por JustJackieB, julio 19, 2013

Shark Episode 15 opens with a reminder of the life Jo Sang Gook stole.

The actual beginning.

Yi Soo’s Apartment


Yi Soo rushes in his apartment. He slowly turns around and sees the shoes he gave to his sister, Yi Hyun. He put a tracking device inside to keep his sister safe. He called his sister’s number, but her co-worker answer the phone. He knew she was in trouble, but he wasn’t hoping it was not true. He calls his friend, Detective Kim and told him that his sister, “Yi Hyun has been kidnapped. Check the security cameras where Yi Hyun works. Hurry!”

Now, someone kidnapped his beloved sister Yi Hyun. That someone is Jo Sang Gook. His plan seems to be spinning out of control. Then he calm himself down and makes a phone call. He start pacing and chant “Pick up the phone.” He did this to calm himself down. He kept repeating it over and over again. “Pick up the phone...Chun Young Bo!”

Jo Gang Kook’ Private Study
His phone is on his desk. The ringer is off.  The phone is on vibrate. Han Yi Soo is on the other end. (He knows Jo Gang Kook is really Chun Young Bo). The phone vibrates over and over again. Then it stops. Jo Gang Kook and his granddaughter, Hae Woo, walks in.
Jo Hae Woo helps her grandfather to one of his guest chairs. He was too weak to sit at his regular chair. He said he thought of Chun Young Bo as a brother and his father, Jo In Suk, thought of him as a son. They had no reason to suspect he would do such a horrible thing. She listen to her grandfather’s story, then she began interrogating him, “How did you know... that Chun Young Bo started the fire?” He replied, “Some witnesses who saw him do it told me.” She had some doubts about why Chun Young Bo started the fire so she made the comment. “But... why do you think Chun Young Bo started that fire? It seems unlikely that he would've done that for no reason or purpose.” Her grandfather replied, “He probably went insane. War makes people crazy.” (This is the first time. The sunlight shined so brightly in his office. The beam of light appears to be a spirit coming toward him.)

Jo’s Mansion Foray
Hae Woo leaves her grandfather’s private study. But she has doubts about what he told her. She reflects on her conversation with Kang Hee Soo’s psychiatrist. She asked, “Did Chun Young Bo do it (start the fire), by any chance?” The psychiatrist answered, “Well, that we don't know. The fire occurred right before the North Korean soldiers retreated...And most of the people who survived the fire later died in that massacre.” The professor story and the grandfather don’t match.
 Yi Soo’s Apartment/Jo Sang Gook’s private study
Yi Soo finally reaches Jo Sang Gook by phone. He demands to know where his sister, Yi Hyun is. Yi Soo threatens Jo Sang Gook, “Tell me right now where she is! If you don't, I'll tell the whole world that you're a fake!” The threat did not work on Jo Sang Gook. He knows Kim Jun and Yi Soo are the same person. Yi Soo calms down and asked, “What do you want?” Jo Sang Gook promptly replied, “You don't have what I want.” Then he hangs the phone up. (Hmm, I thought Yi Soo had what he wanted)

http://media.mydramalist.com/cache/rn5/379617734279869064_23621216_c.jpg http://media.mydramalist.com/cache/574/379620872708245786_78dd88ab_c.jpg
Yi Soo phone rings again. The man’s voice on the end tells him. “That was a long phone conversation.” Yi Soo asked “who are you.” The hit man did not answer him. He just said, “You want to save her.” The creep has his sister. Yi Soo knew from his last encounter with him that it will take a lot to get him to lose his cool and composure. Yi Soo remained calm while he talked to the hit man. The hit man told him to get the original document. Yi Soo said he had the original, but the hit man told him Chairman Yoshimura probably has it. (Jo Sang Gook and the Hit Man must have figured out Yoshimura was behind everything.) Yi Soo was shocked. He thought why would Chairman Yoshimura have the original?

