Have you ever been watching a drama or movie and you thought to yourself, "that is the dumbest set of rules/list of things that needs to take place for this central conflict to happen."

I know I have and I love to find them and talk about them so I'm making a place where you can share the funniest and dumbest you've come across!

Hatsukoi Loss Time (2019) ...One of the dumbest stipulations for a central conflict to work.

Basically, the girl needs a liver transplant and I won't spoil anything other than what is regarding this. All of this information comes from one scene where they dump all of this.

Here are its rules:

1. You must be a family member in order to be a donor.
2. You must have the same blood type and she has a rare blood type. (The original wording might have said “matching blood type” but the subs said “the same” so we’re going with that).
3. The liver from her father didn’t fit.
4. You must be at least 20 to be a donor without consent from a parent/guardian.
5. She needs a liver donation and without one only has 6 months to live.

Here is me tearing every single one of those things to shreds:

1. The idea that you have to be a relative in order to be a donor in Japan is absolute garbage and no such law exists.

2. The whole blood type thing where she says she has a very rare blood type and her and her donor must have to be the same which I assume was a translational thing and she meant matching but the subs I had said “the same” so we’re going with that. This would mean that she has type O blood because they are the only blood type that can only receive donations from their own type. 30% of people in Japan have type O blood so that’s not rare at all. Note that the Rh (the positive or negative of the blood type) does not matter when it comes to liver transplants. I think they were going for her having a rare blood type for the idea that it would be hard to get a match so they probably meant AB but AB is actually able to receive a liver from all blood types so it would be the easiest to find a suitable donor and not the hardest.

3. When you are looking at an adult to adult transplant, yes, the size matters. However, in this case she is a 16 year old girl and can thus receive a donation from an adult who is bigger than her as well as someone her age. Adult to child liver transplants are very common. When looking at an adult to adult liver donation, the body size is very important but not when it is adult to child.

4. In Japan you have to be at least 15 years old in order for you to be able to donate a liver without consent from a parent or guardian. You can donate if you are younger than that according to an amendment to a law in 2010 but consent is needed by a parent or guardian.

5. This indicates that she probably has acute liver failure in which case she is showing no physical signs of it. I know they couldn’t give away her condition by making her look jaundiced but then choose a different disease.

Overall, just wrong and it took me out of the movie. I could suspend my disbelief for time stopping every day for an hour but this just was too out there, it was too wrong, it was too stupid.