when you edit your rating or something on a show, it will go right back up to the most recent update as if you just finished it, when i finished it over 5 months ago and i just want to change my rating. i haven't been changing my rating on everything because it does this. there are 5+ shows i want to change my rating on because i think differently of it or plots have kicked in and i cant cause it will say i just finished it. maybe just more detail with the list updates. for example:



Feb 11, 2022


Completed (Updated/Edited)

30 Seconds ago


something like that. as someone who is very organized, i like things to be as sorted as possible, and that wou;d be very helpful. <333


same same same i never noticed this issue before but a few days ago i noticed it about a show i finished several months ago and it bugged me sm


same same same i never noticed this issue before but a few days ago i noticed it about a show i finished several months ago and it bugged me sm

This is an ongoing issue since earlier last year, I made a support ticket for it but it was never fixed 