Then the Hit Man told Yi Soo, he needs to hurry because his sister is having a hard time. Yi Soo started to shake just a little and said, “If you lay a finger on her.  I will kill you.” The hit man did not blink when he heard this threat. He simply said in a same tone, “Don't do anything stupid, or you won't see your sister again. I'll tell you the time and place later.” The hit man hangs up the phone. Yi Soo starts shaking. He has always been in control, but this time the table has turned. He needs to find a way to rescue his sister and destroy the hit man and Jo Sang Gook.
Secretary Jang’s Apartment
Secretary Jang listens carefully. (I wonder where she put the bugging devices). Now that she knows Kim Jun is really Han Yi Soo (Dong Soo’s best friend). Will she remain faithful to her boss, Chairman Yoshimura or will she follow her heart, Kim Jun?
City Street Outdoors
A huge truck blocks Detective Byeon’s running path to Yi Soo’s apartment. This is the same truck the hit man is driving. Poor Yi Hyun is tied and gag in the back of the truck. The hit man is vicious.

Outside Yi Soo’sapartment
Detective Byeon’s stands directly in front of Yi Soo’s door.He thinks back to the time when Yi Soo’s mentions the smart key. He thought how could he missed such an important clue.

Inside Yi Soo’sapartment
Yi Soo opens a black lock box. He takes out a gun. His handsare shaking when he aims it, but does he have enough control to face the hit man? He keeps the gun by his side so he can get used to carrying it.
Outside Yi Soo’sapartment
Detective Byeon reaches for the doorbell. Before he touches the bell, Yi Soo opens the door. Yi Soo was in a hurry. Detective Byeon told him, “They need to talk.” Yi Soo said, “Not right now…Something urgent came up.” Yi Soo runs pass him. Suddenly Detective Byeon calls out Kim Jun’s real name, “Yi Soo.” Yi Soo enters the elevator. Detective Byeon tries to catch the elevator, but Yi Soo doesn’t let him in.
Detective Byeon watches the elevator descends, then he receives a phone call from Detective Kim. Detective Kim tells him that Yi Hyun might have been kidnapped. They have a photo of a man who lured her out of the restaurant. Detective Byeon told him to send him the man’s photo. Detective Byeon immediately call the police force and demanded that they check the security cameras near Yi Hyun’s store.

City Street
Detective Kim sits in his car. He calls himself useless. He's hurt that he wasn’t there to protect Yi Hyun.

Yi Soo speeds through the city street in his car. He thinks back to his lunch date with his sister, Yi Hyun. She says, “My brother must've been in a lot of pain. Yet I didn't know that and just kept eating spaghetti. I was eating spaghetti while my brother was dying.” He wonder if he should have told her who he was then. The hurt and pain his sister’s face pierce his heart.
Hotel Lobby/Kim Jun’sCar
Yi Soo calls Secretary Jang. He wants to know where Chairman Yoshimura is. She tells him that she will find out exactly where he is.
Hae Woo’s Office
Prosecutor Jo Hae Woo receives the news that Yi Hyun has been kidnapped. She gets ready to rush out the office, but she makes phone call.

Yi Soo’s Car
Yi Soo recalls what the hit man told him, “You should find Kang Hee Soo's original document first. Chairman Yoshimura probably has it.”

Suddenly his phone rings, Hae Woo is on the other end. He picks it up after the third or fourth ring. She blurts out, “You know who kidnapped Yi Hyun, don't you? Is it hard for you to talk on the phone right now? Did someone threaten you?” He told her it would be for the best if she did not get involved. Yi Hyun would be in more danger. She asked how would Yi Hyun be in more danger. He said, “The person behind this is afraid of you, not me.“ (Did she get the hint? Will she figure out who is behind Yi Hyun’s kidnapping?”)

Prosecutor Jo rushes out the office. Her secretary said, “Did you hear about the disciplinary committee's decision?” (Okay so she’a still on probation. So that explains her casual wardrobe.) She calls the police force to make a request to track Kim Jun’s (Yi Soo) phone.

Yi Hyun’s work place
Detective Byeon shows the screenshot of that guy who lured his daughter out the restaurant. Her coworker said that he always comes in and plays games.

