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oct 3, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 5.5
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Moment sympathique mais sans plus

Je traînais un peu par hasard sur Viki, pour chercher de quoi regarder un dimanche pluvieux.

Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! est apparu devant mes yeux, alors je me suis lancée. J'en avais vaguement entendu parler sur les réseaux, plutôt avec de bons avis.

J'ai bien aimé le début, entre le jeune malchanceux qui se rapprochent (par intérêt) avec le chanceux, bien sûr l'élève beau gosse et populaire par excellence, même-ci ce dernier ne comprend pas que le malchanceux souhaitait une relation purement amicale, il l'embrasse.

Le début était drôle, les personnages un peu cliché, mais plutôt sympa, mais à la moitié du drama, le côté trop niais du BL a commencé par m'ennuyer, heureusement que les épisodes étaient courts.

J'ai un peu été déçu par la fin, je voulais une happy end bien sûr, mais toujours le côté niais m'a exaspéré au bout d'un moment.

Je pourrais dire que je l'ai vu, et je pense que chacun doit le regarder pour se faire son propre avis.

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oct 17, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 5.5

Une romanche BL plutôt drôle !

J'ai bien rigolé ! Une romanche BL sympa, qui sort un peu de ce qu'on voit d'habitude.
Des personnages principaux attachants sans être des caricatures.
Les deux personnes sont relativement viriles, ça change de d'habitude où le cliché est souvent un peu trop poussé.
Loin du drame existenciel. Une comédie sympa. Les personnages auraient pu être un homme et une femme que ça aurait été aussi sympa Les épisodes sont courts. Pas de perte de temps en narratif long.
Je recommande !
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abr 23, 2024
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 1.5
Historia 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 1.0
Volver a ver 1.0


Comecei essa série porque eu queria algo leve para passar o tempo mas eu me senti assistindo um programa para crianças de 10 anos e que não tinha nada de interessante acontecendo.
Shinomiya é o personagem mais aceitável mas ele acaba virando um pai em tempo integral no lugar de namorado.
Enfim, não vou me estender muito porque realmente não me agradou e eu dei 1,5 porque uma coisinha ou outra era aceitável dentro da proposta (que era boa, mas com uma execução extremamente infantil).
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En curso 4/8
A 2 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 6, 2022
4 of 8 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
Keseluruhan walau masih sampai episode 4 suka banget sama dorama ini. Ceritanya bagus, alurnya juga suka ga ketebak, romance comedy nya dapet. Akting para pemainnya juga bagus. Suka banget sama yang peranin Shinomiya alias Sato Yusuke, baru kenal dia dari drama ini dan baru tau ini Main Role pertamanya dia♥️.

Rekomen banget buat yang suka bl tapi yg ringan ceritanya, menghibur banget, lucu nya dapet walaupun agak kasihan setiap liat Fukuhara kena sial. Agak sedih juga sebenernya Kouta cuma manfaatin Naoya, karna Naoya disini care banget sama Kouta. Well masih menunggu lanjutannya.

Bikin nagih nonton episode selanjutnya, tiap episode nya sangat ga terduga.

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ago 27, 2023
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 10

Refreshing story

Story was really good and acting of actors were awesome so cute love story without any too much complications I finished this series within a day I enjoyed it from starting till end of the episode but I felt we didn’t get much intimate scenes but I’m not saying chemistry is lacking it’s good between lead actors but I expected in Japanese dramas will be having great intimate scenes unfortunately there wasn’t much not even in last episode but still I was happy by the story and chemistry between leads all the best to the team hope to see them again in new series casting together

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jun 19, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 10

Love it

Great story. Funny, amazing chemistry and they look so cute together. My favorite character is Naoya. Good-looking with a beautiful personality. I love this show it might best favorite Japanese BL but you never know the year isn't over it might get replaced. I've rewatched the ending of the first episode so many time that i can not count. The only thing is that i want more. More episodes, longer episodes and more Naoya. Not enough Naoya and more kisses. For these reasons are the reasons why i didn't score it a 10.
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i watch too many dramas
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hace 14 días
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 10
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"Mr Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss" is a series that has both a title that is too long and episodes that are too short.
Or maybe the episodes are just long enough -- long enough to develop a light-hearted story that makes us fall in love with the main characters and get to know the side characters. Dragging it out would not have helped, in my opinion.

