Hello all estern-asian movie and drama fans!

I am from Hungary. I have been watching japanese and south-korean movies for years and a week ago I found myself on this site after searching for a film and it dawned on me that it was high time for me to register on a site that was more focused on Eastern -Asia movies than the more general  imdb. I needed a week to make myself cozy here, find all the movies I have watched in the past, and I even started watching my first south-korean series called Revenant. Most likely it won't be my last, I plan to watch more korean series in the future though right now I am just a greenhorn in that regard who is looking for interesting ones from the top lists.


Hello and welcome to MDL! 

Starting from the most popular ones is usually a good way to go about it, but if you have some preferences you can always ask for recommendations and someone will help. Happy watching! 

Hello,  welcome to MDL 

Thank you for your kind welcoming words! If you don't mind I have sent friend requests to you and I will check out your lists later on to look for  something to my liking that I can watch in the future.