El Ultimo Fudanshi
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ago 23, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
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Global 5.5
Historia 5.5
Acting/Cast 4.5
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 4.5
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Se me queda floja

Un chico con muy mala suerte es salvado de un accidente por otro chico que tiene muy buena suerte. El primer chico decide pegarse a el otro, y por un malentendido, entiende que quiere salir con él, a lo que dice que si. Tienen que compartir piso porque el suyo se está reparando. El de la mala suerte (uke) es súper tímido y le da vergüenza todo. En un momento se agobia y vuelve a su casa, lo secuestran y el otro va a salvarlo. Al final el uke se da cuenta de que el otro está super enamorado de él y se quieren y tal.

La trama es muy sencilla, trama básica de primero de BL. Hay que darle un punto a su favor, y es que intentan hacer algo diferente, metiendo el toque "fantástico" . La trama resulta poco realista. Los personajes están demasiado caricaturizados aún para ser un BL y el final es bastante soso.

Me da la sensación de que intentaron hacer un "Cherry Magic" de instituto y no les ha funcionado. El personaje uke es demasiado tímido y no tiene demasiada gracia, no se me hace kawaii, que es lo que exige un BL.

¿La recomiendo? Si estás muy aburrido y te lo ves todo? Si

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 8, 2024
8 of 8 episodios vistos
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Global 7.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 6.5


Acabo de terminar esta serie, la vi en tiktok y me llamo la atención, asi que termine viéndola de una sentada.

La historia es bastante adorable, nos cuenta como Kouta que nació con mala suerte solo quiere un respiro de esta y ser feliz, y Naoya quien nació con suerte de sobra, terminan en una relación que se podría decir que inicio por accidente. estos dos se verán envueltos en varias situaciones que los hará enamorarse. ah y es bueno recordar, que Naoya tiene un crush con Kouta.

La verdad es que la inicie por un tiktok y no esperaba nada de ella, simplemente la vi adorable y la comencémoslos, la serie es pura insulina, y la verdad es que te deja una sonrisa en todo momento, creo que es de esas series que puedes disfrutar un dia que estes triste y no quieras pensar mucho. no es de trama complicada y los problemas que se puedan ocasionar se resuelven facil, a todo el que le guste la comedia romántica cargada de mucha dulzura, esta es la serie que deben ver.

La química de los actores es linda, y hacen una pareja muy linda en cámaras. me hubiera gustado mas escenas de ellos, mas referentes a besos, porque si, el titulo es que no tiene mas remedio que besar, pero eso es lo que menos hacen, aunque ame esto, porque el protagonista le deja en claro al otro que no hará nada sin su consentimiento, asi que ame micho.

La serie tiene un lindo mensaje y creo que todo el que la vea lo puedo captar.

La recomiendo? si, es muy linda y encantadora, pero si no disfrutas de las comedias románticas, ni de las series super dulces, entonces no veas esto, porque no la vas a disfrutar para nada.

Quede enamorada de la musica de esta serie, y ya agregue a mi playlist la intro, me encanta!!

No se si la vuelva a ver, quizás repita una que otra escena, pero quien quita que un día me de por volverlos a ver.

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jpny01 Flower Award1
A 64 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.0

Really cute and with a good message

On the face of it, the main character, Fukuhara, has terrible luck. One day, he realizes the popular Shinomiya is the opposite - he has fantastic luck, and Fukuhara decides to get close to him to take advantage of this, and accidentally becomes his boyfriend.

This seems a fairly straightforward fake relationship to real relationship story, with the lucky/unlucky framework. But where the story takes on some complexity that is easy to miss, is that Fukuhara sees everything in black and white - good luck vs bad luck - but he never considers how good luck can be a curse too. Shinomiya never knows when people really like him or if they're trying to exploit him - he doesn't have to develop any skills, or work at anything, or can he get a sense of satisfaction for accomplishing anything, because everyhing goes his way. In fact, the first time they meet, it's Fukuhara that rescues Shinomiya from being swamped by adoring girls - and it's "bad" luck that brings Shinomiya into his life. It's very yin and yang - good luck and bad luck are also each other.

