por JustJackieB, agosto 24, 2013

Two Weeks episode 4 Recap

My comments and flashback scenes are in white font

Sorry for the late recaps. I have four weeks of job training.

Frightened for his life and his daughter’s life, Tae San does the unthinkable. He begs and pleads to his daughter’s doll, Ting Ting, to help him find a way out.  BOOM!!! Without a warning, there was an explosion, BOOM then another one. The police and the search party had to stop looking for him and put out the fire.

Tae San runs through the forest

Mr. Kim knocks Tae San off his feet. Tae San gets back up.He looks around to see who knock him down. He attacks Tae San from the back and puts him in a chokehold. Mr. Kim wants Mi Sook’s digital camera. Briefly confused by his attacker’s question, Tae San remembers the camera Mi Sook pawned it. He breaks free from his attacker, but his faster than lightning attacker has a knife at his throat before Tae San could move two feet away. The knife pierce his skin. Tae San moves his hand near his pant pocket as if the camera was in his pocket. Teacher Kim lowers his knife by following Tae San’s hands.  Tae San takes his chance and grabs his hand and head butts him. Tae San tries to fight Teacher Kim, but he doesn’t have enough strength to overpower him. Each time Tae San gets up, he would knock Tae San back down. Teacher Kim grabs and lifts Tae San by the neck. Force to walk backward, Tae San looks for a way out. He notices Teacher Kim grip is not as strong as before. He flipMr.  Kim down a small hill. Tae San looks down the hill. Mr. Kim hasn’t gotten up, yet. MC → Tae San has taken the blame for Moon Il Suk all the time. If Senator Jo wasn't involve in this case, I believe Moon Il Suk wouldn't murder one of his fall guys. 

At the same time

Pissed off and angry, Seung wants to know where that bastard, Tae San is hiding. His young partner quietly tells him he can’t find him. Prosecutor JKK runs up to the two detective and ask them if they had Jang Tae San. The young detective shyly tells her no. Shock and pissed off that no one capture Tae San when he was in their grasp, Park starts screaming at everyone’s fail attempt. After taking a few deep breaths, Seung Woo  calmly tells her that someone must be helping Tae San.
Tae San scurries through a corn field. Red emergency lights are flashing. But Tae San knows most of the men are in the woods searching for him. He tiptoes next to the park cars. He notices a lowered car window. He glance at the ignition, but the keys are missing. The sound of a passenger bus gets his attention. He takes off his filthy dingy jacket and puts on the guard uniform. MC Luckily for him, the sleeves are long enough to hide the shackles on his wrist.

He flags down the passenger bus. He lies the driver that he is part of the search party, but he needs to leave early because his mother is sick. The driver believes his story and gives him a ride into town.


Half a hour later

Moon Il Suk receives a call from Mr. Kim. He tells him Tae San got away AGAIN. Furious with Mr. Kim, Moon Il Suk demands stays out of Seoul until he finds the camera and have Tae San’s head on a platter. Moon Il Suk’s two bodyguards, physical and intellectual, are flabbergasted when they heard Tae San’s escape from Mr. Kim.  MC → - Mr. Kim or Teacher Kim must be an expert or teacher in killing or hurting people. At first, I thought he was Mr. Moon's son. Unless, it is proven otherwise. I am saying Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim are father and son.


Shock by Tae San’s behavior, the physical bodyguard wonders if Tae San wants to negotiate directly with Moon Il Suk. But the financial bodyguard says that Tae San already figured out that Moon Il Suk wants him dead. Three men are puzzled by Tae San’s sudden change of behavior.
Moon Il Suk and his two bodyguards decided it would be best to find out who are Tae San’s friends.
A couple of hours later

Senator Jo meets with her planning committee. One planner relaysto her that Shin Seong Group will pay the highest price for a few selected items including item 39, the Prachya Pinkew. She demands the Shin Seong Group be removed from the listings. The auction is not for major companies.
MC → - So Senator Jo wants this piece for her personal collection. 

