Sometimes I want to refer back to a comment I’ve made, but it’s a pain trying to go to the show page and scroll through hundreds of comments to find it. It would be nice if all our comments were available on our profile pages, just like our reviews are.


it's already requested ( 321 votes at present):

please add your votes


it's already requested ( 321 votes at present):

please add your votes

Yes, I noticed that after I posted, and I’ve already added 3 votes to it.

 Terry Tsurugi:

Sometimes I want to refer back to a comment I’ve made, but it’s a pain trying to go to the show page and scroll through hundreds of comments to find it. It would be nice if all our comments were available on our profile pages, just like our reviews are.

I agree!! Such a good idea 💡  i alway keep searching for my comment too