But the other message of the story is that luck is a matter of attitude. Have you ever noticed that when you're in a hurry, all the traffic lights are red? Why is that? It's because when you're not in a hurry, you don't really notice them. They're just part of driving. Likewise, if you have a negative outlook, you focus on unfortunate things that happen, and might miss all the positive things happening around you, or fail to take advantage of opportunities that come your way. The opposite is true for someone who has a positive outlook.

How unlucky is Fukuhara? Everyone likes him, and a beautiful man, inside and out (especially out) falls in love with him instantly, both for his looks and his quirky personality. A lot of the "bad" luck leads to positive results - it's just that he doesn't see it that way because he's focused on the negative. Even the final crisis - was it unlucky? It certainly appeared to be spectacularly unlucky - but nothing bad happened, and nothing bad could have happened, but it had a very positive outome. So wasn't it actually lucky?

Deep, right?

The writing avoids predictability and cliche - Shimomiya is a classic Prince Charming, but there are times when Fukuhara makes confessions that in a "standard" BL would result in a serious and romantic swoop by the seme, but here Shinomiya cracks up laughing - and it's perfect instead of cringey.

The acting is wonderful - both actors have great comic timing. Soto Ryosuke is adorable and hilarious, OTT, but in just the right way, and Sato Yusuke is just beautiful. Especially when he takes his shirt off. (I'm shallow. And I own it.)

What prevents this from reaching 9 or 10 territory for me is that it's really almost a bromance, and there's really no particular reason for this. A little too much of the run time is taken up by what feels like a repetitive cycle of Fukuhara resisting Shinomiya. In the discussion forum, people came up with many justifications - Fukuhara felt guilty, Fukuhara had low self-esteem and didn't feel worthy, etc. The problem is that we hear Fukuhara's entire inner monologue, and he "thinks" none of these - he just feels the needs to resist. This, and the lack of any physical resolution to their relationship - not even a hug - smells of institutional homophobia. The writing isn't explicitly so - Fukuhara never says "I can't be gay!", and Shinomya appears to be gay, as he states what his "type" is. Fukuhara doesn't think he can manage to fall asleep in the same bed as Shinomiya, suggesting he's sexually excited by the intimate proximity, etc. But, well, actions speak louder than words, and at the end they have a tickle fight, which is cute, but not really the most satisfying end to a romance.

Still, this is a pleasant watch, with some funny moments, more depth than it appears to have on the surface, sharp dialog, and plenty of eye candy, so I have no problem recommending this to everyone - it's hard to imagine anyone not liking it.

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A 39 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 6.0
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One For the Books

I can't explain how much I was moved by the series to the point where I stayed up at the ass crack of dawn to binge-watch. Then to be told that episode 8 would be another few hours hurt to hear, but I waited and waited, and finally, it came out, and my heart is overjoyed with something that I haven't felt for many Japanese BLs. Mr.Unlucky is an extraordinary series full of happiness, speculating luck, and a heartwarming romance.

Let's Dive In.

Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss is the story of Kota, a boy born unlucky who has unfortunate circumstances happen to him every day, from falling ceilings to stepping in dog shit, he has to endure it 24/7. Until he meets Naoya, a boy born lucky, who has the best things happen to him anytime he wants them. When Kota finds himself around Naoya, he sees how his bad luck fades away, and he can have a good time. Through a misunderstanding, they both become boyfriends and their lives are forever changed. What initially drew me in was this wacky synopsis that I was curious to see play out on screen. I was a little skeptical at first, going into this with only the synopsis and that's it, but this was a gem. A bright bright gem that I'm so thankful I ventured to. While most of this series was everything I needed and more, there was a key aspect that dimmed my overall joy, but for the most part, this series was as close to perfect as perfect can get.