She asked the second planner to find the best time to meetwith the custom director of Incheon. Her planner said the custom director has an open schedule. She tells her planner she will be available tomorrow at noon. Her planner reminded her that she already had an appointment with the CEO of MBS. She brushes off the appointment. She emphasizes to her planner the custom director  of Incheon is more importantthat the CEO of MBS.

MC → Wow, Senator Jo is something else. She brushed off a CEO for a custom director. I can't wrap my head around this one. What's the big story behind this Welfare Center.

A couple of hours later

Mr. Kim finally makes it back to the main road. His face his bleeding. He studies a map to find out how where is Tae San. He uses the blood from his face as a marker. He identifies an area on the map in blood.
At the same time
Tae San searches for a place to hide. He hears two women and hammering nearby. A hearing impaired woman and her daughter, a younger woman, are trying to fix an emergency light. The hearing impaired woman wants her daughter to get the neighbors to fix it. The daughter refused to stop working on the light because they repeatedly asked the neighbors to fix their light, but no one has fixed it.

Several minutes later

The two women gets ready for bed. Tae San breaks into the women’s house. He aims a knife wrapped in the newspaper at the women. He tells them he wants to rest at their house. He ties the women and takes food out the kitchen to eat and drink it. He stops eating when he notices how scared the mother is. He raises his voices and asked her does he look like he would harm her. She’s too scared to answer him. Then he realizes that she must think he would raped them. Appalled by the thought of raping any woman, he immediately jumps up and throws two jackets at them. He turns his head so the mother would not be uncomfortable. The daughter tells him they need to be untie so they wear the jackets.


At the same time

Prosecutor Park, Chief, and Detective discuss their plan of action to get Tae San. Detective Im mention that Tae San must have someone working for him because the bombs exploded at the perfect time. Chief wonders who else is helping Tae San besides Man Suk. Prosecutor ponders the thought Moon Il Suk helps Tae San.
MC → I think Prosecutor Park is on the right track here. Once she gets her hands on Tae San, she'll find out the truth.

Mr. Kim listens to the police radio to find Tae San’s location. Police Chief tells his man to look in every possible place for Tae San.
After 12:15 AM

Tae San dreams about the last time he saw Mi Sook alive.  He remembers she pawned the camera. Then his dreams turned dark when he recall the fight he had with the stranger. Suddenly, he hears the voice of his daughter’s doctor telling him not to any infected scars.
He immediately jumped up and look in the mirror. He demanded some antiseptic, but the tied up women didn’t have any. But the young woman told him they had ointment. If he put ointment on it, it would not get infected.
With a sense of confidence, Tae San takes a shower in their home and change his clothes. He cries in the shower. He has always taken the blame for Moon Il Suk’s evil doings, but what is different about this situation. He wonders how did Moon Il Suk’s man find him out there. His plans to hide until the surgery is ruined.


At the same time

The mother asks her daughter why did she allow the criminal (Tae San) to take a shower. The daughter tells her mother he (Tae San) doesn’t seemed like an evil guy because evil guys wouldn’t let them see each other.

Later that night

The police are still searching for Tae San. KNOCK KNOCK. The women’s neighbor is at the door. Detective Im accompanies him. The neighbor asks if why she took so long getting to the door. She lies and said she was sleeping. Detective Im Seung Woo doesn’t believe her because the lights were on. Her friend ask her to blink her eyes twice if she was in trouble. She looks at Seung Woo for his approval. He nods. She look at both men and did not blink once.

A few minutes later

Seung Mi, the daughter, knocks on the door. is too scared to move. Tae San has  frightened mother in a chokehold with the newspaper-covered knife is in his hand. She tells them she is alone. She tells  him she didn’t give any signals. She checks out the newspaper-covered knife in his hand. Then she tells him she needs to turn off the lights because it’s pass midnight. He apologizes to the mother. MC → The daughter knew he wouldn't hurt them. Most killers wouldn't wrap a knife with newspaper.

