A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 15, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Una gran experiencia muy fácil de olvidar.

La historia es divertida, interesante y dinámica, logra mantener al público a la expectativa, es fácil de digerir y los ganchos son buenísimos para querer seguir viendo sin parar el siguiente episodio, el toque de suspenso es una excelente herramienta para mantener el interés y el ritmo en el que se va desenvolviendo la trama es perfecto, sin embargo tiene un gran fallo y es que a pesar de que trataron de abordar el tema de la violencia doméstica que pudo haber sido un punto que lo llevara a destacar de otras historias, fue brutalmente desaprovechado, muy probablemente por el miedo de caer en una temática más oscura cuando el objetivo es ser un drama de romance. Y bueno, el objetivo se cumple a la perfección, pero así mismo es muy fácil de olvidar. El drama termina y el espectador sigue con su vida, pasando al siguiente drama. No hay nada memorable.
La premisa es interesante aunque es algo que ya hemos visto antes en muchísimos dramas: protagonista que se trata de adaptar a una sociedad que le es desconocida, sin tener a dónde ir ni a quién recurrir (moon lovers, legend of the blue sea, etc) o incluso más específicamente protagonista que dejó esta sociedad hace años y ha vuelto mayor pero con mentalidad más joven y tiene que adaptarse de vuelta siendo que no tuvo espacio para experimentar y madurar en el entorno social, así de específica es la similitud de la situación de la protagonista con la de la protagonista de Still 17. Pero incluso, las similitudes no se quedan ahí. En ambos dramas el protagonista es una persona de su pasado que de una u otra forma estuvo involucrado en su desaparición y que vive en la actualidad cargando con ese hecho. En ambas historias la protagonista está viviendo en casa de él por no tener a dónde más ir, en ambas historias uno de los dos está deseando encontrar al otro sin saber que lo tiene viviendo en su casa y en ambas historias la protagonista exiliada tiene un talento artísitico inigualable que le deparaba a un gran futuro que fue interrumpido por su exilio.
Tan solo con esto podemos ver por qué Castaway Diva falló en destacar, si en puntos tan claves del desarrollo de la historia es tan parecido a otra historia que ya vimos.

Debo dar crédito a quien crédito merece y en este drama como en muchos otros el crédito se lo lleva sin duda alguna el tercero en discordia, Wook-hak. Wook-hak se vincula emocionalmente con Mok-ha y obviamente se enamora mientras piensa que él es a quien ella está buscando. Él logra ver la esencia de Mok-ha aún sin tener antecedentes y decide ayudarla porque cree que es lo correcto y lo que ella necesita, durante este tiempo la unión que construyen es bellisima y Mok-ha también le toma un cariño muy especial por lo bien que la trata y lo mucho que la apoya.
Es verdad que al final rescatan al personaje de Ki-ho y como espectador se termina entendiendo a la pareja principal, (lo cual por cierto es una buena señal de un triangulo amoroso bien construido en un drama), pero el tiempo que se dieron para profundizar en la relación de Wook-hak y Mok-ha fue suficiente para que se me rompiera en mil pedazos el corazón al verlo aceptar que quien es la persona para ella es su hermano. Wook-hak toma una decisión extraordinaria al distanciarse de Mok-ha luego de enterarse de que él no es Ki-ho, y les da su espacio y apoyo a la pareja principal para que logre desarrollarse. Esto demuestra un grado de madurez e inteligencia emocional inusual en personajes secundarios que ya estamos acostumbrados a ver dejarse llevar por sus instintos y hacer de todo por ganarse el amor de las protagonistas, Wook-hak se gana el cariño de la audiencia al volverse un soporte que no solo respeta la relación de los protagonistas, si no que la intenta unir sin dejar de brindarle amistad y apoyo a ambas partes individualmente.
También quiero resaltar lo natural que se siente el cambio de actitud que Wook-hak tiene durante su periodo de pánico cuando recupera la memoria y se vuelve consciente de la situación en la que se encuentra su familia. A pesar de que pasa de 0 a 100 en como medio episodio y de ser la persona que más apoya a Mok-ha a quererle pedir que renuncie a su sueño, sus razones son comprensibles y no se siente forzado como un típico “cambio drástico del secundario para que el protagonista brille” (te estoy viendo, moon lovers). Aunque bueno, eso es justamente lo que es, lo que vale es que tan bien logra mezclarse en la historia para no sentirse tanto.