One thing that Japanese series can do is either be extremely vulgar or super clean and from my understanding, there is no in-between. Even looking at Cherry Magic, a story based around a virgin, was as innocent as ever, and so was Kieta Hatsukoi, with neither shows even showing a kiss between leads, and yet, I still loved them to my fullest potential. Mr. Unlucky happens to fall in the super clean category. Part of me doesn't mind that intimacy doesn't play a big role here, because they were still able to evoke strong feelings out of me without that aspect, but gosh, does it suck not to see the climax of something the writers did so well at building up. Kota and Naoya have built such incredible sensual tension that it's almost infuriating with every passing second Kota avoids kissing Naoya or doing anything else. This series is so prude in itself that it draws back its own ability to be even greater than before, and it sucks. I wish there would've been a moment where Kota finally felt ready to kiss Naoya, and instead, we never get that. Besides a very chaste kiss in the beginning, we the audience are left to fend for our own and make up the rest of their story as it ends.

And while I do complain that intimacy should've played a bigger role here, I can't help but applaud how respectful and patient Naoya was. He kissed Kota in the beginning because that's what his past girlfriends had liked, but he realized Kota was different and was willing to wait to kiss him again until he was ready. Although that moment never happens, it's heartwarming to watch Naoya be so sensual and yet hold himself back for the one that matters to him the most. Consent was superb here, and I will deathly miss it.

Now, getting into their romance, of course, because of it being a misunderstanding, the connection isn't as strong in the beginning as it is in the end. But we get to watch with every passing moment it build and build until we're desperate for more. Getting to watch Kota be happy and do things that he normally keeps himself away from because of his bad luck is another level of rewarding. His smile, the way his eyes light up, his skips and jumps and cheers, it's all very gratifying to see. To see that Naoya is able to bring him something he hasn't had in years. Anytime they were together, my heart was aghast to watch them grow in chemistry and understanding. I was sure that Naoya would have a similar situation as Kota: using him so that his good luck isn't always there and people can stop relying on him. But nope, that's not the case. Naoya just loved Kota from the very second he saw him, and it only grew from there. That is fucking precious. I will miss seeing these two on my screen, only if it were for a day.

Onto the side characters, who were a lot less memorable, but they played helpful roles in getting the leads to where they needed to be. The two best friends were valuable attributes to Naoya who saw them as his real friends and not people needing him for his luck. I was more so intrigued with Miki's story who seemed as positive as ever about love, and Anna, who seemed very negative about love. I have my speculations that the bracelet Miki was wearing somehow stopped her from forming relationships instead of being in one, and once it broke, she seemingly started to realize her feelings for Anna, and it's quite an adventure to take part in. I wish they had more screen time after Miki subtly (but not so subtly) admits her feelings to Anna.


Story: 9 - It's the strongest aspect of the series. It was able to keep me entertained throughout without any skips or FF. The romance is well done, and so is the explanation and the play out of luck and sharing it. I'll only take a star off since I think the romance could've taken that one step further, and instead, the writers hold us back.

Acting: 9.5 - Great! Literally! Sota (Kota) does a fascinating job, playing up the extraness and expressional person that his character was. Sato I learned is a Japanese idol, and in some parts of his acting, it's not as strong as it could be, but still, he does a good job at getting the message of his character across. All the side characters did excellent as well.

Music: 7 - the theme song was good to me! Other than that, I didn't really pay too much attention to it.

Rewatch value: 6 - I could see myself rewatching this whenever I need my heart to flutter for whatever reason.

I don't usually ask for second seasons, cause it's unnecessary and not needed, but I severely hope this gets a second season to wrap up that endearing part of Kota and Noaya that we don't see. I still think there is a story there to tell, and I need it immediately. This had shot up to being my new all-time favorite Japanese BL, and not too far from making an appearance as my top 10 favorite BLs. I will cherish this for as long as I can. I heavily recommend this for anyone interested. If you can take yourself out of the real world and watch this fantastical series that will make you feel every emotion in the book, then give this one a shot.

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A 22 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 11, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 5.0

Fluffy and cute with some of the same problems as other Japanese BL

I was intrigued by the plot initially, and really enjoyed the series at first. It’s a light-hearted drama that employs a magical plot device to create conflict, much like Cherry Magic, another fluffy, enjoyable Japanese BL.