Detective Kim’ Car
Detective Kim answers the phone. Detective Byeon wants to know where he was. He lied and said he was checking the security camera. Kim suggested that they “look for him separately right now.”

Giant Hotel

The parking attendant parks Yi Soo’s car for him. Yi Soo walks with a brisk pace. Three of his employees greeted him. He regained his professionalism. His phone rang. Secretary Jang tells him that Chairman Yoshimura is with a guest at the bar. Yi Soo walks to the front desk clerk and tells him to give him the key to the suite. The clerk tells him that Chairman is staying there. Yi Soo lied and said, “I know. I'm here to give him some papers he requested.”
Yi Soo walks to the Suite and opens the door with the smart key. Chairman’s right hand man watches him enters the room.
Giant Hotel’s Bar
Chairman Yoshimura and Jo Ui Sun talks at the bar. Jo Ui Sun wanted to talk about the proposal Chairman Yoshimura mention that night.  Chairman Yoshimura said that Gaya hotel turned down the proposal. Poor Jo Ui Sun has no idea that he is not in charge of Gaya Hotel. But Chairman Yoshimura plays along with him and continues to amuse him.
Jo Ui Sun yells, “I'm the CEO of Gaya Hotel!  It's what I think that counts the most!”
Chairman Yoshimura asked him if he had anything in mind.Poor drunk Jo Ui Sun got excited and blurted out, “Of course!  I have treasures in my mind, you know.”
The chairman made a slight smirk. His right hand man quietly walked to him and whispered in his ear. Chairman ended his meeting with Jo Ui Sun.
Giant Hotel Suite
Yi Soo opens a drawer and looks through several papers. He doesn’t find the document. He opens a light color box and dumps on the flash drives on the thin laptop. He can’t figure out which one to choose so he randomly picks one. He brushes the rest of the flash drives off the thin laptop and insert the random selected flash drive.
Outside the Suite
Chairman Yoshimura and his right hand man walking fast to the suite. Secretary Jang intercepts them by telling Chairman she was looking for him. She spoke loud enough for Yi Soo to hear her.  She told him that Jo Ui Sun was drunk and suggested he go see him. Chairman Yoshimura made a stone face and said Okay and open the door to the suite.
Giant Hotel Suite
Chairman Yoshimura and Yi Soo are face to face. Secretary Jang slowly walks in after Chairman Yoshimura and his right hand man. She’s scared. She never lied to the Chairman before and she feared for Yi Soo more than her life.

Hae Woo’s Car
Hae Woo is tracking Yi Soo’s cell phone.

Giant Hotel Suite
Chairman Yoshimura asked his adopted son, Yi Soo,”What was he doing in there?” Yi Soo did not blink  an eye and asked, “Do you have the original copy of the document that my father had?”.
Yi Soo wasn’t thinking straight and reaches for his gun, and said, “I'm going to have to take it.”
His right hand man step forward. Chairman Yoshimura stopped him and told Secretary Jang and his right hand man to leave. He raised Yi Soo. He knew he would never hurt him. Chairman Yoshimura remained calm and asked Yi Soo “what was going on.” Yi Soo asked for the document. Chairman Yoshimura never denied he had the original, but he wanted to know why his son, Kim Jun (Yi Soo), wanted it.

Yi Soo asked a question that has puzzled him for over twelve years. He asked the chairman, “By any chance were you responsible for my accident, and not Chairman Jo?”
Chairman Yoshimura kept his composure. He would never hurt his son, Kim Jun (Yi Soo). He told him the truth and said, “Chairman Jo was the one who was after you. I knew that and so kept a close watch on you. And thanks to my keeping a close watch, I was able to save your life.”
Yi Soo doubted his words. At that moment, he trusted no one. Chairman Yoshimura wanted to regain his son’s trust again. He told him they have the same goal to destroy Chairman Jo Sang Gook. Yi Soo felt like he was being used by the Chairman. Chairman reminded Yi Soo that no one could used him. He just helped him reached his goal. Yi Soo shook his head. He needed to get back on the right course. He was there for the original document. Yi Soo asked for the original document again. Yi Soo pulls out his gun and aims it at the Chairman. He tells the Chairman Yoshimura he don’t want to hurt him. Chairman Yoshimura said, “You’re my son. If you want, I can give you everything including my own life.”

