There has been an uptick of harassment. While we are able to report forum posts, we aren't able to report direct messages or to report users/profiles that are harassing in nature. 

Blocking a user can sometimes be effective, but not always, and people who repeatedly engage in harassment should face consequences on the site.


Yes , I wanted this too . But i cant vote ,,, But i want this feature too!

I also want this feature!

Ever since I have been associated with this community, all the suggestions I have seen till date this is the best best best suggestion among them. it concern every individual privacy. i 've given 3 votes and want to give rest but it didn't allow me . i didn't notice this suggestion earlier but i'm glad even late i noticed it . hope it will implement soon.

i agree! today I saw many users showing rude behavior, I wish I could report them instead of just blocking...

Blocking is useful for people who have targeted only one person, but there may be people who don't just harass a single person but are rude to everyone. And for those people it would be great being able to report them, so we can protect others, or at least, raise attention on that kind of behaviour.

Honestly, since posting this, my usage of the site has gone way down because of harassment and the rude and disrespectful behavior of a small minority of people on the site. As much as I love the site, when some people can continually choose to treat others without regard it stops feeling like a community.

Report: This will directly help people to take action against spammers (who spam people's inbox).  Report the user directly with message as evidence.

Instead of writing the user profile address and taking a screen shot of the message, copy and paste it somewhere. And that somewhere some people don't know where it is. Emails also hardly get response, which I will not complain about because they are in bulk and it is difficult to respond to everyone.

Not sure if admins can open link on messages, but this particular user tries to collect data from users. just beware. Have blocked the person but still can send messages. I hope MDL can also block people from sending messages.