Unfortunately, I found that it was plagued by a couple of the same issues I’ve had with other Japanese BLs in the past. First, the fact that the last couple of episodes seemed to drag on, going in will-they-or-won’t-they circles without progressing the relationship in any meaningful way. Kota agonizes over the same questions of what he actually wants from Naoya for several episodes, and in the end it still feels as though they’re more or less where they started.

Second, I can never understand the inclination to write one of the leads as this blushing virgin archetype who’s so angst-ridden over the idea of kissing the person they’ve fallen for. This drama showed a kiss between the leads in the first episode, so I was really hoping it would be different in that sense, but nope. The same annoying mess of, “oh my gosh, we’re dating! Does that mean *gasp!* kissing??!” Why is this so common in Japanese BL? Why can they never just kiss without it being a traumatic 3-episode arc? Lol

Anyway, I liked it. It was cute. It was fine. I’m glad it didn’t drag on as long as Kieta Hatsukoi at any rate. But it took me awhile to get to watching the last couple episodes, because I could feel that it was going in that familiar direction, and honestly I’m kind of over this style of writing in dramas.

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A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 13, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 6.5

Cute and sweet but the male lead is a bit to much...

This drama truly is such an adorable dose of cotton candy sweet fluff... A drama that actually mentions the word consent more than once as well as calls lack of consent for what it is, that on it's own should probably give this a 10... However there is something about the "unlucky" male lead Kota that get's on my nerves at times even if he also has this adorable awkwardness to him and a playful side it is slightly drowned out by the over the top mimics and gestures. The other male lead is just the sweets, well acted out not over the top guy ever, I get why everybody loves him and wish we would have gotten to hear more of his inner monologs as I am pretty sure they would have been just as great if not better then Kotas.

The supporting characters are barely noticeable but the do fill their function making this a very main couple centred plot, which I like, especially for a show as short as this.

Fluff: 10- it even has fluffy filming
Chemistry: 9
Romance: 8
Consent: 9
Suspence: 7
Annoying characters: Kota at times but the rest are decent
Bingabilaty; 10

Definitely a show I recommend to all in need of a dose of sugar between the hard stuff...

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A 8 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 7.0

Tooth-Rotting Fluff

Japan always manages to come out with the most unique and ridiculous plots and I love it. Fukuhara is so unrealistically unlucky that you almost feel bad for him but the show doesn't take itself seriously and leaves you smiling instead.

I loved all of the characters in this (save those taking advantage of Naoya), Naoya is a literal angel and his friends are so supportive.

There were a few parts where I thought the acting was a bit awkward but the cuteness soon draws you back in. Fukuhara and Naoya's relationship turns out to be so beautiful and every episode had me cheesing so hard.

If you're looking for something cute and light-hearted, look no further! I highly recommend giving this a go.

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A 9 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 9, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Música 7.5
Volver a ver 8.0
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Nothing really stands out, but it's nice to watch

Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss

If the titular Mr. Unlucky were truly unlucky, he would not meet and become the boyfriend of someone who can make his luck much better. But don't try to ask questions when watching this. Just enjoy the cuteness.

There is some sort of story going on. Mr Unlucky meets Mr Lucky and asks Mr Lucky to always hang out with him (because Mr Lucky changes his luck for the better). However, Mr Lucky takes it to mean that Mr Unlucky is him to be his boyfriend, and agrees. Because he desperately wants to have better luck, Mr Unlucky goes along with him. Eventually Mr Unlucky also falls in love and you can guess the rest.

This is the sort of show one would watch for some escapism. Nothing that bad really happens, and we know everything will end up well. Mr Lucky is really a sweetie, and we are spared the sort of potentially toxic interactions that are in some BLs. What we have is a series that may not have a gripping plot but we can love the characters and we may just want to keep watching them. In this sense, the series has its peculiar way of getting the audience hooked. I can't rate the story all that highly and the acting isn't astounding (though it is at least ok), but somehow the rewatch value is there.