El mensaje central del drama es bastante claro, es una historia de perseverancia y esperanza como muchos dramas, en muchos sentidos tanto positivos y negativos, es la historia de la perseverancia de una niña que logra sobrevivir sola en una isla desierta y luego regresar, adaptarse, perseguir su sueño y encontrar a su amigo, es la historia de perseverancia de un chico que busca a su amiga desaparecida por todos los medios posibles y que lucha por garantizar la seguridad de aquellos a los que ama, es la historia de perseverancia de una artista en sus peores años que no quiere renunciar a seguir haciendo lo que más ama a pesar de su poco control sobre las circunstancias que la han llevado a un lugar bajo y complicado, pero también es la historia de perseverancia de un hombre obsesionado con recuperar a su familia, que a pesar de que su familia fue la que huyó de él, continúa con su objetivo, ciego e inconsciente, capaz de usar cualquier método para cumplir su propósito.
Obviamente como esto es un drama coreano típico para una audiencia típica, queremos centrarnos en el mensaje positivo y castigar el negativo, lo cual logra hacer muy bien en la resolución del villano, quien muere siendo villano y en el final feliz de nuestros héroes y sus seres queridos.
Me da tristeza, eso sí, ver lo desaprovechada que estuvo la oportunidad de ir más allá con la temática de la violencia doméstica, que pudo haber sido un increíble mensaje de reflexión para todas las familias coreanas que pueden estar experimentando algo así en sus vidas diarias, en vez de haber convertido el único vínculo que quedaba con este tema (al papá) en más un criminal psicópata que un padre violento como los que podemos encontrar todos los días en todas partes.

Dirección y producción:
Me encanta la estética de este drama, ya he visto que se habla de esto en otras reseñas y me gusta que es algo que de verdad aprecia la audiencia y bueno, se habla de ello, me ha tocado ver muchísimos dramas con estéticas maravillosas que nunca son valorados. Obviamente la intención del director era reflejar la jovialidad de nuestra protagonista con la estética fresca de la isla donde ella creció. La presencia del color azul tanto en la terraza donde vive, como en el departamento que después le renta ki-ho vuelven muy fácil de relacionar este color con la protagonista y su esencia, obviamente después es más evidente su relación con el color en el set del programa cuando es revelada su identidad como cantante y eventualmente el color de los globos y mercancía que usa como artista. Aún estando mayormente en la ciudad, se siente la vibra isleña en sus atuendos divertidos y entorno colorido, haciéndola destacar de la seriedad y formalidad de los ciudadanos.
La forma en la que tanto producción, dirección y postproducción trabajaron para engañar a la audiencia en los primeros episodios para que pensáramos que Wook-hak podría ser Ki-ho es algo digno de mencionar. Desde la excelente selección de actores que de verdad se parecen, hasta la selección de atuendos que por la naturaleza del trabajo de Wook-hak, lo vemos muy seguido vistiendo traje y corbata, que es con lo que vemos vestido a Ki-ho en su infancia, así como los lentes. Que bien, siempre existe la duda y por ahí del episodio cinco ya dejan muy claro quién es el verdadero protagonista, pero incluso siendo una profesional espectadora de dramas tuve mis dudas gracias al excelente trabajo de los vestuaristas y por supuesto, la actuación, pero de eso hablaremos en un momento.

Música y banda sonora:
Al ser un drama sobre una artista, obviamente debe haber una presencia musical fuerte. El drama juega en la línea de volverse un drama musical por la constante presencia de canciones originales que vemos a nuestra protagonista cantando a lo largo de los episodios, claro que esto es justificado al ser presentaciones y no una historia musical como sound of magic, eso es algo extraordinario y distinto de lo que este drama no goza. Hemos visto esta estructura ya en muchísimos dramas como heartstrings o dream high, pero siempre se agradece escuchar buena música y justo cumple con el cometido este drama al tener un excelente original soundtrack en la que la gran mayoría de las canciones son de hecho interpretadas por la misma actriz protagonista, Park Eun-bin. Desafortunadamente estas se llevan todo el reflector en la producción y hace que el resto del OST que tiene temas interpretados incluso por artistas como Dino de Seventeen y Young K de Day6, pase completamente desapercibido.

