
chances are, that you haven't seen BBC's "North & South". It's a 4 part Mini-Series from 2004 starring Richard Armitage and Daniela Denby-Ashe. I still remember seeing it for the first time more than six years ago and I was totally obsessed with it. As a fan of BBC Pride & Prejudice series from 1995 I didn't expect to encouter ever again a drama series which captivated me as much as P&P and even more.

wrote: North and South is a powerful adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's feisty and passionate novel, set across the social divides in the changing world of Victorian industrial society. Margaret Hale is one of literature's most original heroines: a southerner from a country vicarage newly settled in the industrial northern town of Milton. In the shock of her move, she misjudges charismatic cotton mill-owner John Thornton, whose strength of purpose and passion are a match for her own pride and wilfulness. When the workers of Milton call a strike, Margaret takes their side, and the two are brought into deeper conflict. As events spiral out of control, Margaret - to her surprise - begins to fall in love with Thornton...

I loved everything from music, story, actors to the finale, which has one of the best kisses ever. I recommend to everyone who loves a good romantic drama.

The Kiss.

Thanks for this. I am a big fan of BBC dramas too!
i watched this on nextflix two or three times, it's really AWESOME!
I love this BBC drama so much! Much more than 1995 Pride&Prejudice -- and that's saying something! So in love with Mr. Thornton and Richard Armitage.. unf

I'd also like to recommend:
Jane Eyre BBC 2006
Wuthering Heights BBC 2009
Oh My!! When this came out on TV here in UK I loved it and told my friend who was away working in Japan at the time (cos we both like period dramas) & when she came back she bought me the DVD & we watched it together lol I really liked it & the ending was so sweet!!!! Maybe its time to dig out the DVD :D
Thank you! I was planning to watch this a while back, but totally forgot about it. *off to watch it*
Ahh I love this show. It's one of the few box sets of BBC series that I actually own, and watch over and over again.. and make everyone else I know watch it, over and over again. :)
This is one of my favorite period pieces. I have watched it so many times. I am in love with period films or shows. I have seen so many and I plan to watch even more. Currently I am watching the second season of Downton Abbey. I love it. :)
When I saw it the first time I thought: Yeah it's alright, but not as good as "Pride & Prejudice". I was so wrong. I kept thinking about and rewatched it just a day later and even years later I still watch at least two times a year.
Oh and I cant's wait to see Richard Armitage in "The Hobbit" I love his voice in the new trailer.
This is one of my favorites! I've watched it a few times now. I love period dramas. I first saw Richard Armitage in this and of course loved him. I found Robin Hood because of this. Richard Armitage, leather, and guyliner? Yes please!