Hello ! 

Would it be possible to be able to know when a MDLer became friend with another MDLer? If not the exact date, at least the year would be nice, on the friend's table page.

It bothered me (not too much...) the other day, because I couldn't remember when I became friend with someone I know for years now. As time flies, I have difficulties, and maybe other users too, remembering when I started to interact with people, even for people I know very well (no need to say I cannot remember at all when and where I met some friends I'm not interacting with).  I know that our friend's list is ranked with the most recent first, but several pages later, it becomes unclear when friendship has started.

It's more difficult when you are here for several years. Or maybe it's just me getting old... 

Not a major suggestion, probably not very useful, but if you ever find time... (I know, I know, time is THE problem). 

Thanks for the hard work!


We do have the date saved. So it's possible to implement this.


We do have the date saved. So it's possible to implement this.

Oh that would be great! Thanks!