I just realise we don't have the option to mark any comment for further reference 

so I'm purposing  a suggestion to have the option to star any comment :

from entire comment activity

  1. forum comment
  2. article comment
  3. drama page comment
  4. artist page comment
  5. custom list comment
  6. feed comment
  7. review comment
  8. and so on (Wherever comments have been made by users throughout the site)

    so they can further reference this stared comment when they needed after some time like  whatsup (if stared any message in whatsup you just need to go to stared message option an all stared message showed)

why its needed:

  • sometimes people drop important link 
  • important facts about drama 
  • important points

example :  just now I realized it because I'm following one of the thread of LLTG  and people has mentioned the important chapters of the novel I want to mark them so I can look back whenever I needed but unfortunately it has not that feature. 

If I want to see that comment again, then whether it is 120 pages or 400 pages, I have to search the entire thread.