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BL Compilations
A 7 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 22, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 8.0
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I had no choice but to laugh

Overall: a very enjoyable comedy with some serious parts that provides a good contrast. I read the manga, but I'm rating this on its own, not how good of an adaptation I think it was. Watched on Gagaoolala.

Content warnings: punches, slap, non con kiss (sleeping), manipulation, held against will

What I Liked
- the duality of Fukuhara, and that we learn more about his motivation thru childhood flashbacks
- the funny moments (I laughed out loud many times)
- the ending of the first episode which was a pleasant surprise
- how thoughtful and caring Shinomiya was
- Shinomiya's friends and Fukuhara's friends
- the breadcrumb of GL (but wish it was more overt)
- domestic bliss moments
- production value, including some very beautiful shots like the one in the final episode that also appears in the intro

Room For Improvement
- the counting thing in ep 3, ignoring when a person looks obviously uncomfortable
- a few things felt too serious/jarring - I wish the first punch had been a shove instead and the ending of episode 7 was not my thing
- that they went with the unwilling/nervous character, I wanted to Fukuhara to take some initiative
- the final episode had too many flashbacks/filler, also they tried to pass the beginning part off as comedy and that did not work for me as Fukuhara was understandably very upset during it
- disappointed that even after the professor talked about it there was a non con kiss
- too much blur, they looked like ghosts sometimes
- (neutral) Fukuhara has that kind of overacting comedy shtick that some viewers might not like, I've gotten used to it now and it doesn't bother me

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A 5 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.0
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 8.0
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Pass The Insulin

Because the amount of sugary sweetness in this BL gave me diabetes.

There are some passing attempts at giving this thing a little weight - the momentary fisticuffs between Fukuhara and the two guys trying to exploit Sato's luck (which is what Fukuhara is himself trying to do - that moment makes that clear to him) and his confessions to Sato of his own attempt to exploit that same luck, as well as a BL confession - "But I like you!"

The only attempts at any sort of sexual relationship involve some glancing cheek kisses (never those lips shall meet, oh no), and the puppy-dog scramble on the bed at the finale.

Watch this one when you don't want your brain too much involved, when all you need is a creamy, dreamy dose of absolute cuteness guaranteed to cause tooth decay and raise your blood sugar into heart attack territory.

And most of all, watch it for Fukuhara, who is so unbearably cute he seems like an anime doll from the planet BL Romance.

Fujoshi Rating: The Fujoshi give it five thumbs up.

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A 5 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

There's Something about Japanese BL's

I dunno there is just something about Japanese anything that I just love.

This story is so sweet. The main leads have such a beautiful relationship from start to finish. I loved the premise of the series with the bad luck vs. the good luck and how they make that work.

I can't think of a single negative thing to say about this one. It doesnt feel rushed or choppy. The writing is so good and there are some iconic lines I cant say without giving something away.

This series just makes you feel good! This will definately be my go to for bad days.

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A 4 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jun 10, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 10
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So much fun to watch

This is just a sweet and light story.
Ideal for beginners, youngsters and for a binge night.

If You don't like tearful and overly dramatic story plots, watch this!
It's a cute story and a simple plot, but the execution is just funny and comfy.
The humor is classically Japanese, a little bit over the top, but fits into the story.

Naoya is a handsome guy, in great shape, his look is so dead serious. But when he laughs, the sun rises. Such a dorky smile <3
Kota is just cute, has so funny thoughts, a big mouth and is just adorable at gay panicking. xD

I laughed so hard about the silly situations, got goosebumps as Naoya stopped and kissed Kota on the cheek, was worried for them, how they manage to get to each other and set their relationship. The pace of storytelling is just right. I liked the way we get to know the characters, their motivations and actions. The only thing to complain about, the supporting characters are just flat, but for this amount of 8 episodes á 24 min it's comprehensible.

At least, there's no skin ship, but I didn't miss it, because the story is wholesome even without.

available on Rakuten Viki

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Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (2022) poster



  • Puntuación: 7.7 (puntuado por 17,134 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #4391
  • Popularidad: #516
  • Fans: 28,236

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