i am watching it on Sunday and i cant wait :> "Evil laugh
Oh oh! I'm seeing this tomorrow. Well, technically today since it's.. 2:25 am? Wow, I need to sleep.. Anyways, we'll see how it goes! I hardly remember the last Pirates movie that came out, so hopefully I won't be confused.. :P
I'll probably be watching this next week . For the people who saw it, how was it? Was it better than the third one?
It's in cinema now in my city - until Thursday.
But I'm curious..Is it good?
Should I go watch it?
I'm really bad at critiquing movies, but.. I think it was okay. Not as good as the others, though. I've talked to people who also saw it and most of them were disappointed and say it wasn't as good as the previous movies. Some parts were funny, but most of it seemed like it was just a lot of sword fight scenes and/or Jack getting chased by people. Then again, weren't the previous movies like that too? lol. Honestly I hardly remember details from the movie, and I just saw it on Sunday.. This is probably due to the fact that I hardly slept that night so I was dozing off during the movie (when the mermaids weren't screaming their heads off). From what I remember about it, I'd probably give it... 7/10.
Just saw Pirates of Caribbean On Stranger Tides yesterday, such a nice movie.. I salute Johnny Depp for another a job well-done movie.. Cant wait for Cabi5..

(Captain Jack Sparrow [to Angelica]: If you had a sister and a dog, I'd choose the dog.) haha.. Denial! Why cant those two admit that they love each other? wae wae wae wae?????
linfreakable wrote: I'm really bad at critiquing movies, but.. I think it was okay. Not as good as the others, though. I've talked to people who also saw it and most of them were disappointed and say it wasn't as good as the previous movies. Some parts were funny, but most of it seemed like it was just a lot of sword fight scenes and/or Jack getting chased by people. Then again, weren't the previous movies like that too? lol. Honestly I hardly remember details from the movie, and I just saw it on Sunday.. This is probably due to the fact that I hardly slept that night so I was dozing off during the movie (when the mermaids weren't screaming their heads off). From what I remember about it, I'd probably give it... 7/10.

Then chances are i'm not going to like it, since i disliked the third movie.
I am a great fan of this series and i am enjoying jack sparrow character at every time.
it was an ok movie... :) i am not sure if after watching so0o many ohhh wowww lord scenes this movie didnt impress me much ... it was alright but i will not say it blew my mind ... i will also give it a 7 out of 10 ... :D :)
I saw it in Imax 3D on the day it came out XD It was really good.

I'm a huge Pirates fan and was really worried with the whole 'mermaids' and 'zombies' stuff. Even though I loved the movie, I don't see how it fits chronologically with the other three movies. >_>