Are You Human Too?
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
sep 16, 2018
36 of 36 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Música 9.0
Volver a ver 8.5
Are You Human Too? is a sci-fi rom com. It reminded me a little bit of I'm Not a Robot but it's sort of the reverse. What I thought was great about this was Seo Kang Joon - his acting playing the cold human and the sweet robot in the same show was just great because this role really gave him the opportunity to show a wide range of acting skills and emotions all in one show. You will just fall in love with his robot side in this show, and what is funny of course is the robot is more human than the human. Throughout watching this I couldn't wait to see it on the nights it was out as I was watching it while it aired each episode here. I loved the way his character developed and was able to get emotions and love. At times he reminded me of Data from Star Trek. I also loved the female character Gong Seong Yeon how she loved the robot for who he was so it was not just the outer shell which both guys had the same but their real inner selves. The chemistry between the leads was great. I really loved this show and not just for the romance but I really thought the whole drama and plot were done well and it always kept me wanting to see it. I don't want to give any spoilers but I highly recommend this. A truly great show.

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Check Out the Event
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
nov 1, 2021
4 of 4 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Não escolha um lado e não fique a favor de ninguém !

Não escolha um lado e não fique a favor de ninguém !
Apenas obeserve.
Ao meu entender o autor quis colocar o telespectador como um profissional de psicologia e toda a história é o paciente no divã, temos que assumir a posição de ouvintes e não opinar, e deixar que a história tenha o desenrolar e somente no fim eles vão se entender por si só.

O amor vai nascer,
vai crescer,
vai ser cultivado e acabar perdido ,
vai murchar porém não morrerá,
mas depois de um tempo de cuidado...
irá crescer e amadurecer!

São três casais que embarcam em uma viagem de um concurso, mas estando no paraíso suas relações serão posta a prova . Independente do tempo junto que cada casal na trama tenha passado junto, o autor deixa bem claro que o amadurecimento de um relacionamento não acontece só junto, mas se faz necessário que no individual cada um se esforce a entender e amadurecer para acompanhar seu par.

Enredo simples e resumido.
Fica no ar os possíveis problemas de cada casal e em alguns momentos o autor vai liberando dados para que se possa entender os possíveis motivos das atitudes dos anteriores de uma forma diferente e interessante.

Não é um drama como onde todas as coisas acontecem e depois vão acontecer dos problemas, já inicia-se num problema. Park Do Kyum, o líder e vocalista de uma banda que termina um relacionamento de 5 anos e sua namorada Ha Song Yi uma botânica, que não aceita o fim. Ela é muito insistente em saber o motivo e quer reconquistar lo, como um presente do destino eles são contemplados com uma viagem para casais de um concurso. Mesmo sem estar junto ela convida o agora ex namorado na intenção de regastar o relacionamento, ele aceita mais na hora do embarque não aparece.

Os outros dois casais são de idades e tempos juntos diferentes.
Um casal de blogueiros tiram foto o tempo todo e parecem muito felizes nas redes sociais também começam a ter seus problemas que já viram se arrastando de muito tempo chegando no limite . Nesse casal em muitos momentos se observa que o rapaz está sempre imergido nas redes sociais enquanto a menina o acompanha mais a contra gosto, falta um real companheirismo e cuidado da parte de ambos como também falta diálogo.
O terceiro casal é bem mais velho. Parecendo estar numa renovação de bodas eles trazem feridas antigas que nunca cicatrizaram e problemas que nunca foram tratados, o tempo deixou marcas profundas.

O rapaz Park Do Kyum aparece na Ilha e a ex namorada explode de felicidade. Ele aparenta ser arrogante e agressivo, mas tem um lado romântico que aparece nos momentos mais importantes e está passando por muitos problemas que não dividiu com a ex, com isso parece que ele tem um caso com a parceira e amiga de banda, mas na verdade o grupo foi passado a perna por um empresário fraudulento, criando muitos mal entendidos. Envergonhado e frustrado, ele só vê que a melhor saída é ficar longe de sua amada.
Ele a ama, mas as coisas da vida vão fazendo se fechar, mas cada atitude dele demostra o amor por ela mas não em palavras.
Por muitas vezes é nítido que ele a ama e outras se torna introspectivo . Ele não se vê capacitado para estar com ela.

