Drama/Movie Length On Drama List

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I don't know if I'm the only person to choose what I want to watch next by seeing how long an item lasts and if I have time to watch it. But to be able to see how long a movie is or the episodes are in the Drama List would be nice. I don't know if it's just me, but I find myself having to keep looking at the different individual pages for items on my list to see how long it lasts. It would be nice if it told you on the actual list, to save time :)

I'm the same! It would be really helpful - if I have 2 hours to spare, I would rather spend the whole 120 minutes watching a film, than spend the first 20 minutes to find interesting films which could fit in my break. Same applies to dramas...
Also, it would be great to have the option to search dramas/films based on their length (as an additional filter in search results)... I have created a new suggestion for that.

In summary, it would be great to have more functions for accessing/viewing drama/movie length. Here are the related suggestions:
Ceki locked this jun 14, 2021 01:54