Empecemos con nuestro MVP, Cha Hakyeon como Wook-hak, esta es la primera vez que veo a el famoso idol miembro de la banda Vixx actuar en un drama, aunque sé que no es el primero que hace y estoy gratamente sorprendida, he visto muchísimos idols entrar en el mundo de los dramas y lograr mantenerse gracias a su apariencia y carisma pero casi siempre fallando en la parte de actuar, pero Hakyeon lo ha hecho excelente, interpretar un personaje con tantos conflictos emocionales primero por su pérdida de memoria, luego por recuperarla, luego por la confusión en sus sentimientos, además de tener varias escenas en las que muestra su vulnerabilidad y su miedo y bueno, convencer a la audiencia de que lo que está sintiendo es real. Son retos que marcan la diferencia entre un actor mediocre y un buen actor, abordar estos aspectos ha llevado a la fama a muchos actores reconocidos y esperemos que poco a poco Hakyeon vaya creciendo en la industria de la misma forma, su potencial lo puede llevar a hacer excelentes papeles protagónicos.
Que hablando de protagónicos, hablemos de Chae Jonghyeop, nuestro protagonista, que sí es bien parecido y sí tiene cierto carisma, pero honestamente creo que le faltó bastante para dar la talla como galán principal. Es verdad que el actor lleva pocos años haciendo papeles principales y esta falta de experiencia se nota en su desenvolvimiento en este drama, los detalles que causan que las espectadoras suspiren por los protagonistas están ausentes en la actuación de Jonghyeop, que logra su cometido como personaje serio y centrado pero falla estrepitosamente al ganarse el corazón del público. Se entiende a su personaje, se logra empatizar, pero no nos logra enamorar, y eso es uno de los objetivos principales de los dramas coreanos románticos, esperemos que continúe mejorando para brindarnos mejores protagónicos en el futuro.
De Park Eunbin tengo muy poco que decir, ya todos conocemos su gran talento como actriz que recientemente ha sido reconocido debido a su interpretación de Woo Youngwoo en el famoso drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo, este drama no es una excepción a sus triunfos, aunque de pronto hay momentos en los que parece tener ademanes muy propios de la abogada autista, pero son contados los momentos y tal voz solo visibles para gente muy observadora como yo, fuera de eso hace un excelente trabajo, sobre todo manteniendo el acento isleño y manejando su lenguaje corporal correctamente para una mujer que vivió su desarrollo a la adultez sola en una isla desierta, osease fuera de lugar.

Conclusión Final:
Es un buen drama, se disfruta y es bueno para maratonear, yo lo terminé en día y medio y fue bastante agradable la experiencia, vale la pena si estás buscando una historia típica de romance colorida que no caiga en lo oscuro ni se pase con el drama, es digerible y amena, pero es fácil de olvidar. Es el dorama del buen rato, pero ya que terminó, muy bonito y todo pero gracias y el que sigue. Aún así, no hay nada de malo en la experiencia que ofrece.

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 27, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 6.5

No lo sé rick

Me gustó pero siento que le hace falta algo, la verdad hay veces que me parecía un poco aburrida, pero en general estuvo muy padre no sé si la volvería a ver. no me enamoró pero está linda. Algunos personajes me parecieron muy de sobra, aunque la historia retorcida que gira entorno de otros protagonistas está chida, la de la chica me pareció muy equis
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Dark Heart Attack
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 11, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 5.0

Naufragio hacia mí corazón

Son 12 capítulos en los que se mantiene la trama sin llegar a densa. Perfecta su duración, me gustaron las subtramas también. (Quizás le faltaba más romance) No me gusta que haya mucho ya que me gusta que esté bien distribuido en toda la historia, bueno en esta, es como: Están enamorados, eso es suficiente, confórmate con eso. (Pero igual aunque no sea su enfoque principal, es lindo)
Principalmente me gusto el misterio de quién era el chico que buscaba. Pensé que era uno, después otro, volví al mismo y así sucesivamente.
Cómo abordaron el naufragio quizás es lo que menos me gusto, porque sentí que la prota a pesar de todos esos años sin interacción social, se adapto muy rapidamente. Yo me maravillaria de otras cosas a su alrededor y me abrumaria, no creo que le tome mucha importancia de como sale agua de una canilla :/
Me faltó más de su integración a la sociedad nuevamente. Bueno me gusto mucho la historia y era algo muy probable porque no me decepcionan las historias de esta guionista.

Los actores todos increíbles. Tuve problemas con la actriz principal, no es que me gustará pero tampoco me encantaba. Un poco porque creí que ella no cantaba. (Un placer saber que ella era la de la voz) así que si todos los actores increíbles, desde los que hicieron los actores jóvenes hasta los actuales, villanos, secundarios, todos.

Se trataba de una cantante, así que había muchas canciones las cuales te llegaban y agitaban tus fibras sensibles. Te emocionaban y te ponían la piel de gallina. Hermoso.

Valor de repetición
Recomendada. Si quieres mirarla de nuevo, adelante

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
feb 23, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 9.5


Cuando empezó a ver el drama, me esperaba algo distinto a lo que acabe viendo, pero la verdad, no me defraudo. Al revés, me gusto mucho.
Los dos primeros capítulos, con esos pequeños grandes actores, me gustaron por el hecho de como cuenta cada uno su historia y como se unen para hacerse mejor el uno al otro.
En los demás capítulos, he de decir que me esperaba algunas cosas, pero quitando eso, no pude evitar emocionarme.
Si tengo que hablar del OST, solo diré una palabra ✨MAGNIFICO✨
Y si hablo de los personajes, la verdad es que les cogí cariño. Cada uno te enseña algo distinto de lo que puedes aprender. Bo Geol, Woo Hak y Ran Joo, se ganaron un trocito muy grande de mi corazón.
Además es que adoro el trabajo de Bo Geol…
Este drama,me enseñó que por muy encerrada que te veas en la vida, siempre hay un pequeño golpe de suerte que te ayudará a cumplir tus sueños.