Seo Ji Gang é um escritor de ensaios e guia da viagem, acaba que se apaixona a primeira vista por Song Yi, e mesmo antes de saber da real situação dela e do ex namorado, já demostra seu interesse, mas com essa atitude acaba gerando estimo para Park Kyum se reaproximar de Song Yi.

O drama mostra que não existe um único culpado nós problemas dos casais apresentados e que cada um na sua trajetória foi se adequando ao jeito do outro e negligênciando sua própria personalidades e auto respeito e que outros resolveram fazer as coisas dos seu jeito não se preocupando com o lado do parceiro ou guardado para si problemas. Uma amaram de mais a ponto de suforcar, outros se adaptaram além do suportável, outros se fizeram de cego para erro do parceiro até virar uma ferida aberta.
Todos os casais terminam separados, uns tempoiramente outros para sempre .

Meu texto pode ter entregado muito do mini drama mais assista e tire suas conclusões, mesmo para os finais triste fica um aprendizado profundo sobre amor ao outros e amor próprio.

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Marahuyo Project
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
hace 11 días
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

Build the path to freedom, inclusion and empowerment with empathy

Let's get used to his name, JP Habac, because this Filipino filmmaker is going to provoke lively controversies, raise dormant consciences and enliven an independent film scene, in need of exponents like him.
After pleasantly surprising us with the critically and popularly acclaimed 'Like in the Movies', in 2020, or other dramas and films, such as 'Meet Me Outside', 'Drag You & Me', or the short film 'I'm Drunk, I Love You', from 2017, now returns with the series 'Marahuyo Project'.
In its 8 episodes, about 35 minutes long, we will meet King.
You either love King or hate him. There is no middle ground, and everything will depend on the person you are.
As punishment for his irreverence in the face of power and homophobia, the principal of his high school gets rid of the progressive student and sends him to finish his studies in Marahuyo, his place of origin, where he returns after leaving in his childhood.
And there we, the viewers, join their journey, which began long before the first scene.
Ricardo Matayog, his real name, is similar to many other activists for the rights of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals, for being a dreamer, empathetic, a lover of justice, but also for his deep ideological positions: his anti-imperialism, anti-totalitarianism, anticolonialism, antifascism, anticlericalism..., inherited from his grandmother and his own experience of fighting homophobia.
If the world were fair, instead of presidents of nations with a long history of invasions in order to plunder natural resources behind supposed "humanitarian interventions" or imposing sanctions on third parties for not bowing to their hegemony, people like King would be recognized. with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Better, if the world were fair, people like King would not exist, since homophobia would only exist in school textbooks.
King's story is much more than the story of a human being faced with violence, discrimination, homophobic persecution, and the violation of the Human Rights of LGBTIQA+ people. King is the essence of a country with joys, sorrows and a lot of faith to rise up every time logical and illogical setbacks bring it to its knees.
King is Philippines. King has the essence of any Filipino. He is a person who has been through a lot, but still clings to the fact that things can get better, because he has great energy and faith.
King is a natural leader. He is chosen by the group for his actions. He is capable of leading at any level of the organization he is creating and meets the needs of those who, due to their prejudices and fears, hide their homosexuality to comply with what a conservative country with strong patriarchal and heteronormative traditions demands of them.
King calls, in each episode, and many times masterfully breaking the fourth wall, to reflect on everyday life, common events (or not), social representations inherited from patriarchal hegemony, the world with its lights and shadows. …
Like many others, King fights for the acceptance of the LGBTIQA+ community in Philippine society, to accelerate policy reforms and to establish programs to ensure the inclusion of its members in the political, social and economic life of the country.
That is why he immediately points towards the Church, because he perfectly recognizes that it has faithful followers in the Philippine political sphere, who have blocked any bill that tries to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity, as well as prevent already existing conquests in other places in the world, such as two people of the same sex being able to marry, carry out a joint adoption, or have the right to have their sex change reflected in the Civil Registry.
Likewise, understand that political institutions easily give in to the influences of the Catholic Church when it comes to limiting the rights of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals.
King will always be valid, as long as there is a discriminated person in the world, for whatever reason.
Regardless of the topic that the audiovisual deals with (the life and adventures of an activist for the rights of LGBTIQA+ people dedicated to making a difference in his community of origin through the creation of the first organization that brings together the members of said group in its campus, the defense of human rights, community empowerment and much more, and that is where a very important conflict begins), is a pretext to address many things that are happening in that country.
Like all Quixote, King needs his Sancho. Venice (Ian Vila), a teenage man wrapped in the wrong body, will ride alongside him against all the windmills that will arise in his path and try to stop him.
But there is also the King who loves, the one who falls in love, and in this aspect he is also faithful and committed. Since his return to the island, he has been attracted to Ino (Neo France Garcia, in his acting debut), the heir to a legacy of conservatism and heteronormativity, who will play a fundamental role in achieving the young activist's plans from his position as president. of the Student Council.
Their lives intersect precisely upon King's arrival at the Marahuyo dock, when he accidentally bumps into Ino, like a parable about the unpredictability and irony of destiny.
The great merit of 'Marahuyo Project', the first Filipino queer series presented by Anima Studios, directed by JP Habac, based on the creative idea of ​​the director himself and Benson Logronio and Fatrick Tabada, is the social denunciation against the violation of Human Rights of Filipino LGBTIQA+ people.
Another of his achievements is stealing the audience's ovation despite having a patriarchal society as a setting. Art is followed by the masses, what it legitimizes almost becomes law, often in a stronger way than what the country's legislators could say, refusing to approve measures that protect the members of this human community against discrimination.
It works in favor of the series that the script intelligently discovers the psychological profile of the main character and correctly recreates everything that happens in his private life, elements that tend to humanize 'Marahuyo Project'.
King is played by Adrian Lindayag, a young actor known for his role as Dominic Cruz in the 2020 film 'The Boy Foretold by the Stars', and as Dominic Benjamin Fuentes Cruz in the series 'Love Beneath the Stars', 2021, with a high range of records that knows how to do its thing well and projects an overflowing sympathy that encourages the viewer, because its maximum interest and priority is to advocate for freedom and for people to be happy in the way they want.
The actor composes his activist for the rights of the LGBTIQA+ community with determination, a difficult challenge because he is very far from the things he has done. And he achieves it, with the maturity of an actor who grows on stage in accordance with King's own rhythm, a resilient human being, with shocking energies.
'Marahuyo Project' is also a kind of contemporary "Odyssey": returning to the origins, letting ourselves fall into the arms of the sirens that ask us when we pass by and accepting the temptations or maintaining the commitment to yourself to move forward.
Magnificent and complicated like life itself and necessary, like the fact of discovering that a future promise of cinema, JP Habac, has become an author of the present and we will have to count on him from now on.