Suddenly, Yi Soo’s phone rings. He pick up the phone and said, “Talk.” Chairman Yoshimura knew the person on the other end was not a friend. His phone conversation forces him to tell Chairman Yoshimura what was going on. Yi Soo said, “First, I want to know my sister is safe.”
Kidnapper’s Truck
Yi Hyun is still tied up. The hit man/kidnapper puts the phone to her ear. She finally hears her brother’s voice. She can hardly catch her breath. Yi Soo tries to comfort her and tells her he is on his way. Then the kidnapper begins to talk on the phone and asked about the original document.

Giant Suite Hotel
Chairman Yoshimura listen while his son talk on the phone to the kidnapper and his sister, Yi Hyun. He trusted Yi Soo. He knew deep down inside that Kim Jun (Yi Soo) would never hurt him.
The hit man told him to meet him at the  Gwanji Pier. Before he hung up the phone, he told Yi Soo, “I'm warning you. If you want your sister alive, don't even think about using Prosecutor Jo.”
Now Chairman Yoshimura knew why his son aimed the gun at him. He decided to give him what he wanted – the original document. He gives him the neon blue flash drive. Kim Jun takes the flash drive.  He checks to make sure it was the right one.

Hi Hyun’s Aunt’s Restaurant
Hi Hyun’s mom sets the tables in the restaurant. She answers her phone and said, “Hey I’m busy what’s up.” Her husband, Detective Byeon, said in a very calm voice. “Don’t be shock and listen to me carefully.” His wife is such a delicate person. He knew she would get too emotional. His world was already turning upside down. So he needed to remain calm and composed when he tells his wife the sad news. She asked him what is going on. He finally tells her that Yi Hyun was kidnapped. She needs to go home and if she get any strange calls, let him know immediately. She collapsed in the chair next to her and wept. She couldn’t control her crying and ran home to wait by the phone.
Detective Byeon’s Car
Detective Byeon calls the police headquarters. He reminds his partner to contact the other police stations, but keep everything quiet. He doesn’t want anyone to know that a detective daughter was kidnapped. (But if the media wasn’t covering Chief Prosecutor Oh’s accident, then would they care about this OR perhaps someone is pulling their puppet strings as well.) He think back to his early encounter that day with with Yi Soo.
He immediately calls Hae Woo.He confronts her and said, “You know Han Yi Soo's cell phone number, don't you? You already knew the man we met at Starville was Yi Soo. I'm saying this because Yi Soo seems to know where Yi Hyun is.” He demanded to know Yi Soo’s phone number. Hae Woo refuse to give it to him and told him that Yi Hyun would be in more danger if she did that. Yi Soo would not do anything to harm Yi Hyun. Detective Byeon was mad as hell. He shouted, “You know what you've done, Prosecutor Jo? You've protected and concealed a person who is a murder suspect!” She tried to tell him that there was no evidence saying such a thing. Detective Byeon didn’t want to hear anything from her and removes his earpiece.

Giant Hotel Lobby
Jo Hae Woo stands in the middle of the lobby. She checks her phone to see where Yi Soo is. He is close by.

Giant Suite
Yi Soo finished checking the document. Chairman Yoshimura said, “The real reason why Chairman Jo asked for the original is to confirm whether or not I'm the one who gave it to you.” Yi Soo heart ache a little and said, “Even so, I have to give this to him.” Chairman Yoshimura understood his son’s pain and asked in a fatherly voice, “Will you be okay by yourself?”
Yi Soo said nothing and rushed out the door.

