To be able to block a user

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So u won't have to see any of that persons replies on any of your friends feeds - also the opposite way 

Also would be nice to be able to completely block some people off your public feeds so their posts don't show up because the spam is getting real and I dun even want to scroll it anymore when user x has been posting 50 random screencaps in row (no offence but really doe)

It's just such a shame when there is actually those posts you want to see on public feeds that keep getting buried under everything else but friending everyone is kinda overdoing it too and it would be easier to just block those few people with spamming problems

also if there is blocking function some day,
list of blocked ppl somewhere in settings so u can unblock if u feel like it

I wish I could give this a billion votes.
I don't get why I must be forced to see someone flood the feeds

I've got three votes on this since forever.  There used to be a block/ignore function many years ago. Cant wait to get this back. 

We really need this, particularly now with the global feeds.

Although we can view friends' posts on the friends section, but the global is preset, and to view friends' global posts, we have to go on the global feeds, which it's very off-putting with certain posts, particularly the inconsideration for others with various things.

It would be much better a block/ignore function, so that going on mdl can become more enjoyable for everyone again depending on their preferances.

I can't believe I haven't voted for this before now! Maybe I didn't see it? Anyway, this would be a super helpful feature. Right now, there is an option to block single posts on the feeds, but not all posts by a user or the user themselves. :( 

Also, there was a block feature years ago? I have been here since 2012 and I don't recall it. Was it before then? 

Sadly the hide post option doesn't work, at least I can't seem to get it to work.

Hoping for this. Some users are just incorrigible with spoilers. 

There are people that just need to be blocked. And we should have the ability to do so. I can't stand dealing with some people who feel the need to argue with you over opinions. For example, if I don't like a drama and I leave a comment and you don't agree, but can't just keep scrolling and feel like you need to know why... Ask. However, if you ask and I respond by telling you my reasons and you don't like them, the best thing to do would be to just accept that I don't see things the way you do and agree to disagree and move on. Not start an uppity tirade on why I'm wrong. 

Not everyone sees things the same way. An example of that: Lots of people thought that A Gentleman's Dignity was AMAZING... I'm not one of them. Yeah, there were parts that I liked (mostly the bromance parts), but overall I was bored. I don't feel like I should get roasted by some diehard fan of the show just because I don't feel the same way. I need a way to just block people like that. 

We agree with the necessity of this feature and its on our long to do list.

make this happen already!!

We really need a block function, especially for the global feeds that are getting spammed with posts I mostly don't want to see

I am so thankful someone suggested this and it's on the admins to do list, high votes from me! ^^ 

This feature has been added. To block a user, simply go to their profile and click 'Block User' 

Skye-N-Rain locked this ago 29, 2018 09:24