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Sleeping or Waking
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 12, 2019
Visto 0
Global 6.0
Historia 1.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 4.0
Volver a ver 3.0

Story - okay this is why I'm low marking. The beginning was okay. But it quickly fell apart and became a complete chore to watch. I would mark this in minus numbers for the story. It was a mess of an ending with a ridiculous and unnecessary twist. The twist was what had me hurling abuse at my laptop. This story had so much potential (as the first half showed), sadly it was all squandered and for NOTHING. So for me this is 1/10

Acting/Cast - The cast deserved 9.5 maybe even 10 because they CARRIED this rubbish on their backs. Their acting was the ONLY reason I kept watching and the ONLY reason I'm giving this a 6 overall. Most notably Higashide Masahiro as Baku / Ryohei. The three main leads really gave it their all, but the writing and story itself completely let them down. I hope to see more of the three main lead actors, Higashide Masahiro, Seto Koji and Karata Erika (in that order).....they worked so hard to make a mess of a story watchable, and for that I can only thank them.......and hope they get better projects more worthy of their talent in the future. 9.5/10

Music - It was okay nothing really memorable. 4/10

Rewatch Value - there is only any rewatch value if you truly adore the the cast, especially the main leads, and can't find anything else with them in. However, if there are even adverts they've been then watch those - it will still be better than this. 3/10

Overall Score - As I've already said, the acting of Higashide, Seto and Karata is the ONLY reason I kept watching and the ONLY reason I'm giving this a 6 overall. so yeah, 6/10. (though it is still better than the all time worst of the worst 'Miss in Kiss' - though watching paint dry is still better than THAT mess).

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Love Sick: The Series
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 29, 2021
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 6.0
Historia 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Música 7.0
Volver a ver 5.5

This drama is 50/50

If you're new to BL this would be the perfect starter series

There isn't really much to say about this drama; it isn't exactly the best but also not the worst. It kinda eases you into the whole BL genre and mostly focuses on teenagers discovering different things about there sexuality/ going through break ups and what that entails.