Outside the Suite
Secretary Jang and the right hand man waited outside. Secretary Jang asked Kim Jun (Yi Soo) where was he going. He told her he will call her later. She look worried.
Giant Hotel Lobby

Jo Hae Woo runs to the elevator. She bumps into her dad. He asked her what was she doing there. She asked him the same question. She was interrogating him again. She can be very disrespectful to her dad (even if he is a drunk and a buffoon.) He said to his assistant, “Fine. Everyone can look down on me. I don't care. I'll show everyone.” (Hmm, I wonder what he has plan). Hae Woo enters the elevator and she gets a glimpse of Yi Soo she blocks the elevator doors with her arm and runs out the elevator. Her father, Jo Ui Sun, hardly recognized the man she was chasing. But he knew it was not her husband.
Giant Hotel Main Entrance
Hae Woo finally catches up with Yi Soo. She asked him what can she do to help him. Once again, he reminded her that she cannot get involved. Gee she has a hard time following orders. He told her Yi Hyun’s life would be in more danger if she is involved, but still he wants to play the hero. (Key word – play).
Joon Young’s Office/Giant Hotel Main Entrance

Joon Young calls his wife,Hae Woo, to let her know that his father is doing much better. He told her they moved him to a different ward. He said, “I'm going to the hospital later, so let's go together. I'll come pick you up.” She had other things on her mind and said, “I'm sorry, Joon Young, but something urgent came up. I'll call you later.” Then she hangs up the phone. (Wow, she call  Yi Soo cruel. When I think of this scene I hear this song in my head.  (How can people be so heartless) Her husband needs to know she cares. And as far as he know Kim Jun is a stranger.)
 Giant Hotel Main Entrance
Dong Soo calls out for Hae Woo. But she doesn’t hear him and drives off in her car.
Yi Soo’s car/Detective Kim’s car
Both men are speeding through traffic. Yi Soo asked Detective Kim if he arrived at that location. He told him that he was almost there. Yi Soo asked Detective Kim to call him, but he said never mind. He just remembered that Hae Woo found him because his phone was on. He turns his phone off. He becomes a bit teary eyed. He lets out a deep breath to control his feelings.

Hae Woo’s Car
Hae Woo check her phone to see where Yi Soo is. She signal is no longer there. She thinks back to what Yi Soo told her, “The person behind this is afraid of you, not me.” She finally got the clue. She calls Detective Byeon and asked him if he still had a copy of that black-and-white photo.
Jo Mansion Family
Jo Sang Gook sits at home. He plays the game Go while reading a book.

Giant Suite Hotel
Secretary Jang stands behind Chairman Yoshimura. He maintains his calm and cool composure and said, “Why didn't you tell me right away that Yi Hyun had been kidnapped?” He listened to her reasons and said, “You weren't trying to buy Jun some time?” She pleaded with him and said, “It's dangerous for Director Kim to do this alone. If you help him—“. He interrupted her and said, “It's something he needs to resolve by himself. Leave it up to him.”

Gaya’s Hotel Main Lobby
Oh Joon Young walks through the lobby with a sad and worried look on his face. His father-in-law, Jo Ui Sun, mention that he heard his father regain consciousness. Joon Young told him, his father could not speak or talk. So Jo Ui Sun blurted out he’s paralyzed. Joon Young remained calm. (Deep down inside, he probably wanted to hit him.) But instead, he decided to be respectful and said, “We need to wait and see.” Then Jo Ui Sun asked if his daughter, Hae Woo, was going to join him.
Joon Young told him. She had urgent business. Really. Jo Ui Sun said, “She was at Giant Hotel earlier. I went there to meet someone and bumped into Hae Woo there. What does she have that's so urgent?” Joon Young made up a lie and said, “She probably went to meet Dong Soo.” Jo Ui Sun doesn’t know who Dong Soo is. Joon Young thinks back to what Chairman Moon told him. “Your wife and Kim Jun have a closer relationship than you think.”

Yi Soo’s Car
He checks on Detective Kim to see if he arrived at that place. He said not yet. Yi Soo reminded him that they had very little time. Detective Kim apologized for not protecting Yi Hyun. Yi Soo said there was no time for apologize. Then he turned off his device. He opens his gloved compartment to look at his gun.