This is what makes the show outstanding:
* The acting for Fukuhara's character is on point. I love how the actor can go from fake high-pitched cuteness when covering up his bad luck to real joy when something goes right, to his inner monologues complaining about his bad luck, to his real self when talking to Shinomiya.
* I like how the professor's lectures fit into the developing relationship. Also, from what I know of psychology, the theories presented are actual theories.
* It is astounding how the people working on this show have developed the supporting characters so well that I feel like I know them, even though they get very little screen time.
* The attention to detail in both the acting and the sets makes this show worth watching more than once (or twice. Or three times.)
* I am also glad that the issue of consent is so prominent in the story. (Especially as it's a point of concern in some other BLs.) Not only is it discussed several times, but the characters follow through to the end -- even to the frustration of the character who said no. The sudden kiss in episode 1 is also discussed later. (So, actually, the title is wrong. Fukuhara Kouta does have a choice to kiss!)

I also love how they showed that Fukuhara with his bouts of bad luck and Shinomiya with his incredible good luck both stand apart from the people around them. Now that they have found their counterpart who can bring balance to their lives, they will be able to open up to others and live as normal people among them.

I must admit that the nature in the background always confuses me a bit, as the story is set in April, but the nature looks like autumn -- but that might be because the whole colour palette tends towards brown and orange?

All in all, I highly recommend this series. It's fluffy and sweet, something nice to watch when you need a pick-me-up.

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jun 22, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 9.0
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JUNE 21, 2022

Okay, this one is too fking cute. Like I eat it up real good, for some reason, I was just loving the plot. Yes it is very simple and easy to follow. Do not expect some twisted writing here cause you will not see it. The details are adequate and thorough, but not everything will be answered. BUT I DON'T CARE CAUSE I AM EATING THIS UP REAL GOOD. The chemistry between the leads is chef's kiss and off the charts. I wish they showed more but I am pretty satisfied with their adaptation. I want they have ?


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jun 19, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.5
Historia 2.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 2.0

Watch this if there is nothing better left.

Here is my honest review of these series.
First of all some negatives: I didnt think the script was good at all. The actors seemed actually proffesional but the story... horrible. Idk how i watched all of this. Don´t get me wrong, there are way worse series than this one, but this one was just too weird and surreal for me. And eventho they explane later on why naoya liked Kota from the beginning, i tought he was way too fast-forward. Totally not exciting to watch because u know how it will end. And i really hated the fake behaviour of Kota, it took way to long to start acting like himself.
So... even tho i didnt like the story at all, the acting was ok and deffinitely cute. Also there were some nice quotes. Thats it for the positives.
I´d give it a 7 out of 10 max. i watched this because of the good reviews, but hell i was disapointed.
Just watch this if there is nothing beter left... But wait if u cant trust the reviews than how do u know if something is good or not...?

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 21, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.0

Pas d'autre choix que le regarder !

Unlucky-kun Has no Choice but to Kiss est un vrai bonbon au miel !

L'histoire :

On a ici une véritable histoire de yin et yang. On nous parle, jusque dans le titre, de la malchance de notre personnage principal mais c'est surtout que le point de vue vient de celui-ci car, si on s'attache aux évènements d'un point de vue extérieur chance et malchance se contrebalancent l'une l'autre et se complètent.

Si on veut prendre un exemple concret : quand vous êtes en retard, vous avez l'impression que le monde entier s'est ligué contre vous pour accumuler encore plus de retard, alors que quand vous avez le temps, vous ne remarquez pas toutes les petites choses qui vous retardent au quotidien. Tout est une question d'impression.

Or, Kota s'imagine être poursuivi par la malchance mais si on prend une vue d'ensemble : le mec le plus beau et populaire de l'université est tombé éperdument amoureux de lui (je veux bien échanger sa chance contre la mienne pour le coup !).

Du côté de Naoya, c'est la même chose, OK il gagne les premiers prix à la loterie mais sous un autre éclairage, il doit constamment se méfier des gens qui l'approchent car peu ne cherchent pas à se servir de lui sans remords, créant un univers de faux-semblant rempli d'hypocrites opportunistes.

Les personnages :

Si on parle de nos leads, ils sont juste adorables ! Kota est hilarant, j'ai beaucoup ri de l'intro qu'il fait dans le premier épisode (je l'ai repassé 2 fois, c'est dire !), et il est très mignon, ce qui ne gâche rien.

Quant à Naoya il est aussi beau à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur (surtout quand il enlève sa chemise !). C'est un amoureux dévoué et, vous le verrez, le respect et le consentement sont très présents tout au long de la série. Le premier baiser est "pris" par surprise mais Naoya s'explique sur celui-ci, c'est le seul écart à la règle.

Malheureusement, les rôles secondaires ne sont pas assez approfondis à mon goût, les amis de nos leads ne sont pas très développés tant au niveau de leur histoire qu'à la raison de leur amitiés communes mais il ont au moins le mérite d'être présents et de montrer que l'action se centre sur nos deux héros.

