on Myanimelist.net we can see what date/time when we accepted people's FRs, so it'd be nice for MDL to have this detail as well. 

Here's an example of what I mean: (1st pic desktop mode, 2nd mobile)

now this part is optional to read, just my personal experiences/why I wanted to suggest this:

Even though I have a lot more friends on my list compared to MAL it is harder to keep track of this info compared to over there where I get less random FRs. I'd been talking a lot with some users privately since last December even though most of us met each other already in the forums but haven't actually messaged each other until a certain situation brought us all together. So for this reason it also made me more appreciative of this feature, now I am curious about when we actually became friends on our lists. And there are many others who I might have liked talking to in other drama comments sections/feeds etc. before too, or wanting to see when I friended the older users who were there earlier on my list. 