Senior Citizens’ Home
Detective Kim stopped by a Senior Citizens’ home. He lied to the lady and said he wanted to meet with his grandma.

City Street
Detective Byeon talks on the phone with his partner. He must have asked if Hae Woo sent in a request to track someone’s phone. His partner told him the person’s name is Kim Jun, the director of Giant Hotel.  But he turned his phone off. Detective Byeon told him as soon as he turns it on. Let him know.

Police Station
Joon Young walks in the police station. He sees a picture of Kim Jun (Yi Soo) on the screen. The detective continues talking to his partner, Detective Byeon. He said that the taxi was abandon under a bridge and they might have switch cars.

City Street
Detective Byeon recognizes the black car. He checked the license plate. It was the same car that was in front of Yi Hyun’s restaurant. He remember what the store clerk said the luring guy likes to play games. He runs into  a building that says PC Games.

Police Station
Detective Byeon’s partner unwittingly told Joon Young that both monitors were related cases. But it had nothing to do with his father’s case.

Giant Hotel Main Office
Secretary Jang pacing across the room. Dong Soo sheepishly walks in. But he notices that Secretary Jang was a little depress so he tried to cheer her up and said, “You can tell me everything. I'll solve all your problems.” She sat down and said, “If... Han Yi Soo were alive. What would you do?” Dong Soo face light up, he said, “Well, where do I start?” He tells her about the things they would do together. Secretary Jang is fighting a tug-of-war. She knows she shouldn’t tell Dong Soo that Kim Jun is really Yi Soo. Yi Soo doesn’t know she knows that she knows who he really is. Like a curious little puppy, Dong Soo noticed something must have been bothering her. So he asked her if she wanted to go hiking. He got flustered and started fanning himself. He told her that he likes her. She interrupted him and said, “Don’t like me. I’m not a good person.” She lowers her head and walks away. Dong Soo was hurt.

Police Interrogation Room
Detective Byeon shoves the luring guy in the chair. He pointed at him and said, “Where’s Yi Hyun?” The poor guy had no idea what Detective Byeon was talking about. He just play games all day long. Detective Byeon starts punching him. Then the poor guy blurting out why was the detective hitting him. Then Detective Byeon said, “I’m not a detective. I’m Yi Hyun’s dad.” He threatens the poor child with death and a prison sentence. He was scared, then he remembered a man with a mask told him to give the note to Yi Hyun and if he did exactly what he said. He could keep the car. Detective Byeon lunged at him again. His partner had to pull him off the poor guy again.

Outside the Police Station
Hae Woo waits outside for Detective Byeon. He confronts her and ask, “Yi Hyun's kidnapping has something to do with Yi Soo, doesn't it?   Who do you suspect is behind this? Jo Ui Sun or Chairman Jo Sang Gook?” She doesn’t have the heart to say it is her grandfather so she said, it is not her father. He shouts at her and said that it must be her grandfather. She becomes defensive and said in their line of work they should not rely on hunches. (But she used hunches almost every day.)

She asked for the black and white photo. She told him she would do everything in her power to save Yi Hyun, but she never told him any details. He reluctantly gave her a copy of the black-and-white photo. Of course, he kept a copy for himself. As soon as Yi Hyun is safe. I don’t know what he’ll tell the disciplinary committee about her.

Chief Prosecutor’s Oh Hospital Room
Flowers decorated Chief Oh’s Room. His wife, son, Oh Joon Young, and Jo Sang Gook, sit by his side. Jo Sang Gook said with a sympathetic tone that Chief Oh survived such an horrific attack. He continued to say that he survived because Chief Oh was a good person. Oh Joon Young look around. He don’t believe his father was a good person. He was still mad about how he got his job as Chief Prosecutor. His mother doesn’t see the expression on his face and added that her husband’s return to life was due to the Chairman’s prayers. Chairman Jo held Chief Oh’s hand and said, “Please find your strength and recover soon. If anyone can recover from such an accident, it's you.” Chief Oh could barely open his eyes. He look tried to look around. He heard his wife and son’s voice, but he could not see them.  He tried to mumble. Chairman Jo watch his mouth moved.

