Hello everyone and thank you for making this wonderful site.

Fell out of the habit of watching Asian films from the library (especially the golden age of 1950s Japanese cinema) and reading Asian lit, mostly from second hand shops and libraries, because life. Am delighted to find so much an overwhelming amount of Asian drama available to stream and this treasure trove of information to start to find my way through it.

Generally enjoy historical settings but more interested in stories and characters than any genre. Keen to learn more about the ways people in the many countries represented here live their lives and tell their stories.

Am starting with free to stream while I get my bearings so I can subscribe wisely this winter. We have long nights here in Scotland.

(I wrote the above for my profile over a month ago. It's all still true :)

Things I'm really liking: how the extra space of long series (BBC/UK has gotten really good at a 6 episode story but it does limit things) affords room to tell stories more completely; the willingness and ability to go deep with emotions both painful and joyous; the oxytocin boost of a good OST which means I forgive a series all of its flaws, rate it at 10, and only after a few days think, maybe I should revise that down a bit :D :D

Nice to meet you too Rachel :)

Welcome to MDL ٩(´・ᴗ・ `)۶

Thank you Sunset :)

Welcome! Hope you are still enjoying being a part of MDL. :)

Thank you Purple :) My watch list is so long thanks to MDL. I am well prepared for all the long nights next winter :)

Hello,  welcome to MDL