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A 135 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 30, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 2
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

From Island Solitude to Stage Spotlight : Castaway Diva's Resonant Tale of Music and Resilience

Castaway Diva, directed by Oh Choong Hwan and written by Park Hye Ryun, is a musical melodrama that intricately unfolds the journey of Seo Mokha, a girl striving to become a diva after her return to normal life from an uninhabited island.

Mokha, with her sole dream of singing alongside her idol Ranjoo faces a devastating setback when stranded on an uninhabited island for 15 years. The narrative unfolds as she returns and embarks on her quest to become a diva.
Upon her return Mokha's reality shatters upon discovering her idol Ranjoo has become a washed up diva, no longer in the limelight and forgotten by the audience. Ranjoo's decline is attributed to various factors including a damaged voice and betrayal by her loyal manager, Lee Seojin.
Mokha's journey is interwoven with the rediscovery of her childhood sweetheart Kiho, revealing shocking truths about his family's struggles during her absence. The show intricately crafts well written characters, each serving as the hero of their own story, reflecting a keen attention to detail.

Seo Mokha's character is finely nuanced, with the writer paying meticulous attention to small details. The portrayal effectively conveys her detachment from the real world during her years on the island. The writer skillfully employs parallels between her island life and her struggles in the real world, adding depth to the character. Park Eunbin's portrayal captures Mokha's 15 year disconnect convincingly.

Ranjoo, the washed-up idol, undergoes a compelling character arc, blending selfishness and selflessness. Her decision to choose Mokha over her own career, despite using her for lipsyncing, showcases a complex and well developed character. Kim Hyojin's performance impeccably captures the essence of Ranjoo's character.

Kiho/Bogeol stands out as one of the most captivating characters in the series, captivating viewers with his kindness and selflessness towards Mokha. His sacrifice and relentless search for her on various islands highlight his extraordinary dedication. In facing a situation reminiscent of Mokha's past abuse, he chooses her well being over his own, ensuring her dreams remain intact despite the harsh reality. Chae Jong Hyeop's portrayal brings an innocence and charm befitting this endearing character.

Woohak emerges as a personal favorite, a protective elder brother to Kiho/Bogeol. While Kiho shields Mokha's dreams, Woohak safeguards Kiho from their abusive father even losing his memory in the process. Despite harboring feelings for Mokha, he gracefully steps aside upon discovering Kiho and Mokha's destined connection prioritizing their well being. Woohak's character development, transitioning from a carefree individual to a protective brother, adds depth to the narrative. Cha Hak Yeon's portrayal skillfully navigates the complexities of Woohak's character.

Lee Seojin remains a complex figure throughout the series, oscillating between moments of goodness while caring for Ranjoo and instances of greed, hindering her career. Kim Jooheon's seasoned performance adds depth to this intricate role.

Other impactful characters include the Kang Family, particularly Papa Kang, whose angelic presence resonates. The portrayal of abusive father Jung Bong Wan is chilling with the actor excelling in depicting the character's disturbing obsession with his son Kiho. Eun Morae a rival of Mokha adds a gray shade to the narrative, not entirely negative. Manager Park Young Kwan, initially despised undergoes a transformative backstory that makes his story arc one of my favorites in this well written drama

This show stands out for its exceptional cinematography creating an immersive experience that makes you feel the proximity to the sea. The vibrant color grading enhances the visual appeal offering a truly pleasing watching experience.

In the music department, the show excels with outstanding OSTs. Park Eun Bin's vocals stand out as she not only delivers the best performances but can rival idols with her exceptional voice.

In summary, Castaway Diva emerges as one of the best dramas of the year, seamlessly blending genres like romance, life, melodrama and mystery. Its creative and well written storytelling deserves a solid 10/10.

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En curso 12/12
A 62 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
oct 30, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
En curso 3
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
This review may contain spoilers

Hands down to child actors.

The drama is off to a good start because of their exceptional performance. Hats off to them.

"You were right. If you wish for something, one way or another, it
will come true day. And it will happen in unexpected way."

Yall...okay but bogeols eyes when he saw mokha while hugging woohak after they found her

i need his pov for this!! why do i feel like his inner dialogue is saying that "mokha is alive/ i finally found mokha" but he cant take a step coz hes feelin guilty

aaaahhh idkkkkk i am so excited to watch the coming episodessss!!