Jo Family Mansion
Hae Woo enters the mansion. Mrs. Park noticed she did not go to the hospital. She ignored Mrs. Park and asked where her grandfather was. (So disrespectful. She could have at least spend time with her husband. Yi Soo could handle things on his own.) Mrs. Park asked her if anything was wrong. She walked away without saying a word. (Gee she is just a cruel as her daddy.)

Gwangji Pier

Yi Soo finds the truck. It appears to be abandoned at the pier. He turns on his phone so Detective Kim can find him. He quietly tiptoed toward the truck. He tried to stay close to the truck’s body. I guess he figure the guys in the truck won’t see him. He looks in the front. The driver is not there. So he goes to the back of the truck. He can hear his sister’s voice. She’s still crying. He tries to open the truck back door. He shakes it over and over again. 
The hit man/kidnapper points a gun to the back of his head.
Police Station
Detective Byeon paces. His partner rushes in and said they track Kim Jun’s (Yi Soo’s) phone.

Gwangji Pier
Yi Soo tells the kidnapper(hit man) that he has what he wanted and let Yi Hyun go. The kidnapper (hit man) asked if the Chairman had it. Yi Soo lied and said he had the original. Hit man didn’t believe him. He told Yi Soo that if he wants Yi Hyun to stay alive. He needs to give up his life. Yi Soo agreed. Then he tries to make a bluff and said, “But I have to be sure that Yi Hyun gets home safely first.”
The hit man said, “Did you really think I was going to keep my promise?”
Yi Soo said with a little more confidence, “Of course. Since you're taking orders from someone.”
The hit man said, “How stupid of you?” and knock him out.


Yi Soo still knock out on theground. The hitman has a gun pointed to his sister’s head. She’s still crying and asked why didn’t he tell her who he really was. She waited so long for him. He was sorry he didn’t tell her. She shooked her head and told him, not to be sorry. Then she said through the tears that she was scared. The hit man covered her mouth with the gag again.
The hit man told Yi Soo to get in the car and drive in the sea. Yi Soo demanded that he let his sister go first. The hit man said he will let her go as soon as he gets in the car. Yi Soo didn’t believe him. But he reluctantly walked to the car anyway. Yi Soo slowly walks to the car.

Jo Sang Gook’s Private Study

Hae Woo stands in front ofher grandfather’s desk. She patiently waits for him. Her grandfather walks in the room. She hands him the black-and-white photo. He said, “This is a picture of your great-grandfather. Who is the boy next to him?” She said that is Jo In Suk’s son. Jo Sang Gook remained calm and asked her what was she talking about. He was Jo In Suk’s son, not the guy in the picture. Hae Woo told him that he knew what she was talking about.

Gwangji Pier – Night
Yi Soo’s hands are up in the air. He slowly walks backward to the car. Yi Hyun watches her brother walks to his possible doom. She cries loudly with the gag in her mouth. He reaches the car and turns around to open the car door. One tear falls from his eye. He was so close to saving his sister.
Then suddenly his friend, Detective Kim arrives with the hit man’s wife. He has little more breathing room. Surely he would the hit man would let his sister go if his wife’s life depended on it. Detective Kim holds the gun up in the air, but he doesn’t aim it as his wife for the moment.
Yi Soo regain his courage andsaid “If you want to save your wife, let Yi Hyun go.” The hit man stayed with the original plan and said, “The plan hasn't changed.” (WHAT!!!!!)
Jo Sang Gook’s Private Study
Hae Woo asked her grandfather to let Yi Hyun go. He act like he didn’t know what she was talking about. Then she tries to bluff her grandfather and said, “I won't ask you anymore about how you've lived until now or what you've been hiding.” She later adds to her bluff, “But if something happens to Yi Hyun. I will never forgive you. And if Yi Soo doesn't come back alive. I will do whatever it takes to find out the truth that you've been hiding.”
Her grandfather just stared at her.
 OST Songs for Shark
 Sad Story

Between Heaven and Hell

Poison Love


Countless Days