Hello folks 🥰 

May I ask, do you have an 'Unconditional loved drama series'?
It's something like, you were blown away of a specific series, but you can't say that it's one of your favorite?

Let me share you mine for you to understand;

This KDrama entitled Gracious Revenge, I watched it way back 2021 (if I'm not mistaken)..
I just found it from list of recommendations from my VIU account.
I must admit, I liked it very much, the story, the twists, and the powerful acting of the casts, it was really amazing.

But I can't claim it as one of my favorites, I don't know for some reasons..
I don't even know any of the casts. I'd listen to the soundtracks and yes, I liked them too, I actually downloaded them on my phone, but I don't even know the singers either.

But this drama was really satisfying and I highly recommend this series to my friends, but I really don't consider this series as my favorite.. so weird, right?
But yeah, I was really confused tho.. It doesn't have to be on my favorite list, but I highly recommended this drama series, coz I liked it and it's worth to rewatch ..

How about you, do you have your 'unconditional loved drama series' too?

I am a bit confused by your terminology. Unconditional love commonly refers to loving someone or something without necessarily needing a reason (condition). You simply love them and you don't need anything from them in return. About content we could say that you don't love it based on a rational or specific aspect, you simply love that content without condition or without needing a reason for it (being the vibe, cast, acting, OST, etc). 

In your situation it appears that you do love the show and you can list reasons as to why you do. At the same time and if I understand correctly, despite liking this show you don't consider it one of your favorites. 

There is nothing particularly odd with liking something the way you like this show. If anything it looks like you consider it to be really good but you didn't connect to it on a high emotional level. 

 Kween Phoenix:
I don't even know any of the casts. I'd listen to the soundtracks and yes, I liked them too, I actually downloaded them on my phone, but I don't even know the singers either.

You don't need to know the cast or the singers of the OST to enjoy their work. Usually when you like someone's work you get interested in knowing more about what else they did, but this isn't a rule. If anything, being a fan of a specific actor/actress or singer can make one biased.

Back to your question, there are a few shows that I think are really good but I don't consider them my favorite shows at all. Surpringly enough I have rated them higher than others that I would rank above these ones in terms of personal preferences, this is a bit of a paradox.

Anyway, here is the list:

I agree with Floki that you seem to be asking two different questions: "Unconditional Love' is as Floki defined it - you love it without conditions, possibly even if you know it's not really that good.

Dramas you loved but are not favourites are different again, and of THOSE I have several. I can think of many Dramas I scored at 9.5/10 or higher that I have desire to rewatch: Once was enough, I recommend and rave about them, but they are not favourites in the 'unconditional love' kind of sense.