It would be really nice if we could have a "Notes" field in the editor, either above or below the Thumbnail preview upload.  

To allow us to share comments/info for things like:

  • Letting people know which resolution it was created for (and looks best at).
  • Providing credits/attribution for any stock, textures, or resources used for the background image.
  • Giving special thanks anyone who may have helped us with it.
  • And any other misc comments we'd like to share about the Theme.

When others are browsing for Themes, if Notes have been added it would show up in the drop-down menu (along with Select, Preview, Duplicate) and would display in a small pop-up window when clicked.



Also, if there's some way to implement Comments, that would be really great too!  To allow us to thank the person who created a Theme, and give them some appreciation even if we may not actually be using that particular one.  And to just chat about the Theme in general, etc.  :)



At the moment, there aren't a lot of Themes to choose from, but once an "easy editor" is implemented I think that will change significantly.  And it would be great to be able to Favourite (bookmark) the themes we love and plan to use in the future, or frequently rotate through.

Any Themes we Favourite could be added under a new tab (along with My Themes and Community Themes):

  • My Themes: Just for ones we've created ourselves
  • Community Themes: The ones created by others
  • My Favourites: The ones we've Favourited (bookmarked)