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¿Te ha parecido útil esta reseña?
A 43 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 5, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 4
Global 8.0
Historia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 6.5
This review may contain spoilers


***DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion. We don’t have to agree and I’m not here to argue with anyone.***

General Overview:

This is the story about a girl named Seo Mok Ha who lives with an abusive father. She yearns to be a singer in order to get away from her mundane life in the country. Like her idol Yoo Ran Joo, she aspires to relocate to Seoul and pursue her dreams as a singer. She enters Ran Joo’s singing contest with the help of a fellow classmate, Ki Ho. At first he doesn’t want to help her but then finds enjoyment in seeing her light up as she performs Little do they both realize they have more in common than they though. Ki Ho is also being abused by his father. Ki Ho has to submit Mok Ha’s entry on her behalf since she is unable to do so after getting badly beaten up by her drunkard father. When she finally wins the competition, she gets to meet Ran Joo in Seoul, but she has to figure out a way to get there because she knows her father won't let her go. Upon learning of Mok Ha's ordeal at the hands of her father, he offers her a safe haven and instructs her to knock on his window should she require his help. They make a plan to leave together however things don’t work out. Her father finds out that she attempted to flee to Seoul by boat and goes ballistic trying to find her and bring her back home. Ki Ho spots him and goes to distract him / ward him off however he is too young so he falls powerless to him and loses the fight. When Mok Ha’s father finds her he end up chasing her aorund the boat until they get into an argument. Seo Mok Ha falls overboard and her father jumps in after her.

Eventually, she regains consciousness after washing up on the shore of a deserted island. She soon learns that she is alone after finding her father's remains. We see a glimpse of her survival during the fifteen years that she is abandoned on that island. Fifteen years later, she is discovered by a crew cleaning up the beach on a deserted island while using a drone. After chasing the drone, Mok Ha is found by the crew and is later rescued and brought to safety. From then on, we follow her as she embarks on a quest to fulfill her childhood ambitions and locate Ki Ho, the love of her life and a long-lost friend. When she returns to Seoul, we watch her attempting to make her way through a world that is so foreign to her while she learns how to be an adult and grow up, fight for her dreams, and stand up for the people she loves. Amidst all of this, tensions build, people get hurt, secrets are revealed, and Mok Ha has to decide for herself what is really important and where her loyalty lies. She must ascertain if she possesses the necessary qualities to become a DIVA!


In More Detail (Spoilers Ahead):

This drama surpassed my expectations… I went into this not expecting or hoping for much. To say the least, I was not captivated by the first two episodes as much as everyone else. I found it extremely boring and struggled to find the will to finish episode 1 and 2. I would occasionally watch it, I got up to episode 4 then I stopped. Resuming, I binged the remaining 6 episodes when they were at episode 10. Then I was able to watch this drama along with everyone else when the last 2 episodes aired. For me the story started picking up in between episodes 6-9. But unfortunately this experience was nearly ruined / cut short because I saw a spoiler and was so irritated. Nevertheless I continued and I am glad I did.


First of all, I think Ki Ho and Mok Ha's story was really brought to life by the young actors Lee Re and Woo Jin. They embodied their characters' anguish, despair, and desperation on film because they were so emotionally invested in them. I doubt the story would have had the same impact if any other young performers had played the roles. Moreover, their resemblance to the leads were uncanny! That casting and directing here was quite excellent.

I felt that Mok Ha's voice over and monologue gave this production and plot a lot more depth. There were many touching and heartfelt moments, and I believe Mok Ha took (as well as us viewers) could take away a meaningful lesson or message from each episode.

Park Eun Bin’s performance was really good. I particularly felt like she nailed the emotional aspects. I also commend her on her light hearted comedic country bumpkin-esque presence. She really had me convinced she spent 15 years on an Island. Her naivety was at times shocking but you come to realize she just has a good heart and always tries to see the best in people. But do not be fooled she is way stronger than she looks because of how much she had to endure for all those years on the island. As the story progressed you see how those events shaped Mok Ha into the strong individual she is today. I am a fan of strong female leads and it was interesting to see such a complex character grace the screen.

I really liked Bo Geol / Ki Ho… I was so impressed by Chae Jong Hyeop that i’ll be sure to check out his other projects His character was such a green flag and total softie at heart. When Bo Geol eventually tore down those walls and was prepared to let Mok Ha in, it was incredibly charming. Previously, I had always assumed that his icy demeanor toward her was him trying to protect her. I realize that later on he was either unable to hide his feelings or chose not to, which is why at times I felt he was acting a little too strongly or unexpectedly. I think that also explains Mok Ha's expression, as it caught me off guard numerous times.

The chemistry between Eun Bin and Jong Hyeop has to be discussed more. Even though it was just one moment, the intensity, tension, and passion were palpable on television. That kiss was the result of all those years of longing for one another, wishing, and praying that the other was okay, wherever they were. I couldn't help but smile and kick my feet, especially when it appeared like they could not get enough of each other and had no intention of stopping LOL.

