goldenseal50 wrote: After the recent deaths, I have become unreasonably worried about the littlest Stark and his I the only one?

If something happens to Rickon I'd cry like he is my own child!
It is so hard to talk in this forum, cause spoilers, major spoilers! MyssLadyDiva, yes, I did mean Robb Stark. His character in the books was nothing to me. You only see him through the eyes of other characters, so I never once cared about him. But with the show, they have made him such a central character, and made you (or maybe just me!) fall in love with him. The Red Wedding happens halfway through Storm of Swords, I am really curious about how they will end the season for the characters. As with the previous two seasons, the major event of each book has been episode 9, and then 10 is tying things up. But I wonder exactly how they will tie it up for everyone. Season 3 has been the most divergent, I think! Season 1 was the most faithful, definitely. If you haven't read the books, do it! They are incredible. The shades of gray are just wonderfully executed. One second you hate a character and think they are vile, and the next Martin has you questioning whether or not they really did anything wrong, or if they were just a victim of circumstance and broken society. Goldenseal50, I think the problem (brilliance?) of the show/books is that you can never feel that anyone is safe. It's a constant fear that he is going to off the person you love most at any second. If you want to know Rickon/Shaggydog spoilers, you can inbox me and I can tell you what happens with them, if you like!
TheHugMonster wrote: The books are different from the show? I don't know why that surprises me but for some reason I expected the show to closely mimic the books. I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping that the Queen of Dragons will get her crown back. I'm read for Joffrey to die. He's such a coward. It's time for him to go. The Queen of Dragons would make a much better ruler

Also, does anyone know what's going on with Theon Greyson? * This whole thing with him getting captured and tortured seems so random to me. Who are his captors?! I mean I know he was wrong for betraying the Starks but is that the reason why he's being tortured?*

Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode. I want to know how they're going to continue the story after killing off 2 of the major characters.

So season 3 has come to an end? Think they are planning on doing a season 4? Who here was wondering what was going on between the Blacksmith (King Robert's son) and Arya Stark?? Is it just me or did he "confess" to her that she would become his "lady"? I am glad he is alive and got helped escape from his uncle's dungeons! Now if only he can find Arya lol

I think Arya has no choice but to summon the assassin (i forget his name) she befriended in season two to come to her aid now. She did want to go with him but that was before her family was still alive. Now her parents and her older brother are dead, the others are missing and she still thinks Sansa is her enemy. Where can she go now? What will happen to her? Will she ever seen the Blacksmith again? And maybe this time, when he tells her he wants her, she'll reply she wants to stay by his side too

@TheHugMonster (I love your username lol) I totally agree with you that Joffery must die! Maybe his Grandfather will kill him (but after being ordered to bed by him in the last episode, I can see Joffery somehow planning to kill the old man of the Lannisters off because that man truly is the only force that stops him from doing whatever he likes; but if he is a coward, maybe he wont know how to kill him?) Anyways, as a king, he should be aware that his grandfather overstepped his bounds by talking to him like that and what was that with Tyrion? He threatened him completely! I loved it!! I think if his father keeps insulting him and all that, especially with making Joffrey's mother to marry again and probably decide that Jamie is now "defective" because his hand got chopped off, the offspring might conspire to kill him too, oh my the possibilities are endless!!! :D
Wah~ I love GOT but after the 'red wedding' I'm in constant fear O-O'
So my bf has been at me to watch this show since season 2. I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon so I ignored him for so long. Every Sunday my fb wall is about GoT. So after being pressured now by not just him but also many of my friends I gave in and I bought the books on kindle. I'm not going to watch the show until I finish the 1st book tho.
TheHugMonster wrote: Has anyone seen episode 9 of season 3? I just watched it. When the episode ended I sat in front of my computer and just stared at the screen. Seriously, did that episode really happen? This is just too crazy.

I had the same reaction. *blink, blink*

I do understand the old man's need to show he cannot be slighted, but darn! I guess he really showed them and the hell frigging realm that they shouldn't mess with him.

I think this is what pushes Arya into becoming what the red witch foretold.
Oh my gosh, the trailers for the next season look soooo good! I can't even wait.

Oh my gosh. I cant even... so many feels >.<

One thing is for sure, though. If they kill of Tyrion, I don't know if I can watch GOF anymore >.<
I just love him way too muchh >.<
I absolutely love this series.  :)

I've been impatiently waiting for season 5 to finish airing so I can marathon it.  :P
First - this is the BEST show in the history.
Second - let's pray to good God for George R.R. Martin's good health so he can finish what he started (the novels are even better)
And third - give me back my Jon Snoooooooooooow!!! *bawling*
I liked it until Season 4 ended. But I didn't like season 5. It was lame, boring and uninteresting. Most of the main characters were just suffering, or doing almost nothing. Even Arya and Tyrion who are my absolute favourites, weren't the same as before. Something was really missing from this season. So I don't know if I will return for season 6, or not. I'm still thinking, and I don't know.
I always read the book first before watching the series/movie version of it. But I was not able to do so for GoT. How I wish I could unwatch it. I know the book series deserve to be read. Haays *sighs*