La réalisation :

Pour ce dernier point, je trouve qu'on reste pris entre deux feux. D'un coté c'est une romance légère et sympathique alliant un aspect mignon à des scènes très rigolotes, quelque chose qu'on regarde en mode "feel good" lové sous sa couette avec un sourire aux lèvres.

D'un autre coté, le premier baiser qui arrive dès le premier épisode laissait à penser qu'il y aurait un développement plus profond des relations entre nos deux héros, or il n'en est rien : la série reste sur une bromance qui tourne en rond malgré le fait que Naoya et Kota soient en couple et ce, avant le final du drama. Alors, oui, on a l'habitude avec les BL japonais (et autres !) mais au vu de comment sont tournées certaines choses j'y vois là plus l'expression d'une écriture scénaristique qui sent l'homophobie institutionnelle. Ce n'est pas explicite mais je l'ai senti comme une impression sous-jacente avec des scènes qui promettaient un rapprochement intime qui finit violemment rejeté à chaque fois, ces sentiments sont transmis en actes et non en paroles mais je les ai bien ressentis comme tel.

Bilan :

Je pense que pour bien apprécier Unlucky-kun Has no Choice but to Kiss, il faut le regarder sans arrière pensée et s'arrêter à ce qu'il nous montre en devanture : une histoire mignonne et drôle. un petit sucre qui se mange vite, trop vite diront certains, mais quand on aime, on en compte pas ^^

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 18, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 9.0

Cute, fluffy, perfect :)

The super unlucky Fukuhara Kouta and the super lucky Shinomiya Naoya, an undeniably powerful and interesting match. They cross paths extremely quickly in the series, something you don't see often in BLs. Usually, the couple gets together only at the end but here they get together at the end of the first episode because of Kouta's desperation of Naoya's luck. The two grow closer and closer after dating, and it is fun to watch every single episode. Nothing feels like filler, as it all helps the characters grow. I enjoyed the two individually and together. I also enjoyed the side characters, they were all likable and when they were not, it was for understandable reasons.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interactions of the two. I would have liked more physical affection from Kouta to Naoya, as we can tell he does like him, but his shyness is endearing nonetheless. Naoya is always straightforward with his love for Kouta, putting himself out there for his boyfriend. I loved his caring and sweet nature and watching Kouta melt for him too is super satisfying. I would highly recommend anyone to watch this. The pacing is great, the acting is entertaining and the chemistry is there. Japan is doing a great job with their BLs and I am happy :)

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jun 14, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 8.0
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Typical Japanese Rom-Com with a BL Twist!!

Mr Unlucky Can Only Kiss is one of the many recent BL dramas that Japan has been making. In the past, Japan was known for low-budget and B-list BL films, but lately Japan really has been stepping their BL game up by making dramas. While Japan is still lacking in making dramatic and memorable BLs like the Thais and Koreans, Japan is starting to make BLs like their usual rom-com style of mangas to dramas. Mr Unlucky is a very typical Japanese rom-com, but with a BL twist!

~~ STORY ~~

Mr Unlucky is based on a BL manga, so I recommend reading it before watching, or reading it after. I remember reading the manga a few months ago, before the series was announced. I remember going, "Oh yeah! I read this before." but I actually don't remember much of the story. The manga was your typical BL manga. It's a fun read, but nothing special that makes it memorable. The drama is the same. It's your usual Japanese style rom-com following the "Hatsu Koi/First Love" aspect that Japan loves so much.

Mr Unlucky follows the story of Shinomiya and Fukuhara. Shinomiya is very lucky, but Fukuhara is very unlucky. At first, Fukuhara uses Shionomiya for his luck, but eventually falls in love. It's a very typical rom-com trope that has been used thousands of times. Mr Unlucky doesn't really do anything to make their story memorable, so it follows all of the normal tropes. The only thing that makes Mr Unlucky memorable is the fact that the guys are hot, and it from Japan, who is finally starting to make big-budget BL films. Other than that there is nothing really memorable about it. Honestly, as someone living in Japan, Mr Unlucky isn't really all the hyped up here. Cherry Maho, Kieta Hatsukoi, and Zettai BL in Naru definitely got more public spotlight than this series.


Mr Unluck is a cute rom-com, but it's nothing special.
It's a great one time watch, but it's not something that I'll be watchin again any time soon.

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Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (2022) poster



  • Puntuación: 7.7 (puntuado por 17,163 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #4395
  • Popularidad: #517
  • Fans: 28,280

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