The relationship between Mok Ha and Ran Joo was fantastic. They seemed like sisters to me. Sometimes Ran Joo was the elder sister, offering Mok Ha insightful counsel; other times, the roles were reversed, and Ran Joo was gaining a lot of knowledge from Mok Ha. It seemed as though Ran Joo's singing career was over, but with Mok Ha, she had a future in songwriting and producing/directing. They seemed to be mirror images of one another, with Mok Ha reminding Ran Joo of her past self and what it was like to be young, fresh, and ready for the world and all its opportunities. In contrast, Mok Ha Ran Joo was teaching her the importance of strength and determination in order to succeed in the industry. She made Mok Ha realize how important it is to put herself first rather than giving of herself all the time and then allowing other people to take advantage of her. In any case, you could sense their love for one another and that they only had one other's best interests in mind at the end of the day.

I also thought the competition between Mok Ha and Mo Rae made for an interesting dynamic. I definitely I rooted for Mok Ha through and through but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I eventually warmed to Mo Rae and I’m glad in the end they ended on amicable terms.

The assistant Yong-Gwan was sour at first but I liked his backstory as it gave us insight into his character. In the past he aspired to be an idol or celebrity but fell short due to lack of courage and being a pushover.

I have to say I enjoyed most of the songs although I felt the song Dream Us was played way too much. It got annoying so quickly in my opinion. The poignant ballads "Here I Am," "Until The End," "Someday," "Open Your Eyes," and "Fly Away" by Mok Ha are my favorite songs. I was particularly moved to tears by the last song "Fly Away" It was breathtakingly beautiful and just magical. I was really moved by Park Eun Bin's vocal performance. Mok Ha really slayed with that last performance and I was sold on her actually stepping into her destiny and becoming an idol / international sensation. When the song is finally released, I'll be listening to it on repeat because I loved it so much!


To be fair, there’s not much I disliked. At times I felt like Mok Ha was too naive, trusting and easygoing and it made her seem like a pushover but at the same time – I’m glad she remained true to herself / who she's always been and did not let people’s influence or the industry pull a wool over her eye and change her / her morals.

I think the whole plot of Ran Joo and Mok Ha being outed on that live television broadcast was insane. I’m not sure how I thought she would have gotten recognized for her singing or for the truth to come out but I was not expecting them to go that route at all. It seemed like too many events revolved around that one singing TV show / set area. I wished there was a little bit more to it than just that.

The love triangle involving Mok Ha and the brothers was perhaps the aspect of the story that I found most irritating. It was superfluous, in my opinion, especially considering that Woo Hak had no chance at all because Ki Ho had been on her mind all these years. I felt horrible for Woo Hak, especially once he realized that he wasn't Ki Ho at all, after being misled into thinking he was. It was difficult to see him avoid Mok Ha, especially after he discovered that Bo Geol still harbored affections for her. Instead of arguing with his brother like we see in other shows, Woo Hak just wanted him to be happy, which is why he is such an amazing person! It's admirable, in my opinion, that he honored their decision and only wanted Mok Ha to be content, even if it wasn't with him. I literally teared up when his father consoled him after he admitted to having developed feelings for her. Like Woo Hak, I think that Mok Ha is quite endearing and gives others a sense of being seen and valued. Seeing Woo Hak go through that was difficult since, as previously mentioned, he is such a kind soul. Both brothers are such good guys who deserve the very best.

Additionally I feel like the father got off too quickly with such an easy death by suicide. He deserved to rot in jail and worse for all his crimes toward his so called “family” I really hated how he literally just walked up to Sang Doo in the middle of the street and stabbed him. That just made my blood boil… the fact that their family went through so much because of that psychopathic stalker and there was no real sense of justice was so heartbreaking. Woo Hak, Bo Geol and Ha Jung deserved so much better.


Quotes I Liked:

“In my eyes, you seemed to lack a lot. You lacked maturity, manners, and thought. You also lacked worries, gloominess, concerns, or reasons to cry. So whenever I looked at you, I was annoyed.”

“Become so famous that no one could dare mistreat you.”

“15 years ago, I liked her because of how much she lacked. She lacked worries, gloominess, and concerns. But she seems to be full of them now.”

“No one is cowardly or deceitful because they want to be. We all become desperate and make choices for our own reasons.”

“In life, it feels like the world mistreats you. And you take your anger out on the wrong person.”

“How long can a secret remain a secret? If we cover the secret under layers of lies, can we keep the secret from surfacing?”

“If you keep worrying about the future, then you’ll end up with just as many regrets down the road. From now on, I’m going to do whatever I want in that moment.”

