun)

out of all the bl dramas that recently came out, this one was such a delightful surprise. while many found the last 2 episodes lacking, i'm just far too deep in the hole i dug and so i succumb to this addictive fluff.

what is so good about this drama? it's just a chill feel-good drama that deals well with portraying characters who have different personalities but all in all, they have their different point of views. there was no failed attempt at delivering characters with depth and while adachi may be the typical shy character, it was worth it to wait every week to see him try his best at getting out of his comfort zone to try new things. kurosawa is literally the most patient and lovable character i have seen so far. i loved seeing a character who respects boundaries and someone who may seem perfect to others but he really wants to be seen not only with his looks. the episode centered around his point of view was wonderfully done.

fujisaki my girL yooooooo i absolutely love the writers for not making her yet another revenge obsessed type of character. alike kurosawa, she is seen as someone who consistently has her self together. the truth is she does get tired too. she's the sweetest and supportive friend. i'm conflicted whether we deserve her or not.

i can't entirely say anything much about the side couple. they didn't appeal to me that much but it was entertaining to see chaotic tsuge trying to get his shit together. minato trying to achieve his dream is admirable. the combination of these two somehow works and i liked seeing adachi help tsuge and minato get together. it goes to show how pure their friendship is.

why should you watch this?
-story is a bop.
-acting is a bop.
-music is a bop.
-rewatch value is a bop.

overall, this drama was like the light at the end of tunnel in this year. it's great to see noncomplex couples with no unnecessary love triangle and overexaggerated drama. be prepared to swoon tho.

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30Sai made Doteida to Mahotsukai ni Narerurashi (2020) poster



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  • Puesto: #1682
  • Popularidad: #196
  • Fans: 51,816

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