If you don't like the female role getting in between the main couple i don't recommend watching this series. BUT don't let that put you off because it is worth a watch as everyones taste in dramas are different.
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My Dear Gangster Oppa
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
por lestay
dic 15, 2023
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 7.5
Historia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

Believe it or not, it is better than their previous BL together

I originally was not going to watch this series. Why? Because of the MC's Meen and Ping. Last year, I watched another series with them called 'Ai Long Nhai'. I gave that series a 1.5,0.5 for the two actors who played Meen's father in the series. So, when I saw this, I told myself not to watch it. However, I caved in and watched it. And I must say, it is actually a lot better than their previous series.

The first three episodes of this series were phenomenal for me. After, that I don't know what happened. I just felt that more episodes could have been used to properly explain this series- and not twelve episodes but like just one or two more to just flesh out the storyline. Pacing is an issue for me in this series, especially at the end when a few weeks have passed, followed by a few months. Also, some of the supporting characters annoyed me a bit (Wal and Kenji). Because of all of, this I give the story a 7 because Meen was actually good in this.

As stated previously, some of the acts stood out to me in their acting skills prepare for others. I have watched other mafia shows (some good and some bad) and the acting here by Meen and Tien (the actor who played Tul), is good. I also liked some of the supporting characters in their roles. Because of this - I will give the acting a 7.

The music is memorable, and I know that I am going to miss hearing it every Thursday. so, I will give that an 8. For the Rewatch Valu, I will give a 7.5, because I really did like them, and the story and I don't mind watching them again.

So, it can be seen that this series is not perfect. But this second outing of Meen and Ping as a couple shows us that the actors have improved (for me), drastically as I rated their previous series a 1.5 and I am now rating this series a 7.5.

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Autumn's Concerto
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
jul 3, 2014
34 of 21 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 9.5
Volver a ver 10
i have finished watch... this drama really romantic, OST Della Wu and Victor Wong is enjoyable, really touch my heart, to teach me what is honesty, trustworthy, BRAVO!!!! Must be Watch, The best drama forever
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Golden Blood
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
mar 13, 2022
8 of 8 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 1.0
Historia 2.5
Acting/Cast 3.0
Música 3.0
Volver a ver 1.5

Watching Golden Blood, will make you say…WHO WROTE THIS CRAP?

Golden Blood, will Make ur own Blood Boil! It is so Unbelievable, Nothing Rang True.
Poorly Written.
Poorly Acted
Poorly Directed
Poorly Staged Fighting Sequences
You will truly scratch your head in disbelief of the total clucking nonsense. Who wrote this Crap?
There are Massive Plot Holes, That an Airbus A380 could fly through without a problem. Who Wrote is Crap?
There were times I just turned it all off! Do Humans act this way? ŃO!
This was a massive letdown. Who Wrote this Crap?
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Arthdal Chronicles : Season 2
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
ene 8, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 10

Pleasantly surprised

Because of all the criticism, thought this would be worst than first season. I actually enjoyed it more, first season had too much going on, wasting a lot of time with minor plots. Lee Joon Gi's acting is surely different from Song Joong Ki's, so the characters are portrait differently.
Also let's not forget there is a 7 year gap between the events from season one and two, they are not teenagers anymore. Same can be said of other characters, they are not goofy anymore. Can't wait to see how Saya turns out on season 3, he's my favourite now 🙂
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Hotel del Luna
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
por AthenaR
abr 3, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 9.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Música 10
Volver a ver 8.5
Watching this drama was incredible, It was filled with sadness, happiness, full emotional rollercoaster and life lessons. Of course, we can't watch dramas without any moral lessons or influences. This drama gave me a lesson that life takes time. We may not get what we want or accomplish our goals in life, but if we have the time to be dedicated and actually have hope, then someday or in our next life we can achieve it. This drama was very emotional from each episode I have watched, and since Man Wol has been living for more than a thousand years, she probably experiences everything that a human being can experience. She showed us that no matter what obstacles we can across in life, we shouldn't give up and just keep going. She was chained because of her revenge and action, but she manages to stay strong and her not giving up, the deities decided to give her someone who can be with her. Someone who can help her, comfort her and loved her. Chan Sung changed her. The relationship between Man Wol and Chung Myung hit me so hard. Their past was so amazingLY.... that I wanna say what happened. T.T
Hotel Del Luna was basically all the genre that you can think of, it was crazy, scary, funny, thrilling, romantic, and LUXURIOUS. IU was so pretty on all of her clothing. I've never seen her wear the same clothing in this drama... The cinematography was impressive, the building of 'HOTEL DEL LUNA' and the action figures were crazy. I loved their chemistry especially those funny scenes and JEALOUSY moments. The twist that happened in this drama hooked me up... and made me cry non-stop... I don't know what else to say since all I've been doing was cry till I finished this drama. The ending was exceptional, it gave me my own ending nonetheless, the experience, lesson and memories that this drama gave me were magnificent. The quote, "Feeling sad and only natural when witnessing disappearances." This quote hit me because it's true. Don't we sometimes feel emotional when something we love disappears, but when they are there... we don't care or we're like meh..? That's why we should cherish what we have and be grateful for what we are getting. Let's appreciate our loved ones because we don;'t know when the time will be up or when our people will 'disappear'. We can't predict tomorrow and the future. All we can do is be thankful and be happy.
Thank you, HOTEL DEL LUNA cast.
Thank you <3 <3 <3