“Relationships often change depending on the circumstances. We couldn’t share the same path in the past. But now, things have changed.”

“I’ll probably regret it a little. But I’d regret it even more if I never even try. At least for ten years, I’d be doing what I love the most.”

“They say failure is the mother of success. I’ll just take it as learning a lesson from another mother and move on.”

“It was all or nothing. Do or die. I made up my mind and jumped into the water. And then, before you know it, you’ll learn how to swim and you might be able to catch a ton of fish.”

“Let’s become the best at all costs.”

“I guess it’s true that givers create takers.”

“Why are you a taker? You’re a gift.”

“One person is lying to protect his children, while the other is lying to punish them. Then, which one do you think is the real father?”

“In life, you’ll learn that some people become happy over other people’s misfortunes. You’ll learn that many become jealous of other people’s success. That’s because when their lives become pathetic, they refuse to blame themselves. That’s why they blame it on others and want to bring them down. Because that’s easier.”

“When we almost lost dad, I realized not expressing your feelings can be the biggest regret in life.”

“There’s a sword in my hand so I might as well wield it.”

“Having gone through it now, I learned wishes don’t always come true right away. They don’t come true when you want them to. They take a long time. You forget about them, then suddenly, they come true.”

“Don’t cut ties just because you don’t like them. And don’t give up even if it gets tough.”

“Stay strong, endure it, and hang in there. Then one day, your wishes will come true in unexpected ways.”

“Let the failure of others become a lesson to you. Learn what you can and ignore the rest.”

“By replacing those answerless questions with other things to fill up the time, I survived one day after another.”


Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, I believe that the drama needed more romance and additional episodes. Although the kiss between our protagonists was beautiful, I thought there might have been more at the ending. The promise, tension, and chemistry were all there. Then again, maybe I'm just being greedy. Since Ki Ho and Mok Ha have reconnected as adults, I also wish their relationship had progressed further. It seems like we missed out on seeing them be an actual couple who hang out / go on dates and get to know each other all over again. Additionally, I also needed to see what happened with Ran Joo’s career, Mok Ha’s climb to success, the tabloids interfering with her private life and how she was coping with her instant fame etc.

Would I rewatch this drama? Yes, I think I’d rewatch it when the events are not so fresh in my head and if I had nothing else to watch. Again, it was hard for me to get into but I’m glad I stuck with it and waited for it to get better. If you told me a month ago I’d end up liking this drama as much as I do now I would not have believed you.

Overall, I think the difficulties were handled quite nicely. In the span of 12 episodes, Mok Ha underwent significant growth. Her monologues conveyed her emotion and heart, and I found her to be a rather trustworthy narrator. We had the pleasure of accompanying her on this coming of age journey and I just feel so blessed we got to see her transformation.

If you love mystery and intrigue with a dash of lightheartedness and sad/heartbreaking backstories, then I think you should definitely check out this drama. I adore how this drama strikes a perfect mix of comedy, drama, mystery, music, heartfelt moments, and excellent voiceover/storytelling to give us a glimpse into Mok Ha's mind. There are so many things to enjoy and you wouldn't want to overlook this drama at all.

With all that being said, I give this drama a solid 8/10.

Thanks for reading and happy watching! ❤️

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A 27 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 5, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
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Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.0

If you wish for something with all your heart, it'll come true in an unexpected way

This Korean drama is a story of resilience, hopes, and dreams. It highlights the enduring spirit of a woman who continues to reach for the stars despite the odds. Mixed in are celebrity drama, family conflict, mystery, and doses of rom-com.

The series is the third collaboration of writer Park Hyeryun and director Oh Choonghwan, after Start-Up and While You Were Sleeping. They masterfully interweave humor with depth of emotion. The female lead, Park Eunbin, of Extraordinary Attorney Woo fame, brings quirkiness and charm, not to mention some impressive singing. The plotline is at times whimsical and imaginative. The visuals, sound, and design are polished, as to be expected from Studio Dragon.

Pacing is dynamic. Each episode generally contains some balance of serious problems and inspiring moments. The writer excels at portraying heartwarming friendships and is known to keep you guessing about who will end up in a relationship with whom. There are mystery elements here, and you're drawn in rooting for their dreams to come true. There is some rewatch value as you can notice the crumbs and intentional miscues throughout the story.

Parts of the first episode could be difficult to watch due to scenes of physical abuse. But I recommend you stick to it to watch a beautiful and inspiring story showcasing the struggle and merits of chasing your dreams and the value of loving family bonds.

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En curso 12/12
A 18 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 12, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 10
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main character perspective

I’m so surprised about this show! i wasn’t expecting loving it this much.

the thing i like the most is the main character perspective on our society! after spending 15 years isolated with nature, she can’t understand anxiety the way we do. everyone is projecting their own anxieties… she’s too old to sing, she should have been famous, be angry… she’s just terrible enjoying meeting her idol, having someone to have a meal with, people who cherish and worries about her. i really do love it!

i expect to see more of kiho, i like the thriller, i’m so curious about what’s coming next!

