I not sure if I posted this in the right thread but here it is. I had an idea. What if there was a Korean Drama version of Starwars? (I thought it might be easier to make with the 4, 5, and 6.) I mean, it should be quite easy. We have two guys(Luke and Han Solo) going after the same girl (Leia), and the whole family tree thing (everyone is related, Leia is Luke's sister and Darth is their father.). If we just added in a few piggy back rides and good food, we would have the starting of a very good Korean Drama. I just wondered if anyone else had any good ideas of what to include in this to make it a Korean Drama. I thought if I had some good ideas, I might write this story up.
i thought they were actually making this. You got my hopes up for nothing.
when i saw the post i thought catnip decide to write this article after making harry potter edititon and feel happy. but seems like i get fooled too XD