Half hour later

The mother and daughter are sleeping next to each other. Tae San is awake. He thinks back to the first time he met his daughter, Soo Jin.  He must keep his promise to save his daughter and bring back her best friend, Ting Ting.
When he thought about taking a picture of his daughter, he remembered his friend, Man Suk, wanted a digital camera to take on the beach. Then his thoughts flash forward to the day he stuff Mi Sook’s digital camera in his pocket. Man Suk has the camera.
735 AM

Tae San’s daughter eats stir fried pineapples in the aseptic room. Her daughter says the food doesn’t taste good. Her mother promise to buy her all the fresh fruit after she has her surgery. She smiles and tells her mother to go back to work because she needs to make money. Enthuse by her daughter’s brilliance, she agrees with her and almost kisses her good bye. But she had to resist the temptation because her daughter’s health.
About an half hour later

Tae San’s ex-girlfriend prepares the food for her restaurant with her co-worker. When she hears the news about Tae San. Tae San’s her daughter’s savior is the vicious murderer. Baffle by the news report. She drags her feet along the floor. She collapses in her bedroom and kneels there for a while. She keeps her the report over and over again. She wonders what will happen to her daughter, Soo Jin.
At the same time

Tae San changes his hairstyle and his clothes. He borrows an old man’s suit from the house. He promise to pay them back. The daughter asks where Tae San was going. He teases the daughter and says I’m escapee. You shouldn’t know where I’m going. Upset with his answer, the daughter smiled a little. The mother doesn’t understand her daughter’s fondness of Tae San, the criminal. He asks her if he can borrow some money. Before he left he ask her to tell the police he didn’t murder Mi Sook. MC → The daughter fell for Tae San. If situation was different, I think she would have followed him.


An hour later

The mother and daughter are tied up, but the daughter’s mouth is covered with tape. They can hear someone knocking at the door. 

At the same time

The detectives and Prosecutor Park sit down at a station fora quick bite. Prosecutor Park thinks back to the third time Tae San escape from them. She wonders if Moon Il Suk is helping Tae San, then why did he run away from him. The actions of Tae San and Moo Il Suk doesn’t match. Moon Il Suk doesn’t forgive any betrayer so why he is helping Tae San. Then she wonders if Tae San is running from her, not Moon Il Suk.
MC → Wow I wonder what will happen when she finds out the truth.


Chief Police says that if he knew Tae San would be this much of an headache he would have stayed in Seoul. How can one man wearing handcuffed escape from the police, not once but three times. Prosecutor Park added that Tae San was one of the laziest people she has ever met, but this time he has become craftier. Detective Im suggested that Tae San must be involved in another case and they need to re-investigate the people connected to Tae San.

930 AM

Tae San takes a passenger bus back to Seoul.

At the same time

The daughter and the mother breaks free. The daughter notices the red emergency light is working. Her mother hands her the phone to call the police. The daughter wants to call the police later. Then she look at the working light. The same light no neighbor would help them fix, but a “vicious murderer” fix their light.


About an half hour later

Tae San nods off until the passenger bus stops at the police check point station. The policemen compares each passenger’s to the picture of Tae San. When the policeman gets to Tae San, he checks the picture twice and moves on the next passenger.
An hour later

The detectives finally arrived at the Seoul police station.Police Chief calls the police station home because he forgot the code to get in his house. The young detective pleaded with the two men to go home because they need to take a shower, but they ignore him. Detective Im demands the junior detective get Tae San’s phone records.

At the same time

Prosecutor Park’s boss is in a meeting with his superior. He demands to know why Pros Park has not been fired. Her boss promises him that she will do a good job on this case. His superior divulges to him that Senator Jo came to his office to request Prosecutor Park’s termination.

A few minutes later

Prosecutor Park waits for her boss in his office. She hasn’t changed her clothes since last night. He notices how dirty she is. She apologizes for her appearance. Prosecutor Park tells her boss she believes Tae San has the digital camera. He confides in her that Senator Jo wanted her removed from the case. Now, he believes Senator Jo is hiding something. MC - Great. I'm glad her boss is in her corner. 