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A 14 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 6.0

Castaway Music and Romance but instead we got so much more...

This drama is all about priorities and is so much more than another music Cast Away Diva.... Don´t get me wrong I love my idol music dramas more than most people do and this does have some of that but what makes this drama excellent is how it mixes dreams, and family abuse with fond family and friendship, killer secrets, a psychopath or two... and a side of romance in such a beautiful way.

Foremost this is a slice of life drama featuring a story about family abuse, found family and trying to escape....
Then comes the story about fighting for ones dreams in a world full of betrayals but also beautiful friendships
First after that comes the romance part of the story. To be honest I would have wanted another 4 episodes devoted to music and romance, but the mix in this was otherwise pretty well balanced.

There are almost over the top annoying characters or low comedy elements as far as my eyes could see... The two that had that type of characteristics had a job to do to get the story ruling to their invigorating annoying traits actually field a purpose. Making me accept (hate) them just the way they where as they indeed showed how dangerous being a **** when facing kids trapped in families where they are abused can be.

The main villain in this drama is very well written perfectly evil, smart, knows the rules and knows exactly how to avoid punishment. Our diva is a true diva with a story, the agency director a jerk, our female lead is bad ass and fun and lovable all at once. The male lead has this great mix of hot- cold, reserved... The second male lead is precious and clueless and just so much fun to watch. The found families are just so adorable, I love em I truly do, the sisemace also top top top... And the hot and cold romance has some pretty good chemistry and lovely lines but is just overshadowed by the rest both in term of story and measured in screen time.

Defiantly a drama I recommend to most, just be prepared for both darkness and fluff...

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A 10 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Música 8.5
Volver a ver 7.5

Best kdrama of 2023

This is probably my favorite 2023 kdrama. It really just had me by the first episode, where we saw the childhood backstory of our two leads. It was heart-breaking but also beautiful seeing how they went from simple classmates who judged each other to two people who stood with each other against the world.

I was a little nervous going into this, since the premise of “a girl gets stranded on and island and wants to become a pop star when she returns to civilization” seems sort of like a goofy premise…but the first episode completely dispelled all my worries. There are stakes in this, for sure. There’s the familial abuse plot, which was what I was most invested in, and I really loved how we got a “found family” aspect amidst all of it.

I also just loved the dynamic between our characters after the time jump. You had our leads, who had amazing chemistry despite one of their identities being hidden. It’s really a testament to great acting and directing that most people started shipping them so early on. And despite a bumpy road at the start, they grew into a communicative, trusting relationship where you could see how much they wanted to protect each other. It’s really refreshing that how real and human all the characters seemed: they tried to stay kind but sometimes wavered out of fear and made selfish decisions, or it could be something as simple as they tried to lie but weren’t very good at it.

The side characters were all well-rounded as well. The second male lead had his own backstory and emotional growth — although I do think his part in the love triangle was unnecessary, but it was good that it wasn't blown out of proportion — and the family members also played their part in the story, with their own heart-warming backstory. It was beautiful. Even Ranjoo had her journey of becoming a singer and her fall from fame, which tied together with Mokha.

I admit I cared a little less about this plot; don’t get me wrong, I LOVED all the songs — both actresses are so immensely talented and the songs are definitely new additions to my playlist — but the ickiness of the entertainment industry’s power struggles, rude fans, pushy reporters and press conferences…I think I would’ve been happier with less of it.

Overall, I still really loved this one. In addition to great characters and story, you can tell a lot of thought went into the cinematography and set design (I looked into an art print in one of the shots and it totally had symbolic meaning) and it really just added that much more to the atmosphere. Definitely recommend this one.

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A 12 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
dic 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Castaway Diva??

So first off all this is hands down one of the top 5 best kdramas I’ve watched this year, the casting was amazing and my fav CHJ did amazing ?. I will say that the abusive dad storyline was dragged out abit and it was really getting on my nerves just for him to off himself gosh? but anyway overall I really enjoyed the first ep hooked me and the child actors did amazing. Each character was likeable apart from the biological dads but most of all my favs mokgeoli couple~so cute!! But we were deffo robbed of so many more romantic moments but at least we got a kiss they had such good chemistry??. I hope that the rating for this drama will increase I think it deserves at least an 8.8! However again really enjoyed it and hope more projects like this come and yh I enjoyed it?

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Castaway Diva (2023) poster



  • Puntuación: 8.5 (puntuado por 18,745 usuarios)
  • Puesto: #634
  • Popularidad: #352
  • Fans: 36,813

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