por Jeaniessi, noviembre 12, 2012

Dangerous Drama Tropes

These are the cliche's that tip the scale from cute to crazy! You see them all the time in dramas. They say art imitates life. I don't know about you but when I imagine these cliches might actually reflect Korean culture, it scares me a little. I mean, a little wrist grabbing, a piggyback ride or a back hug here and there are pretty tame and in most cases I welcome them. Piggyback rides for everyone I say! I am happy to see them pop up in the dramas I watch. The tropes I am thinking of and listing here, however, are mad, bad and dangerous to know. They set a pretty bad example of human behavior.

They are a heck of a lot of fun to watch though aren't they?!  :)

The Extra-Crazy Ex-girlfriend

She is the girl who will not let go. She is the woman who is lacking in self-esteem. She’s the freaky little clinging mess that thinks because “Oppa” once liked her, was a childhood friend, possibly dated her or heck…does not even know her but he has caught her eye...now he is HERS!  She will go to any lengths to cling to the man. Like a runaway train, she cannot be stopped. Her schemes and tricks have no limit and she will knock down any innocent of her way to have her man; most especially the woman he really loves and wants.  This insane and sad woman is in drama after drama. She's out of her mind, bonkers if you ask me. What self-respecting, sane woman would stalk a man like this? Where does this sense of self-entitlement to a person's feelings come from? What kind of example does this set to other women? I love watching these crazy women on screen. They are the women I LOVE to HATE. But drop them into real life and they are pathetic to the core.  Who doesn't want to smack them down?  

Crazy B#%*@es
http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z413/Musicalgrrrl/Misc Pictures/mycollage.jpg

The "Well, I've gone this far, I can't turn back now" Insanity Spiral

This sort of horrible thinking is also in drama after drama. A person starts off on a course of revenge, greed or envy and all through the drama's run, their scheming, machinations and intrigues know no limits. They will lie, steel, cheat and even kill to get what they want. Money, position, power, revenge or a person's heart. This kind of thinking is paramount to a good melodrama makjang. Sometimes the writer will even have the person realize the evil of their ways but time and time again I see this sentence come out of the evil doer's mouth (In subtitles of course) "I have gone this far, I cannot stop now." WHAT??!! If you do not have this person in your makjang then you have no show! But I tell you the truth... If I saw this person coming toward me in real life, I'd run the other way. No, wait... I might have to get in a good punch or kick first... then I'd RUN!!

Illogical Insanity

The Evil Parents, who are easily forgiven

I don't think it matters what culture you come from; most children will be fairly quick to forgive their parents for hurtful things they do. Korean dramas have this down to a science.  Being a filial child just about trumps any bad thing a parent can do and sometimes even the evilest action will ultimately be forgiven. For me the viewer, this drives me absolutely insane. I mean come on Kids! These people are EVIL! They abandoned you, possibly tried to kill you or maybe even kidnapped you as an infant to plot their revenge! Mostly likely they've used you in their climb up the success ladder or threw you away for a man or a new life. Even if they simply married you off to a jerk so they could live a better lifestyle, how much are you going to take? If it were me, I'd say take your filial and shove it up your...  never mind, I'll be good.

Shameful Parentage

The Noble Idiot

"I am going to suffer for my love. I am going to drive you away to keep you safe. I will keep my mouth shut so as to foster misunderstandings and confusion. Believe me, it is better this way... to keep you ignorant and in the dark. How can I truly show my love to you? How can I live if you are in any way unhappy?" Okay... What in the heck is that kind of thinking? Listen, Buddy (and Missy!), you are not doing anyone any favors hiding the truth from the person you are supposed to love. Nobody likes an idiot, even if they are a romantic one. Open your mouth, start spilling the truth and be with your love already. Sheesh! We see this all the time in dramas, don't we? On one hand, I must confess my heart does melt a little at a man loving a woman so much (and vice-versa), they are willing to sacrifice their own happiness and sometimes their very lives for the one they love.  But a lot of times, I just want to kick them!

Complete Idiocy
http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z413/Musicalgrrrl/Misc Pictures/idiots.jpg

I know you all must recognize these sad, mad, bad people. Hopefully, I am not alone and you've wanted to smack a few of them like me! You either love them, hate them or love to hate them but they certainly add spice and kick to our drama watching soup. What would we do without them?

I'm sure I've left out some really juicy Dangerous Drama Tropes. If there are more you can think of please post in the comments below so we can discuss them. You know what I mean right? Much less fluffy than say...a piggy back ride or the plucky poor girl makes it big. If you think of a good one, I might just make you a collage!  ;)