As the title imply, I find myself pressing the +10 seconds button a lot recently.
I don't know why but, the dramas seems so slow that it's boring. Even tho' I do enjoy watching them. I find  myself pressing that button at some point.
I feel like I still understand everything about the story and I'm not going to get bored about the drama but I still feel bad about that.
Does it happen to anyone else ? If so, how do you manage your urge to press that button ?

(As an exemple : I started watching Love Me, Love My Voice , and after the episodes 18, I watched all of the episodes while pressing that button)

lol  thats something very common, after watching too much drama many repetitive plots and stories become boring

That means you only like some parts of the drama and not as a whole. It doesn't matter how you want to watch as long as you remember not to give too high rating to it. Your rating must reflect that you had skipped the boring parts.

I don't know why but, the dramas seems so slow that it's boring. Even tho' I do enjoy watching them. I find myself pressing that button at some point.
I feel like I still understand everything about the story and I'm not going to get bored about the drama but I still feel bad about that.

Which parts are you skipping exactly?

Character development is as important as the plot. Scenes where you feel like nothing is happening are present for the pacing of the content and can help building up and preparing for whatever is coming next. Writers and directors edit the content you're watching in a specific way, because they feel it is the best way to play with your emotionsn, which is why we all watch content, to feel something.

Like it was said before, if you are skipping scenes then that means you don't enjoy the content as a whole. This doesn't mean that you are not allowed to do it though. Content consumption is a hobby and we all do this to entertain ourselves. If this is how you have the most fun then there is nothing "wrong" with it. But usually there are reasons as to why someone would skip to only the "emotional" or less boring parts. It's also important to remember that you don't have to watch things you don't necessarily like and could focus on "better" or more appealing stories.

Does it happen to anyone else ? If so, how do you manage your urge to press that button ?

It happens a lot, I guess it depends what you are looking for to begin with and in which emotional state you are right now (this can affect the way you consume content). If you are doing it because you feel bored then maybe you're not as entertained by what you're watching, or not as invested. Content addiction can also play a part, many people keep watching things even if they don't enjoy them at 1.5x speed just to "complete" more shows and movies.

 In the end what matters the most is to understand yourself and why you are behaving this way. Since you started this conversation, you are curious and possibly concerned about this behavior. More than suggestions to stop it, I would encourage you to try to dig and understand why you feel the need to do it (or to keep watching things you don't enjoy that much).