Sometimes when I want to watch a drama or movie, I'm curious if a certain friend has watched it and if yes, how they rated it. So it would be really practical if there was a section on drama and movie pages that would display the ratings of my friends!
Maybe it could fit in the right column somewhere near Statistics and Recently Watched By and display 5 or 6 random friends with a see more button so you could see all of them.
I do stalk your list and ratings*hides in embarrassment *
Lol, well I do the same if I'm interested in someone's rating, but that's why I'd prefer if I didn't have to look through people's dramalist to see if they even watched it at all ;)
I really like this idea.
This(or something similar at least) was actually part of the statistics page in the very first version of MDL and I have been begging Skye *looks up* to bring it back. Thanks for suggesting it.
I like this idea, because I don't trust ratings that much.... I'd rather see what my friends thought of the drama if they watched it, or at least the ones who have similar taste. Yeah, if I really want to know, I go to their lists to see if they've watched it, but it would save time this way. 

(It's not like it takes forever to look through a few lists, though... but we're humans so we're naturally lazy I guess?!)
I also want it back. Jin would have to recreate it though, since the original way it had been coded slowed down the site massively.
I guess my idea is pretty similar. I'd like to be able to look at someone's list of completed stuff, and as you can on imdb, filter it to just show what you have also seen. Then see what dramas/movies the person higher or lower than you, and what you rated the same.
this is great andis very usefl on my animelist. i use it to decide sometimes if i wanna pick something up. gotta pick up stuff that people who watch similar stuff like me rate well 
I need this. This is why it took me so long to leave the other drama list site... And I miss it so much. It helps me decide if its worth watching or dropping. I also would start conversations over ratings sometimes.
me too... this was so very helpful on MAL. Pleeeease :)
Please do this suggestions. Thanks. I really need it.
This would be great. I don't know about MAL but it is very useful on Goodreads for example. Below the drama/film's info is a section about FRIEND REVIEWS, where you can see friends' ratings and reviews (if they have them). 
Love this idea, it would be awesome!