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Psychopath Diary
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 5, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.0
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 5.0
Volver a ver 8.0
Loved the plot of this drama - it feels like you'd already know the ending like all other serial killer dramas but this ones got many twists in the middle. Honestly wanted to drop this drama when I was 2-3 episodes into it but it progressively got better and better towards the ending. I do really love the added humour to keep the drama light-hearted still! The cast were really good as well. I felt that the main lead really suited the role of looking like a very average salary man - superb acting!
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Iré Adonde Tú Estás Cuando el Tiempo Sea Bueno
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 18, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 8.5
Historia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Música 8.0
Volver a ver 7.5
As the headline suggests, this drama will give you hope. You will meet some charming people and one family of angels.
Only downside of this drama is the female lead. I couldn't understand half of her logic behind her actions. Every other character went to phase A to phase B. But it felt like she is the same she was in her first episode.
Reluctant/unable to grow as a human.
Side characters stole the show.
Im Hwi is such a darling. That one conversation between her and Im Eun Sub has changed the whole dynamics of the character.
So kinda disappointed with the lead. But I am glad that side characters made it such a wonderful story.

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Cherry Magic Thailand
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
abr 17, 2024
12 of 12 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

One of the most romantic BL's I have ever watched

OMG... I don't have words to describe how good this series is. I have not watched CHERRY MAGIC JAPAN and I don't think I have to because this series feels super fresh.. I guarantee that you won't feel like this is a remake.. This series made me a taynew fan.
This series have everything
° romance
° comedy
° pure relationship
° relatable characters..
The second lead couple is also my favourite.. I am not a fan of second lead couples but jinta and min is too good..
Tay and New is perfection.. They played Karan and Achi so good that I felt Karan and Achi is real..
I am really happy they are back.. This series is really for them.. I highlyyyyyyy recommend this drama.. I am sure that it won't make you disappointed..
Thank you TayNew for this wonderful series❤️

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A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
por FoxFae
oct 18, 2020
16 of 16 episodios vistos
Visto 0
Global 10
Historia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Música 10
Volver a ver 10

I regret waiting so long.

I can't tell you how many times I heard I needed to watch this show, but from some stupid reason, I kept putting it off. Why? I dunno. I'm dumb? Lol. Either way, of course once I started. I literally couldn't stop. To say I'm going to remember this show until my last breath will be a understatement.

Trust me when I say if this show has caught your eye but you're still like "eh".... JUST WATCH IT !!! ... right now. It's so amazing!

If anyone wants to see my full review, feel free to check out my blog post ^_^ (Link is in my profile)
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En curso 40/40
Men in Love
A 0 usuarios les ha parecido útil esta reseña
may 19, 2024
40 of 40 episodios vistos
En curso 0
Global 5.0
Historia 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Música 3.5
Volver a ver 3.0

Copy of gentleman's dignity

Copy of gentleman's dignity with overblown cliche and drama. I loved gentleman's dignity Korean drama. When i first thought it was different story, but they only good scene from gentleman's dignity and core story. If you want to copy a story at least they should have made the story better and have better acting. They included overblown cliche for the story
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