Profile pages have items for Contribution Points and Karma Points but there's no explanation of them that I can find anywhere. Could something be added to the FAQ page?


Karma Point is still a mystery. There isn't any proper explanation of this one, and it's bugged.
Contribution Points are, as the name says points for your contribution, that is to the MDL website.

How can you contribute?
By adding new title(Drama/Movies etc) or new people(Actor, Staffs etc) in mdl database. You can find this option in the navbar at the top "EXPLORE > Add New Title(Under TV Shows)" and "EXPLORE > Add New Person(Under People section)."
 You can also earn contribution points by editing an already existing title or people page("Edit This Page" button at top right).
But all your submissions will be checked by the approval staff, and you'll only get contribution points when the staff approves your submission.
If you're interested in Contributing by adding/editing, you should check this Guideline HERE

I agree with you that this info should be in the FAQ section. Unfortunately, I don't have any voting points left. :)