About an hour later

A reporter interviews Senator Jo in her office. She keeps sending the message that the Welfare Center is the most important thing to her right now. Her assistant knocks on the door. He tells her that Prosecutor Park wants to talk to her. She reminds him that she only does one assignment at a time. She commands him to take a message. The reporter chimes in and tells her she can talk to the prosecutor. She lies to him about not knowing Prosecutor Park. His phone starts ringing. She insists answer it because every reporter should answer all calls. Prosecutor Park just called his phone. He tells her Prosecutor Park wants to talk to her. Her information is urgent and important. Senator Jo insists she does not know Prosecutor Park. The reporter looks at her in disbelief. He holds the phone out for her to answer. Senator Jo answers the phone. Prosecutor Park tells her two things 1) she will capture Tae San and 2) when she finds the digital camera she will reveal all the contents to the world. Surprised by what she just heard, Senator Jo asks Prosecutor Park to repeat what she said. Prosecutor Park asks her if she is curious about the video on the digital camera.

Moon Il Suk’s intellectual bodyguard (Hyung Jin) tells him that Senator Jo is in the office. He is baffled that she actually showed up at his office. She charges at him and slaps him in the face. The slap shocks him. She lets him know that she found out about the videotape they’re on. He was surprised that she actually came to his office alone. She tells him she isn’t worried about that. The videotape of them is more important than how she got into his office. MC → Moon Il Suk is scared. I mean petrified of Senator Jo. What power does she have over him?


Hyung Jin and Moon Il Suk’s are still shocked that Senator Jo walk into Moon Il Suk’s office. Moon Il Suk’s tries to wrap his mind around the thought of her walking to his office on his own.


Man Suk’s girlfriend shows him the develop pictures from the vacation. Sad and depressed, Man Suk is not excited about the pictures because he needs to help clear his friend’s name. His girlfriend starts pouting and gives him back the digital camera. He pushes it away and tells her to keep it. The camera reminds him of Tae San. MC → Man Suk and Tae San are so closed. I wonder why police and prosecution never mention. Man Suk and Tae San were in the same orphanage (I think)? 


Junior Detective finally has Jang Tae San’s phone records.Detective Im demands the junior detective call every number on the list. He scans over the list. Then he thinks he recognizes one number. He check his phone. The number belongs to his fiancée, In Hye. He changes his mind and tells the junior detective he will handle that part of the case.


Prosecutor Park meets with the detective’s again. They look over Tae San’s past. They want to find out if he is connected to other cases. The junior detective said a woman from Seoul hired a private investigator to look for Tae San.


Soo Jin gets radiation therapy for her leukemia. The therapy makes her sick. Her mother, In Hye, feels helpless. But Soo Jin is a fighter and rational thinker. She reminds her mother that all of this is normal for radiation therapy. She will be okay. In Hye phone starts ringing. Soo Jin gives her mother the phone and tells her to answer it. Seung Woo might be on the phone. But Jang Tae San is on the phone.



In Hye is outside the hospital talking to Tae San. She yells and fuss at Tae San. He couldn’t get a word in. She calls him a scumbag. She reminds him that he is the only one who can save Soo Jin. He tells her that he ran away so Soo Jin can have the surgery. She doesn’t believe him. She insists that he turned himself in. But he keeps telling her that would harm Soo Jin’s chances of getting therapy. She continues yelling and pleading with him to turn himself in. He keeps telling her that if he does he will die. But she doesn’t believe anything he says. He tells her not to tell anyone that they know each other. This includes Soo Jin’s doctor. She tells him Soo Jin is in preoperative treatment and there is no turning back. He needs to turn himself in. He has no idea what preoperative treatment is. All Tae San knows in needs to back at the hospital in thirteen days to save his daughter’s life. He tells her he will turn himself in when he finds the evidence to clear up. She doesn’t trust him and insist he let the police find the evidence. The he said he promise. She interrupts him again and calls him a scumbag. He interrupt her and tells her he made a promise to Soo Jin that he will be back in time. He reminded In Hye that they were over eight years ago. No one can connect them together. He tells her again to not tell anyone she know him. MC → Wow she can talk a mile a minute. It's hard for me to take sides in this situation. As a mother, I understand how she feels. But I also know Tae San's side of the story. I'm glad she calm down long enough to listen the promise he made with Soo Jin. He realize there is no chance of them getting back together.


