catnip wrote: Am I the only one who thinks the judges are overpraising some of the contestants? Last week especially, Witney was TERRIBLE, given the fact that it's her genre, I've seen some non-ballroom girls dance better than she has, and of course, [spoiler]they saved her this week cause they're so bloody in love with it. It's not that I hate her or anything, but with what she did last week with her own genre - nope, not a good one, I say[/spoiler]

no i think your right, i kinda feel the standards have gone down abit ;x
Mirichan wrote: Wanna watch it...wanna watch it!!!
Kekeke since nekochan already recommended it~

mirichan i'll try to remind myself to post some good dances in the past season for u to see :)
Hey neko-chan, I've been watching, but I missed a bit of it last week. Cole is mine forever, even if ****I thought he looked like Da Lung from Hi My Sweetheart last week lol.****
yankumicho wrote: Hey neko-chan, I've been watching, but I missed a bit of it last week. Cole is mine forever, even if ****I thought he looked like Da Lung from Hi My Sweetheart last week lol.****

i been missing ep here and there as well, i'ma find a site to watch them and hopefully we can post up the good dances here :D has the episodes, but you have to wait 8 days for the new ones, which is kind of a drag, considering the shows air every 7 days.
yankumicho wrote: has the episodes, but you have to wait 8 days for the new ones, which is kind of a drag, considering the shows air every 7 days.

i believe there are alot of alternatives i just need to find them :3 and plus if u watch it online not as much commerical xD
nekoblah wrote: i believe there are alot of alternatives i just need to find them :3 and plus if u watch it online not as much commerical xD

I know. I hate commercials.
some good routines from past seasons :)
nekoblah wrote:

Thank YOu SOOOOOO much for posting these here nekochan*~*
Unfortunately this one here is the only one which worked though T^T *in your country*
I loved what I saw though.
I wsihed I could dance like that, but I am far off that :p
Mirichan wrote: Thank YOu SOOOOOO much for posting these here nekochan*~*
Unfortunately this one here is the only one which worked though T^T *in your country*
I loved what I saw though.
I wsihed I could dance like that, but I am far off that :p

really? u cant see any of them???? D; omg lol i cant even tell which vid you saw since all vids are blocked at work ...
nekoblah wrote: really? u cant see any of them???? D; omg lol i cant even tell which vid you saw since all vids are blocked at work ...

Well I am already used to it :p
Gema and stuff like that works rarelly here in Germany :D
Mirichan wrote: Well I am already used to it :p
Gema and stuff like that works rarelly here in Germany :D

whats Gema? D; i got them all from youtube! i'll have to go home and reseach for better link >;l

From this season, Cole and Lindsay's Paso Doble

Cole and Lindsay's Hip-hop routine.