Hello, I'm not very new to this site but I've only recently created an account hahha. Anyway, I'm from Singapore and I'm open to making new friend here :) I speak thai, Mandarin and English and I love Thai dramas. I was once obsessed with BL when I was younger but grew out of it in the past few years. I still watch some once in a while though xD. I love watching historical shows, especially those 1940-1960s theme. Would be open to some suggestions from my new friends here! Also open to watching dramas from other countries as well. :) so sorry if this introduction was a little lengthy hahah.

Welcome to MDL! Your introduction is just right, no worries :)

I don't watch much thai dramas except for the BLs haha, so.. 

I'm currently watching a cdrama set around that time period - I might be wrong ofc.. So I'll start there and suggest some non-thai dramas and maybe you can check out them out. =)

Hey! Thank you for the recs. They look interesting, especially The Bridal Mask. Will definitely check them out. :) 

Hello and welcome to mdl :0


Snowdrop, just at the end of the era you mentioned.

Heyy!! Seoul 1945, a chef d'oeuvre.