The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, loosely based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series premiered on The CW Television Network on September 10, 2009, and has just finished its third season, which premiered on September 15, 2011. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural beings. The main focus of the series is the love triangle between the protagonist Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) and vampire-brothers Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder). As the narrative develops in the course of the series, the focal point shifts on the mysterious past of the town involving Elena's malevolent doppelgänger Katherine Pierce (Katerina Petrova), and the family of Original Vampires, all of which have an evil agenda of their own.

The pilot episode attracted the largest audience of any series premiere since the network began in 2006. During its course it maintained admirable ratings for a show that airs on a relatively new, small and not so famous network. The first season averaged 3.60 million viewers. The show initially received average reviews, but critics agreed that the series improved over the course of the season; the second season premiered to generally favorable reviews. The show has received numerous award nominations, winning a People's Choice Award and many Teen Choice Awards. On April 26, 2011, The CW renewed the series for a third season which began on September 15, 2011.

On May 3, 2012, The CW renewed the series for a fourth season.

I just started watching this series, who else watches it or is watching it? (:
I love this show! I'm a couple of seasons behind so I decided to start it over. The books that the show is based off of were not good lol. I dropped the second in the series because it was giving me a headache. =____=

This is one of the rare cases where I like the show better than the books.

AAAAaaand Damon is awesome. lol
Sleepninja wrote: AAAAaaand Damon is awesome. lol

AAaaand I'm 2 episodes in and have to agree with you already hahaha :p
Crazy4You wrote: AAaaand I'm 2 episodes in and have to agree with you already hahaha :p

lol I just rewatched the first episode. Squee! He's just as awesome as I remembered. I also rememberd those funny moments with my friend when we watched it the first time. We we already saying how we hoped someone would kill off Carolyne and that annoying history teacher. Laken, don't read this spoiler for another few episodes lol**one of our wishes got fulfilled. Mr. Teacher got offed. :p**
^^ Love this show, have watched all the 3 seasons that have aired, have read the books (DON'T READ THEM, THEY"RE AWFUL!!!)...
The show is awesome and doesn't have anything in common with the books except for the character names...

Haha kk I won't read your spoiler until I'm a few episodes ahead :p

And ohh Carolyne is annoying haha.

And Violet you and Sleep have officially turned me off from ever reading the books :p
Crazy4You wrote: Haha kk I won't read your spoiler until I'm a few episodes ahead :p

And ohh Carolyne is annoying haha.

And Violet you and Sleep have officially turned me off from ever reading the books :p

You can read it now lol Turns out it was only an episode 3 spoiler. XD

Good, you wouldn't want to waste your time with them.

I find it funny that the author started writing more for the series after the show got popular. I guess she though it would make people more interested in the series, but I couldn't get past the second book of the original books, so I will not be reading the stuff she added. lol
Sleepninja wrote: You can read it now lol Turns out it was only an episode 3 spoiler. XD

Good, you wouldn't want to waste your time with them.

I find it funny that the author started writing more for the series after the show got popular. I guess she though it would make people more interested in the series, but I couldn't get past the second book of the original books, so I will not be reading the stuff she added. lol

Ohh okay hahaha.

And ohh wow. I will not be wasting my time on the books haha. I'm sure I can find better series to read :p I'll stick to watching the drama (:
I love the Damon. I wish he was the main character... Maybe if I read the books I would like the main character hahaha.
NinaJade82 wrote: I love the Damon. I wish he was the main character... Maybe if I read the books I would like the main character hahaha.

haha None of the characters in the books were lovable in my opinion. Maybe Stefan was ok, but they way the lead girl in the books is, you have to wonder what is wrong with him for loving her. lol She was so annoying an ........juvenile. Reminded me of this whiny ......irritating wannabe queen bee of a school. She was Miss Popular How-dare-you-not-love-me-right -away! And she fell in love with him the second she met him. =_____=
Sleepninja wrote: haha None of the characters in the books were lovable in my opinion. Maybe Stefan was ok, but they way the lead girl in the books is, you have to wonder what is wrong with him for loving her. lol She was so annoying an ........juvenile. Reminded me of this whiny ......irritating wannabe queen bee of a school. She was Miss Popular How-dare-you-not-love-me-right -away! And she fell in love with him the second she met him. =_____=

Okay thanks for saving from disaster hahahaha... now Im not wasting my time reading the books. Perhaps Ill watch the second season when Im up for a little Damon time :D
NinaJade82 wrote: Okay thanks for saving from disaster hahahaha... now Im not wasting my time reading the books. Perhaps Ill watch the second season when Im up for a little Damon time :D

Hahaha she saved me from the disaster, too :p I do really like Damon, shame he's the bad guy hahaha. But that might be part of his charm :p

The second season I heard has werewolves in it, so I can't wait :p
Crazy4You wrote: Hahaha she saved me from the disaster, too :p I do really like Damon, shame he's the bad guy hahaha. But that might be part of his charm :p

The second season I heard has werewolves in it, so I can't wait :p

No comment ......but. :D
I've watched a few episodes of the first season and I was completely in love with Damon too. <3

VioletSakura wrote: the books (DON'T READ THEM, THEY"RE AWFUL!!!)...
The show is awesome and doesn't have anything in common with the books except for the character names...

I remember you mentioning this before (in the Vampire thread, I think). I haven't been curious about them since you gave the warning the first
LisNoir wrote: I remember you mentioning this before (in the Vampire thread, I think). I haven't been curious about them since you gave the warning the first

Good for you Lis-sshi, don't ever waste your time on those... so much waste of paper...poor trees... I'm glad I've read them electronically at least... The author must be banned from writing, she doesn't know how to write a character... there is no consistency in the character, I'll quote my review of her 5th book in the series (yes, I still read 5 books of that s*** just because I don't like leaving series unfinished)...
"Another Diaries...another book about beautiful, hero, wonderful, angel, did I mention beautiful? Elena...Oh, come on, I don't even understand wny I keep reading this series, really, this bores me to death, I just started and can't leave it unfinished, this is my problem...
I was just so mad at author...Again she changed everything about characters, every time I read another volume of this book, it seems another book entirely, with characters with same names, but almost nothing in common with last ones...
" (I wrote this back in 2010)The author really seems to be obsessed with Elena's character, making her the center of everything all the time, like a bee queen, and not in a good way... that was cute in the 1st book, not bad in the 2nd, but already in the 3rd it became annoying... not mentioning the 4th and 5th.... ugh... BRING BACK MY WASTED TIME!!!!!
Ah~ whatever... I love the show, that's all I need, don't care what she comes up with, I'll just read the plot from wikipedia...oh~ did I mention she was fired from her job, and now a shadow writer is going to continue the series? haha~ but that doesn't make me more interested, still will read the plot from wikipedia...
SHOW, YOU ROCK!!! There has never been an episode to leave me with normal breath and mouth not hanging open at the last seconds of it...LOVELOVELOVE