hello I am newly registered  even if I use MDL from a long time! I, finally, find the forum!!!  I am french and "Forum" dont appear in FR... 

So,  I am looking for two dramas and thank you in advance for any help.
1)  is about a naughty grandmother who takes her little daughter to an orphanage and makes people believe she is dead because her shaman worried her. she is only interested in her grandson (she gives him a talisman which he throws away because he doesn't like her attitude). one day she came at hospital with his son 'father of the girl) and meets her little daughter who has become an adult  and she is worried because the father seems to like her. the mother runs a pharmacy. the father, the sister, the mother all believe that she is dead but have a strange feeling with that girl. she just kept a teddy bear,  in the scene in a car when she is abandoned by the grandmother. Anyway, I searched but couldn't find it...
2) the second concerns a man and a woman who meet. he runs a hospital I think and she runs a pharmacy nearby (??? not sure). she treats his hand and they find themselves in places without anyone (a table on a terrace) because he doesn't like people. both have trauma and he is worried about her. she has a (mother or aunt), there is a garden with plants, she is jogging and he is worried about the route, he waits at the bottom of her building to check if she is sleeping (she never turns off the light ). I wonder if i'm mixing several.....

thank you in advance for your help 


could the second drama be One Spring night, you are my spring or chocolate? that plot sounds familiar to me but i can't put my finger on it. 

hello, I saw all three and they weren't the second. thanks for your help.

In 2020, during the first confinement, I saw many dramas without sorting, everything and anything.  So I check for update my list and its difficult!

Could the second one be Call It Love? The female lead works part time at a pharmacy a few times during the series and the male lead injures his hand in ep 5, which the female lead patches up. They're both loners in the beginning.


Could the second one be Call It Love? The female lead works part time at a pharmacy a few times during the series and the male lead injures his hand in ep 5, which the female lead patches up. They're both loners in the beginning.

thanks for your answer. I saw Call it Love (wich I liked so much) but its not this drama. I think it's from before. I saw a lot in 2020 2021....  I seem to remenber that its near the sea.

I don't despear. Thanks again