Detective Im Seung Woo questions Tae San’s boss and co-worker at the pawn shop. He finds out that Tae San has a part-time job at the club as a playboy. The boss and co-worker said a young woman came by looking for Tae San. They describe her as a woman with long flowing hair. She wore mint green and white. Seung Woo recognizes the description. The co-worker just describes In Hye. Co-worker said Tae San’s face turned red when he saw her.


Seung Woo drives in his car. He’s collecting his thoughts. He wonders if Tae San could be Soo Jin’s secret donor. But he toss that thought aside. He remembers the time he helped In Hye and her daughter find a warm place to stay until she gets back on her feet.


Seung Woo runs into In Hye at the hospital. He really wants to ask her if Tae San is Soo Jin’s father. But he is scared the answer might be yes. So he doesn’t tell her about Jang Tae San’s phone statement. His phone call. His junior detective said that Tae San is in Seoul. In Hye’s bottom lip quivers. She looks away and starts shivering even more. He notices the change in her behavior. His suspicions might be right about Tae San and Soo Jin. He pretends he doesn’t notice the change. He apologizes for not being able to see Soo Jin. MC → - Now that he realizes there is a strong possibility that Tae San is Soo Jin's donor. I hope he re-examines the crime scene again. I get the CCTV tapes from the surrounding stores.


700 PM

Tae San’s co-worker walks and chats on the phone in a dark area. He opens the exit door. He becomes shock when he sees Tae San at the door. BAMM! Tae San knocks him down. The two men tussle on the floor. Tae San starts hitting him in the face over and over again. He wants to know he killed Mi Sook. He picks up a brick and aims it at the guys face. The guy burst out that Moon Il Suk order them to lie. They had nothing to do with Mi Sook’s death. The co-worker doesn’t know why Moon Il Suk wants Tae San dead. He just follow orders and removed the CCTV camera.

Half an hour later

He calls his roommate and best friend, Man Suk. He asked him to meet at the safe place. Man Suk insists that their place is safe because the police stop watching him.


 Moon Il Suk listens to their conversation.  His men (on the police force) planted a bug in their apartment.

745 PM

Man Suk hangs the phone up. Seung Woo and the junior detective heard the entire conversation. Man Suk isn’t happy he had to trick his friend.  Seung Woo and junior detective leave alone to catch Tae San at his apartment.


Tired from his long journey, Tae San takes a quick nap on the bus ride home.

800 PM

The police arrive at Tae San place. All the lights are off.

849 PM

Man Suk finally makes it home. Still feeling sad, Man Suk believes his friend Tae San was arrested. He apologizes to himself for tricking his best friend. But he felt a little better because the detective promise to clear him of false charges.

855 PM

Man Suk walks in his dark house. Mr. Kim attacks him for the back. He spins Man Suk around to see his face. He holds a knife above his head. Man Suk looks at the knife.

905 PM

He avoids the police by climbing over a wall.. He breaks in his house’s  back door.

907 PM

Seung Woo notice Man Suk hasn’t turned the lights on. He gets out of the car. He wants  to check if Tae San and Man Suk are inside.

910 PM

Tae San opens the door to his apartment. He looks around for his friend, Man Suk. He turns the lights on. He sees his friend, Man Suk, lying on the floor. He hopes that he is not unconscious. He tries to wake him. MC → - Not again. I hope they don't charge him with Man Suk's murder.


913 PM

Mr. Kim sneaks out the backroom.  He holds the bloody knife in his hand. He tiptoes behind Tae San. Seung Woo walks closer to the house. The lights are on. Seung Woo phone rings.

914 PM

Mr. Kim turns off the lights. Seung Woo turns off his phone.

915 PM

Tae San runs out the house. He knocks Seung Woo down. The two men stares at each other for a brief moment.


930 PM

Soo Jin’s bed time. Twelve more days til her surgery.
